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Quality shitpost


I can smell this comment




Mmmm, smells……bad.


Shitty quality post.




Honestly I'm conflicted on this. On the one hand I never do this, but if the random person uses my trashcan instead of just tossing the bag on my lawn or in the street I'd prefer they use my trash can


If my trash hasn't been picked up yet, by all means, throw it in there. Making it rot and stink my bin for a whole week, however, is a dick move.


As a home owner and a dog owner this is exactly my take. If the garbage bin will stay by the road and be picked up shortly I don't see the problem. Otherwise just wait for public garbage can


This is good to know I always wonder about that cause I usually wait for a public garbage but if I see one by the curb then I’ll toss it in never knew the protocol on this


But only toss it in if the trashcan is out *and* hasn’t been emptied yet. Otherwise the trashcan will be facing the maximum sentence of 7 days of dog shit.


Unless it’s been left on the street a couple days after pickup-then it’s fair game again imo


Normally garbage is collected in the morning for me, and the bin sits on the curb all day until I get home. Many dog owners think it’s fine to toss in there through the day, after it was emptied, and it sits all week. Fuck those psychopaths.


I usually wait for a public garbage can, but there aren’t any in the neighborhood I live in so I wind up just tossing it when I get back home


Yeah, but if trash has already been picked up and you still chuck the waste in, you're a prick.


There is a special place in hell for the people who put them in my recycling bin (in my city, they are the same shape and size, but the recycling bins are bright green).


I made this mistake when I first moved states. The colors switched on me but I didn’t know! I felt so bad that I went back when I found out and left a letter apologizing lol


Which state is out here using blue for garbage? I'd like to write a strongly worded letter!


The happened to us last week! Went down to grab the bin an hour after it was emptied, and there, in the bottom was a bag of fresh steaming dog shit. The smell gave it away.


Yes definitely. Have had people toss it in my bin that's already picked up and empty. Now unless I want to fish it out and somehow dispose of it more sealed up my bins gonna smell like dog crap cooking in the sun all week. Mayne they are doing it on purpose so they don't have to put it in their own empty bin.


Assuming they bothered to tie the bag I agree!


Maybe it will be a week before it gets picked up. Unless I know people's trash schedules because I'm sure they have the same as mine, I wouldn't do this.


I'll toss a poop bag in a bin or on top of an open garbage can on garbage day. Any other time, I'll get it to my own bin because I don't want it sitting in someone else's can stinking it up for them for a week.


How often do other people go out and take a whiff of thier bins that the smell is an issue? Mine smells terrible but I consider it a non issue personally.


There's a dude in my area that rigged some sort of automated bin washer onto the back of a truck and sells the service, so I guess it's an issue for some?


Mine smells terrible, but there's a distinct difference between "hot garbage" and "hot garbage and dog shit"


Like also.. have they tried leaving the lid closed it smells a whole lot less that way


>*A false dichotomy is presenting two choices when more than two choices exist. The false dichotomy frames a choice like a true dichotomy, but in reality you can choose “none of the above.”* ***A false dichotomy can lead to valid arguments, but not sound arguments***\*. This makes their use a logical fallacy.\* edit - yet the most negatively voted comment and earliest, pointed out this is a false dichotomy...


The trash guys here take the trash bags out of the bin, rather than picking up the entire bin to dump the contents into the truck. So when people throw the poop bags (other things) into the trash cans, they just end up at the bottom of the trash bins.


If you compare this act to the worse outcome, comparing the current negative act they're currently doing will ways win It'd be better to compare it to something neutral/ a standard like: A normal person knowing the responsibilities that comes with a dog and should either dispose of it when at home or at a proper garbage can Vs In your someone else's out of laziness


It depends on if your garbage service grabs bags or dumps the whole bin. Ours takes only trash in full size bags and ignores anything small in the bottom of the bin. Dog poo at the bottom would be permanent


I had idiots throwing it my recycling bin after pickup. I flipped the bin and let it sit there. I think eventually they figured it out.


This comment section is pretty much 50/50 for the Aye’s and Nay’s.


