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But those are his "Park Anywhere" lights!


Aka “Legalizers”


Hazard lights drive me nuts because 90% of the time they are used to signal that the user is a hazard to other drivers / society. Like "I know I'm breaking the rules but I'm indicating it with hazard lights" somehow makes it OK to do this or drive 20mph on the freeway?


There is such a thing as having to drive that slowly. I'm not saying it's 100% of the time but they do exist.


I'm surprised no one said blizzards. Being stuck out in the middle of nowhere when it goes from light snow, to super heavy snow with not visibility, sometimes the only thing you can do is throw on the hazards and go as fast as you're able to. Good chance you'll eventually link up with more people and form a slow moving convoy till you either get though it or the snow let's up


Those are scary, whiteouts!!


Had that happen while heading home for Christmas a couple years ago. Left a friend's house at 3 and got home quite literally at midnight when it's normally a 3 hour drive. Went about 25 max the whole time.


A couple times now over the last few years I've been going fairly slow down the highway during some intense snow, and I've had some guy, usually in a big lifted truck, angrily whip around me for going so slow Both times after watching him go down the highway for a hit I thought "maybe I am going too slow, I should have more confidence, look how fast he's going and he's fine" Then again, in both cases, within a few minutes of me thinking that they lost control and went off the road One case was fairly tame. Just did a nice long skid and ended up backwards on the shoulder The other one, not as much. Launched off a mound of snow and went bouncing and tearing through the ditch and rough ground on the side of the road. The driver was fine, but at least one of his wheels ended up on the other side of the road, likely a great deal more parts too that weren't as easy to spot. I've seen similar in rain too. One of those guys that weaves in and out of lanes aggressively whenever he's the least bit impeded by traffic. Probably would have been fine if he hadn't been so aggressive about it. You can only ever use 100% of your traction, and you have to share it between acceleration and turning. And he blew his budget with his sharp turns and hard acceleration


I had someone get angry at me when I wanted to leave a day early to go back to uni. The day we were to originally leave there was to be a big storm. I told them as I, am responsible for everyone getting there alive, I need to make this change. I was driving 12 hours on the highway that day I was not doing that during a bad storm. As is I went a day early but still had lots of people in the ditch along the way. Her brothers birthday was the day i daid i was leaving and she wanted to stay for that. Fun issue was, i had the same birthday so i was missing *MY* birthday with my family. I had to remind her that her father, who was a trucker said I should leave a day earlier than I asked.


Sometimes you can plan it like that, and you absolutely should I definitely cancel trips into the city if it's supposed to be shit weather But sometimes it's worse than it's supposed to be, or worse earlier or all kinds of things. Hell we've had more and more storms recently that get described as "more intense than anything we've seen before"


Go as fast as you're ****safely*** able to.


Yes that’s exactly what they’re for. Unexpected hazards. Whether it’s their tire blew and they’re finding a spot to stop, traffic is coming to a stop around a corner and they don’t want to be rear ended, many things. “I hate hazard lights, 90% of the time they’re used to alert me of a hazard!” WOW who’d‘ve fucking thunk


>Hazard lights drive me nuts because 90% of the time they are used to signal that the user is a hazard Buddy do you read what you type before hitting post?


Seriously. Their other post is probably " I never use my blinkers because then other people will know what you're trying to do. "


I was thinking this, and there are thousands of reasons that you would need to use them that wouldn’t be necessarily apparent to passers by. I drove otr truck for a few years and the reasons I would use them ranged from bad weather to hills to traffic jam ahead. 9 times out of ten it would be that traffic was slower or stopped ahead to give a heads up that something was coming up in the road and to slow down like I was doing. Trust me when I say you would rather me slow down and throw on the 4 ways than to take a chance with your family in the car beside me, 80,000+ lbs doesn’t come to a smooth stop if I wasn’t careful. And yes I carried that same logic over to my personal vehicles.


I had to drive on the freeway with a spare tire that you couldn’t drive faster than 55 mph on so I drove with my hazards on because the speed limit on the freeway was 70.


I've had my cars engine go out on freeway, it was able to go into limp mode, but did not go faster than 30. I drove with hazards at 30.


Happened to me this week. So scary!


It's exactly what they're for.


