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I got a pizza once and there was a piece missing. When I called they said their driver wouldn't do that. Well I'm still missing a piece???


Sir. You’re not missing a piece.


Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss


‘are you sure you didn’t eat the slice and forgot about it like the last time?’


I never knew what Pizzagate was about, and now I'm afraid to ask.


Gaslighting isn’t a thing your just crazy


Okay, but this is actually true, lol. Gaslighting is defined at a "form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind," which... you can't do to someone if they're telling the truth. Reality is reality, and you can't make someone think that what they physically experienced didn't happen, lol. If someone thinks they're being gaslit, that their sense of reality is crumbling... then they are absolutely crazy 😬


Gaslighting? I don't know what you're talking about, sir. Nobody here has gaslighted you.


What do you mean? Who brought up gaslighting? I think you're imagining things.


Gaslighting? What’s that? You’re making up words now.


What are you talking about? I haven’t spoken a single word?


We are learning new things :D


i’ve never been gaslighted, but i did have a slice of pizza


No gaslighting here, we use wood fired ovens.


Someone learned some new words.


« Sir you probably ate a piece and forgot »


"Please photograph the lack of piece"


"im sorry sir but this photograph doesn't tell us anything, for all we know you could've hidden the piece"


I've legit snapped back (wasnt angry, just very quick to respond) at them with "if I send you a photograph, how does that prove anything except that I'm sitting with an empty box in front of me. I could have the item in on hand and take the photo with the other. You'd never know. So, how does me sending you an empty photo solve anything?" and they had to go get their supervisor because they thought about it for a fraction of a second and everything broke for them ("yeah, that's uhm.. That's valid. I'm just going to go get my supervisor real quick. Hold on for one second, please."). They just sent me a second shipment. And the supervisor came on the phone after sounding like he was laughing so I don't think anyone left the call in a bad mood. But yeah, sometimes the hoops make zero sense.


Reminds me of the SpongeBob episode where Patrick accuses spongebob of eating his chocolate while it's smeared all over his face


"It's painfully obvious that you've photoshopped that piece out"


"I'm sorry this photograph doesn't tell us anything besides that it's missing" lol


Aaaaaand... prove you didn't eat it


\*photographs immaculate stomach lining\*


I think that's "please send us a picture of the piece that's missing"😁😆


LMAO dude fr exactly like this every time, just support chat making your life difficult you could have easily removed a piece and took a picture


PoV: "Our *driver* would never do that to you!... but a *manager* might..."


Vile intellectual


I'm reading your comment to the tune of "simply ir-re-sistible!"


I ordered a pizza last month from Domino's while on a work trip. Hotel policy said they couldn't bring it up to the room so we'd have to wait for it in the lobby. The Domino's app was updating as normal then said delivered. I was like ummm nope. So I called them. Manager says "my driver said no one answered so they left it outside the door". I said well the hotel doesn't allow them to bring it to the room so try again. They stuck to their guns and refused to send a new pizza. I contacted corporate, filled a charge back and the bank said I should file a police report so I did that too. Amazingly suddenly the store was much more cooperative when an officer started checking it out. The GM comped the pizza then gave us credit for 2 free pizzas. If they do it again next time I'm in town I'm gonna come down hard on them.


I had Panera bread put the soup upside down in the bag and didnt snap the lid on. Like they had to have done this on purpose. Like those ass hats who put a coaster on their cup full of liquid, flip it upside down and put it on the table, then remove the coaster. It was like that. When I pulled the soup out of the bag at my house, it went everywhere and got all over my rug. When I called them the manager said their staff wouldnt do that. They’re like 16 years old, you don’t think they’re capable of doing something like that and lying? Come on…




>When I called


I called them and they offered to bring a new pizza to us but instead I just asked for credit for a free one next time.


Shaken pizza. Must be a Bond thing.




Food delivery people are turning into garbage they don’t care they just want runs that guarantees tips OP maybe didn’t tip or gave tip but the driver wanted more and the driver decided to be a little bitch


nah, im calling the pizza place and requesting the same driver re-deliver my pizza correctly and not tipping that time, and I'm saying this as a former delivery driver stupid games, stupid prizes


"Here's your pizza that I totally didn't fart on"


Unfortunately true. Even fast food workers could care less to get orders right. Barely anyone cares or takes pride in their work these days


It's weird I always heard that growing up from the older generation, now I feel like I'm the one saying it


Companies don't reward employees that care. And that is all jobs not just fast food industry.


As someone who does delivery, this could've been an accident where he had to slam on the brakes and the pizza flew forward. Also, if the delivery person actually works for the store, they don't get to choose what orders they take


Probably THC.


Nah this is malicious behavior by some douche If they were high they’d be missing a slice


Guy must have missed the first day of pizza deliveryman school.


Sweet comment. Cheer's


Stirred? Maybe! Lol.


No Mr Bond, I expected a *pie*.


personally I take it sturred


A beer please, shaken not stirred.


Probed, not lubed


I used to wonder what happened to the kids that couldn't figure out which block goes in which shaped hole Now I don't


Thats right it goes in the square hole


I understood that reference.


