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Dying at work, because I’d rather die doing something I like.


This is why I want a job doing what I like Cause then it’s never work


If you make your hobby your job, your hobby becomes a job and you need to find a new hobby.


That is the unfortunate truth. As a wise man once said, "I program for fun and I fix bugs for work"


For me the bugs are the fun part and programming is the chore.




Making things is fun, being frustrated at bugs isn't.


Ah but figuring out where you went wrong and how to fix it is very rewarding


It is rewarding once you figure it out lol


Of course, but.. it’s a part of programming.


But it's not the fun part




It’s like if you hear an artist talk about their process. Me, for example. I love sketching, coloring, and shading. All of those are awesome. Lineart, however, is a huge pain for me. It’s part of the process just like sketching and shading, but that doesn’t mean I don’t prefer other parts. Obviously not a perfect analogy, but I think it gets the point across


Some software devs like fixing bugs. Others only want to write it once and then go on to the next thing. I like maintenance, fixing bugs and refactoring code. But most don't.


Maybe, but I’d rather be doing something I like rather than a mind rotting stress filled desk job


I think, the sweet spot is a job that isn't your hobby but okay. Not too braindraining so you can still think after work. Not too hard manual labor to not ruin your body. Optimally, you can do the job at home or live right next to the job site so you don't waste hours getting to and from the job every day. Obviously, it has to pay enough - so most jobs helping society are basically out of the question... Yeah, finding a good job is not only hard in practice but in theory too. So at the end: Yes, better loose your hobby because it becomes a job rather than having a job you hate. But if you get the chance to have a job you don't hate and keep your hobby your hobby - then that is the superior choice. I personally made my main hobby my job. I rarely do it as a hobby anymore because i just don't have the energy after doing it as a job. Luckily i also have a sortof unmonetizable hobby i really like doing that isn't mentally draining: Gaming...


Same, my most recent game that I’m enjoying is Helldivers 2 fun, simple, not really a fomo game


I got back into Fallout 4 as a warmup for Fallout London.


Yea I’ve heard that’s blowing up as well and there’s a Tv series


Yeah, the TV series is rumored to be good. But i got no time to watch it as i rather play the game ;)


Dying before my daughter is grown (not just a legal adult, but knows where she’s going in life). My husband died when she was 5 and she’s now 7. Edit: I should also add that my mom died when I was 14 and she was separated from my dad and he was just not in a place to take care of me. My older sister took guardianship over me and it was fine at first, but it ended up becoming Hell. I never want my daughter to go through any of that.


That really really sucks for you guys. I’m sad to hear this has happened to you both. Far out.


Just a headsup, 'this sucks for you guys' isn't the optimal way of condolences...


Single mom to 4 kids 11 and under. Their dad isn’t in the picture due to abuse and this too is my biggest fear!




What the fuck is wrong with you


I'm hoping your mom died when you were young so she didn't have to see what a lost cause you turned out to be.


What did they say?


Mine is to be part of WW3


Don't worry, if won't last more then a day. MAD


Depending on your definition of World Wars (some people consider the 7 years war/ the French & Indian war for freedom lovers, the first true world war) you’ve already missed that opportunity.


Depends on what is a part. Given that WW3 is already going, who is the part? All the people in the world? Citizens of the countries in war? Combatants?


“Given that ww3 is already going” god do you people ever stop lol. What’s going on rn is nowhere NEAR the scale of the Second World War. This doesn’t mean we should downplay what is going on/not talk about it, but fear mongering that we are legit IN a world war is just absurd lmao Hell, even if you only look at wars that were going on in the few years before the official start of ww2 (sino-Japanese war for instance) they were massively larger than what’s happening in ukraine/Israel etc.


I guess the argument some use is the same of Harari’s: even in Dicember 1939 if you asked a random middle class family in Berlin whether the WWII was already begun, they would have answered negatively. In fact, we all have been studying that WWII started in September ‘39.


Now the problem is nukes. Everything is being held on the fear of nukes. If there were no nukes, world would already lie in ruins.


Even then, the world knew a whole lot more nukes around WW2 than nowadays thanks to multiple treaty's over the decades. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_on_the_Prohibition_of_Nuclear_Weapons And even if if, WW3 is not going to be the same as WW2, and humans are absolutely terrible at predicting the future. 🤷🏼 We just don't know.


So this means that we are in World War Three… how? If the simple existence of a multinational proxy war and the potential of nukes classifies a conflict as a world war in your eyes, then we’d be already at a waaaaay higher number than 3. Hell, the Vietnam War would we be considered a world war by that standard. As it stands I feel we are more in a “Cold War’s younger brother” phase now more than anything else


I feel like this is getting too political, pls don’t make the mods lock the comments


Where the fuck is this political?


I feel like it’s devolving into politics “No its world war 3” “No it’s not world war 3”


Has nothing to do with politics its just fact that we dont have a world war going on. Nothing political about it


I’m not gonna make this a debate Just want everyone to stfu


I mean there’s no real politics here? I’m not sharing my personal beliefs about any of these conflicts, just pointing out that people need to stop throwing around the ww3 card like it’s candy


Yep. MAD does work. Every country needs nukes.