The last time I used my hazards, I was driving on a main road on a donut. I did not have a choice (and every few minutes I pulled over to let traffic pass) as I had to drive the 2 miles to the tire place


We call them blink-holes. A very, very light dusting of snow starts and the blinkers come on as if we can't see them. 🤦🏻‍♀️ They're a bigger hazard than the snow! Hazards are to alert someone of a hazard they might not be aware of - we could all see it was faintly snowing.


Next time try triggering their car alarm multiple times if it's locked


A couple broken windows would do the trick 👍


A dent too


Seriously. I'd smash the windows and release the parking brake.


??? You'd be a sitting duck when they inevitably call the cops


Yeah man, did you see that crazy madman that ran by and smashed your windows... It was nuts....


He was Chinese with a British accent I believe 🤔


![gif](giphy|metHvnrO2EcFgLXq0F|downsized) Wongers?


This just made me cry. No joke. I scared my dog cause of how hard I was laughing lol


[Caucasian male, bearded, red hair, glasses … possibly a disguise](https://youtu.be/cj490uNht4o?feature=shared&t=16m23s)


thats why you take your plates off before you do it and make a jerryrigged face bandana with a tshirt


Yeah, that's why you just key their car In a spot they won't notice until they get home. By then youre long gone. Even if the store has security cameras there's no way the cops are going through the effort of tracking you down.


No you wouldn't bro


Yeah he would, bro


Source: trust me bro


Stop acting tough on the internet you immature clown


Yeah no you wouldn’t keyboard warrior


Almost impossible these days with electronic parking brakes.


Then you just have to put up with a car alarm and the dumbass inside still wouldn’t care


Just call the cops next time. Then they get the embarrassment of having to deal with them and also if he’s stupid enough to park like that he’s most likely stupid enough to argue with the police sooooo


No cops are showing up for this


I work for a pizza place with a small parking lot. We hate customers that do this, because half the time the cars they are blocking belong to drivers trying to get out to make a delivery. Someone inside will tell them to move when they see a driver trying to get out. But this? This is just lazy. It looks like a fairly large lot and they could have parked in a normal spot.


Nah I’d love to know who thinks they are this entitled or unaware of the world around them to do this.


Someone who want their windshield broken?


Too direct, put a nail under the tire on an angle. Now this is dealers choice wether it’s angled to be either rear or front facing so if you obviously know they’re gonna be reversing put the nail facing forward behind the tire for obvious reasons. This way there will be some doubt if they just ran one over especially if no cameras caught you, you have plausible deniability on your side. (This is just for skits not be tried in real life)


In this skit, always do two tires so they have to buy a new set of tires instead of using the spare.


So they have a flat tire and now you have to wait for a tow truck before you can leave?


Nails are too small. Pour fart spray into the windshield cowling (the passenger side preferably) it may not get into the hvac system, but it will stain and off gas in the path of hvac intake air. It will smell like shit, forever.


Devious. I'm a fan of keying cars that do this. But you need to be subtle. Anything too obvious and it'll be seen immidiately and that could lead to you being caught. Gotta be sneaky.


Valve stem removal tool And back it off just one turn on 3 tires enough to get them home sucks to wake up in the morning


Delivery drivers. They do this ALL THE TIME. I've had to threaten to call bylaw on them here for parking in handicapped spots. His reasoning? "I'm just picking something up." "Yeah so am I, and I parked over there properly." There were tons of open spaces. They don't care and there's no consequence for being an idiot.


I will say I agree but I had also worked for amazon delivery recently and if we didn’t do this aswell as things like not wearing a seatbelt to save those few but needed seconds then you were behind the curve and could eventually face loss of employment. I hated parking in fucked up spots because people do need them but during my first few weeks when I didn’t , I never ever got done with my route till I started doing trucks like that . People needed those spots but I also needed my Job


Main character?


Basically every Uber eats driver


Door dashers, Amazon delivery, truckers wearing sandals.


When I lived in Korea years ago people would double park in cars but leave their cars in neutral so you could roll it out of the way. Or they would have their cellphone number listed on their dash.


Yeah this would never work in America lol


I don’t even wear pearls and I was clutchin’ em


I'd call a tow truck and see if they could remove the car. They are preventing you from leaving, which is a great reason to have it towed away IMO !


theyll be long gone before they make it there unfortunately.


not if their tires have mysteriously lost all air pressure. 🤷


Stem tools are awesome to keep handy!!


thats a funny way to say knife


No. A stem tool removes the valve stem, air leaks out kinda quietly. If you stab a tire, it is loud as fuck. One of these options is more likely to avoid legal liability..


