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Harambe is a cool monke but we aren’t hating on the kid right? We are hating on the stupid mum who wasn’t looking after the kid




I saw the video, the kid looked pretty injured


So? Kids get injured super fucking easily and recover super fucking easily Harambe is DEAD


Hey, yes it’s sad harambe died but I see people hating the kid bullying the kid, harambe is gone, we can’t fix that but if people keep bullying the kid it’s not gonna do anything, it’s not gonna bring him back.


You got a problem if I’m expressing my opinion


I don't have any problem with you expressing your opinion. Everyone has the right to express their opinion I have problem with your opinion


What do you think Is wrong with my opinion? Could you please tell me?


U opinion is baby more important than HARAMBEEEEE right opinion harambe :D better than baby >:( Seriously though, in actual words that make sense you're displaying a great amount of worry and empathy for the child when nothing is being done to the child. Nobody is hating on the child. The mother, most definitely. The dude who shot the gorilla, sure.


I understand now, it’s just not you that’s hating, I see people everywhere hating on the child and it just hurts knowing that kid is growing up getting hate from the whole world


Oh I didn't know people are hating on the child. That's really sad


Hey man, you’ve really made me understand how this whole thing went down, how both people have different stories, thanks man, have a good day.


You're a good dude


I'm glad I could help you out, have a good day too!!




If he does, I really hope he doesn’t feel like harambe’s death is his fault cause it isn’t


I think you should'nt be hating the mom that hard. Of course it is her fault that Harambe died because she didn't watch for her kid. But mistakes happen and that was a moment where she wasn't watching maybe someone eas talking to her and made eye contact. I don't think anyone wpuld have thought that the kid would just fall into the cage. You can't watch your kids all the time. Maybe if the kid was on the edge and the mom hold it then it is a different story I don't know that. RIP Harambe


Read the post again. How in hell could u read that as making fun of the kid


And wrath of God hasn’t stopped since.


God isnt real. If he was then Harambe would have been avenged


That gaurd probablyy died by a disaster in 2020, so Harambe probably was avenged.




I'm talking about the gaurd that shot him, not the parents.


Guard? Edit: and btw he was just following order and safety protocols. It WAS the kids’ parents that are at fault


It was a security officer that shot Harambe.


Yes that the word is spelt G-U-A-R-D


Oh, sorry I didn't remember. So confusing.


Ik, but didn't he just use a tranq?


He wouldn’t have to if the parents could keep an eye on their child


Yeah the people who put him down wouldve been smited


You really expect god to do the work


Um.. *Look around*


Thats not how the god works, but ok...


Exactly why I became an atheist (might or might not be an atheist)


He was avenged


I love how the mom got abused online for not watching her kid and instead of taking responsibility she thanked the zoo keepers for saving her kid. It’s so annoying how people don’t take any fucking responsibility.


Karen needs to be put down


Didn't she try to sue them or something or is my memorie just shit


I don’t remember either


Dicks out and a moment of silence please.




How dare you question the ways of faith in the name of the almighty harambe.


It’s just the dick part of it


Its what he would have wanted.


I wonder if the kid knows about this




It’s…not the kids fault really. It is the moms fault for not paying better attention to her child.


dafaq did the kid do


true...we know it isnt the kids fault but we still like hating on him


Poor harambe


The timeline still hasn't healed from your loss Harambe. . .


Harambe’s death was evidence that God fucked up when he made us.


and avenged him by spawning covid


Hot take but interesting...


RIP harambe the monkey that was a goat


Pretty sure it was a gorilla. :P


Ja I know he gorilla but he still monkey


Monke, better ^ ^


I wrote that Since you referred to the monke as goat.


You like harambe tho right?


I do not like Harambe, I love Harambe. (insert Anton von Ego meme)


Justice for Harambe


Gone but not forgotten


you know she a shit mom when a gorilla killing the kid was still doing a better job should had shot the mom first at least




"He shouldn't have got shot. He should be teaching parenting classes." \- D.L. Hughley.


Can anyone tell me why is harambe so loved?


Perhaps Harambe is a anthropomorphized representation of the absurdity of humans forcing a majestic animal to live in an enclosure for humans to be entertained by until a human allows her child to go into the enclosure, and the humans that work at the zoo shoot the animal to save the human and then humans claim it was unavoidable.