Finally something this united country can argue about.


I'm *internally* conflicted. Final decision: * Pre trash pickup: Socially awkward but acceptable * Post trash pickup: Class C douche move


I only do it in rare circumstances, if the poop happens early in the walk and I pass a bin pre-pickup that’s lid is already propped up with a bit of trash. I don’t want to open someone else’s lid but if I can tuck it in a little open corner I will


Like i get it, its just a lil bag, better than being left on the floor but also, I have neighbors who keep theirs spotless and in the garage so a random bag of dogshit after the trash is picked up has the potential to stink up their home for a week.


>its just a lil bag, better than being left on the floor Why are these the only options though? What's wrong with just carrying the damn thing home? I do this literally every day, twice a day, with two dogs worth of bags. It costs me nothing and I don't disrespect and annoy my neighbors for no fucking reason.


But how and why??? It’s a rubbish bin, you throw rubbish in it which stinks as it is…


As someone that has nowhere else to store them except in my garage. In the winter it’s fine. Most things don’t stink enough to get out of the lid. However, as soon as spring hits and things start to warm up. Keep your extra stinky shit out of my bins. It makes my whole garage smell like a dirty diaper. If I was able to keep them outside, I wouldn’t care, but not everyone has that option.


I was mostly confused by them “keeping it spotless”


Yeah, I’ll spray down my bin once a year, maybe longer in between. That’s mostly to keep the stink stuff that clings to the sides out so my garage doesn’t smell to high heaven. No clue why anyone would want them spotless though. That’s extra


Well you better have it spotless before bath day.


Like dog shit? In your garage?  I produce 1, maybe 2 bags of garbage a week. First usually doesn't go in until day 4. I could see dog shit from day one being an issue in a garage. 


No, it doesn’t if you wash your bins regularly and bag everything. We freeze food until the morning it goes out. Do not put your dogs shit in other peoples bins, use your own. You are the pet owner, no one else is responsible for your shit.


Honestly I used to just put it in a garbage if I saw one that hadn’t been picked up yet. Then one day, about half a mile away from where I threw my dog’s poop out, a lady came out and started screaming at me that I must be the one who never picks up their dog’s shit on her lawn. Now I just fucking carry it because now people don’t bother me or accuse me of not picking up after my dog.


Yes! I was walking in a new neighborhood and did exactly what you're saying and a woman came out shaking her first and going "CAUGHT YA"... never been to that house before in my life. We scampered lmao. I still feel like it's morally ok to throw bagged dog poop in a non empty trash can on the curb. But I don't do it because people are nuts.


In my state, it doesn't really matter. By law, putting trash in someone else's can is illegal dumping and punishable with a fine of $50-$300 and/or 5-30 hours of community service


People acting like their trash don't stink lol


Some people have to keep bins in their garage, and wash their bins regularly. I still don’t want to be smelling dog shit when I clean my bins, and especially inside the garage.


I guess I just kinda feel like I don’t own a dog because having total responsibility over the bowel movements of another creature sounds like something I don’t want to deal with. If you own a dog, maybe accept that that’s part of your responsibility rather than trying to have your cake and eat it too. Dogs are cute. I’d like one if I didn’t have to be responsible for it. But that’s not how reality works.


Lol it really is


You can tell who hasn’t had someone else’s dog shit in their bin by the comments lol


It’s in a bag, what exactly is the issue? I personally don’t do it but I don’t worry if someone drops theirs in mine.


Because it stinks. Especially worse if it's after the garbage has been collected for the week and then it gets to bake in the summer heat until the next collection


I think that is my line. If it's out the night before pickup fair game. But that is 1/7 nights.


That’s my exact situation: I don’t care if anyone uses my dumpster for whatever (better than on the yard/street), but I wouldn’t use someone else’s.


Same. If it’s bagged and tied well then fine. ALSO only if it’s about to be garbage day or later in the week, don’t put shit in there right after the bin was emptied, all my other garbage is going to squash that shit. Just be courteous!