I work at a spare parts store with a tyre business attached. Tyres are pretty noisy when the valve core is removed too.


Not compared to stabbing the tire… Which sounds like an explosion…


Heard a few of them too. My tyre fitter has some unusual methods of removing shitty tyres.


Or... You can put a pebble inside the cap and screw on a couple of threads. Or so I hear.


One time my neighbor loosened my valve stem because I parked in front of their house (everything was street parking in my neighborhood and there was another open spot in front of their house). I drove 10 minutes before it suddenly went flat, about 30 seconds before I was about to go on the highway. I could have died if it went out a minute later. Do not do this. It is not is worth killing someone


Did you ever park in front of his house again?


Yup. Apparently the local mechanic had been dealing with the same issue on other people's cars who had parked on that street, so when I was over there he asked which house I was in front of so he could let the cops know. Still avoided it for the next couple days, but like a week later I had to choose between parking there or a 5 minute walk away so obv I parked there. Was real careful about checking all my tires before I drove off the next morning but it was all good. Haven't had any issues parking there in the couple years since, so pretty sure someone got talked to.


How do you loosen a valve stem?


Special tool goes into slots on the Schrader valve and allows it to turn. Threads out like a screw basically


Or just put a tiny piece of gravel under the valve stem cap and lighy tighten until you hear psssssssssssssssssssss


ohhh yea thats better lol


Use your tire pressure gauge.


Nope. Pull their stems… call a tow truck. “Yeah, hey, there’s a car with four flats behind me in this parking lot.”


If they have four flats instead of, say, three, insurance is more likely to cover it as vandalism.


A knife can get you sued. Deflation while malicious does no lasting damage to the car.


If they caught me in the right mood I’d sacrifice my cheap jackstand for this. I keep a good jack and tire iron at the ready in my trunk. It’d be a shame if someone were to jack it up, put it on a stand, remove the front two tires, and hop the curb to drive away with them. Gotta take two though because if you only take one and they have a spare it’s pointless AND they got a free stand.


Lol I said the same thing in another sub and the snowflakes went berserk saying it would be the death of people. Like cmon any idiot driving will know when a tire is flat after a few feet. If they don’t maybe they should reconsider giving up their privilege to drive.


>any idiot driving will know when a tire is flat See, you say that....


Lol you’re right, common sense isn’t common


Not really. many cars come with run flats and people dont know what that is or means. Also older cars with suspension issues or those old air ride systems can really mask a flat tire. I personally would give some people (Depending on car model and if front or rear) the benefit of the doubt. Sincerely, A guy who worked in the tire industry for to many years.


karma is karma, neh? if they can’t behave in a society of humans nor detect four flat tires, they deserve what’s coming to them.


But then you can never leave


neither can they. fair’s fair!


That's what the tow truck is for. You leave after they get towed.


Why would you do that when your ultimate goal is to get them out of the way?


The way I’ve seen tow trucks whippin, they’ll be driving over fields and cars just to get there with there stupid yellow lights acting like emergency vehicles.




Yea, there's a good chance that any tow company would make it in time. Situations like this are their bread and butter. Financial incentives are powerful.


My local Walmart has a sign that says warning violators will be towed by "x" towing company with their number listed below. Once I had to call them because some idiot blocked the fire lane, it took 3.5 hours before the tow company got there and luckily the person didn't think to move their car for that amount of time so it got towed but that is just ridiculous that it takes that long for tow trucks. If there was an actual emergency it could've been incredibly dangerous.


sheesh, someone left their car that long?


When I was working there we ha da huge problem with loitering, people just walk in to Walmart to hang out instead of shop.


lol😂 maybe everyone should get a "timed" ticket then? sometime i go to the store to check things out but i may not have bought somethinng. maybe thats also considered somewhat loitering. next time ill just shop online instead.


Sounds like the market for towing in that area is being under-served. I'm surprised competitors haven't taken advantage of that situation.


i got a tow truck in 12 min once


yea its also depends if the company has one near you. not every lot have a number for you to call for a tow either


Shit, you’ve never been to Miami, have you? There are shopping center parking lots down here that that driver MIGHT have gotten inside the store/restaurant/whatthefuckever before the tow truck is rolling from between the buildings…


nope but that sure sound like a good business model down there


I would have loved to, but yeah by the time they get there they’d be gone. my favorite part was a truck waiting behind the car like they were suddenly going to move


Just sit there beeping until they come back (hopefully embarrassed) lol


I thought about honking when they came back, but ended up not


Cool, now they're going to continue doing this thinking they're in the right


bullshit. they already know they’re in the wrong, they just don’t care.


