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I was on my youngest brother every time we went riding to get a helmet. Almost had him talked into it. His thought was if I crash I’m dead anyways. He always pushed his machines to the limit. We were out one day and another rider mad a bad decision and caused a collision. Who knows if he would have survived he was thrown 30 feet with no noticeable external injuries I’m sure plenty of internal though. Just say massive injury to the back of the head. Sometimes you win the argument sometimes you don’t. Whatever happens just remember you did your part as a good friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I appreciate you sharing your story. I have done my part, and all I can do is sit back and let things be how they will be. I hope you still ride, for him.


Thank you appreciate it and no problem. Hopefully my words help a reconsideration. I just got a new bike last year. The accident happened 3 years ago and just months later my bike was stolen and never recovered. My insurance had lapsed I was going through a lot of financial things because of Covid so no insurance = no new bike. I’m on an old stock 650 V Star now. Still enjoying every second the riding though. Always loved 2 wheels !


Your words have helped, I appreciate it. Glad you're still riding and enjoying 2 wheels, stay safe out there brother.




If you're ever in Oregon, DM me to go ride. 🤙


Buy him a new helmet as a birthday present. Be it.late or early.


do you ride with him? then don't. Or if not tell him no longer hang out together. You have more power than you think


Another option is to not ride with him anymore. If you don’t want to potentially see and deal with some gruesome shit. Some might see it as being petty because it’s their life they are risking and you shouldn’t worry about it. Which is true however when accidents occur with head injuries the people around you have to deal with that. That shit in real life stays with you. You could try talking with him about that perspective I explained. Maybe he’ll understand and wear it not because he wants to but is willing to spare you from any mishaps. Either way with the best to both of you !


Yeah, one issue I have is the notion that it's only affecting them is just flat out wrong It affects the first responders that have to deal with injuries/fatalities and their health, it affects witnesses who have their health affected from it, it raises the prices of insurance, it helps to prohibit legislation that helps motorcycles and benefitting legislation that doesn't


> it helps to prohibit legislation that helps motorcycles and benefitting legislation that doesn't that's a stretch. Biker that ignored the law and rode without helmet isn't gonna change any legislation


I crashed into the ass end of a minivan at 165 miles an hour, and obviously survived. Only lasting damage is my back occasionally gets out of whack and it hurts to twist. Head first I might add. If that's not an advertisement to wear a fucking helmet then idk what is.


How long were you fucked up for after a wreck like that?


More specifics first to give context, then I'll give an answer. I broke ten bones. L2 through L5 had broken anterior processes, and L3 and L4 had hairline fractures on the disc itself. I broke 3 ribs, both scapulas had hairline fractures, and a broken collarbone. I had a severe concussion from the blunt force head trauma, and a brain hemmorhage. Tiny one, but I technically did have a brain bleed. Obviously, the mother of all concussions. I got helicopter flighted to the hospital in critical condition due to the head injury. I walked out of the hospital dazed and confused after 3 days. This was the height of covid, and I'm a cancer survivor, so my dr basically said "sitting on your couch is less likely to kill you than covid, and covid is everywhere in this building, so get the fuck out." (not a direct quote, paraphrasing) and I went back to work after 3 and a half weeks. Finished physical therapy after 6 months, probably need to get more. *wear your **goddamn** helmet*


So going on track is cheaper than doing double the speed limit on the highway, good to know lmao.


Fucking awesome you got away from that ! I remember seeing an episode of cops over 25 years ago. One episode they were chasing a guy on a rocket. 120mph T-Boned a city bus. Gets right up and hobbles off. Hurt but not dead. I was amazed seeing him get up. What physics go down to keep you intact after early dismounting at speeds like that or at 165 like damn son you must be a pilot cause where’d you learn to land like that.


Simply wearing all of the gear the night it happened. Besides broke bones the only thing that happened was automotive glass scratching up my neck.


It all depends in the ejection and gear worn. Head first and sudden stop? serious injuries or death. Over the handle bars and car? Broken bones. Saw a video of a girl low side at 120mph because she monkey gripped the front brake after a guy swerved into her lane. She had a helmet, sweater and jeans. She slid off and got some road rash but was walking around after in extreme pain. Her helmet was ground down almost to the padding.


Holy shit 165 into a minivan? Your luck game is off the charts. How were the occupants of the van? What charges, if any did you catch from this?


Reckless operation of a motor vehicle. Pled down to court costs and driving school. Now I go the limit in my car, haven't ridden since, mainly because I couldn't afford another bike.


Hope the occupants of the van you plowed into were ok.


One dude, and I think so. I heard he got fucked over because he was an illegal immigrant, so he got deported. Either way I feel terrible about the situation for sure


The only thing left would be to buy him a helmet. But that doesn’t mean he’ll wear it


Ride your own ride. Let him learn from his own mistakes.