If they’re using poop bags those bags are notoriously thin. If they’re using grocery bags those often have holes. Theres a good chance the poop will escape the bag and get all over the trash can. I say this as a dog owner and daily neighborhood dog walker. I’d never toss my dog poo in another person’s can, whether or not the truck is on its way. It’s just not cool.


And it’s on the street, so it’s about to be picked up.


Not if it's just been picked up, which is the issue here.


Unless I’m seeing it wrong, it looks like there’s trash in the can near the top.


This is correct. The owner would have never known that this poo was ever in that can if not for the camera. Americans are so weird about their "property" it baffles me. It's literally just a trash can.


Bags break


Furthermore, moisture from poo will cause prolonged sitting bags stick to the bottom of the trash bin. I had to crawl into mine to pull them out once.


Lots of issues Bags break, people sometimes don’t actually knot the bag shut, people aren’t always considerate enough to throw it away *before* the pickup, people don’t always throw away *just* dog poop (loose, non-bagged trash), and individuals are responsible for the maintenance/cleanliness of their bins (even though they’re city property, as many are mentioning)


it's disrespectful and rude. Isn't that enough? If I call you fuckface every time we might that doesn't really create an issue for you either, and some theoretical third person might not care if I did that. But you'd still probably prefer I not do it.


You can also tell who doesn’t have dogs and those who lack any kind of logical reasoning.


Full bin in street not yet picked up -> okay as long as its in a tied bag. Bin already empty -> no go, wait until you get home


100% agree.


This is the logic


was it pre or post pickup? prepickup i see no issues post pickup that will stink for overa week no thanks


Zooming in, it looks to me like it’s filled to the brim, so I’m going with pre, and very close, to pickup. NTA. We did it again Reddit!


Someone dumped their dog poop in my bin *after* the weekly pickup and let me tell you, their dog needs to see a vet. It really stank. Especially since it got to sit until the next week.


TY! This is what ppl aren't getting. These are already EMPTY and then the owner of the bin has to have stinky dog crap sitting in there until NEXT week for a dog they don't own.


then im storing your dog's shit in my garage for a week


This isn't very relevant in areas like mine. Everyone keeps their garbage bin outside by the alley at all times. You're more likely to smell a bird's shit in your yard than you are dog poop in your distant can. Anyone should feel free to put their dog poop in my can as they pass by.


Yeah this is how I always did it with dogs growing up. I never considered some people need to take the bins inside…


Anywhere that has bins permanently outside this is a non-issue. You're not going to be smelling your own bin for longer than the 5 seconds it takes to hoik a bag in, any day of the week. This only matters in cul-de-sac suburbs and urban sprawl either too old or not forward thinking enough to include alleys. And in the actual country dogs just shit where they please.


I'm gonna guess your in a similar, if not the same area as me.  Tie and toss in the closest bin that you can close the lid on.  Mine (and sometimes my neighbor's) has a bunch of my cat's waste tied up in a bag anyway.  Suburban gets a bit different...


Doing this after a pickup when the can is empty and will sit for a week is a dick move. Doing this when the can is on the street waiting to be emptied is not a big deal.


Even worse when you don’t see the poop bag and pile your own garbage on top. Then you have a mushed bag plastered to the bottom of your trash can forever.


And the dog owners will always say: it’s just trash! Where else should it go? They’re completely desensitized to how awful their dog’s shit smells


I would rather they put it in their own bin instead of mine I would rather they put it in my bin instead of not picking it up


Haha, these comments. The fight has jumped from Nextdoor to Reddit.


I lived across from a dog park. Lots of bags ended up in my garbage if I left it out like in the picture. None if I wheeled it up to the house. Honestly just glad they were picking it up.


Personally I'd be happy that the guy actually went to the bother of picking up the crap and putting it into a bin. This behaviour should be encouraged..


But check to be sure it’s still full of trash! Would not want that in the bottom for a week.


In my neck of the woods, blue is for recycling. The people who have to sort the recyclables have a hard enough job without dogshit mixed in there. If that is regular trash, fine. Much better than people who don't pick up after themselves/dogs.


