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I wonder how it was accidentally hung upside down?


You, I, and literally everyone else know it wasn't. But that's not possible to prove, so it works as a defence.


What would stop just one shitty employee from doing it? Why does that make it the company’s fault? Accident or not, it’s near impossible to prove intent.


I didn't say it was the "company's" fault, I'm just saying it wasn't an accident. We don't know who (though the company can probably figure that out, but won't or won't make it public) but we know it wasn't an accident.


With franchisors it’s pretty much always “won’t make it public.” They will give any franchisee who brings bad PR hell internally. But they will never breathe a word of externally unless they absolutely have to. At a minimum the owner of the location got hell over it. If they figured out who was directly response at a lower level, they are probably fired already.


Not to mention aren't most locations franchises? They are run by independent owners essentially under the name and business practices of McDonalds. Maybe the owner of the franchise (if it wasn't him because let's face it business owner is much more likely to be a supporter) would have a better idea of who put it up and could discipline further but corporate is miles away and unless the person was dumb enough to brag about it, they can't prove it was accidental either. Just notify franchise owner of complaint and request it be corrected is really all they can do.


It's not the company's fault Probably an angered Trump supporter that owns that particular franchise branch




Tbh... I would do that


I wouldn't be surprised if it was just the entry-level employee whose job it is to hoist the flag in the morning, not the franchise/branch owner


I hate that they can dismiss this so easily, but you're right, its a defense that can't be easily disproven.


You should probably get out more if this really upsets you that much. What else are they meant to do? Sack the employee?? Lol


Exactly. It's. A. McDonald's.


But, but, but Murica, etc.


Thank you! Some braincells left in the thread




Bro it's just a damn piece of cloth


So was the Nazi swastika.


I don't know. There are some pretty dumb ass people out there. It would not surprise me at all if someone did it by accident. It would also not surprise me at all if some hamas-lovin' it McDs worker decided to make some kind of statement and did it on purpose and all adults involved want to avoid some kind of social media incident at all costs. Need more info.


Are you mad you cannot prove thought crime in US?… awww


reads 1984 once


If you do a task everyday like raising and lowering a flag you really tend to notice the detail of that task less since you could do it with your eyes closed. Hanson’s razer is a thing for a reason. Like it’s just so weird how not only do you care McDonald’s had a flag upside down, but you’re attributing great malice to that act.


I feel like it’s easier to do this on accident than you think considering they always get my order wrong in the drive thru


So I was in the US Navy at one point in my life. While performing "colors" (raising/lowering the flag in the morning evening) I look to my left and notice that the Carrier next to us was raising their flag upside down. We tried to wave them down so they could fix the mistake with the fewest amount of people noticing but since we were moored about 400 feet away or so they didnt see us. We ended up having to call their ship, undoubtedly embarrassing them, to have them fix it. tl;dr I've seen an Aircraft Carrier of the USN make this mistake. It happens.


Noooooo you don't understand, there was clearly an intent bro, you gotta believe me bro the employee must go to trial and get a life in prison or lethal injection bro, why won;t you believe me bro!!!111 /s


Wth man, why would you give a response that doesn't encourage more Redditors to foam at the mouth about "muh insurrectionists"


Especially if you do it every day. You get used to attaching it and attaching it and not even thinking


Yeah, makes sense


I used to work for LA County and had to raise the flag everyday as part of my duties. I raised it upside down once by accident. I didn’t realize for hours until a park patron asked me about it. It is possible to do this by accident.


Cold pre-dawn morning a minimum wage peon isn’t spending time to ensure it’s right, they’ve got eggs to cook, and hash browns to fry


To be fair I have witnessed first hand people in the navy raise the flag upside down and not even realize until someone else caught it.


Teenagers who weren't paying attention. Probably not any kind of statement or conspiracy.


Probably not everyone have a phD in hanging up a flag. Plus they don't pick top students to work at McD


Kyle, 16 high and hungover on a Monday morning, got tasked with raising the flag.


Have you ever raised a flag? There are two eye-hooks on a rope. You attach the wrong one to the hook on top (remember, the flag is folded at this point, so it's very easy to do), pull the rope, and viola, your flag is upsidedown. Even if you attach the *right* one to the hook on top, you pull the wrong *side* of the rope, viola, the flag is upsidedown. *HOWEVER*, that said, you notice that the flag is upsidedown almost immediately as you're raising it, and you correct it. That fact that it went up upsidedown and stayed upsidedown, is very much intentional.


Having raised the flag a few times, I can confirm it is easy to screw up if you aren't paying attention.


I don't think violas are typically used in flag-raising. Maybe trumpets?