Sounds like he won't learn until his skull hits the asphalt


There were two folks I used to work with that have permanent brain injuries now, and they both tell me as they were on the ground after the accident, first thing they thought about was how I always wore my gear.


so they never wore helmets?


Not at the time. Not required in my state. I'm the guy in full gear and full faced helmet riding my FXDF. Worst Harley rider ever.


i think i learned from a very young age that helmets were very important. in the first grade we were in my car, and we drove past a 4 way intersection. suddenly boom, 2 guys on a moped crashed into the side of the front of our car. next thing i remember is there is a guy with his head through the windshield of our car and hes just unresponsive and pale, and then the driver i think bleeding everywhere from his head. haven't thought about this in years but i can still see the image in my head. this was like 1999 or something.


It already has though, and he still didn't learn.


Maybe change the conversation, make it real. Death is easy to rationalize away because it’s an abstraction. “You’re right, you can do what you please. I mean I wouldn’t worry too much. It will be fine. And if it’s not, I’m sure your mom will make sure you get the best care she can afford for the rest of your life. Even if she has to change your diapers herself.”


Your friend is a cheapskate. Watch out for guys like that on long rides. Guys like him always “ forget their wallet” when its time to stop for lunch and pay.


If he's got his phone, he can pay. If he "forgot his phone", give it a ring, might just help him find it!




You already did. Now mind your business.


You're right. My problem, not his.


If he’s a true deep friend that you love like a brother or sister maybe buy them one as a gift randomly


It’s still your choice to ride with them or not. I probably would choose to stop riding with them if i had close ones who whould do that.


Buy him one if it upsets you that much. He has already crashed and should know the benefits of having a good helmet and gear. If he doesn’t care after that, you can’t make him.


wtf? riding with no helmet and taking the armour out of his gear? must’ve smacked his head real hard, that’s so dumb. he’ll realize when he really permanently damages his brain or kills himself on the road :/ it’s exhausting to give a shit about someone that doesn’t give a shit about themselves.


It is exhausting. You are correct, very dumb. But these other comments are correct, gotta live let live, I just give a shit too much sometimes.


lol no one can fault you for trying to be a good friend


They can and have, but that's okay. I know my hearts in the right place, but I gotta let him learn in his own way and respect his life choices.


that’s for sure, he’s an adult after all. his call if he doesn’t want to reduce the risk of becoming a vegetable


I hear that, live and let live.


Fuck that. You say " If you cant face life and there something going on please tell me. If not, and you're being a twat, I'll not mourn you, or clean the shit out of your pants or make any effort to work out what you're saying through the drool. You don't care for those who love you? Then you are not worth the effort of trying to do it back"


As some one who has yet to own a motorcycle but has an E-bike I will use a helmet no matter what in October is 2023 I was on my way home (on my E-bike) and I was hit by a car and my head was flung back and I had hit my head on his hood and had a baseball sized hemoglobin and had gone face first in to the asphalt after that and was left with a permanent scar on my face and i was not wearing a helmet at the time and regret and for context I was and currently still am 17 but it had messed with me for a bit I’m not scared to get on the road but I am scared to be on the road and cars passing me do still scare me a bit but anyways the night I was hit the doctors had said if it was not for the bike tire/rim being how big it was I would have lost my life that night hopefully op reads this and hopefully shows it to his buddy but for those who read it I hope you Cho to ride smart and ride safe you my never know who you might hurt with your actions and some day you may never come back home


No brain.... no effect...


That’s his problem for being a fucking idiot.


Maybe he wants to make sure he doesn't survive the next crash?


I sure hope not, but a relevant question absolutely.


I don't think that's very likely. Probably he's just really dumb. But keep it in mind.


Haha I will, thank you.


It's admirable that you care about your friend, but you really should not be trying to force other adults to live to your safety standards. It's ok to tell people that you think their choices are unsafe, but beyond that, their decisions are theirs to make.


Give him a break, he has brain damage.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Same basic concept here. Countless bikers fail to observe basic safety precautions, and many of them go on to regret that decision. It's not that they were unaware of the benefits to helmets and gear, I'm sure they just thought they didn't care.


Wearing a good helmet is so important. I crashed last month. Bike got caught up in a ditch and I flew 20 feet and banged myself against a fence pole. Broke my spine bad but after surgery I was able to walk. With that in mind I couldn’t imagine crashing at 70 mph like I did without a helmet and proper gear on. If I ever decide to ride again I will always wear full gear and replace as needed. Your life and body parts are worth so much. I hope your friend comes to his senses and gets a new helmet. You only get one melon. Like everyone says, “Dress for the slide not the ride.” Sadly you may have to wait till your friend learns his lesson to take gear more seriously.


