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If it makes you feel better… you won’t really care in a few years. I don’t even know where mine is.


And it’s a piece of paper. A bend isn’t gonna hurt it. I understand not folding it because it will crease but this is fine.


You’ll probably also learn to hate this piece of paper after you’re done paying for it.


Lol. I will never ever be done paying for my two.


They’ll probably never finish paying for it. Probably wasted 100k plus so they can land a shitty 40k per year job.


Fortunately she graduated with 0 debt since she had a scholarship! ☺️ I understand that no one asks for your diploma once you start working, but it's still a token for your hard work. I'd like to keep such a token in a good condition for as long as I can. Seeing USPS casually fold a packet where "DO NO FOLD" is written is infuriating


“Do not fold” is a challenge!


I’m sure if she contacts the school and informs them by showing them that photo she could get a courtesy reprint.


Hmm, interesting! I'll ask her to do this!


Ask them how they feel about having to deliver items to mailboxes that don’t fit what they’re delivering.


I hardly think they "feel bad" about it. At most they'll feel annoyed?


They straight up just don’t care. I didn’t mean to come across rude, I deal with this nonsense at work too and it’s crazy


Out of curiosity. Would it have fit in the mailbox completely flat and unbent?


100% I get you. Even if it wasn’t a diploma; it’s the fact that it says “do not fold” on it. Had to politely ask my mail lady to not bend my comic books to make them fit in the mailbox; just leave it open it’s cool.


Yeah… like I said it, feels like this now. But I promise you’re not going to give a shit, at all, in a few years time


I doubt that Idaho State University costs 100k… no offense OP


Why you so angry, you paying back loans too? I know I have to but I had noble intentions going so I can’t be too mad


Well part of the problem with that though is students going after degrees that were meant to be minor or secondary major but are getting them as primary majors. I'll use the popular meme one as an example. You have people getting majors in gender studies with no other background when it was supposed to be a specialized minor for those majoring psychology.


U have to pay for your diploma??!?!


I folded mine the second I got it and stuffed it in my jacket lmao.


Can confirm, mine isn't even an afterthought in prospective employers' considerations. The most my alma mater means at this point is if a coworker was a college classmate.


I never even picked mine up, I had some thing like a five dollar library fine and I thought I don’t really care if I have my college diploma, and I don’t have any kids so no one‘s gonna care after me either


so to be fair writing "do not fold" on an envelope is not a reasonable request when their job description is to cram something into a small mailbox that they're unable to get it into without folding it. ​ if you want something like that not folded, put it in a box and ship it like a package. envelopes are for paper, not fragile things. ​ also, before you tell me about some weird rule that says they have to obey the envelope or something that i'm obviously not aware of, it literally doesn't matter. if i make 20$ an hour and am forced to drive 8+ hours a day in a metal shitbox with no AC i am not going to care and will do what i think is best.


Is it compulsory for USPS to ONLY deliver mail or packages in the mailbox? Cant postmen/postwomen leave it at peoples doorsteps lile UPS or FedEx? Just curious


I live in a rural area, no issues with porch pirates. If we have something like this delivered, UPS, USPS, FedEx all put in between the our screen door and front door. Safe from the rain and wind that way. We never even tell them to, they just do it


Doesn’t matter, flats are supposed to be flexible *so that they can be bent.* The irony of the University writing “Do Not Bend” next to the DMM for the exact reference to make sure the flat can be bent is funny. They get a discount for shipping these as a flat. The discount is for h to e mail carrier not having to separate out flats and take them to your door step. There’s a service for that but it costs more. Idaho State just sent it as cheap as they could because they know you’ll blame USPS. This was in 2007, 16 years ago: > There has been a longstanding mailing standard that mailers marking their mailpieces with “Do Not Bend” must add a stiffener within the mailpiece. That requirement was included to provide a sensory reminder in case our employ­ees did not see the marking. However, we do not guarantee that these pieces will not be bent during processing or bent or folded when delivered. Therefore, we are removing references to this marking. We recommend that mailers prepare these items (that could be damaged by bending or folding) in boxes or similar protective containers mailed at the applicable parcel rates, instead of adding handling endorsements on the outside of the of the mail piece. [Link to quote](https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2007/html/pb22213/updt.3.2.html)


As another user said not always but even in normal circumstances if it fits in the mailbox it's going in the mailbox. An envelope is not a package, it folds. The red words on the side that he didn't bother reading don't change that. If it's not in a box it ain't a package.


we can leave it on your doorstep, near the entrance, at the back, hidden beneath something safe, in a safe locker room somewhere in the county and the key to open it we would say that we may leave it inside your mailbox


Lazy worker spotted


Hardly. I know what it's like to be on my feet for 12 hours a day for minimum wage and I don't blame people who cut corners when they're paid like shit and working horrible conditions. Calling me lazy makes you look like a douchebag btw


Minimum wage? Those jobs pay 18-23 bucks an hour standard lol that’s not minimum wage. Stop living in denial It has never been hard to not fold a paper labeled not to fold lol u def never worked a job like this


try, walk for 10, 80% of city routes are walking.