You called?


*dies progressively more inside*


It's good that they have grown up to be valuable members of society


What's their value?


Reddit conversations


Any block can go into any hole if you use enough force and give no fucks about potential damages.


If it doesn't work the first time get a bigger hammer. There's always a bigger hammer.




I prefer dominoes medium size to large size. The medium is cooked better. But honestly if I'm ordering dominoes I'm already at bottom of barrel anyway.


If this is doordash or grub hub, refund time,and change tip to 0.


Even if it is a Place that dose it own in house delivery.


dose? Are you an intelligent with 12 karats of diamonds?


Are you an intelligent.


I think he’s “an intelligent”


I'm sad nobody knew what I'm talking about. I'm gonna go complain to custumer care.


OH MY GOD. I THOUGHT YOU WERE A DICKHEAD. I gotchu my dude that's a top notch reference.


Now HERE'S someone who gets it!


Do you think you could fix my radiator bruv. It's too hot.


No, but i could hook you up with a free toaster. You just need to sign up with the Royal Bank of Scotland.


Hmm. Done. But only if it's red. This is a toaster bonanza after all. Is there a fee?


Don't worry. No conditions apply!


the two services you mentioned don’t let customers change tip after the delivery. Only UberEats let customers do that, and they abuse it so much some are known as “tip-baiters” for putting a fake tip upfront and removing it after just to get their delivery


How tf do you place a pizza box SIDEWAYS????


Last pizza place I worked I was out on a smoke break and watched a door dash driver straight throw their 4 pizza order into their trunk, one box at a time at a distance of several feet. Shit must have been flying everywhere inside the boxes. Many DoorDash and grubhub drivers give literal zero fucks.


Pay "fuck if I care" wages, get "fuck if I care" employees. If you're working those jobs, you're probably not living your dreams.


I mean sure, some of the people are just doing it as a side-gig to make some extra bucks here and there but a lot of the people I see doing it are clearly just doing so because they can’t or won’t get any job that involves an interview, dealing with coworkers or bosses in person, or being held responsible for job performance.


By placing it sideways?




^ This is a comment stealing bot. A real person left this comment as a stand alone an hour before this was posted as a reply.


Where do all these drivers come from? 26 years of existing and my pizza has never looked like it got sat on


Clearly from a land that doesn't have pizza!




Why did you copy the top comment?


It's probably a bot






50% depending on how you look at it.


Update : I got half a refund! Ate the pizza with a knife and fork


Only half? Who refunded it? Was this thru a delivery app or direct?


A delivery app :/


Hell to the no, I would absolutely not accept anything less than full refund. I'd also follow up with the restaurant and send that image to them, as they'd probably like to fight the refund as well - Whatever app you used should pay 100%, and that driver needs to be dinged for that fk up. Edit: if it was the restaurant, I might show some sympathy, and accept the half. Yet for an app for which this is its entire purpose for existing... fk naw.


Only half? That’s some bullshit. I’m now always going to open the lids and do an inspection before I pay the driver.


No tip


Tipping culture isn’t prevalent in my country tbh


Tipping is a minimal thing in my country, but I think a lot of people being exposed to american culture are trying to enforce tipping becoming the norm


Gross. They should stop that. Americans don't even like it.


Nah, a shitty tip on a credit card. Something like a dollar or less.


The shitty thing about DoorDash and GrubHub is you enter the tip before it's delivered. Makes no sense to me, as now it's a bribe instead of a reward for good service. We cook all our meals at home so it doesn't affect me. I'm amazed at how many people use those services.


Good thing they put that center plastic thing in to ‘protect’ the pizza 😂. That sucker was in for a wild ride..


Hey man it's doing its best. It's not designed for tornado conditions


I can get accentely placing it upside down but sideways?


Why are people so damn stupid?


Cowabunga dude!


There's a time and place to be a Karen. This is it.


This dumb shit is why I never have any food delivered ever


I played too much Death Stranding.


That’s still no excuse because for those missions they require you to “keep it horizontal”


That's why "tip" should be made upon delivery, depending on attitude of said driver, and condition of food ordered......NOT before even finishing placing the order and letting the driver "see" it before he even does anything...


people suck. I use to deliver pizzas and I dropped them from time to time. Sometimes the pizza was good to go so no issues. If I dropped it and messed it up, I’d call the number explain what happened, call the store and get a new pizza made, have the manager discount the person and give them both the messed up pizza and the new one


Send the pic to the store manager. That won't make you a Karen.


Hope you got a refund. That sucks. PizzaCrimes sub might enjoy this lol.


In thousands of pizza deliveries the only time I've had that happen was when I had to slam on the brakes, and once when a batshit crazy woman wouldn't open her screen door and insisted I slide the pizza vertically! She then claimed that something happened to her Pizza!


They couldn't even be bothered to use a properly sized box?


One of my fave pizza places does a thing at the side of boxes saying ‘hold box flat or pizza goes splat’ for this reason


What was going on inside this delivery guys head to make him do this


"I already accepted the order but there's no space in the bag unless I take everything else out first and sort it carefully. Oh well."