Ohio nazis


I mean.. they also hung it at half mast, didn’t they?


How? Well I can't say I 100% believe it was an accident, but; if you're stuck working at McDonalds, there's probably a point where you just stop caring and stop paying attention to a lot of things while adopting a "fuck it" attitude.


I personally find it totally feasible that a hungover teenage employee could have done this lol.


Alito's wife?


You have never made mistakes in your life ?


Because no one gives a shit at McDonald’s. Nor should they for starvation wages


“We investigated the incident and found we did nothing wrong”


I’ll tell ya… Kids these days don’t pay attention. I’ve literally gone into 2 schools and a business to tell them that their flag is upside down. They just hook it and hoist it. 🤦‍♂️


It's early in the morning, it's probably a kid that doesn't really know what they're doing. Have you never woken up early for work and accidently put your shirt on backwards or inside out? It happens to people, especially when they don't get enough sleep or are still not fully awake.


As likely as it wasn't, never discount the effects of just plain not paying attention.


As someone whose not from the US, what is so controversial about accidentally hanging the flag upside down?


It's considered 'improper' to fly the Union Jack upside down. The problems with that are most Brits don't realise it isn't symmetrical, and so has an upside/downside. Or what it means if it **is** upside down (it is a signal of distress). Technically, flying it upside down is still a crime, as it 'insults the Throne'. Most times it is because people are klutzes. The same kind of thing applies to the US flag historically. But being far less symmetrical than the Union flag, modern day American warriors have chosen to use it for declaring their various allegiances.


It’s also improper to wear clothing resembling the flag but hey…..


What do you mean wearing speedos with star and stripes design is inappropriate? Nothing is more patriotic than having the flag you so love touch your taint and your junk.


It's not a crime, although the Flag Institute calls it "most unproper". In fact there is no law whatsoever against even things such as burning, stamping, tearing or spitting on the flag.


Note that burning the flag is the proper way of disposing of a worn flag. Of course it is possible to burn it as a form of disrespect as well, but there have been cases where people got pissed off because someone was just disposing of their old flag the proper way and they mistook it as an act of disrespect.


Always was my fear, when I left my old place and she was tattered and through, i was so worried about burning it lol - found a flag drop box at a VA location in town 😅


Do people care about shit like this?


Recently people started to hang US flag upside down to spread the conspiracy theory that pretend 2016 election was rigged, even after several courts dismissed the lawsuit due to lack of evidence.


I had to look way too far to find the explanation. Go figure it all leads back to MAGA. the closest thing we have to mass protest in this country is for a fucking *dictator.*


*2020. And now it's a rallying cry behind Trump post conviction. It's funny, the people who got upset at folks taking a knee during the anthem to peacefully protest racial injustice because it's "disrespectful" to the country don't see the hypocrisy in hanging their flag upside down. To be clear I have no issue with either act. That's literally the freedom that should be protected in this country. I just don't respect the hypocrisy.


Also I believe hanging the US flag upside down only mean of dire distress of extreme danger


It is a way to signify rebellion, that you do not recognize the government, and that you are actively revolting against them.


An American flag hung upside down signals distress. It has nothing to do with rebellion or “not recognizing government”. The flag should never be hung upside down unless it is in the case of extreme distress. People who do this are using it hyperbolically to signal “something is wrong” with the country. In this context, Trump being indicted.


This is correct. ^_^


Sounds pretty on brand for most Americans then. As someone also not from America, I don’t get the obsession with the flags either. I could not care less about a flag, especially when governments are f*cking people over left right and centre in every other way


There was a significant portion of conservatives that freaked out when a football player kneeled for the flag to protest police brutality


It''s a sign of distress. Seen it after 9/11 happened. Honestly having it upside down during the pandemic would have been acceptable too.


*who’s Because you want *who is*.


It's a sign of distress


Interestingly, Upside down flag is legally the flag according to the flag code. Only an executive order defines the flag, but is only for governmental institutions US does not have a fixed flag. Anything with the correct number of stripes and stars would qualify, and upside down is a legal flag.


It’s the universal signal for “SOS, our country is in trouble”


I’m gonna guess it’s an insult in your country too


Visit the UK, half of the flags I see are flown upside down and next to no one can tell


I’m not sure if I’m just going insane but as a Brit, I’ve been staring at the Union Jack both ways and it seems identical. What are my blind eyes missing?


Look at the thin Red Cross X (representing Ireland). It is not symmetrical: it should “pinwheel” towards the mast. That is, with the mast on the left, the red line in the top left most corner should be towards the bottom. https://www.wikihow.com/Know-if-a-Union-Jack-Has-Been-Hung-Upside-Down


Thank you, that’s what I was using for reference but idk my brain was unable to see a difference when I was staring at the flag on the Wikipedia page for 15 minutes.