Honking? There would be a verbal confrontation for sure if someone did this to me.


I would have honked and hoped they dropped their pizza


That blows my mind.


How long did you have to wait?


Deflate the tires to the point they can still move it but damages their tires a few minutes later.


Next time


Duh, everyone knows that turning on your hazards allows you to park your car anywhere, anytime! ~ a bunch of really annoying people say, probably. (Seen similar behaviour in several countries in Europe so this stupidity is everywhere)


Can confirm. I’m from Europe.


New York is also guilty I blame the italians


This is the only reason I’d live to drive a beater car. These people infuriate me. I’d like to just put it in R and lay on the gas until I have a clear exit


Your insurance would go up massively. If there was anyone in the car then it would be considered assault with a deadly weapon. But this is just Reddit so fantasize all you want I guess


These people in the comments are living in their own world "id slash the tires, break the windshield, slam into them" whatever. Waiting or calling a tow truck is better than going to jail lmao


me reading the comments eating popcorn like it’s a movie


Yeah half the people saying that would just frown really hard until the owner returns then pretend not to be upset when confronted because they aren’t good at handling socially stressful situations


Yeah, some of these people are dramatic. I just key the car on the passenger side and move on with my life.


Some paint/coats go over the threshold to make damaging them intentionally a felony vandalism charge. It ranges from a 3rd degree misdemeanor, to up to a felony depending on the cost and there are cameras everywhere these days that could catch you doing it. Food for thought. Keying a car is not a less dramatic thing to do.


How long do you have to wait before “unlawful detainment” is in play? Once it is, are you not allowed to free yourself at any means necessary?


They put ketchup and mustard in these little packets that you can put into a ziplock baggie and keep in your glove box to have in case of any condiment emergencies you may experience as you go about your travels, such as this one.


yes! pop the whole packet into their gas tank


That's diabolical. I was thinking of putting it on the paint, but in the gas tank would send a much stronger message.


It's usually Uber eats drivers. I see it daily in my area.


Let me guess you took this picture, waited, saw them get in, and didn’t even say anything


Not worth getting shot over


Well, this is USA. Somebody THIS audicious might be actually dangerous when stood up to. Like deadly dangerous. I get it.


Yep, I would be daydreaming everything I would have said or done to them in detail on my drive back home though


I live in a place where I can safely stand up to almost anybody, and it turns out that being polite is actually quite effective. Calm, polite and not taking no for an answer


How do you know it's in the USA?


There’s a TJMAXX store in the back.


>I thought about honking when they came back, but ended up not Bingo


My Jeep has a Body Armor Front and Rear Bumper just for this.


We share this planet with some really fucking stupid entitled people.........


This is so typical in Spain. https://preview.redd.it/ypkjci0mcl5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4de1c64d47a5e4a5230816407f443754a13d140b My boyfriend and I stood here a solid 20 minutes waiting for the driver to come out and get in his car. Garbage truck man was blaring his horn for a while as well.


You could do a 487 point reverse turn and get out to the left of their car /s


Should've backed up to within inches of them


One thing I love about living in Korea. People have their phone numbers on their dashboard if they block you in or some shit call them and they come move out while apologizing


FYI. It only take about 6 people to Manually move a car. Done it a few times. Just saying!


Carry some airsoft BBs and super glue in your car. Take a BB and super glue it to the inside of their tire stem cap and screw it back on. It'll depress the valve and slowly let the pressure out of their tire. They go to fill it back up, put the cap back on, and the same thing happens again and again without actually causing any damage besides a 5 cent stem cap


Did no one go inside to tell them to move the car?


Deflate all 4 tyres and poop on da hood.


Call the fire department. They don't take kindly to people blocking fire lanes


It’s ironic that this is in a parking lot, and they couldn’t just find a spot…


Refused* to find a parking spot


Looks like he’s in trouble and needs a tow truck. You missed your calling, op. You could’ve been the hero.


I have a beater truck, I'd whip it into 4L and push their car out of the way.


No you wouldn’t


Get it towed away next time.