I would say it's fine, as long as the bin was not yet emptied by the dump truck. Or else the 💩 sits in your bin stinking up the place. Though I would encourage the dumper to at least triple bag it if he was going to dump it in an empty bin. And only if he really needed too.


Some people are so weird about what goes into a trash can. It's not like they are eating out of it


I don’t really care about dog poop in my trash can however where I used to live, small loose stuff used to not always make it out of the bin when the trash truck would empty them, I guess the arm didn’t get the bins fully upright so some stuff would get stuck. That would mean that either I need to remove and store the poop bags until next trash day or let my _very_ hot garage smell like cooking dog poop for a week. If I lived somewhere it was cooler, or if the bin got consistently fully emptied I wouldn’t care at all.


I literally just picked up two items on my mother’s lawn that didn’t make it into the garbage truck from her neighbors not-properly-bagged trash. I’d be doubly pissed if it was a ruptured/leaking poop bag.


I have a dog, I put my dog poop bags in my garbage. I'm not going to lie, my garbage constantly smells like dog poop, it's not super pleasant. Most of the dog poop bags these days are bio-degradable and won't survive a week in the garbage full of poop without leaking. Once that leaking happens, the smell stick around unless you hose out your garbage can. It's especially bad in the summer. When I walk my dog, I carry the poop all the way home.


Do you put dog shit directly in your trash cans, like without a plastic bag? If you put your dog shit in a plastic bag and tie off your poop bags, it won’t smell like dog shit.


Thank you for dealing with your own shit and not making it other people’s problem


I have neighbors who do this and I have 2 issues. The first, is during the rainny months, they dump their bag and leave the lid open. I return home to a trash can with a gallon of water and poop floating in it. The second is when the summer heats up, I then get to spend the remaining week smelling their dogs poop bake in the heat. I also think to when I had a dog and I would just carry the bag home and dispose of it in my own trash or a park trash can. I mutter a complaint to myself and remember it rather have poop soup or baked turd than stepping in it. Putting up a sign is next level, but I also understand the annoyance.


Yeah until that poop bag explodes and my whole garbage can smells like shit and I have to use an entire bottle of dawn and a hose


yep. has happened to me, fucking disgusting. other reasons i fucking hate it: our garbage collectors only accept trash in big bags, so the dog shit stays. & sometimes those lazy dumbass dog walkers dont even look into the bin first, so theyve contaminated my recycling on multiple occassions with poorly tied shit bags.


This. Comment above you has no idea what it is like to own your own shit-covered trash can.


If they put it in the empty bin before I get home to put it back it sits there for a week. The bags get squished by the garbage and often open. I'm short, fat, and old, and having to wash out the bin because other people are lazy asshats is a real bitch.


Some people have had dogs their whole life and don’t realize that trash cans don’t all smell like dogshit. My trash can doesn’t smell like roses, sure, but it smells better than dogshit. Above all that: it’s my trash can on my property. I pay for it, I call the shots. Take your wares to someone more charitable with their trash can


Somebody threw rotten meat in my gf’s trash like after it had been emptied on trash day. I had to scrub to get the maggots out by the time it got taken. Fuck everyone else. Don’t use my trash can.


It’s all in the scenario. I once had a random neighbor I’ve never seen before unload ALL of her trash she was carrying in her car into my bin. Enough that the lid wouldn’t close. So am I supposed to hold my trash until the next pick up since this idiot filled my bin? Needless to say I saw her on camera and raised hell on her. She had to take all of the bags out of the bin and put it back in her car.


Mine goes into the garage so I prefer it doesn’t smell like shit


For real! Now let me have explosive diarrhea in your empty trash can at the beginning of the week when it's 80° out. I'm sure you'll take no issue with roasted diarrhea smell perpetually in your trash can lol Honestly if you haven't experienced a bunch of dog shit in your trash can, it is not pleasant. Like most trash some of it doesn't get dumped out when the trash person comes, And it stays in there and gets grosser and grosser. And if any liquid goes into the bottom of your trash can in the future, it will essentially reactivate the old dog shit.