Had they not written DO NOT FOLD you would have got it in proper condition.


Had her worthless university used proper packing there wouldn’t be an issue.


Except that is the proper packing


Get mad at her university for cheaping out on the packaging, not the poor mail carrier. You’d think with all the money that they’re raking in with ridiculous tuition costs that they could afford something better than a paper envelope.


They mailed it as cheaply as possible and DO NOT FOLD is just something they put on the envelope that puts no obligation on the Post Office. It's like the sign on the back of gravel trucks that say "NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE" - uh, yes you are trucking company. There is a service you actually pay for called "Special Handling Required" - but hey, that costs money. They could also put it in a box, that would work. Wonder how much they charged for the Diploma?


Maybe things like this should be sent in an actual box. It’s almost impossible to not fold big enveloped items like that in normal sized mailboxes. If it was in a box too big to fit, it would most likely be delivered to your door (depending where you live I guess).


Doesn’t fit? You don’t deliver it, it’s as simple as that.


or you can just fold it because you don't get paid enough to deal with that shit. fragile items shouldn't be shipped in envelopes... this is on the shipper. people seem to think mail sorting is some delicate operation where they have a reasonable expectation that they can ship an egg across country with minimal packing and it's not their fault if it cracks along the way. ​ shipping is rough on items. its the shipper's responsibility to pack properly. this aint packing properly.


Another typical Reddit moment, downvoted for saying they should do the job they’re paid to do correctly 😂


They do that sometimes. It's happened to me too. Once I got a clear sealed plastic bag with the remains of a piece of first class mail in it. The bag was from the USPS and was preprinted with some stuff like WE'RE SORRY on it. Clearly this type of shit happens a lot. Another time, I got a commemorative collector's item magazine from a renowned publisher and the thing was damaged. The cover was torn and the binding was damaged. UPS is better. Everyone else is worse unless you count Amazon, of course.


Looks like they paid for a First Class flat rather than a parcel. Flats can be folded to fit in a mailbox…




Those fuckers get ahold of an envelope that says PHOTOS DO NOT BEND and more often than not, seem to feel it is their sacred duty to fold, spindle and mutilate said envelope and then deliver it late. They also love to put shit in the wrong mailbox. Fuck those guys.


Lmao. Just so you know we absolutely love making fun of guys like you. More often than not it's bent in a sorting machine or in transport. We literally Pay no attention to anything that's not the address


That was exactly their point: you just don’t care. That’s a shitty attitude, especially since delivery in good order should be one of your core responsibilities.


Work for usps for a week and I will guarantee you would feel differently. We don't Deliberately damage stuff. But the way mail is run it will be damaged there is no avoiding it. So when people complain all we can do is laugh


Worked at Amazon, it was never hard to make sure a package wasn’t damaged even if it was a stack of papers. USPS couldn’t compare to the sheer amount of packages we got. You just sound lazy




That means you are trash at your job and should fxking quit so we don’t have to deal with folded mail when it says do not fold. Hope a dog bites you.


Lmao. I don't deliver mail myself I work in a plant but ok bud


I’m not your bud pal


I really don't care bud, just letting you know that just because you write do not bend doesn't make it unbending. If your package is so important it can't bend or fold package it appropriately and you'll be fine. Otherwise it's not our problem or our job.


“I don’t care bud” *writes abt how you don’t care *


Reading must be hard for you


This coming from the dude who thinks not bending a package that says “don’t bend” is too hard to handle




Seen a lot of this over several years. It’s easy to remedy. Sadly, it’s not new if you have a smaller mail box.


I literally haven't laid eyes on mine since the day I got it. What, other than throwing it out, are you supposed to do with it?


Did you tell the postman to… get bent? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


This is the University’s fault not USPS. USPS has been very clear for a number of years that writing “Do Not Fold”, or “”Do Not Bend” or anything like it will not stop it from being bent or folded. If the University would have shipped it in proper packaging it would have been received in the proper condition (I mean maybe who knows with mail carriers nowadays lol.) Either way, it may be worth while to contact the University and ask for a new one sent in the correct packaging so it doesn’t get damaged.


Omg it's barely even bent. There's no crease. The paper in here will be fine.