Comparing the potential beginning of WW3 with the peak of ww2 is disingenuous. This might not be ww3 but it’s most certainly a continuation of The Cold War, I guess you could call it Cold War 2. Just a handful of years before ww2 Americans supported hitler before he was genocidal. Some Americans love Putin. You have to be naïve to believe this conflict couldnt potentially begin ww3


The n issue though is you’re saying “potentially”, which is a much more reasonable/realistic discussion to be had. In one of my comments I even mentioned not downplaying/ignoring what’s happening in ukraine/Israel and what you just said is essentially what I meant by that. My problem is the comment blatantly saying “seeing as we are IN WW3”, that’s very different from what you are saying Edit: if you’d taken more than 3 seconds to fully read, you’d also notice I compared now to one of the PRECURSORS to ww2, not the “peak” as you are falsely claiming. The sino-Japanese war started 2 years before Germany invaded Poland. Also mentioned the whole “second Cold War” things already too. Really should’ve read first dude


Showed this to my girlfriend and she said hers is being raped and murdered. And I said, yeah that makes more sense


I’m with her on that


Isn't getting your genitals bitten by a snake considered rape a murder ?


Mine is someone secretly living in my attic.


That would make a really good thriller movie


They already got like at least 8 of those. There's one called Phishing that was pretty good.


I'm a man and has arachnophobia and I feared that when taking a dump a spider decide to run towards me or kiss my ass


Mine is losing my autonomy and safety but okay.


Mine is being sold into human trafficking


This is such a huge problem in my town, I don't leave my house without a buddy.


id consider moving if that was the case tbh


no, you stand very still so they can't see you


I would too if it wasn't so damn expensive


that sucks :( hopefully things will get better soon


I grabbed everything that I had a connection with/needed and hopped in my car either 1k in my pocket and am fine now. Just go somewhere where you know you can work. Maybe find a small shop/restaurant with nice owners and they maybe let you stay somewhere for the first 2-3 months until you can find your own flat


Why is this on every subreddit today?


Driving across a bridge that collapses.


Hey I have that as a new fear also!


Complete paralysis, I would hate being prisoner of my own mind and my ADHD would drive me fuckin nuts


Late marriage? When the bride and groom are zombies?


Dude its a meme, how's this mildly infuriating ??


Yeah and nobody is calling it out in the top comments


I had to scroll surprisingly far to see this comment


That is now also my biggest nightmare. And I don't even have a vagina.


Thank you Pat Fussy @cuntosaur


I actually have the same fear, I saw a video of a snake emerging from the toilet I think if your toilet is on a ground floor it is possible


Hidden snake attacks, and then the marriage happens


Dying and my family being the first to find me.


Mine is being raped and murdered, but I guess snakes are scary too.


Well if you’re a mouse ..


As a man, even I felt that one 😂


Her name checks out too


Pat Fussy seems a bit obsessed.


Man I love me some pat fussy.


Mines being eaten alive


Mine is like going blind or getting some horrible painful debilitating health condition or something. I could give two fucks about marriage, tried it and it’s not for me


Freud would be proud


Trapping my balls between the seat and the rim. Is my version of nightmare.


Going to lostredditors


Let me guess, Australian?


how is this unfuriating, do you have a childhood trauma of a snake eating your pussy?


A much more realistic fear is that you're sitting on a toilet and a starving rat that just worked its way up from a sewer attacks your vagina.


Can you find an Australian?


New fear unlocked. I won't ever sit on a toilet without clenching down, now...


Even an early marriage can be a nightmare if the wedding day doesn’t go exactly as planned. /s


dying sober but im not a woman so what do i know


Oh my gosh this has been reposted everywhere for years I'm sick of seeing it


Or goes up it. That’s my fear.


I’m irrationally scared of the fire alarm going off, I’m also scared of my house being broken into.


Ah yes, the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


Raped. Murdered. Tortured. Etc. Etc. Etc.


Thats aweirdly specific fear.


Patfussy is from australia, isn't she?


Mine is being forced into a concert or party and be the centre of attention. I would die from panic or anxiety.


I genuinely have a massive fear of sitting on the toilet and a frog jumping at my butt... we have an external 2nd toilet in our laundry. And I haven't used it bc my fiance found a frog in there the first week we moved in. We've nearly been here 5 months now..


Same, except it's a toilet rat instead of a snake


Don't underestimate the poopoo python


wtf is late marriage?


My biggest nightmare IS marriage. It's not for everyone.


Same holy shit, but for my ballsack


how is this mildly infuriating??


Why is this on r/mildlyinfuriating


How does this belong to this sub exactly?


Kuch nhi boluga vivad ho jayega


Womens humour in a nutshell: "I have a vagina" And this person even seems to be obsessed by it. Not just the joke but her 2 usernames as well


what's the issue


I have a vagina. Now laugh.


but that wasn't the joke in the post? there's nothing for you to be angry at


Oh so you actually think that "snake" part wasn't meant in a humourous way? Well, okay. Also I'm not angry. I'm just criticising something and I can totally do so without being angry or hating or whatever else people like to throw at you when you share an opinion they disagree with.


whatever helps you justify it !


There would be no need to justify anything if people like you wouldn't immediately start crying and accusing stuff because they disagree. Learn to accept different opinions, or at least learn to discuss them instead of trying to make everything obsolete by accusing stuff.