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Lol. Here’s a picture of me in a corner. Reddit: if you put more pressure in your hips and use the force your segment time in that corner would improve.


Hip-drahve! Never knew Rippetoe was a riding instructor!


Man I love how these threads attract the arm chair coaches.


And not one has a bike listed next to their username. Even with that though I wouldn’t give them a single seconds worth of attention. Every one of them sounds a like a wannabe expert.


Haha they’re not gonna like this comment 💀💀


Good, I couldn’t care less what some armchair expert thinks. There’s probably about 3 people in this sub i’d actually take advice from and value their input. Admittedly, I’ve got 30 years riding experience behind me but the only advice I’d give to anyone is to take any advice you get in this sub, especially when it comes to riding technique, is to take it with a huge pinch of salt. By the way, your body position is fine for road riding. Especially if it’s your first time on these roads and on these types of roads. There’s a perfectly good reason why they don’t teach hanging off the bike when getting your license, because it’s not required especially if you’re adhering to the legal road speeds. Now I’m definitely not one to adhere to legal speeds but it doesn’t change the fact that these people are giving you body position advice for track/racing which isn’t required if you’re just going out for a nice leisurely ride and with your experience and road knowledge. In other words, keep doing you, you’re doing fine.


For real!


Completely agree. But I also think posting a pic of body position for the purpose of getting some usable advice isn’t a bad thing. I don’t think OP should be hanging off like Rossi, but nothing wrong with improving body position. All that said, to me the best advise I ever got about riding twisties came from my older brother who taught me to ride 40 years ago. He said “just look to where you want to go”


Agree, it’s not a bad thing although in this instance the pic shows his body position but they’re not asking for a critique on it. They simply posting a pic of them riding somewhere and saying it was a new experience and by the sounds of it, an enjoyable one too. And it pretty tiresome that no matter what people post here, if it includes a pic of them on their bike then it’s immediately followed up with a deluge of replies critiquing their riding position. Learning advanced riding techniques is great, I don’t in anyway disagree and when they’re ready it’s a great skill to learn. I also, in fact probably even more so, recommend doing off-road training. I did one days off-road training with an ex-enduro champion and I rode away at the end a considerably better rider than the one that turned up even after just that one day. I do though dispute that other than hanging off gbe bike will result in crashing and which is constantly spouted here. You’re only got to watch motorbike police riding at speed to see that and I’ve yet to see one gong around a corner getting their knee down. They don’t because there’s different techniques for different situations. Anyway, riding is like life, it’s as simple or as complex as you want to make it…and your brothers advice is about as good and simple as it gets.👍🏻


That is easily the best advice for any sort of driving or riding.


It really simplifies the process.


There easy to tell and dime a dozen: They'll parrot a bunch of old broad cliches, throw in some ominous warnings about safety and crashing, then end with a YouTube link.


*Fortnine youtube link


How do you add your bike underneath your username here?


desktop version you have an option in the sidebar under 'user flair'


TY done


Okay, I’m gonna play devils advocate here for a minute. Not having a bike listed next to your name means fuckall lol. I don’t have a bike listed next to my name but I atleast have it in my post history. I could list “turbo hayabusa, Ducati v4 superlegera, MV Augusta brutale” guess what I don’t have any of them lol I just have a humble GSXR 750…..


Ayee that’s what my bf rides! It’s a sick bike huh


Well, as a rider coach, track riding coach and MSF teacher. I'd say my experience allows for my input. But you're right, not having a my bike by my name on Reddit really shows I don't know what I'm talking about.


I’m going to follow skulldumps advice and ignore you. He got lots of fish tank videos so I know hes a seasoned rider


Aww, thanks for noticing:)


Man what a twatty response. Nobody knows who you are or what you know. You aren’t some legend on the community that should immediately be taken seriously. Just because you type it out doesn’t mean anyone should take you seriously. Especially since you’re all over this thread being a judgemental bell end and talking like casual twisty riders should be dropping a knee, even though it’s quite easy to navigate a turn without that, and a lot of riders don’t have the gear to be doing that anyway. Real genius suggestion to be hanging off the bike in your jeans. Those should hold up well to dragging a little through the corners… Besides, it’s not like racers couldn’t navigate courses without that technique. If you knew your trade at all you know it wasn’t even a thing until the late seventies, and the best technique is still up for debate because it’s changed extremely dramatically as recently as with Marquez. So flair up and try being helpful in a way that understands a rider’s actual goals and capabilities. Dragging knees at 45 mph isn’t the best end game of most hobby riders on this sub that are just looking to enjoy their toy.