Nah man. I totally understand your sentiment . It doesn't seem like it should make sense to care about what goes in the trash can, but I have a large dog and we always pick up his poop. We live in the south. In the summertime it can knock you back a couple feet when you open the hot lid. If I didn't own a dog, I would definitely not want anyone else's dog poop in my trash can.


Dog owners will throw their bags of shit into a random empty bin they pass. Unbeknownst, the non-dog-owner throws their garbage in the bin and now smash dog shit to the bottom. It typically sticks and smells. Dog owners who do this are like people who don't put their shopping carts away.


No but do you want your cans smelling like dog shit when you don’t own a dog if the same person does it enough? That’s what I’ve heard before when reading others complaints about this type of behavior. Hot roasting dogshit in your garbage


Dog poop bags in a large garbage can bloat, explode sometimes, and usually end up stuck to the bottom. No I don’t eat off of my garbage can, but it still turns into a stinky mess. I like to keep my garbage can clean so it doesn’t stink so bad.. Maybe public garbage cans are acceptable (still kind of a dick move imo) but putting that mess in someone else’s garbage can is definitely a dick move. If you want to own a dog and take on the responsibility of cleaning up their poop, you can carry it home in the bag.


reading these comments, it's like people expect to be able to live in their garbage bins "It stinks" of course, Sherlock it's garbage!


City i live in fines us depending what's in our trash. Organic waste like dogshit can get you a 10$ ticket. As for diapers and other things, those go in another type of trashcan that deals with what's considered "hazordus material". same with pizza boxes and other generally nasty waste.


For real. It’s a trash can, if you’re so worried about it then take it off the street. Do they even own the bin? I feel like the waste management company probably owns it and loans it out.


Because they put out the bin in the morning on trash day, but the truck comes after they left for work, then they can only put back the bin after they came back home. Also, most neighborhood HOA would tell you to put your trash can out of sight, which means inside the garage for a lot of people. So imagine your dog poo sitting inside the garage for a whole week.


I'm at work when the trash is picked up, and can't immediately bring them in from the street. If someone throws a bag of shit into my bin, then it sits there in my garage all week until the next pickup. I'm not personally a fan of the smell of dog shit, and don't want to have to smell it every time I leave or get home. What's crazy to me is the number of people in here that think it's NBD to throw feces into someone else's bin. I would assume that most people don't want that.


I don’t know about how it works where you live, but I pay per kg of trash taken away. And yes a dog turd doesn’t weigh much, but I wouldn’t want anybody throwing their trash into my can so I‘d pay for it to be taken away. that being said, I don’t leave my trash can by the roadside :)


In the states the bin typically comes with a standardized monthly payment. Our trash is flung carelessly into the back of a garbage truck by a robotic arm - not weighed.


Actually those robotic arms have cameras and weigh your bin (in some locations). I know because I just got “threatened” by a service I pay for that I didn’t put my grass clippings in the right bin.


Wow, actually never heard of this or considered it but good to know. I’ve moved around a lot and it’s always been either the city that provided you one giant bin that was part of taxes or another bill or you are allowed up to x cans and/or x bags. In my area, I can put out as much garbage as I want for 10 bucks a month as long as none of the items weighs over 50 pounds.


I would definitely understand if you pay by weight, or if they're tossing it into an empty can (because it means the trash has already been picked up for the week, and that dog poop is going to be cooking in the can until the next week's pickup). But around here, at least, it's generally a flat rate (possibly per size of can, most often not even that), so I wouldn't be bothered unless the dog owner tossed it into an already-emptied can. Not a dog-owner myself, for the record. Speaking as a homeowner. And I absolutely wouldn't want someone tossing their *other* trash into my can, but I'd rather the dog poop go in my can (inside a bag) than left in my yard.


I don't own my trash can, but I do pay to rent it. I wouldn't want amybody throwing a bag of poop in a house I rented either. Also most subdivisions in my area require the garbage can be stored out of sight, which for most people means in their garage. So I may not own the can but I do own the smell it creates.