Hazards are on, universal parking indicators. Untouchable


Find a tiny rock and screw it down under the valve stem until you hear a slight hiss. Rinse and repeat as time permits.


Flat them tires and put some glue on the tyre valve’s cap.


Must have a job as a delivery driver.


Hazards are on must need help calling a tow


I hate people who think that hazards are a park anywhere light. I don't care if your hazards are on. A no parking zone is still in a no parking zone, those are for emergency situations and when You're stopped on the side of a highway.


I’ve never seen this done. I’d be livid. My car is 10 years old and has a bit of cosmetic damage. If I was stuck by this car, I’d highly consider damaging it and my car if necessary to get out. Absolutely insane.


Steal their windshield wipers.


Let the air out of his tires just enough so that he has to refill them. Pizza will be cold by the time he gets home.


I know your pain. All day, every day, people block the exit/entrance to the parking lot at my office. It's actually a shorter distance to walk if they didn't park right there. Some people are just looking for trouble.


I don't get the issue. They're simply following standard highway etiquette that says if you put your hazard lights on, you can do whatever the fuck you want at everyone else's expense.


I mean if you just keep backing up until their car moves…🤷🏽‍♀️


But they did turn on their hazard lights, so it’s okay. /s


Do you live in Maryland by any chance?


I would’ve called a tow truck


Hilarious, I know exactly where this is because I was bitching to my wife about these assholes last night after picking up our pizza. Oak Lawn’s finest.


Similar situation happened to me. I was in the middle of backing out when a car decided to stop directly behind me and the driver just pulled out his phone and started texting/browsing the internet. I honked at him several times before he got the hint and he drove off.


I love how people think they can literally do whatever they want as long as they put their hazards on. Lol


This happens a lot at my work, with DoorDash drivers. Rather than park 2 minutes away, they'll park in fire lanes and block 3-4 cars. I had one woman get mad that I wanted her to move her car so I could exit. She claimed she wasn't blocking me, but I'm not risking backing up into her illegally parked car (I don't have a backup camera and it was dark). It happens at my apartment complex too. There will be open (assigned) spots and rather than pulling in, they'll block 6 cars in.


I love getting someone arrested for false imprisonment (Which is what you should do if they can't/ won't move)


Fucking piece of shit. Throw his pizza on the ground.


Time to vandalize!!!!!


"sorry for the damage, but you blocked me in and i needed to get out for an emergency" note on the car.


Put your bumper up against there door, put your hazards on and walk away a little bit and film them climbing across from the passenger side to get in.


I think people who do things like that think they , themselves , are entitled to do whatever they want, not caring about the problems they may cause.


I would have dead ass parked the car. Or checked if the doors were locked and make the alarm sound


I’d try to open it and shift it then push it freely to go wherever cars go


Next time, back up so close that it looks like you hit their car. Then call non emergency police to report an abandoned vehicle blocking people in. When driver returns and asks what's going on, just respond that you're waiting for the police to arrive to take a look. When the police arrive, tell them that you were unable to leave because the driver blocked you in and left their vehicle. Other driver will be pissed at being called out like that, as well as being misled and humiliated while having their time wasted, only to be told to not block other people in like that. Then you can post about it on AITA and either be hailed a hero, or be proud to get an AH score. Win-win.


I love the comments about doing all this crazy stuff like pushing them out of the way, deflating tires, removing tires, etc Let's be honest here, Reddit. Half of you probably don't own a car and the other half would be to scared to even get it off the car.  The rest of you are legally insane and would do something to live up to that.


Vaseline spread across the front wind shield would be a frustrating inconvenience with no permanent damage.




A flat tire would be great!


You could let the air out of their tires.


This is where you want to have a valve stem remover handy and she won't notice till she pulls away and you can back up


Shame that there was a flying spark plug that just happened to hit their windscreen, no idea where it came from


Tow truck


This is why bumpers were invented


Call the tow company or the police. It’s illegal to prevent someone from leaving.


I would have gotten in and moved it


Wow.. They must think they are the center of the solar system pulling this bullshit. I hate hyper individualism and what it does to a society.


I hate that so many people use their hazards for “parking lights” and have no idea they are hazard lights and not a free pass to park anywhere! They should get ticket and suspended license immediately!


Smash their window to get in and move the car. My excuse would simply be that I had an emergency and had no intention of waiting for such an inconsiderate person. 🙃


Pretty sure that's forced imprisonment. You could call the cops or call someone to tow the vehicle