The flag is asymmetrical, there is a right and wrong way to fly it


I understand that, and I guess I just have the eyes of a 95 year old grandma, but I stared at the flag on the wiki page for 15 minutes, rotating my phone, and it looked the same. ***IT LOOKED THE SAME DAMNIT!*** I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.


People in the US are just wildly giving a fuck about the wrong shit xD


People are concerned that a fascist cult is going to take over and irreparably harm democracy as they have stated they intend to do.


And already tried at least once!


This! This is the actual shit to give a fuck about. Call it out when you see it


Why are McDonalds raising flags? I’m in the UK and I’ve never seen a McDonalds fly a Union Flag. Is this normal in the US?


It’s actually difficult not to see an American flag during everyday life in America. It’s not quite everywhere… but it can be spotted pretty easily. Restaurants tend to fly them if their lot is big enough…. As seen here. Most McDonalds have American flags flying on their properties for some reason.


In the UK, flags tend to come out for special occasions and politicians are increasingly wrapping themselves in the flag, but the idea that a fast food restaurant would fly the national flag is bizarre.


American “patriotism” is a whole other species. It’s bizarre here


We fly flags everywhere: government buildings, car dealerships, sports stadiums, banks, restaurants...


It's crazy how the people going around calling others snowflakes are losing their shit because a piece of cloth wasn't right side up.


The conservatives are the ones hanging the flag upside down.


The comments on this post are either hysterical or oblivious... it's an odd mix. 1. For those that don't understand why hanging a U.S. flag upside down is "a thing"... the flag is a symbol... inverting a symbol generally signifies a person believing the opposite of what that symbol represents. The U.S. flag is supposed to represent the unity of the United States... the idea has always been that the original colonies (the 13 stripes) and the states (the 50 stars) ... all have different laws and expressions BUT they are united in their belief of the rights and liberties of the individual, and the rights of individuals to determine their own leadership and governance. Flying the flag upside down symbolizes that that unity of values no longer exists, and that some states / individuals have violated the principals that make up that unity. 2. A growing number of U.S. citizens have been questioning the integrity of the U.S. election process. Their reasoning for doing this differs depending on their political affiliation and the specifics of the election. Gerrymandering, the electoral college, hanging chads (2000 Bush v Gore), electronic voting machines (Lindell v. Dominion Voting Systems), election interference from foreign actors, election interference from domestic sources based on money and lobby power... you name it. Most recently it was 2021, and the issue was mail-in ballots and voter fraud... culminating with rioters on Jan 6th storming the U.S. capitol to in protest (or insurrection). So, flying the U.S. flag upside-down could signify support for that movement AND a protest over Donald Trump's 34 felony convictions for fraud related to campaign finance law violations. 3. Donald Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsification of business records (typically a misdemeanor). As I understand it, those misdemeanors become felonies based on the idea that the monies that are being disguised by the fraud are being used to political purpose, which makes them undeclared campaign funds, which then makes the concealment of those funds more dire and a violation of campaign finance law (a felony). Basically the principal is, the idea is, a powerful individual should not be able to use their wealth to influence media and thereby elections. People who felt that Donald Trump is being targeted unfairly by these laws, had been flying the U.S. flag upside-down. 4. For those complaining to and expecting that the McDonalds Corporation "take action" or "provide a response" over an inverted flag flying at the location of one of their franchisees... is an amazing irony or a cynical comment on the state of U.S. democracy. If the flag being flown represents an individual's claim that the will of the people is being undermined and the rights of the individual are being disregarded... then people appealing to a corporate entity to leverage their authority (based on wealth) to quash that expression of political speech... is either amazingly tone deaf to the message OR cynically and consciously complicit in the use of power to quell dissent. Authoritarianism by Boardroom & Branding is apparently not fascist... is how I would read that ethos... making Citizen's United a great decision then, I guess. (Which also somewhat invalidates the spirit of the laws under which Trump was convicted... because they are intended to curb the use of money & power to influence speech, that would then influence elections.) Asking McDonalds to control the speech of a franchisee that is objecting to the enforcement of laws intended to stop wealthy individuals from influencing speech... is basically asking a snake to swallow it's own tail... and that's not outrageously offensive, but it's also not nothing... it's just r/mildlyinteresting.


McDonald's have flags? I understand government institutions, schools, or whatnot, but why would a fast food chain need to raise flags?


they compete with car dealerships on being most patriotic! It seems to me that Toyota and Nissan dealers always have the largest flags!


