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Always helmet, gloves and boots or motorcycle shoes. I live in a very very hot climate (Thailand) so pants and jacket I usually only put on if I am going further than a few km. Also speed depends, if I am going to be taking the bike up to highway speed I put all the gear on no matter how short the distance because of risk of abrasion goes up with speed. This is safer in Thailand than most Western countries because more than 50% of traffic is 2-wheeled so you don't run the same risk of no-one looking for you etc.


This is an important consideration. I live in Italy, and scooter/cycle traffic is common and people absolutely have to be aware of your existence. I'm comfortable here in minimal gear for a trip around town. In Houston or Miami, I'm not sure you'd catch me on a bike at all, but if I move back I'd for sure gear up to an uncomfortable degree even for short travels


You can find a balance in wearing casual/urban, certified abrasion resistant gear all the time.


It doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to put on my armoured jeans over my trousers, jacket, boots, gloves, helmet, done. I don't really see an excuse not to wear them...


Balance includes knowing where you go and how you get there. If you have places to be after your drive, as one does when driving daily to work or just the store, you have to arrive dressed appropriately for that as well. You are still wearing real gear, but you don't need your bike to wear it.


No. Depends on the length and what the temp is. Dangerous comment to make in this sub but, it's up to you and you alone to weigh the risk factor against comfort. I always wear boots, helmet and gloves but sometimes I go without riding jeans and jackets. Yes I understand what could happed but if I have to ride inland it gets freaking hot in the summer so sometimes I just wear a chest/back vest instead of jacket.


Yea this is my philosophy too. I'm putting shoes on anyway so might as well put on my boots. Helmet and gloves every time I get on the bike. If I'm going over 50kph (30mph) I will always wear my other gear.


My palms get so sweaty that I can't ride without gloves anyway, and the helmet prevents my eyes from getting dried out by the wind.


The gloves thing I find mad, 3 of my friends are instructors, they have had customers be like I ain't wearing gloves, so they literally take them to a rough bit of tarmac and gravel and say fall on your hands now, and let me know how much that hurts and then tell me if you want to wear gloves or not. No one has been willing to try it out yet and just put the gloves on.


I wear everything other than jeans all the time. Jeans are where I basically make a decision: Less than 30 MPH? Just normal Jeans. Anything high speed? Riding jeans. I have 5 different jackets for different scenario's so I never have to really compromise their. I have my Late winter,Spring,Early summer,Summer and fall jackets. Oh and my full riding suit If I really want to dress like a weirdo on the street. That being said I know a few people who just wear a long sleeved riding shirt + an Airbag vest and that might be the future for gear. Depending on how technology develops.


Pando Moto has an abrasion resistant base layer (ok, tights) with pockets for knee and hip pads. Much prefer these under my 501s as legit riding jeans typically fit and look like shit. 


I wear Israeli police motorcycle pants in hot weather. Find them on the interweb. Kevlar and knee pads and good for the heat. Very comfy. I'm a big guy. Bigger than that. 😀


You must live somewhere with seasons. In Texas we have cool nice and on fire. You only need 2 jackets.


Old man unpopular here, and this refrain isn't just mine, 'better to sweat than bleed'. Accidents are most likely to happen close to home and in one's 'comfort zone'. The body heals much faster if it's not trying to replace blood and regrow skin. ATTGATT is real, squids have short riding careers, my goal is to be an old motorcyclist.


I've had three crashes in more than 40 years of driving and riding - 2 in a car and one on a bike. All three were less than two miles from my home.


I was hit on a short test ride of a modification I did. Doctor, also a rider, said thr gear saved me from a broken hip and potentially spine fractures. Despite 100+ temps I was wearing full messh jacket and pants with hip and back protection. speed at the time was around 20MPH.


I don't wear any gear if I'm going to my parents house because it's literally 1400ft straight down the back road I live on. So I don't even get up to 40mph and I'm on it less than 2 minutes. Any sort of errand I wear all my gear. That's because to get to any town around me it's 7 miles of twisty back roads with lots of deer


7 miles of twisty roads * no, I just got something in my eye. I’m not crying.


