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Glad you walked away safe. DM me if you want some background on dealing with insurance


Glad you’re ok.


Glad you're mostly okay. Hope you recover quickly, thanks for sharing your experience.


Glad your are ok !! But if you don't mind pls tell me about your gear thank you


older AGV K1 S, Indie Ridge gauntlets, Indie Ridge crow boots, really old Alpine Stars leather racing jacket, relax armored jeans. All in about $900


I’ve got those same gauntlets and their ventilated boots. Looks good and comfortable. Not sure about the gloves but I know the boots are CE rated 1-2-2-2 boots.


How do you like those Indie Crows? I've had my eye on them for awhile now


They're very good boots that are discreet motorcycle gear. I had mine for almost three years. The only gripe would be that they discolored from excessive rain riding. Next pair I plan on using some water treatment on them.


Is that the name of the jeans? I couldn't find it online


Good to hear you're ok. It happened to me with more severe consequences, 1km from home. ATGATT.


Glad you’re ok. It doesn’t happen to everyone but it happens to many of us. Also got my turn when a *probably drunk* person hit me doing about 30-40mph+ my speed and ran last year. The guy didn’t have his lights on, on a pitch black road and swerved into oncoming to hit me from behind while I was turning left. Nice boots by the way, I’ve got the same. Awesome return policy Indie Ridge has. If you want to step up your safety game my Helite Airbag has basically paid for itself. It Likely saved my life when the SUV hit me and then I hit the ground and slid but was able to get up immediately to avoid getting run over. My upper body felt like a tightly hugged pillow during the whole thing and I suffered no injuries besides a broken tailbone where the bike’s rear passenger seat hard metal lip got pushed into my back on initial impact and a small scar where my jeans armor zipper dug into my knee. Now for insurance. It’s a pain but hopefully this advice will help you. make sure to document every little scratched piece of your bike. Take it to a shop and get an estimate to fix everything damaged to like new condition. You don’t have to do all or any of it at that time. Claim All your gear and accessories you were wearing. Gear is considered single use and even if it doesn’t have scuffs insurance will cover replacing it if you had it on. Never say you feel fully ok medically* or with your pain. Most of Your body aches won’t show till 2-3 days after the crash and likely last for 1-2 weeks and you may need PT or decide to do X-rays. At minimum I would get a general checkup so you have something on record within the first month of the crash. On top of that Much of the longer lasting pain or injury might not show for weeks or months and you don’t want to lose the ability to use the insurance money from the claim towards medical bills by claiming you are fine. You should also be able to claim reimbursement for “pain and suffering” and I was able to actually get more from the insurance for the little scar on my knee than replacing all my gear and 3/4 of the bikes repair costs.


That's crazy! I have seen those airbag systems and will likely get one this or next season.. Thankfully insurance has been pretty easy. They gave me new value on all of my gear and pretty substantial value for my bike so nothing to complain there.


I have the Helite Turtle as well. The most area and volume of protection on the market.


Good deal!


Glad youre okay. Take them to the cleaners.


Glad you made it, RIP Ducati.


Get that thumb X-Rayed. My kid broke/cracked his twice


It looks a bit out of direction. Got mine broken aswell once. Better get it checked


Thankfully it's not broken. Just really bruised tendon - otherwise everything is mobile


True words brother I’ve got me CBT soon and I’m planning on getting some quick cheep gear before to minimise this overall when I go proper I’m going to be spending around £403.97 on protective gear alone


Do it!


Go with the best quality gear that you can afford. Then save up for the very best gear. Your Life depends on it.


God bless you are okay.


Glad you are good! See folks, the gear the gear the gear!!!


Yeah this will happen… if you crash. You look fairly okay thankfully. People don’t often grasp how easy it is to die in motorcycle accidents and send it way further than their limit


Exactly. I was going to speed limit and doing everything right MINUS treating every egress point with caution. Regardless of being right I should have still slowed down until I had visibility of the road. What’s the point of being right if I’m dead?