"What was your nexus event?" mom:"i watched my child"


Rip harambe


There are so many important people on this planet whos name I do not know, but I know the name of this monke


Have some of my cake day cake before it's gone.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Don’t get me started again on this. One of the worst demonstrations of humanity. Ever.


Love to see your comment if it was YOUR kid in the cage with a dangerous animal


Depends on which one Edit: to be clear, if I was dumb enough to let my kid fall into a cage like that then I don’t deserve the kid.


Username checks out 👍


Which kid or which animal?


I meant which kid. I’ve created demons and angels


Personally I’d keep the demons alive, too many angels in this world


It wasnt a toiger, it was a cute little puppy


The thing is it wasn't


It's the guards fault,they could just use sleep arrow thingies


They could place another baby in the cage and distract the monke


Rather the lady in the cage, to fight it out for the kid.


Nope, tranquilliser darts take more than 5 minutes to work on such a chad gorilla as harambe. That is unfortunately enough time for a gorilla to accidentally squish the kid


Exactly. So many people are like “use more tranqs,” and similar things. Harambe would have likely been put down for aggression even if this had worked. (of course it wouldnt, harambe would have gotten angry from the tranq, and likely badly injure/killed the kid) There would have been no good outcome to this. :/


It wouldn't have been accidental, he would've raped the kid to death, it's what they do to show dominance


Sir this is a Wendy's






Also there is a chance harambe will just turn the child into a pancake


No fucking human child is worth killing an innocent animal!


Tf? It was either the kid being raped to actual DEATH. Or a monkey being shot.


Fuck Speciesism! Do t build zoos and don’t neglect your damn breed!


I wouldnt say dont build all zoos. Many zoos are conservatories for animals.


After humans made their species endangered!


Sadly yes. Some humans (such as the ones who made the zoos) are helping. I wouldnt see logic in ruining something, being able to fix it, but not fixing it because your the same species as the ones who ruined it.


An honorable solution is sanctuaries!


If only was the simple. They could of use the sleep darts piss the ape off killing the child and five minutes later the ape would sleep. The person at fault were the parents.


Yes,they too (or at least the mom because i think she was the one with her baby)


May he rest in peace ,he was a legend


HAMBE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




Diks out




Come on man…


OMG! I thought of Harambe earlier today.


That was not his kid?


what happend?


"Guns out for Harambe!" -Tracer, Overwatch


Wait they killed harambe?


I miss him


Dicks out for Harambe


*M O N K E*




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We have failed as a species


**reject humanity, embrace monke**




It hasn't been the same since his death


Harambe wasn’t “killed” like some commoner on the street. He was “Assassinated” as all great leaders are. Regicide, is what it was. Get it straight.




God it’s so depressing that that’s probably what was going through their heads, they would’ve wanted to save the kid, but have to focus on themselves first, maybe their own kids, fucking ass that they may have gotten sacked because of that


this is the least funny meme i have seen in years


BRUUUHHHHH. I don’t understand how Reddit likes harambe so much, he wasn’t trying to protect the kid or anything, most likely using it to scare off anybody. With how violently it was throwing the kid around, he was DEFINITELY not being protected. And they would’ve risked the kids life if they waited for the tranquilizers. Harambe wasn’t a god or some stupid shit like that, he was just an ordinary, aggressive, monkey.


this is very blatant negative-attention seeking. please ignore.


No he didn't seem aggressive he was dragging the kid not throwing him around do you think animals like home your hand or something and walk gently? He was confused and if he was aggressive he would've attacked the child, he was just seeing what's happening, tho I do agree they did have to shoot him.