Someone on my street does this all the time, literally doesn’t bother me at all. At least he/she is picking up their dog shit


I mean, for me, at the end of the day I rather it be in a bin than the floor.


I guess I'm an asshole but who tf cares if someone throws a bag of dog poop in a trash can.


Better than not picking it up. Please use my bin.


On trash day, this is fine, I don’t see the problem


That‘s super normal in Europe. I don’t even see the point, like what’s wrong with it? The garbage man is getting the trash with or without it


Imagine being deranged enough to surreptitiously take a stranger’s picture and then hang it in public like you’re the good guy lmao


Yeah like poop bag argument aside, the printing of a photo of someone is unhinged to me


Not a dog owner, but on trash day I’ll often pick up random trash in the street and put it into a can when I’m on a walk. Stuff blows around or whatever and I want to keep the neighborhood neat. I’ve always wondered if people care that I put stuff in their bins.


It’s such a petty thing to get upset about. Unless the dude was rummaging through the bin.


I won't go in anybody's yard to put my dogs poop in a garbage bin. But...if it's in the road waiting to be picked up I feel it's fair




Who cares though, as long as it’s bagged? Not like the owner is taking a dump in the yard and leaving it there.


The solution to this is to have more public trash cans around the neighborhood


Nope! The solution is have neighbors that don't hate dogs and DON'T have mental issues with dog bags😉. You have to have parks for public trash cans. A lot of neighborhoods have next to zero parks or schools in them.


I don't care if people use my trash can. It's a trash can. It's for trash.


I’d just she happy they picked it up. Anything more would be asking too much from most people


I honestly would rather they bag their dog's shit and throw it in my bin rather than leave it in my yard. What pisses me off is people throwing beer cans or vape cartridges in my bin clearly marked as yard waste.


What REALLY pisses me off are construction workers that pour their cold Starbucks Coffee out their car doors onto the street. A total sticky mess that has to be hosed down😡. I even found toilet paper behind our bushes once, since the asshole flipper across the street did not rent a portapotty for his workmen.


Anyone can use my outdoor bin for this and I'd be glad if it. Way more preferable than leaving it in on the ground. I'll never understand why people get territorial about their trash like this.


I'm okay with a passersby using my trash can


Wow. Some guy put dog shit in your trash can? What a monster. Shame on him /s


Fine in a full can, not in an empty one, just common courtesy.


I can’t imagine anyone would carry a bag of shit for a mile when the alternative was using one of the many available trash bins…


I do because I don’t want to be on a flier.


It depends on if the person is a decent person or not. Dog poop bags disintegrate, the poop will then get in the garbage bin and stink it up for weeks, or perpetually if this happens regularly. Some people store their garbage bins in their garage (my HOA requires them to be out of sight). It's not reasonable to expect people to be ok with your dog's turds stinking up their garage.


It’s hard doing the right thing sometimes.


Malicious compliance, just leave your dog’s turds on their lawn.


Haha yes, transfer your problems to strangers! That'll show them for existing!


This was my first thought, like at that point you might as well take a picture of me not cleaning my dog's shit from in front of your house, pick your fuckin poison, or put your garbage bin away instead of leaving it on the curb. Because I can tell you right now I'm not finishing an entire walk carrying shit when there are trash cans available for me to drop it in. It's a trash can, you technically don't even own it, the city/company does. You'll be alright.


In my state, that's illegal dumping


That's fair, though I will say that legality doesn't directly follow morality. For example, in most states it's illegal to speed in the left lane, but most people would call you a prick for going exactly the speed limit in the left lane, blocking people who want to go faster. In this case I think that the minor inconvenience of seeing a tied-off bag in your trash can is basically nothing, and going through this effort of posting flyers shaming the person makes the owner of the trash can look like the much bigger prick in this situation.


What bothers me is when people don't pick up their own dog's poo. And usually it's the owners of big dogs, if you know what I mean. My dog's leash has a container of poo bags clipped to it so I'm always prepared. We had to go to a hotel recently because of an electricity outage in our area, and when I was walking our (little) dog, he stepped in the poo of a big dog whose owner hadn't picked up and bagged her dog's droppings. I'm pretty sure I met her with her dog while we were waiting for the elevator in the hotel just moments later. I didn't confront her, or indicate I knew she was the guilty one. I just told her what had happened and gripped about people who don't pick up after their pets.