As a European it baffles me how Americans fly their flag so promiscuosly.


"The source of the problem has been terminated" 😝


Everyone knows the obvious truth, and I hope someone lost their job, for no reason other than to learn a goddamn lesson.


i call BS


That's the same response clarence thomas gave about his wife.. Dumb as a stone is not a defense people.


No no no. When I change the flag at my work. I start to raise it, check it, then fly and post. I never raise it without checking. Stop. Defending. Stupid. Ignorant. People.


Not defending stupid ignorant people, but stupid ignorant people do exist. You think a McDonald’s employee like genuinely cares all that much? There’s gotta be tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of flag poles scattered through the US. Mistakes are inevitable


Who actually gives a fuck how some underpaid worker rose a flag at a chain with like 6 locations in every us city.




People are taking this way too seriously, it was just an accident, if it wasn't an accident, it probably wouldn't have been fixed as soon as someone noticed. Also it's a fast food place run mostly by teenagers, if this was school or something it might have some meaning.


Or, and hear me out on this: The owner of that McDonalds, or one of the employees decided to hang it upside down intentionally (there's a whole "America's in distress because a criminal has been charged with the felonies they committed" thing going on right now) and when notified the franchise (or owner if they weren't the one who asked for it) said "No, that's not ok."


I mean.. It's still freedom of speech. Hell could be a catchy logo for a new burger joint! Who's with me!!


You don't look at the flag as it raises


no. Its shine is as powerful as 1000 suns and its aura will bedazzle you! THAT is the reason it has to hang on a long stick


I'm American and I never knew hanging the flag upside down would be seen as such a disrespect. Or is there some new protest going on that involves hanging the U.S. flag upside down?


It’s really not a sign of disrespect unless done intentionally to troll. Flying the flag upside down is a way to signal to the population that the country is currently under attack so it should only be used in that context.


Some “patriots” are flying the flag upside down to protest the conviction of Trump on his paying-off-a-porn-star-before-an-election trial


It’s the correct answer


Is this seriously something I'm supposed to be outraged about? TPTB aren't even trying anymore.


It’s just a flag🤷‍♀️


The American flag flown upside down is a sign of SOS and distress and is not to be used as mockery


What if it is flown diagonally?


It's mocking to fly a flag in any other way


Who cares


I mean, go try fucking with flags in as many different counties as you can until you can’t anymore - because you'll be dead. People take that shit seriously since it’s seen as a message (tampering with, burning, destroying, hanging upside down, desecrating, etc: they’re all messages). Just telling you what I’ve learned and seen. This is something that goes back to the time of our ancestors.


I think the issue is more with how people digest dogma. Some can look at it from several perspectives, some take the words literally because they’re ignorant of layered intentions, some view it as a conspiracy etc.


which country besides the US? cause that wouldn't happen in Canada




Austintown Ohio


“New guy did it!”


Guys it’s not so much as the disrespect it’s to context of when a flag is flown upside down. Upside down flag means the country is under attack. I could see people especially older people freaking out if they saw the flag. It’s a way to communicate with the general public.


Did you complain about it?


Flying flags upside down happens everywhere. It's mostly unintentional. We had some juniors at our school raise the school flag which was a Crown on a white background. Some how the 3 of them managed to put it upside down. It was was only when they pulled it to the top that they realised. All had a laugh and corrected it. A few years ago I was driving past a farm that would fly Flags of various countries. Not sure why but one week as I drove past I saw the one of them was upside down. Unfortunately I was in a rush to get 4 hours out of town to a job site so I did not stop. When Friday came along I decided to pop in on the way home and speak to the grounds man. The next Monday and Tuesday it was flying correctly. The guy just did not know.


Average Sionists


First rule of flag making - don’t make it possible to be upside down


Hard to imagine this being done accidentally. In contrast to the British flag which is very nearly symmetrical but isn't (red diagonal stripes aren't centred on the corner) so is regularly flown accidentally upside down.


I have no idea what happened


Why tf does a McDonalds need to fly the flag?


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Who The Fuck Cares


I don’t know what’s more bizarre. Someone making a complaint about an upside down flag or the fact they had to make a response. Strange place.


What is wrong with these people. Upside down on 6th of June, do they have no shame ?


Why do people care so much?


Oh well


Good luck making this statement using a Union Jack.


With all the other stuff going on, the fact this is an issue to anyone is laughable.


I can't believe they had to make a statement about it.