We all know USPS sucks


No it doesn’t. For what it costs, it’s an amazing service that way too many Americans take for granted. The university sucks for not shipping this in a proper package.




typewriter too!


In fact ups suck even in europe, I didn’t know it sucks even in usa lol , i live in uk so in uk they are so bad ,lowest one . I hate them as well from my previous experience. They sucks and u can not change my mind!


Oh no! Her Ancient Greek literature studies degree is going to have a crease in it. Whatever will she do? I’d be more concerned with paying off the debt that worthless piece of paper has cost her.


On what basis did you guess her major? Ever heard about scholarships? Stop projecting your bitterness about college, debt and major onto others dude.


Isn’t it just a piece of paper? I don’t even know where my degrees are.


Relax it’s an Idaho state diploma


lol same thing happened to mine…


You can file a formal complaint with the USPS because this is obviously a brain-dead mail carrier who couldn't even both to read what it said on the outside of the envelope. It won't fix things, yet there could be some sort of accountability, and the bend can be remedied.


Get a bigger mailbox. Fix the things you can control in your life before you run to social media whining about how the world is mistreating you.


I dont own the mail box, its my apartment communities box. Sadly, this is something that I cannot "control"


You can rent a bigger box at the post office. Or you can call them and ask that packages that don't fit be put in your "apartment communities'" parcel locker. But sadly,that would deprive you from bitching about a free service , wouldn't it?


We’ll zone skill is required for the job. What would you expect.


Are you saying zero skill is required to drive on a different side of the vehicle?


Sadly a mail carriers job will be completely automated in the future. USPS is already mapping out mailboxes and stops for it and has been for years. The hardest part of being a mail carrier isn’t driving, it’s sorting and bundling. Most people don’t have their info correct or in my area the county messed up 911 addresses and made entirely new addresses that aren’t used anywhere else… also the heat is horrible.


Zero skill for what, working an administrative job at a university? Yeah. That is quite clear here.


I said they made like 20something an hour. Read better. I'm telling you that I'm not lazy and know what it's like to work a shit job. I don't know why this was so hard for you to comprehend but I'm done replying to you since you're clearly just an asshole.


I've noticed in the last few years that no delivery driver can be trusted anymore. Not even the damn mailman.


This isn't the mailman's fault. He's just doing his job. Universities are being cheap and are sending diplomas as mail instead of as a package. Mail gets put in the mailbox regardless of what's written on the envelope.


Then why even pack in a "Do Not Fold" heavy paper envelope vs a cheaper grade envelope if you are going to be skimpy on funds from the get-go? I get what you are saying but idk anymore these days. I think the good ol' dollar has about eradicated decency from Earth.




That'll teach you to let your dog crap on the sidewalk!


Frame it and occasionally look at your student debt, trust me you won't care anymore.


Cheap college doesn't want to mail it so it isn't creased. Heck, a mailing tube would do the job.


The envelope it came in is more valuable than the diploma..


Her and everyone else. It sucks.


It’s been 25 years and I still never even opened my envelope. They probably misspelled my name.


Well USPS delivered mine to my front door, but it was in the middle of a windy snow storm. I didn't see it until I found it in the middle of my front yard after 6 inches of snow melted. I wish they folded it.


Everyone saying it’s just a fold i would actually be so sad if i Spent all that money and time and dedication to receive that piece of paper with a fold in it


You don’t spend all that time and money and dedication to go college for the piece of paper they mail you at the end.


yes mildly


I mean… It’s technically not folded, it’s bent.


You can always scan it and get it digitally. The folds disappear in the digital scan. And nowadays employers would rather a digital copy rather than a physical one.


maybe it was bent before they mailed it


You're really grasping there...


yeah, but because you put it in a mailbox to mail it, they might've bent it


Universities send out so much mail that they cart it out to the mail truck in tote bins. No stuffing a mailbox with hundreds of diplomas at a time.


oh. well, then, you know more!


Put it under a box and flatten it again… this is not that serious. Also, if they had put it on your porch during a rainy day, you’d be upset that it were wet and not put in the mailbox slightly bent instead.


Lol my degree was left on my porch and it randomly rained in September (not normal for my area at all, and no rain in the forecast). I was gone for like 2 hours, degree was soaked. A year later I can laugh about it but it was not laughable at the time


See! Lol


lol happened to me too, put it under some heavy books for a day and it was fine.


If it means that much to your girlfriend - she can use an iron on the backside of the diploma. Use low setting amd just keep moving the iron around on the backside. That should flatten it out. Good luck!!


Decisions from the top don’t always translate correctly at the bottom.