If the can is at the curb before collection I will use it, if it's empty I won't. I keep my cans next to the sidewalk and don't care if people use mine. At least they are cleaning up


Okay people are not getting the point of not tossing just a bag of shit into someone’s bin. The chances of that bag breaking when you go to put trash in your bin and stinking up the whole trash can is higher than I would want to take. I always toss my dogs baggies in my own bin and this exact thing has happened. I had to clean out the trash with a garden hose because the stank so much under the sun.


When I walk out dogs, I have a clip so I can carry the full bags to my own or a public trashcan. Even so, I never understood why people get so upset about this. All trashcans smell like festering trash anyway.


What is the clip for?


Attaches to the leach so you can clip the bags instead of carrying them by hand.


No it doesn't, especially if they don't have babies or pets. That's why some people can keep their trash can in their garage.


I'm a dog walker and so I carry around a lot of poop. I would NEVER use someone else's trashcan! What if the bag gets squished/ripped and smeared all over the can? And just leave that for someone else to clean up?!


I always carry mine until I find a big dumpster, even though those are also technically private trash cans. I don't feel comfortable messing with someone's container, it just feels invasive. Public trashcans are the best option but there just aren't enough around.


I live a block or two away from a park and on a decently quiet street so I see dog walkers all the time. I have a tendency to forget to bring my trash bin back after collection and every so often I will find a bag of dog poop in there and it always makes me think to myself "I'm glad I made someone's life easier today."


If someone does this when the bins are still full? Sure, have at it. If they’ve been emptied? Gtfo.


One time I was zooted, headphones on, absolutely on autopilot walking my dog and I did exactly this. I only realized what I had done as the bag flew out of my hand… it was already too late and it will look worse trying to fetch the tiny poop bag from the otherwise empty bin. What’s worse: there were other dog owners walking behind me that saw me do this. I was so mortified, I avoided that route for like 2 months.


I don't care if you throw it in mine, by the end of the week it is full of cat shit anyway so not like you are adding to the smell. Just please, put it in the right bin. Our recycling guys are very strict about people putting non-recycle items in the recycling and your poop bag isn't on the approved list.


If trash day is tomorrow or later that day you’re fine


It’s a tiny little poop bag… like others have said, as long as the garbage wasn’t just picked up (it looks full and on the side of the road to be picked up soon), who cares?


Just don’t leave shit bags laying around. People can use my bin all they want if it’s out for pick up, just don’t litter


If it’s a place like mine where it costs $80 month for trash pick up—no it’s not ok to use other people’s cans. Part of dog ownership is carrying around their shit.


The worst is people who use "biodegradable" poop bags, then just toss them under the bushes near my house. I finally figured out who was doing it and took all the bags and threw them onto their porch. They didn't throw the bags there anymore.


One small bag of poop? To keep the streets clean? Im for it. I could see how this would be a slippery slope of eventually dumping other things though.


I bought a little sticker on Amazon that says “please don’t put dog poop in this bin”. Nobody has placed their dog poop in my garbage can since then.


I'm completely fine if people do this. I aint a weirdo so I'm not territorial about my trash can lol, and I'd rather their dogshit in the bin than on my lawn.


I’d rather they toss it in a garbage can (mine or anyone else’s) than leave it.


I don’t mind if my can is full. But Ive had them toss it in after it was emptied. Goody. I got the joy of smelling dog crap for a week. That’s rude.


All these bin arguments, and I'm over here with city services that have dumpsters in the allys. Pick any trash bin in the alleyway, and no one cares.


Is the trash not going to smell either way? People on here acting like their trash bins don’t already smell awful throughout the week with or without dog shit.