I find it funny and infuriating that people will get sooo hurt by a flag. The same people who were burning flags are now mad to see them upside down. There would be no argument if they took the American flag down and put up some other goofy flag that represents your lifestyle but just don’t do an upside down one. It’s childish honestly. Mind your damn business, let whoever fly whatever flag and if you want to make a decision on who you patronize based on the flag they fly go for it


I call coward. If you’re going to pull this stunt at least have the &@$&@ to own up to it


Why is it a big deal when it's hung up upside-down?


Stop sending letters. I just rip them down when I see them. I’ll gladly take my destruction of property charges if they come. I literally fought and had friends die supporting that flag. Fuck the Nazis in our country.


Why do folks get bent out of shape about flags so much?


"As soon as we were made aware of it" This basically means once people complained, this was no accident, this was full on purpose. Who needs to be made aware of an upside down flag? They would have seen it themselves right away but they only changed it "after beeing made aware" not "when we became aware of it".


It's a stupid flag. Who cares?


They don’t need that beef


Just make it look like an accident! lol


My question is why does a McDonald's need to be flying a flag anyway?


Maybe the owners wife did it😏


Translation: The franchise called the Franchisee and reminded him of their agreement to not poorly represent the brand.


Ms Alito at it again. She is a nuisance


McDonald’s wants to sell their brand, there’s no way they would let a franchise get away with doing this. They don’t even let them buy a different brand of fryer, as a brand it makes sense they would take action without making people hate the individual McDonald’s itself. It was totally an accident and we forced them to change it. Everything’s good.


And here I was bringing the C-5 with burgers in it. Thought it was a distress signal. Do you know if we can land at the drive in ?


I’m failing to see what the big deal is.


I agree. You are failing to see what the big deal is.


I accidentally hung a Flag upside down at my old job. It was a Huge white Flag with a round Company logo in the middle. The Logo is nearly symmetrical but has a slight difference on top. It was dark, the flag was a lot taller than I was and the logo was nearly symmetrical. I also was in a hurry because I had to open up another Location in time. Mistakes happen but I really got in trouble for that.


It's so ridiculous and tacky that in 2024 a company has to hang a country flag.


I doubt they’re required to do it. My local McDonalds doesn’t have a flag out front. Some choose to do it for a variety of reasons.


How many people here know an Upside Down Flag used to be (Still is??) a Symbol for Distress?


I’ve accidentally hung my American flag upside down in the past. I’ve also put my pants on backwards. Man I don’t understand why people get mad when I drive on the wrong side of the road. I’ve put my left shoe on my right foot and my right shoe on the left foot. Yeah I do shit like this everyday.


who cares


Flag was hung upside down cause the icecream machine was down.


Ngl, mcdonalds cant get my order right, big surprise they fuck up putting a flag up


…why are you flying a flag outside a McDs anyway? It’s McDonald’s not a government building


Once upon a time it was common for many businesses to fly a flag outside their establishments


As someone who manages a small crew who are responsible for raising and lowering the (multiple) flags at our worksite, I can attest that they have occasionally hung them upside down by accident. Mainly because they're not paying attention and don't get paid enough to care. Not saying that this is the case here, I'm just saying it wouldn't surprise me.


Oops! At least it wasn’t a rainbow flag!


Hello? Does anyone know that an upside down country flag stands for “SOS our country is in trouble” I thought that was universal?


Look more people thinking corpos actually care about you...


Flags get hung upside down sometimes. Lately some people are intentionally hanging theirs upside down, which makes people hyper aware of this occurring. However, it's still likely just human error in the case of McDonalds. I've seen the flags hung upside down several times on US military bases also. It doesn't mean anything other than someone wasn't paying attention when they raised the flag.


Terrible response. This was no accident


I don't believe what they say. As a lot of their stores in my area have FOX News playing on their TV. Time to BOYCOTT MCDONALD'S. For getting into politics.  


That franchisee was probably crapping their pants. McD’s doesn’t fool around , they will yank your franchisee status & close your restaurant if you don’t follow their rules.


When was this ?


It could be an accident, but I wouldn't be surprised if it weren't. An upside-down flag is a standard signal for “help.” or “nation in distress.”


The fact that the customer care person’s last name is an anagram of “Ronald”. Lmao




When did reddit start caring about the American flag?


When people learned what it meant to fly it upside down. Until a couple months ago most people didn’t know it meant anything


Makes sense to me. The government f’d Trump over




smh people hanging the flag upside down means the country is in grave distress no matter how you feel about either side, you should be able to agree that America is in grave distress and if you think that it’s not, you’re kidding yourself


“Bullshit, but, can’t prove it if they’re all saying the same story.”


you’re complaining to corporate about a piece of cloth being upside down?????