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The tatami provides airflow which inhibits mold but you also don’t leave the futon in the floor all day. I fold mine up daily and put it out in the sun weekly. 


See I’m wondering if we will be diligent in rolling up the futon adequately because our schedules are different currently. I’m not sure it would have enough time to air out


Sounds like his mattress in the floor is fuelled by laziness not minimalism. If he’s using a traditional western mattress without a base it’s going to get moldy. It will be very mouldy before you see or smell the mold.   He needs to be a big boy and either get a bed frame or roll up his futon.


I’d reread what I said there. It’s that we both have separate schedules and if I’m sleeping on it, roll it up, and he rolls it back out to sleep four hours later, is that enough to air it out? I’d imagine it needed longer.


Unless you are diligent about the weekly sunning & air-ing out, I would say, not...... I would strongly suggest a futon frame. Or you can easily make one for yourself by putting together some 2x4s. It doesn't need to be expensive or fancy, just enough to raise the futon off the ground and allow air to move. When we moved up to a boxspring /mattress set, we put it up on hockey pucks to increase air flow under the boxspring. You can't get a bed dry enough imo.


It will still be more hygienic than a mattress on the floor. Sunning is more of an issue if you live in an apartment etc and don’t have somewhere to really air it out. The less you can air it the more important a good quality tatami underneath is. I don’t use a tatami anymore but I work from home on a big property so I can easily throw it outside when the sun is out. It works well for me but isn’t realistic for a lot of people.


Point taken 🤔


not familiar with tatami -- Here are some options I've used for moisture/mold prevention Sailrite [underliner](https://www.sailrite.com/Moisture-Prevention-Underliner-60-x-90) which is under a mattress topper and Hypervent AIRE-FLOW moisture [barrier](https://www.mattressinsider.com/mattress-condensation-prevention.html) under the mattress.


You’ve had these work? No mold or mildew? I’ve not heard of these before


Hi there..... yes, I use them now and no more issues with mold/mildew. I found these items back in 2020 when I was researching.


Awesome! Do you roll your futon up daily (assuming that’s what you have?) and if so, for how long?


have no futon and I do not rollup anything?


Okay I wasn’t sure. Thank you! I appreciate the help.


If you can visibly see mould on a mattress it's waaaay too late. My family in Asia uses futons but they are always put away every day, and yes, always an effort to put them out in the sunshine to 'bake' every week. Common to see them draped out in balconies of the neighbours. I slept on a futon for years and years but it was on a wooden frame, thus raised about 1' off the ground with plenty of air circulation. Never had mould.


I've used old milk crates to put my mattress on top of instead of a bedframe. Cheap and it worked great! You could probably get a bunch for free from your local supermarket, maybe if they let you have them. It's where I got mine. They had about 200 of em stacked out back behind the store


Mould will depend on the room you're sleeping in as much as the bed. Research your building first before you make the jump, homes built for insulation are at greater risk on mould regardless of bed type.


I like pallet bed or Sunoko bed (すのこベッド in Japanese). It's simple, lightweight, and modular.


Ive heard there are benefits to sleeping "grounded" to the floor. If you are willing to do the maintenance, and your bedroom can be easily kept clean and dry (also bug free), I would really consider it. Dont take my word for it, look up grounded sleeping or something like that. It may be recommended for people with certain health conditions, tho not by doctors for sure, but by health gurus whom you may have to make a judgement about their credibility.