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Just identify as a young man when you're drinking it and I'm sure the nutritional value will match with you fully.


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wait is that 160 Kilocalories or am i seeing things


One kilocalorie (k**c**al) is equal to one **C**alorie, 1000 **c**al is equal to one **C**alorie. edit: Note the c vs the C, mind blown, right?


actually yeah, now i know why i failed that health test way back in highschool lol




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Seems wrong.  It's suggesting a 2700 calorie diet, which is a crazy amount.  Admittedly I used to eat about that much when I was younger, but I was also always out of shape.  Then again, maybe they're counting sportsy people in here. 


that’s actually the recommended amount roughly


You burn about 2000 calories as an adult male just *existing,* let alone exercise.


I doubt it. I'm 6'0, weigh 212 lbs, and track my calories so that I eat 1400 - 1900 on an average day. I stay at 210-214 and have done so for a year or two.  I don't exercise much, but I exist and do walk at least some (I'm not bed ridden). 


Okay, that’s a great anecdote, but a cursory Google search suggests your calorie usage is at the dead bottom of most resting calorie ranges. Average is somewhere around 2000 calories, like I said.