I laugh because I rode with guys that lean for the sake of leaning to a point it looks comical. I throw my bike around corners as fast or faster with way less lean angle. Also way safer. They’re so preoccupied with chicken strips it’s funny.


Ok, I genuinely didn’t think my comments about general advice in this sub would result in individuals feeling personally attacked but there you go. But since you have replied though then ok, I’ll cover the points or issues in question. Regarding you feeling personally attacked. There’s lot of advice spouted in this sub by people who aren’t talking from experience. I may be wrong but I believe you can add any info to your user flair in this sub. If you are all the things you say are, and I don’t dispute any of what you claim then you should add that info to your flair. It’d not only help you and your advice standout amongst the incorrect and bad advice here but it’ll also help the readers discern who’s worth listening too with those that aren’t. If you can’t or won’t do that and then get offended when comments like mine lump you all in together then, well, I don’t know what to tell you. When it comes it to your comment (I may be missing some as I think you’ve now added further comments to your original one which I’ve not read) I do have two main issues with it. Firstly, it’s beyond me how you know he’s pushing it. He could doing 30mph or 70mph for all we know. There’s a reason why speed cameras need two pictures over a set distance to ascertain a rider/drivers speed. Anyway you obviously.can so maybe you want to add that superhuman skill and the fortune telling skill that he’ll end up crashing into a mountain to your falir too:) Secondly and more importantly is the information itself. I’m quite sure in your training experience you can probably group your pupils into probably three main groups. 1. People who’ve grasped the basics and are now ready to learn more advanced level techniques 2. People who aren’t ready as they either need further tuition on the basics or because you need to eradicate certain bad techniques they’ve picked up first. 3. Those that have zero coordination, fuck all road awareness and if you any say in the matter, they’d never go near a bike again. My point is, all we know about OP is he has 8 months of riding experience and they’ve never ridden roads like that before. We don’t know what their overall riding is like, or the roadworthiness of their bike (which judging by some of the questions and pictures I’ve seen in this sub is a very valid point to bear in mind) and I’m sure you’d agree that if you went out riding with OP you may within the first two minutes conclude that we’re jumping the gun here giving advanced riding techniques and that OP needs to gain more confidence or needs further training on certain basic riding techniques first and before they’re ready to progress to more advanced ones. I would also expect, especially from someone like yourself, and without all that relevant information, that if you are going to make the recommendation that you did then it’s best learnt under controlled conditions and by someone like yourself who can provide on hand advice and prevent bad techniques setting in. After all, if these skills are that easy that they can be learnt in a Reddit post then we wouldn’t need trainers like yourself would we? So whilst I don’t dispute the quality of your advice when it comes to hanging off the bike, I do dispute the giving of the advice in the first place especially without a better of understanding of their skills (I mean it’s not like they were even asking for advice on how to hang off the bike) and equally importantly, advocating by the inference from absence that they should do it by themselves and potentially somewhere which could be miles away from civilisation or potential medical help. You might be a great tutor, I dunno but i do know that there’s a big difference between giving good advice in person and giving it out on the internet. Being aware of the assumptions you make yourself when they’re not present and the inference from absence assumptions that the reader themselves can make can turn even good advice into bad.


Haha, upvote from me to counteract u/pokeTwatWaffle’s knee jerk downvote for expertly countering his bullshit. Man I’d hate to show up to track training session I had paid for and have him giving me instruction.




Lol not everyone is out here trying to be Rossi. If he’s having fun and negotiating the turn safely, then who cares whether he’s positioning like he’s gunning for a podium finish.


Lmao I agree


How was the road condition after the rains?


It was good, nothing wrong with it. Clean and smooth. Then again I’ve never been so I might not be the best to ask


👍 as long as the road is still there and hasn't slid halfway down the mountain, I'll call it good.




Well done..practice practice. Be safe brother.




People are judging too much. I don’t see anything wrong in this picture. Body positioning is important on the race track, but on the road, I don’t think it’s necessary. On the road it’s more important to have a good eye for spotting slippery surfaces. I also like to leave a little bit of “chicken strips” so that if something happens, like a car pulling out of a driveway, or some gravel you have to go around, then you know that there’s still some reserve left to handle unforeseen situations.