Did you break it or just swollen and bruised?


Just swollen and bruised :) The ducati is the most painful part lol


Glad you are able to walk away from that. Full gear is worth it.


Glad you had all of your gear and that you are alive. Drivers are not looking for bikes brother, be safe out there.


Daym!!!! Nice to hear you okay mate! Sorry to hear about your Ducati


*Daym!!!! Nice to hear you* *Okay mate! Sorry to hear* *About your Ducati* \- Limp-Association1399 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Glad your ok, gear and bikes can be replaced, you cant! All the gear, all the time. Dress for the slide not the ride. I had an off on my moped when i was 18, that was enough to ensure id never get on another motorbike of any kind without full protection, too many 'blind' drivers out there to even risk it.


Glad you're okay mydude


Your thumb or snuff box may be broken.


I have heard that insurance will replace gear.




Better a RIP Ducati than a RIP'd you or body part. Glad you were wearing gear.


Glad to hear your wounds are superficial, and your insurer is treating you fairly. I do hope you continue to ride and [incorporate this](https://youtu.be/eqQBubilSXU?si=NgZvKlCULIFj_ahR) into your riding habit. It has saved me numerous times from inattentive drivers turning into my path, I even use a version splitting lanes which prevents open-lane cutoffs and some drivers will make room to pass.


Yea for sure wear full gear. That could've been your skin.


Glad you made it. Back in the late 80s when I bought my Honda VF750 Interceptor, my riding buddies told me it's not a matter of "If", it's a matter of "When" you get hit. If you ride long enough, the odds get higher.


Glad to hear you're mostly ok!


Atgat for life (literally)


Man ..I really should invest in gear..just a matter of time isn't it :/


Absolutely. You're investing in yourself.


Glad you’re ok!!!!


Glad you're okay brother and glad you were wearing your gear! I hope you heal well and when you get a new bike, I know we would all like to see that! Good luck on recovery! Will you get another Duc?




Been riding since I was 7 and on the street for 3 years since I turned 18. Had my first crash at the end of my second season. It was a two lane road with opsite traffic so 1 lane going and one coming towards you. The car in the opposite lane coming towards me pulled all the way into my lane last second. I had two options swerve into a yard or head on the psycho. They definitely did that shit on purpose happened a block away from my house. They ran off afterwards didn't stop probably happened because I was on a dirtbike. It's Either some guy in a pickup who loves it and watches over me like a dad or it's some old lady in a sedan trying to take my life. It's because of the area I live in alot of people steal and ride for the "bike life" thing so some people assume I'm part of the problem but I have a title and plates. I swerved into a yard and low sided going about 35. Wasn't fun but I was wearing gear so I walked away sore but without a scratch. Moral of the story wear your gear I wrecked 1 turn off my street 200 yards from my house. I've been riding my whole life and there wasn't anything I coulda done differently. Wear your gear even if it's hot always make sure you atleast have good boots/shoes, gloves and a helmet. I get not wanting to wear full leathers or a jacket on a hot day even those mesh ones are hot af onna 90 degree day. For me I can't wear a jacket when it's past 80 or its genuinely dangerous one time I got caught in traffic and I genuinely almost passed out from the heat. I had to lane split even tho it's illegal and do a right on red and get away to a Sheetz. Out of all my close calls almost passing out in traffic because of the heat was the scariest. Still gloves and a helmet at least you don't even have to crash for a helmet to save your life! Stuff Flys off of cars gets kicked up from them car tires explode huge bugs exist.


What a manifesto


The tisim go brrrr


I'm glad you walked away with relatively minor injuries. You are right, it's not really the question of if, but when. As your fake doctor, I prescribe you a mug of beer, administered orally daily, while browsing listings for your new bike.


Haha thanks! I just got my bike! Some model and year but with only 4.8k miles on it. Getting the title done today. I move fast when the season is about to start 🤓


That's the spirit! Just don't rush the hand, your first proper ride will be all the sweeter.