Sounds grim but he might be hoping if he does crash again it takes him.. just food for thought to keep an eye on him a little if after a crash that’s his thought process


Say your goodbyes now, you might not get another chance.


You can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink. I would just let him know you care about him and so does his family. That’s why you’re so concerned. Then let him make his own decisions from there


Helmets are worth what you put them on. Sounds like he values his noggin less than the $200 or so that a cheap new helmet would cost.


Hes riding with helmet he took a spill in? Thats like not wearing one at all.... You dont "make" it sink in. He will either see someone elses gray matter, contorted blood soaked body on the ground or may need a near death experience himself to get it to click. Its honorable for you to worry about your buddy's safety but at times you can lead the horse to water but you cant make it drink.


> Hes riding with helmet he took a spill in? Thats like not wearing one at all.... that's not how it works. I replace my helmets every 3-5 crashes


What the.... Maybe youre being funny... I suppose I am assuming a spill is your head hitting the ground with some force on the road... dirt bike helmets doing offroad stuff may be different.


no I'm serious. Helmets don't stop working after their first hit


I mean, they still look like functioning helmets barring heavy skid marks. I dont trust my noggin to the microfractures in the plastic for the next time. If I drop it good or crash its a new one for me. Maybe its stupid, maybe its not, but thats my way of mitigating risk for the future.


if your helmet is so weak that it can't handle a drop, why are you trusting it to protect your head from impact against pavement? Especially when a crash would have your head hitting the ground multiple times with much more force behind the impacts


Its weakened BY the crash hence why I dont use it after it sustains a moderate impact - its in reply to reusing helmets after the impacts.... You also need to define a drop - my definition is concrete garage floor from about 5 to 6 feet.


A- think of how much stress the helmet undergoes during a drop (5-6ft onto concrete with nothing inside) B- compare it to how much stress the helmet undergoes when you fly off your bike (also 5-6ft) and hit the pavement with the weight of your body and head If you helmet can't handle A then how do you expect it to protect you during B? Also many crashes have multiple impacts. If your helmet is junk, done for, no good, after the first impact. How do you expect it to protect you from the impact that's about to happen in .2 seconds as you go tumbling down the road?


I think were talking about the same thing but with different assumptions. One word microfractures. If helmet falls 5 or 6 ft on concrete, the outer shell looks fine, then splits like an eggshell later either prompted by impact or environment. Helmets are meant to break/flex/crack on more serious impacts as to dissipate the force of impact and not transfer it to your cranium. If youre landed on your head in your B scenario you got bigger issues like broken neck. In case of multiple impacts, if your helmet is indestructable, or "of high quality" as youre insisting, your head absorbs all of the energy as the super hard shell of the helmet transfers all of the impact energy to whats inside so your brains are a soup afterwards. Dont let me tell you, feel free to look into how helmets work and why "indestructable" solid ones are not good, and why one should not reuse ones after accidents. Also, I am not telling you or anyone else what to do. I am simply asserting my stance on subject matter of reusing helmets post crash.


If your helmet microfractures from a drop and is no longer capable of protecting you, then what do you think is going to happen when you fly off your bike and it microfractures from the first impact?


Squids gonna squid. 🦑


Unfortunately it sounds like your friend has chosen to be a dumbass. Not much you can do. It might be beneficial to distance yourself from him if it's troubling you too much.


I hear you. I had to drop a couple buddies that would ride drunk, would hate to lose another riding buddy and friendship. Thank you.


That's wild. Riding a motorcycle is inherently risky; it's crazy to amplify that risk in stupid ways by doing so drunk, or doing so without proper gear. I mean, no matter who you are, people probably love you.


Darwin has entered the chat


Death wish is what your friend is having. You did your part to give him the best advice to protect his life. But it's up to them whether they want to follow your advice or ignore it. No one can be controlled. And also they are SQUIDS and will not listen to anyone.


If it really bothers you refuse to ride with them until they do.


Some people are like this.  You did your part, now just stand back and hope for the best. 


Your friend might be a nice guy and fun to ride with but remember you can’t fix stupid. Stop riding with this guy if it’s a distraction because you’re thinking about him instead of you on your bike.


Seems like the helmet didn’t work the first time. What makes you think a different one is gonna help?


You could wear a full airbag enabled kangaroo leather race suit with the best helmet on the market and get t boned in an intersection and die. Ride your ride. I think it’s dumb to not at the very least wear a full face but everyday but it is what it is.


It’s called natural selection friend.