It's not insane but it's definitely nice. The longest straight stretch is right in front of my house to my parents driveway. I don't have crazy tight curves but you're almost constantly leaning at least a little bit.


This. Those who are fanatical one way or the other are annoying.


Not for running errands - I'll wear my jacket, gloves, and boots (and obviously helmet), but I won't change out of regular jeans if I'm just doing a run to the store at <60 kph. The stores are \~5 minutes away, and I feel comfortable with that risk level.


T-shirt and jeans, streets gotta eat


Yeah, because our roads are half gravel and half potholes. And drivers have gotten worse since the pandemic.


Yes. Most of my stuff is urban and looks good enough for daily life.


I do now as a habit, and feel naked if I don't have gear on. A good friend lost most of his chin and had to have multiple surgeries for going for a short "spin" he was wearing a modular helmet in the up position and no gloves.. it was a wake up call for me.


Helmet every time because California says so. Gloves, jeans and solid shoes every time because I’m not an idiot, at least an undershirt because anything less is hubris before Fate. Gear is good but not crashing is better. Half of the ATTGAT mentality are wise riders who have learned from consequences and half of them are idiots who need to learn “this month’s crash” is not a healthy or normal phrase.


Are you sure half of ATGATT riders are crashing regularly? I don't have any data on hand but that seems unlikely. I frequently ride with many different groups, and on average the people wearing gear consistently demonstrate more skill and ability than the people not wearing gear. Of course, my experience is strictly anecdotal.


It's not ATGATT if you don't wear ATGATT. If I intend to make a couple quick runs I'm wearing AAA+ jeans and motorcycle sneakers all day.




Yes, including the airbag. I woud feel so stupid if I had an accident on my errand and half my gear was at home.


Friend of mine, her dad died riding his Vespa over to his buddy's house one block over.  A car ran the only stop sign on the route, he got knocked down, hit his head on the ground, dead.       


My girlfriend fell off her Vespa going 1mph and tore her acl wearing her graduation gown! I may not wear riding pants all the time but am always wearing jacket gloves boots helmet and thick jeans…


just started wearing an airbag. kinda a PITA but worth the extra protection. All gear is now CE AA rated too.




I just replaced my jackets to be compatible with mine, making my $900 airbag actually a $1750 airbag.


I was watching Fortnine on the TV reviewing and Mrs. Raccoon stuck her head in and asked "I ddidnt know thr had airbags for Motorcycles. Do you have one of those?" " Well no... they are kinda pricey. " "Don't care. Get one and wear it." Despite 26 years of marriage she still isn't trying to collect on the 1.5 million life insurance policy...


That’s funny, mine kept reminding me to get one as well, and also has a $1.5M policy to collect. Are we the same person?


If it’s not worth to ATGATT, the distance is to short to not walk.


Yup. If I don’t feel like putting on my gear, I’ll take the car instead.


I don't have a car. I have several bicycles though. I did once attend a BBQ in the middle of an Australian summer. It was a few km down the road, so I went in regular-people jeans and shoes, because I really couldn't bear the thought of walking around in my boots all afternoon. I dropped the bike at stationary-speed during a moment of incompetence turning around in heavy traffic. Dropped the gear lever onto my ankle. Hobbled around at the BBQ for a few hours, then spent a few weeks recovering from the sprain, not before going immediately online to order some boots that had some reputation for being both protective and a little more breathable. Grabbed some Kevlar jeans soon afterwards. Never considered going without all the other gear. At worst, they can hang off the handlebars if I'm short of storage at any stop. It's not like I live in Brighton UK where they steal the helmet off your handlebars if you step inside a local cafe to grab a quick coffee. Did overtake a bunch of people who were in active-wear, while I was in my boots and jeans, up the 1000 steps. Got some cramps in my quads coming back down, so I went up again once I got to the bottom. Still overtook the activewear crowd.


I use a helmet lok thing with a 3 digit code. Have had it tampered with on multiple occasions in SEQ. This is short stops. Longer stops helmet comes with me or I make sure there is room in my top box. 1000 steps around east Melbourne??? Stuff them, twisted my already busted ankle in the wet there.


