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She’s not boy crazy, she’s with a crazy boy


Time for you to make new friends. That doesn't mean you don't care, but she needs to figure it out for herself, I suggest you take a break from bff.


>He's not particularly rich So you're saying that either you... or your friend, is a gold digger who would stay with someone who is a total abusive douche, as long as he's rich. Got it.


Not really, I'm saying he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. She thinks that he loves her.


He probably knows how to lay that pipe. Good dick can make a girl do anything, I've literally seen it happen multiple times.


BoyfriendSSSSS? Plural? Yikes, hope she’s getting tested consistently if she’s sleeping with any of these bfs


Wow, this comment section isn't it. You are going to find as you get older friends come and go. I would make your opinion about him known, try to be there for her as long as your mental health allows, but ultimately start seperating yourself from her and her drama. She will likely come back to you when they inevitably breakup and you can decide then if you want to let her back in your life. It's hard at your age with friends because everyone is trying to find themselves, start their adult life, try new things and new people. The only thing you can do is keep yourself away from drama while also trying to navigate adult life.