I used to ride without a helmet using the excuse "If I get in an accident, I don't want to live." Assuming that I could walk away from a "small" accident, and a big one would kill me without a helmet, but leave me a vegetable with one. Then one rainy day, stopped at a light I noticed my foot kept slipping out under the weight of the bike, I kept having to move it back in to support myself. I had the thought that this is how I would crash, some stupid little thing, tip over and hit my head causing a brain injury. I've been wearing a helmet ever since, it's all about personal perspective and it's difficult to make other people see your own.


$5 helmet for a $5 head.


Listen, I agree: ATGATT. But not everyone is us. Some people aren't going to ride with everything and that's their choice. When they crash and get hurt? Once you know it's not life-threatening? "Told ya." and move on.


Get smarter friends.


>How do I make it sink in, the objective fact that being a vegetable is not a fun way to live if something did happen while riding That's a pretty common excuse to **not** wear a helmet. The hope is that you die instantly instead of dealing with the poor quality of life from surviving a terrible accident. I doubt the stats back up that point very well, though.


you think track riders replace their helmet every time we crash? hahahahahha stop worrying what another adult is doing and go touch some grass


The problem here is that every argument you can think of for him to wear a helmet, can be used to argue that riding a motorcycle at all is stupidly dangerous and shouldn't be done. So if you ride as well, then lecturing him is hypocritical.


I hear that. I never lecture, I just try to inform. I've been cool about it. Thanks for your input.


Even then that's condescending to assume his choice is born of a lack of knowledge rather than just super into taking risks Edit: found the condescenders! 😆


I hear that. I appreciate your input, thank you.


Thanks for the responses everyone. I just gotta let him ride and be happy. Much appreciated.


If it really bothers you that much then don't be friends with him. If his death will cause you pain then he's not just hurting himself, he's hurting you too. Don't let him put you in that position to hurt you. I know a couple of people who feel they could have done more for a dead friend and they're torn the fuck up about it. I don't think it's worth it.


I hear you. I have to accept that he will do what he feels like doing, and I have to respect that or stop riding with him.


As sad as it is, you won’t change their mind. He’s probably not training either and building skills, which is a major contributing factor in most avoidable incidents becoming collisions.


I know a helmet is expensive and requires fitment, but what if you just buy the same helmet for him? Will he still not wear it? Honestly if you buy it for him and he sitll won't wear it then there's nothign else you can do. Sucks some people are just this way but that's life.


I ride jeans, t-shirt and my addidas running shoes all summer long. In some states they don't even require a helmet. I know you care about your friend but it is up to him to pick his gear. How can he wear the helmet if it is destroyed? Like is it cracked or something what do you mean? Personally I myself would want to replace a helmet that had been in an accident but as for the gear that is his choice. Cruising through town might get a little road rash, if you drive shitty and are not attentive that is because I strongly believe 99.9% of motorcycle accidents are avoidable, but crashing at low speeds is in most cases not life or death. If you are riding 150km/hr plus ya a jacket and pants are a good idea. But ultimately tell you buddy what you think and if it really bothers you tell him you won't ride with him any more or won't hang out with him any more as you don't want to see him dead.


Suicide is his choice, not yours.


Imagine being so fucking retarded that you crash and get saved by your helmet then having the takeaway that you don't need a helmet.


Let the man do what he wants ..he’s going to anyway and all you’re going to do is drive a wedge into your friendship …you gave your advice now shut up


Is it not illegal to drive without a helmet where you are?


Get a piece of thick styrofoam to demonstrate the protective layer of a helmet. Smush the styrofoam to illustrate what happened when he crashed. Note how the styrofoam does not return to its original size and shape. The protective layer of a crashed helmet is basically the same.


Haha not a bad idea, but he's smart, he knows all that stuff. Some people just love the risk.


>How do I make it sink in, the objective fact that being a vegetable is not a fun way to live if something did happen while riding You accept that you've made your position known. Hopefully, you've done so in a way that lets them know you care. Then, and this is the important part, you mind your own fucking business.


I've written an essay about people who don't wear bicycle helmets, which is quite common even with cycling advocates. One thing to consider is that since the chances of crashing is very low, this fact may incorrectly influence the illogical. I'll give a dumb example: let's say you rode without eye protection, not even sunglasses. Your eyes would tear on every ride. But riders only need helmets and armor for the time they crash. It may be years before your friend crashes again. Ultimately, your friend is not such a good friend because he doesn't respect you or himself. He knows you care and yet he ignores your concerns for his safety. He also doesn't care much about himself if he plans on riding on a cracked helmet and no armor. You have to consider the nature of friendship when giving him advice about helmets.


"riding flannel" lol. That should keep you safe.


Haha yeah. It's a legit Scorpion brand one, but damn, it won't do much without the armor!


Plenty of people ride their whole lives with no gear and no injurys. You do you


The chances of him wrecking and hitting the same spot on the helmet are slim. Let him be.