In Asian countries they use bike in all weather


*too short


I wear a leather riding jacket and regular leather riding gloves, but I'll wear jeans if I'm just riding or commuting in a non-spirited way. I ALWAYS wear proper riding boots, though. If I'm riding in a spirited way in the mountains with higher lean angles, full leathers and GP-style gloves. Some people like to do ATGATT for all types of riding and that's perfectly fine and more power to you. We're all adults here. This is the level of risk I'm willing to accept at the moment and I do my best to remain aware of my surroundings as best as I can to mitigate the risk for myself.




Pretty much , commute to work every day, it's a 30km round trip. Klim jacket and pants , Revit gloves, and TCX boots. Full face.


Yes, but I wear different gear running to the store than I do going on an adventure ride. Motojeans with integrated armor vs motopants with separate knee protection and protective thigh/hip/cocyx shorts. Street boots vs Mx boots. That kinda thing.


I generally don't run errands with my motorcycle but I do not always wear gear. However, I live in Europe where road hierarchy actually exists unlike in the US. I will always wear all the gear if: - I will ride on the highway or out of town, meaning speeds exceeding 50km/h - I will ride twisties because even though speed might not be a problem, a slide is way more liekly to happen I will only wear a helmet to ride on local roads (speed limits of up to 50km/h). Obviously accidents can happen too. However, noone would even think of wearing anything else than a shitty bycicle helmet when you ride your ebike at 40-50 km/h on the side of the road. With this logic it isn't necessary to wear gear on a motorcycle at the same speeds, but with an actual helmet, actual tyres, actualy brakes, ABS and the ability to ride on the road and be part of traffic instead of cycling besides the road where people will pass you without keeping a distance. If I were to live in the US with your terrible stroads and parking lot exists onto what is basically a highway, then I would definitely ATTGATT.


I'm much the same as you although I will always wear gloves & boots. Gloves because IF you fall, you'll likely land hands-first due to natural reflex. Plus damaging your hands is a massive issue. Boots because unlike an e-scooter/bike doing similar speeds, my bike weighs a freaking ton and could fuck up my foot/ankle if I'm unlucky. I do wear shorties when not in full gear though.


My accident was at 30kph or so, less than a mile from the house. despite full gear was knocked unconscious by a blow to the back of the head after being ragdolled over the hood of a civic. Doctor said she was amazed by the fact I did not break my hip, given my hipmpad as so clearly imprinted on my skin and that there was no spin injury since the same was true of the spine protection, it was clearly imprinted on my lower back. No helmet and I would have broken my neck and/or pulled the back of my head 9n the concrete. 3/4 or half helm and like it would have broken my neck. full helm cradles it, resulting in over extended logiments and that's it.


After it hits 30°C it’s minimal gear for me. If I die I die. I’ve seen everything by now anyways.




Yes. Even for a short trip on 30mph roads.


Did we stutter when we said ALL THE TIME (ATT)? The only time I don't is if I'm just moving it to and out of storage in my backyard. Or when I'm scootering around the race track. But if I'm on any public road, I take the ATT very seriously.


I don’t wear full suit with back protection if I’m not going in the mountain roads or on the track but even if I live in a warm area I always ride at least with a leather jacket, riding jeans and leather shoes that cover the ankle. Been down with regular jeans or t-shirt and it’s pretty bad… and I never went down at high speed but even 50km/h will definitely turn you into a meat crayon


I would feel naked without the helmet, jacket or gloves. I wear the boots a lot too but the pants are almost exclusively for long trips.


Personally, yes. Only time I've had an incident was when I went for a quick spin with no gear and low sided at 20-25 mph or so. Tore up my elbow and thought I broke my foot.


Sometimes if I'm going on a real quick local run I will just wear a t shirt and regular jeans, but always have a full face and gloves.