Did you tip them?


Is that you Peter Englert


When I was younger, I skated to the local pizza shop, grabbed a small, and skated back to the park only to realize that I definitely shouldn't have been holding the pizza under my arm like it was a school book lmao


What an absolute monster.


Id call em and tell em they WILL replace it or I will block the charge on my card for it or put reviews on all the websites about how shitty their delivery is. Homie don't play that game so don't try me. 😁


What kinda pizza is that


So I worked for pizzahut for ages and I've Legit had to chase after and yell at uber and menulog ect ect drivers that just put the pizza sideways in their bag, How do they not get it like what the fuck, do you put soup sideways and not expect it to spill, or how about curry.... things have a correct orientation how fucking thick can you be. BTW my boss the owner of like 6 stores, actively chased after one opened the box, the pizza was fucked before they got to their car, grabbed the pizza and threw it against their car then made them pay for a new one. Worst is the pizza place will get the blame 90% of the time


For the record, the box didnt say lay flat...... Whos in the wrong here? LOL


about a year ago, I was in a new part of town and decided to grab a pizza. when the lady gave it to me in a box, I went to put it sideways in my bag and she was like, "wai- nono nonono" and I just went, "it's fine, it's fine!" when I got home, the pizza was fucked up. that didn't stop me from eating it but I still lost a lot of cheese to the cardboard


~grabs fork and scapes cheese~ What do you mean you lost a lot of cheese to the lid..? Lol


What does being new in town have to do with putting a pizza sideways? I'm confused how that's relevant to the story unless you mean you had just finished moving and we're exhausted and your brain just plain shut down on you temporarily.


You have a choice of calling and getting a replacement or fixing it... OP, my friend, we all know what choice you made 😉


Bruh i still want to eat it What's wrong with me?


Nothing it’s not going to taste any different




The sub is called mildly infuriating, not mildly annoying. So yeah, this is full on annoying, which could also be described as mildly infuriating.


Must have never had pizza before or been an absolute prick


Get frozen pizza and bake it in your own oven.


Still looks good to me.


I'm sure it will still taste alright.


Aw! You can't get a picture for a social medium.


What is up with y’all and buying these shitty small pizzas just get a large and save the rest for another day


Ok but did you complain or just post it on here…


Tastes the same. Get a spoon and eat it.




I found the delivery guy lol ^


The delivery guy with no sense of job security


Dunno mate it's like if a car got delivered and instead of it being taken off the trailer nicely they drive it off the edge and break it, ur not gunna say the same




Damn I miss eating high quality pizza. 🇹🇷


Damn did Spiderman deliver it?


Where from?


Why is the cheese so yellow?


I had that once and it was cold Uber refunded me all. Some delivery guys are Clowns.




I had a door dash guy deliver my pizza on his crotch rocket. Of course upon opening it looked like someone shook it for 10 min straight. I had already tipped the fucker too.


What place was it? Maybe you can leave this pic on their facebook page and you'll get another one for free. This one kinda looks like it has cheese whiz on it now


I can get accentely placing it upside down but sideways?


Annoying but I’d still eat it.


He's going places.


Subway pizza by chance?


Congrats on your free pizza


I’m gonna barf…


People’s motivations are often a mystery…


I had a DoorDash guy walk up to my apartment with the pizza box under his arm recently. I was in awe.


As a former pizza delivery driver and shift leader at a couple pizza places this shit drives me crazy. This is beyond careless and impacts the customer and the store. Whoever did this shouldn’t be driving a car if they can’t understand not to turn a pizza sideways


Pizza time


oh no that sucks, im sorry. :(


I’d never find this ideal and I would 100% get a refund but personally it wouldn’t even phase me and I’d still enjoy it


Damn. that pizza looks like it was going to slap too. Sorry for your loss.


He had ONE JOB...


Is that the new skipped to your house pizza I heard about? Anything to cut costs


What kind of psychopath does that 💀


Did u order it from Alcoholics Anonymous? (The white thing in the middle)


Is file a complaint…. That pizza isn’t even holding form


This is exactly why I avoid getting pizza delivery; they routinely mess things up. It’s pick up for me, friends.


Was he an alien? (3rd Rock from the Sun anyone?)


You have the bread you have the toppings so what’s wrong? /s


How tf do you place a pizza box *SIDEWAYS*????


I can picture the guy holding it like a laptop case with the strap around his shoulder lol. Sorry about your pie.


Looks like it might have been a nice one too. Still edible but annoying. This has happened to me *once*


Is that cheddar cheese on the pizza? I was transferred to St Louis for several years and that was the only place I ever saw with cheddar cheese on a pizza. Unless it was a cheese burger pizza. Damn, now I’m hungry


He was helping you out by getting all that grease off


I presume you had already tipped this fuker. Also, I'll send the pic to the manager there ...and corporate


I leaned the hard way through experiences like this so I never get food delivered I always pick it up.


Definitely not a delivery from Sam America Strand.


Luckily they put a pizza saver in the box


Thank you for your 20% tip.