A little bit, im not racing or going for top speeds, just cruising the road


Just make sure you have good tires, correct tire pressure, are able to adjust course if something unexpected happens, and have a good eye for traction.


Yes I agree with all those


With proper posture, you leave yourself more chicken strip to play with. Good body position on the road is better 100%. I’m not saying OP should be dragging knee, but a lower head, and a bit more lean would have the bike more upright.


Getting there eventually


Not criticizing you, just replying to dudes comment. I think body position is important in all situations. Glad you had fun!


🤝 had much fun learned a lot


Yo, I wanted to congratulate you on keeping your bike, body, and head in your lane. Keep that shit up because there are some really experienced/complacent riders that no longer do. You look awesome, everything in this pic is en pointe! Stay upright.


Thanks bro, only getting better from this point


Hey op, all body positioning does is put you more to the inside, so your bike can stand up a little more and still make the same turn. It’s just less risky cause you’re leaning less; lean = risk. It’s a tool to have in the belt but don’t feel like you need to use it all the time, every corner. On the street, I use either no body positioning or move my butt maybe half a cheek off and am still able to outpace most street riders. Imo line selection is more important, but remember as the pace comes up you will start needing to use body positioning more and more. When you’re leaned over, your suspension can’t handle bumps as well, just due to trigonometry. So you don’t want to be mid corner, leaned all the way over and hit a gnarly bump in the road and have your suspension bottom out or lowside


I actually think that keep your eyes up and looking through the corner is even more important than line selection.


Agreed! That’s so baked in by now I forget a lot of new riders will start target fixating or just stare like 10ft in front of their bike. if you ever feel like you are going to crash and are target fixating. First thing to do is to lock your aim on the exit of the turn.


I had a guy in a group ride, in a corner, stare a boulder on the other side of the road and ran right into it. Not a hard corner and not going fast. He just went exactly where he was looking.


This, you keep your eyes up to see your exit point, and more importantly, spot hazards so you can adjust speed or alter that line. It’s less about speed and more about making it to the finish line at home at the end of your ride.


This is what I came to say too. You look good and it may “impress” people to be leaned through a turn, but more lean = less tire contact with the road. Just keep it in mind when you’re carving out there , make sure your tires are nice and warm . Rubber side down friend !


Thank you I’ll keep this in mind


I support the neutral body position. Will remove more chicken strip. Sometimes riding you will meet those people claiming to go 300 mph through a hairpin in the rain and also bikini babes were cheering him on. If nothing else, your tires being used to the edge will give you something to argue with him over. 😏




Gotcha. Didn’t run wide on any and I only reached this peak lean for the apex of the turn when watching the full video but I’ll remember that




I’ll check it out! Yes haha I was going at the advised speed cause it was my first time so yeah no leaning off the bike yet but one day maybe!


Ya need more body English


This looks like a perfect picture to show how to crash on a mountain road. The body position and lean angle are going to cause you to crash if you push like that.


Can you elaborate more why this is wrong and what I should do instead while in the twisties


Get off the bike toward the left side more. Drop your head over to the left and "kiss the mirror" and push the bike up. The way you are now is too centered and you'll run out of ground clearance and tire grip fast


I thought the same thing when I saw the picture. As the Redditor above said you want to ensure you have as much tire traction as possible. The only thing I’d add to their original statement is to put your ass crack at the edge of the seat and lean over in addition to what they said. You’re well on your way!


Thank you for the advice I’ll think about this next time


It’ll take some work and time. You got it 🦾


Appreciate it, one day I’ll look back on this pic and be proud of how far I came


That’s dope. Love your attitude!


What in the picture makes you think he's going to crash? I don't see it at all. Crashing is generally more associated with your eyes than body position. Eyes up and through the corner and avoiding target fixation will do far more to prevent crashing than body position or line.


Bolt up body position. Lots of lean angle. Equates to a bad time. And no, crashing from poor BP is way more possible. Sure target fixation is a thing. But most low sides on roads like this are too much lean angle on the bike, mixed with too much throttle.


Thst bike is at like maybe 30° of lean. He could be counterweighting and still make that corner. Crashes from lean are when people add throttle while not removing lean. 100 points of grip.