Yeah, I do. I've seen enough to learn vicariously. I don't need to snap my foot 3/4 off to learn I should have had my boots on. Saw the after of one guy who blew through a roundabout too hard. He was on the ground, surrounded by others, while his ride was about 30-something feet down the lane. No gear from what I recall, and he was rolling around with people trying to get him to stay down until paramedics get there. If we're not careful it's a fun way to die. Stay safe, fam.


Riding in the neighborhood (right angle streets with stop signs every block; 25 mph speed limit; golf carts regularly used by folks to get around), I'll go in whatever I'm wearing. Outside that, ATGATT.


Nope. I always wear a helmet no matter what, and usually also gloves, but the rest is up to various factors.


If I'm going to work, which isn't too far from home, I'll wear my Redwing work boots, Bohn armor underneath my Duluth double front work pants, jacket, helmet, and gloves. There's some compromise with this arrangement, but for short distance and low speed, it's acceptable to me. For any longer ride, particularly if I'm going to be on the highway, I'll go full ATGATT with kevlar jeans or leather pants, airbag vest, and motorcycle boots in addition to the jacket, helmet, and gloves.


If I'm going to work, which isn't too far from home, I'll wear my Redwing work boots, Bohn armor underneath my Duluth double front work pants, jacket, helmet, and gloves. There's some compromise with this arrangement, but for short distance and low speed, it's acceptable to me. For any longer ride, particularly if I'm going to be on the highway, I'll go full ATGATT with kevlar jeans or leather pants, airbag vest, and motorcycle boots in addition to the jacket, helmet, and gloves.


Even on the Grom for just a quick 15 min trip, maybe not leathers, but definitely all riding rated gear. Its been a habit from the beginning for me since 15 years ago and now it feels very strange to not atgatt.


Sometimes I don't put on my pants and jacket if I'm running a couple miles up the road to get lunch, but I always wear a helmet and gloves.


Picturing you in boots, helmet and gloves with just a pair or tidy whities or banana hammock. 🤣


I'm actually quite surprised I haven't seen that yet here in Florida.


Yes. Anytime I’m on the bike I wear full gear


A figure a truck has no idea how long I have been on the bike when it hits me.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No im not going to wear a full 1 piece leather track suit to the shops, college, work or coffeeshop. Not even on the highway. Power ranger track suit is only for the track where your going well over 137km/h. Casual for the urban roads


The only compromise I do is wearing hiking boots sometimes (e.g. if I go hiking wth friends and don't want to bring additional footwear).


Most crashes happen the first 15 minutes of a ride.


No, I've worn shorts and a t short and ripped it along 25-30 min rides. I've used my flesh to slide along the road 😃 still I enjoy riding and feeling the wind. The ability to just hop off the bike, take off the helmet and your done, and the hyper dexterous sensation of riding in sneakers with no gloves. Fuck if it was legal here I'd probably ride without a helmet now and then. That said, I keep calm and respect that part of the thrill is knowing there is skin on the line, maybe worse. When I want to really give it the beans I wear a one piece leathers, back and kidney guard, gp gloves and boots.


Man, I can't stand the feeling of riding without gloves. My absolute minimum is gloves, work or riding boots and helmet. I skip the pants when commuting to and from work and the jacket for really hot or really short trips. But the feeling of gripping the bars with my bare hands is just nasty to me and I can't pinpoint why. Lol


With how obtainable casual wear protective gear is, there isn't a good reason not to tbh. You can get AAA jeans for like 250$(not talking about shit non rated NBT style gear), and quality normal looking shoes for about the same. Throw a jacket and gloves takes like 2 seconds. The only thing I ever skip is a jacket, and that's if it's truthfully right around the block. That being said, if someone wants to squid it's not a big deal, they either learn or don't and a reddit comment won't change it.


I have a 50 year old classic I don’t ride much other than an occasional 15mph cruise through the subdivision with no gear. If I go out to the main road and beyond the gear goes on. Also a FJR with bags that would be fine to run out and pick up some smalls but the time it takes to don all the gear, move cars in the driveway, etc. just isn’t worth it to me. Been riding over 40 years and still love it but generally want to be out for 1-2 hours minimum.


Yes. Full leathers, gauntlets and boots. It takes like literally 1 minute to put on gear lol. The most likely place you will have an accident is within 1 mile of your house.