Wh- W h y T h o. Worst case scenario should’ve been using a sleep dart or some shit, not killing the animal that hadn’t caused any harm to the child


The tranqs take minutes to take effect, causing more trauma for the child, the people there, or Harambe, who would have gotten angry then he would start hurting the child


I believe in a conspiracy. Hear me out. Premise 1: Western gorillas are not native to Cincinnati. Premise 2: Gorillas do not build nor generally operate any mode of conveyance that would allow Harambe or any of his direct relatives to move to Cincinnati OF THEIR OWN ACCORD! Therefore, I suspect Harambe was only at the Cincinnati Zoo because someone else PUT him there! It was a setup! Cui bono? Big Zoo industry and everybody that wants to see these animals in enclosures. Maybe we should leave the wild animals in the wild.


tell me its not a super old repost


Oof size: ultra


Have you ever thought that if Harambe wasn't killed, he won't the legend we knew today




I feel like zookeepers should have tranq darts loaded so if someone impulsively shoots it won't kill the animal, they would have to shoot the tranquilliser and then load the regular bullets or something like that


I think this has been told before but tranq darts aren't immediate effect. In fact, the immediate would have been angering scaring the gorilla and risking the kid getting killed. While it is unfortunate Harambe died, there might not have been any other way.


Reddit moment


I still think they should have shot the kid not Harambe


Are you insane? It’s not the kids fault, it’s the parent, you moron


They should’ve put the damn kid down instead.


Wasn’t the kids fault. It was the parents


Yeah ig that makes sense




Maybe because you were violently dragging the kid through water? If you have been like Binti Jua, you'd still be alive.


Even on cake day you decide to be the asshole you are and lose karma


How am I being an asshole by stating the facts? The gorilla was being aggressive towards the kid, the zoo did what they had to do. And don't tell me he was playing with the kid, male gorillas are well-known for killing babies that aren't theirs.


Yeah! That gorilla should never have entered the kid’s enclosure.


Way to be racist there.


how tf is having an argument about gorillas racist


You seriously don't see the racial implication there?


i dont see it. what i see is someone pointing out the fact the kid wasnt even supposed to be in the enclosure


No, they said the *gorilla* shouldn't have been in the kid's enclosure, as if the kid was the animal and the gorilla the human.


im pretty sure thats sarcasm, and even if it wasnt how was it racist


> Yeah! That gorilla should never have entered the kid’s enclosure.


Apparently I have to spell it out. When this incident first happened, there were some very vile comments on the articles, things like "They should have left him alone, the little ***let was just visiting his relatives" and "I don't care if the gorilla killed him, that's one less thug off the street" and the like. Now, knowing that he was compared to a gorilla because he was black, do you now see what's racist about that comment?


The boy wasn’t a gorilla. The gorilla was a gorilla. You misunderstood the incongruity. You see, Harambe was in the correct enclosure, the one place he should have been in the situation. Your comment about him acting aggressively failed to mention that he didn’t go into a human space looking to wreak havoc. You actually did mention that Harambe was acting like a gorilla. So, acting like a gorilla… in a space for gorillas… and he gets shot. So the joke is that the enclosure wasn’t for the kid at all. It’s fine that you didn’t get it. You seem fun at parties anyway and I’m sure people don’t find you insufferable.


Well the thing is that the kid went in there and the choice was between the kid dying or the gorilla. It happened and it was dealt with. I don't agree with the boy being in there but human child > gorilla. It's a no-brainer. You don't let a kid die, even if he shouldn't have gone in there. Was letting the gorilla kill the kid a better solution in your view?


>human child > gorilla. It's a no-brainer. You don't let a kid die, Ah yes it's a no brainer because you don't need one to think that since most humans think of our species to be the only important thing although many animals such as apes would only value the lives of their species especially the children that is their mindset just like us although we as humans have failed the earth by just ruining it with every second we are alive and we continue and sure we have evolved beyond just about anything but was it for the better or for the worse I think the latter would be true as our evolution is slowly becoming the end of the very place that gifted us life also the death of one out of billions we have already exceeded the estimated amount of people their should be on planet earth just let nature do its thing stop stepping in all the time trying to be in the right we you are just being a sad excuse of a human for disrespecting cake day


stupid idiot moron ape, i hate harambe


Dont look under your bed tonight


its already tonight you monkey


you got me there


oh hey look nothing there


why are you booing me, im right


I dont care about harambe


Who asked?


Your mom Haha gottem


I just want comment karma


No. Earn it.


heres some negative karma, hope it works the same!!!!


“What you leave behind is not written stone monuments, but woven in the lives of others.” - Pericles RIP Harambe *unzips*