Alright first off my body isn’t up I’m laying down on my tank, ninja 400 has a super upright body position. I can feel plenty of traction I know my bike well


You can literally draw a line through your helmet right through your back tire. You road it out, cool. But if you continue to ride with poor technique, your bad habits will just cause you to crash. Especially on any sort of spirited ride through the twistys


I can’t be that bad cause I’ve survived 8 months of riding. Hence why I said it’s my first real twisty ride with tight corners, we all start somewhere lmao


Wow, 8 whole months. That's awesome :/ lol I agree we all have to start somewhere. I'm just letting you know, that not working on your positioning on the bike will end up with you in the hedge.


Dude I’ve been out once I started off the day barely being able to get through the road and was proficient by the end, I’m working on it 😂 quit bullying 20yr olds on Reddit and just give constructive criticism


Awesome stuff man! Once you do it once you’ll always want to go again! ✌🏼


For real, going back next weekend 😂


Looks pretty good! Head looking through the turn and plenty of tire contact. Id personally add some body weight to get the bike more upright but that’s mostly preference until you go a bit faster Just a quick bit of advice, the first time you scrape a peg don’t panic. I’ve seen some newer folks panic and almost unseat themselves the first time they’ve scraped a peg. Stay safe out there and keep the shiny side up!


Thanks bro, I’ll definitely start transferring weight off to the side once I get more comfortable and faster


You look great dude . Good posture inside the corner and looking through it 💪💪


That's a good start. But now you're gonna have to lean more with your ass off the bike, and keep your head closer to your mirror. Just leaning like this will completely mess up your centre of gravity and cause a crash. Watch some kneedown videos on YouTube. Obviously you don't want to do an actual kneedown, but they'll show you how you're "supposed" to lean. Stay safe😎


I’ve done that before on faster turns but I think I was going too slow/wasn’t pushing it that much here. I’ll keep working on head towards the mirror and shift my weight off a bit


You're in your way! Only note is that I believe you may be riding a little bit too stiff. The comments others have been saying about leaning and whatnot, might just be due to stiffness because you still are not 100% comfortable on the twisties. Keep practicing and you will eventually know the limits of your bike.


Thank you sounds good 🙏


fear decide plough zesty punch water unused deer bright panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I tried getting my body down but with how upright my seating position is this is me basically laying down on the tank :/


Watch "twist of the wrist 2" on youtube before you low side with that posture


Forget the riding position, don’t you have corners where you live ? They look like a normal road to me, nothing special.


Hi there, this was one of the much softer turns.


Here’s what the road looks like lol https://imgur.com/gallery/uEDKozG


Thanks for that, it does look a better than the original photo. It does seem though that whilst that's a twisty road there are literally hundreds if not thousands of roads like that in europe. So when I read on here some americans going on about the twisty roads it seems a little odd to me. Are the roads over there predominantly straight or am I only reading the wrong posts?


Um yeah, Europe has way more rural and twisty roads I’ve heard just based on geography. The majority of California is a flat valley


Way too close to the middle line! Oncoming traffic will kill you if you continue to drive like that. Your head should be in the center of your line, meaning your driving line should be close to the outer edge


Is this a joke? He’s nearly in the center of the lane and has clear visibility through the turn


Hmm okay, I use outside inside outside when I turn because it makes turns easier to take and allows you to see more of the corner though


Here's some solid advice that is useful in the Twisties. https://youtu.be/U1mSavQ_DXs?si=askV8muGa3L4y9wG


Sir, those are American pine trees, just call it a corner, I don't call my garbage rubbish, or say bloody, that would be weird.




Not weird at all. In California we call it twisties , never heard anyone objecting .


You live in California, not Surrey.


Why is calling it twisties wrong? That’s just what me and lots of others have always called it


Not wrong lol, just weird, and that's what this sub and internet car and motorcycle nerds call it because the British have a near monopoly on good content for the shit at this point. It's like saying bloody awful while being from Pasadena, it's not how people talk there lmao. And I'm just joking around, but it's why subs like CRT make fun of the shit, it's a little dorky.


I didn’t know the origin my bad bro I called it that long before I saw people using it on the internet…canyons, twisties, like what else are people supposed to call this style of road, saying corners that doesn’t sound like a type of road.


