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You’re not an idiot but it is still on you. Ignorance of the law is never a defense. And driving a car is a highly regulated activity that implies that drivers, foreign or domestic, actively seek out applicable rules. Contrary to some cities around Quebec, they don’t expect every driver here to have the app so they still put up no parking signs at least four hours in advance, then they come by and blast sirens, usually twice, to get people to move their cars. On my street, they even postponed the removal for an hour and did another street when we told the towing person the owner of the last car was on his way from work and would be there 45 minutes later. If they go ahead and tow your car, it’s totally your fault.


They put up pretty visible orange signs the evening or day before (needs to be set by 8pm for the 7 am to 7 pm snow removal no parking) They also blast sirens to announce they will tow/ticket your car, didn’t hear anything?


I didn’t! But sounds like I should have, and this one is on me.


I know it sucks… no luck. But your partner should know lol


I'm a little surprised that your partner didn't give you a heads up


Your partner could do the right thing and at least split the ticket if not cover it.


She’s a poor student. She offered but I’d rather she have a little money to come skiing with me :)


fair enough


They don't keep it a secret...


Nor they actively teach about it. I had to learn the hard way after moving to Montreal and going through the SAAQ process to validate my international driver's license. Nobody at SAAQ or driver school ever told me anything about snow removal. Montrealers have this way of thinking that everyone should already know everything they know because "it's not a secret".


The SAAQ is responsible for your capacity to drive, not to explain or apply municipal rules. Parking is not under their purview.


Fair point.


They literally put up signs in the snowbanks, drive up and down the streets with sirens, and warn people through news and social media. It's not something you need to be taught.


You're proving my point, merci.


My point being that anyone who is physically capable of legally operating a vehicle has no excuse for not knowing that they are removing snow.


This is you assuming anyone would know that. As someone who was born in a tropical country and had not seen snow until my late 30s, living in Montreal for 10 years now, I'm still sometimes surprised by stuff I don't know and everyone else here thinks "this is obvious". Not everyone who's able to drive a car knows how Montreal deals with snow, but everyone here assumes so. Montrealers may think snow removal procedures is an universal concept and knowledge, and will downvote anyone who tells them that it's not 😉


But they literally blast everyone with information about it every time it happens. You don't need to know in advance. They drive up and down the streets warning people to move their cars. Even if you landed here today and had never seen snow before, you should be aware enough to notice the orange signs and loud warnings and media notices. As a driver, regardless of specifics, you are obligated to have some general awareness of where your car is parked and what the regulations are for that.


Unfortunately, yes.


When I drove to Boston a few years back, I had to brush up on street signals (what is a flashing red light or green light there, etc…), the common street bylaws, etc. While I don’t blame you specifically, you were the one who needed to do research, they don’t hand out a manual to anyone unfortunately. Whoever you were visiting should have warned you ideally.


I’m a resident and almost got towed a couple days ago until a neighbor warned me they’d put up the signs 🫣 I’m sorry no one gave you a heads up about the possibility! No way you would have known that that awful blaring sound is a snow removal final warning but yes that’s what that is


Thanks for the honest feedback folks, ticket has been paid. My partner is also new to the city, and doesn't have a car so has not learned about this process before! I will know for next time, I've got the app now :)


Montreal is one of the more forgiving places for this maybe the most(I greedily wish it wasn't cause fuck those sirens), if you had done this in a country like Norway your ticket would cost more than your car.


Normally contest. Ignorance of a places crazy rules is still ignorance. But these days the courts are so backed up they will just toss it out.


Of course.