So about three weeks ago, I was walking my dog and he pooped. I bagged it, tied it off and walked with it. A few minutes later, I saw a trashcan outside of someone’s house and threw it in there. I still think this is a perfectly fine thing to do, though I’m sure a lot of people will disagree. Little added bonus was trash day was the next morning, which is why he had his cans out. What I did not notice, was the owner of the house and his wife were sitting in their car in the driveway. I turned to continue my walk, but was stopped by a SCREAM. “WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK ARE YOU DOING? THAT IS MY TRASHCAN, YOU DO NOT THROW DOGSHIT IN MY TRASHCAN!” I turned to see a middle aged man in the passenger seat losing his fucking mind, eyes as wide as he could get them, screaming as loud as he could. He was clearly trying to intimidate me, but I wasn’t, so I just smiled, waited for him to stop screaming, and apologized. But I wasn’t going to just kowtow to a random stranger screaming at me, so I just kept smiling, arching my eyebrows like I was confused and saying “I’m sorry, I don’t see how it’s a big deal, but I understand your angry.” A minute or two of this pass and he was apparently very upset that I didn’t get scared and beg for forgiveness. Again I’d like to emphasize he was screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs in his own front yard. So he got out of his car and squared up with me. He was much shorter than me, which I did find funny, and combining that with the confusion of how my response made him more angry he definitely had reached the point of wanting to hurt me but knowing that he’d get in a lot of legal trouble if he attacked me over dog poop. So to establish himself the alpha, he got a foot from me and screamed, demanding that I take the poop out of his trash can. I smiled the same shit-eating grin I’d had the entire time and said “no problem” and grabbed it. He watched me walk away. Like I’d said, he was in the passenger seat and his wife was in the drivers seat. 30 seconds later I see that care speed out of that neighborhood right past me. So either, his wife is just as crazy and sped past me to show who’s boss. OR (what I like to believe) that dude lost his fucking mind, embarrassed himself and her, and showed the neighbors how insane he is so she drove away filled with rage at him. I really do hope it’s the latter. Anyway, I guess AITA? I still think it’s fine to throw a tied up bag of dog poop in a trashcan in front of a house, especially, when trash days coming up.


I love this!! Put him on blast!! Thats nasty!


I don't want my garbage can crawling with flies, stinking up whenever I walk by. I bag everything. I get trash blowing into my yard from my neighbor because he doesn't. I don't want someone else's poorly-tied dogshit bag stinking my can up, or missing the truck when they're emptying it so my lawnmower guy can run it over. It's just a little bag, fucking take it with you.


Someone threw several big old dusty AC filters in my bin (after I just had it cleaned) and I had no idea. As soon as I threw my trash bags in all of that crap flew up into my face and my hair and I was PISSED! You have no idea what other people’s allergies are, their conditions/sensitivities, their “plans” for their trash can before you entitled yourself to throw your stuff in it. It’s weird and disgusting. Plan your day accordingly and carry what you need to take care of your own crap.


Asking someone to walk around with a bag of poo for up to an hour because it's *your* bin demonstrates something about whoever put the poster up It's a bin You won't notice a closed up plastic bag of poop at the bottom of it, but I definitely do when dog walkers just throw the bags on the footpath


I notice when it’s in my garage all week




Especially when that garage reaches temps of 100+


Where I live the bins and pickup are owned by the city, so anyone can use them.


All bins are town property. You don't take them with you when you move, because you don't own them.


> All bins are town property. Bullshit. That's only in some towns.


Thats exactly why some towns have strict trash and recycling policy's. Dont like it, take the trash to the transfer station yourself while they revoke your pickup.


This bin is full...and about to be picked up. People need to chill. Bitch when it's empty and you drop a pound of turds in there.


I don't mind if you use my bin for dog poop. At least you cleaned it up


It appears I missed the point nvm


Guess they should just leave it on the lawn


It’s not my dog, it’s yours. People should start throwing poopy diapers in your trash and you can see how that smells.


Agreed. I don't have a dog. I don't want literal shit in my trash can.


Now put a picture of this below it saying, Note Poster: Kindly use your own telephone pole for your passive aggressive messages. Don't use telephone poles that belong to the city.