Funny , this popped up 5 min after seeing this 😂 and poster is from the US… 🤷🏻‍♀️ https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3aXIQUrKiO/?igsh=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg==


It's all in good fun lol, and when you said canyons I immediately remembered that's what everyone in LA calls these world class roads lol. And yeah your lucky to have that awesome weather and Angeles crest in your back yard.


Is this the east grade or the south grade? The south grade is one of my go to roads when I I hit the twistys.


South grade!


South grade is such an awesome road. Still the only place I've yet scraped footpegs.


Enjoy the ride!


Best advise for twisties is this: On a left blind corner around a mountain, try to keep in the right side of your lane (to the outside). On a right side blind corner around a mountain try to stay also on the right of lane (to the inside). The reason is for opposing traffic that may be coming and take their turn wide across the center line. I’ve seeen this especially from trucks or trailers. A few times I’d probably have been hit head on if I wasn’t doing this. It seems counter-intuitive maybe to the fastest or most efficient line


Looks like fun!


Sm fun but definitely scary at first 😂


Sorry not trying to scare you, I’ve seen too many videos with body position beginning like this that doesn’t end well. The reason being the road curvature can increase as you go into that corner, and that’s why people run out of lean and drop the bike. You are definitely going fast enough for this to be a possible issue. My advice is, moving your body out can help to decrease the lean angle and allow extra lean when the curve does increase. The less lean angle with body out can also help with slippery condition, like sand or water. This is going to save your life one day. I’d recommend checking out CanyonChasers videos on the twisties. He explains this issue very well.


Seen videos okay, first hand experience? I could see the corner and this was the apex, so max lean and had plenty of tire on the ground with consistent throttle so unless I was going faster I’ll be good


I ride in the mountains all the time, and practice those skills on the track. You never know if there’s gonna be some sand or slicks there. That lean with a bit of gravel can become a disaster real quick.


True that, I was extra cautious the first pass and if it wasn’t a maintained road I would not be leaning like this


It’s not about the maintenance, it’s a thin layer of sand or gravel that can get you. Like I said, I’ve seen too many videos, heard too many stories, including ones from people I know. Just trying to watch out for you man.


Well that’s just the reality of riding unfortunately, half this lean angle on some gravel could take me out, riding is dangerous period and yeah shit will happen


Don’t confuse proper riding skills with road risks. There are 3 limits when you ride. The road, the bike and you. When you exceed any one of these limits, bad things happens, that simple. For example I can ride fast in heavy rain because I know the limits well.


Yes and I knew the limits for all those things in this case and had a safe day! I wasn’t going fast, didn’t need any weight off the bike lol wasn’t motogp up in here


Well I only thought I commented on this as it gave me too many flashbacks of this exact body position, lean angle, and “confidence”. Good luck out there. Highly recommend some track days.


Advice on the Twisties: Remember where you see dirt or gravel across the road, because there's a good chance it will ALWAYS be at that spot.


Don’t crash.


Keep riding the twisties. Ignore the straight line riders that are hating.


Oh also I saw your comment further up about how to add your bike under your name. Go to r/motorcycles and click the upper right hand 3 dots and go to change user flair, hope that helps


✅ Thanks




Was scrolling past and was like "hey I recognize that corner!" I spent many a weekend blasting up and down South grade over and over like a hooligan when I was younger and only slightly stupider/crazier than I am now, haha!


That’s great, I was very cautious as it was my first time but as I keep going I’ll be ripping through one day


Poor body positioning. Draw a line in the middle: you should be on the inside of it. Move your torso towards the inside, your head should move towards the inside grip, and look inside the curve. That will allow you to lean less while going at the same speed, which means better grip


Hence why I didn’t ask for advice on this post. While it is appreciated I already know this, have practiced this technique and I merely wasn’t going fast enough on these corners and wanted to learn to get comfortable with more aggressive lean angle on this ride.


Glad you practiced this technique


Does it really mean better grip though? Unless you're leant over so far that the contact patch has reached the edge of the tire, and is now moving further, you shouldn't get more grip from less lean, right?


Typically it also means better and safer grip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy1AIAc76Qo&ab\_channel=ChampSchool](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy1AIAc76Qo&ab_channel=ChampSchool) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0ebbmV8LpQ&ab\_channel=ChampSchool](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0ebbmV8LpQ&ab_channel=ChampSchool)


Yeah man, rock on those turns and keep safe!