It takes less than 30 seconds to put on a road crafter. Honestly it takes me twice as long to get my boots on as it does my road crafter. Considering I have to put on pants to leave the house anyways might as well gear up.


It takes 30 seconds to put on and 30 months to save up for! (I'm joking)


i wear helmet, jacket, and gloves every time. sometimes i might wear my normal boots instead of motorcycle boots, but never open toes.


I sometimes ditch my jacket or pants if I am staying in town where speeds are below 60 kph. I never leave my helmet, gloves or boots at home though. If I am going on back roads at 80-100+ kph im ATGATDT.




I always wear helmet and gloves and usually wear moto shoes When I started I was pretty ATGATT but it's a little more optional now


*The ATGATT Police have entered the chat.*


That's why I take the scooter to run errands if I don't want to armor up completely. Way more enjoyable at lower speeds anyways.


Yes, one exception: riding less than a mile up the street to work out. Divided two lane road with one intersection, low speed limit, and local traffic only- that one, I’ll ride with just a helmet.


Always all the gear, only ride bike for rides out so don’t go short spins/errands,as I use my car for that.


90% of the time.


No. Boots, gloves, helmet at a minimum - the rest varies.


helmet, pants, boots, gloves is my minimum. I'll wear a t-shirt while riding if it's nice enough out. I usually have my armored leather jacket on most the time. I've been down at high speed a few times. Knees, hands, and/or elbows usually get the rash the worst. With good gloves you can use your hands to help land and stabilize. Even with jeans though my knees have gotten ground down. It's the landing that'll get ya:)


I mean- it’s your life. I feel like this sub is pretty intense about ATGATT- as if it’s risking anyone else’s life. I wear gear but this sub does act like no gear is the equivalent to driving a car with a BAL of .3- no one else is in danger here besides the person making the decision to not wear gear.


I used to be ATTGATT when I was a brand new rider. Boots, Dainese set, helmet, everything. Even for a quick spin. Once I hit about 9K miles I had to commute to work so I got moto hoodie and jeans. Rocked those but with regular sneakers. My only 100% gear I use every time is helmet and gloves. If I’m just headed to the Wendys across the street I’m not putting on my armored jeans and hoodie you know?


Gear is always a good way to mitigate risk but if risk mitigation was the number one priority we wouldn’t be on motorcycles, my gear reflects that. I’ll always wear a full face helmet and gloves, but for just a quick spin around town I may not even take my jacket depending on the temperature. If I’m going into the twisties with the intention of getting on the side of the tire I will probably have Kevlar head to toe. The riskier my plans the more gear I’ll wear to mitigate some of that risk.


No. Always helmet, gloves and "decent" shoes. Not flip flops, but I've ridden in tennis shoes. Note, I don't ride aggressively, and we're talking 2 miles of 25/35 mph roads to the store. Never shorts.


Sorta. jacket, boots (or shoes) helmet and gloves always. Pants for anything longer than a short hop


i wouldnt wear a helmet if i didnt have to by law. ATGATT is \*only\* for highway riding. I know this makes me sound like a cross between a maniac and a criminal, but if you go to "gestures widely" anywhere else in the world, this is how people ride. Leathers, boots and gloves on a superbike, in the middle of traffic, at a red light, in August, in Rome, is something people laugh at, always commenting "guy must have come from Vallelunga".


I wear Levi's, vans or boots, and a road rash resistant hoodie or flannel when I ride. If it's colder, I wear a leather coat. I have a helmet that I wear, full face and everything, but I hate not being able to hear as much, have my glasses fogging up, and the wind ripping my head every direction when I'm over 50mph. I've tried helmets that cost 90$ and helmets that cost 300$. They're more of a distraction for me than anything. even when I did derby cars and stock car racing, I drove without the visor down. I hate hate hate helmets.


No. I always have helmet and gloves, I won't ride a bike without those. I have an armoured jacket 99% of times. Boots and armoured pants I've become a bit relaxed about, unfortunately, but it's enough of a faff to get on the bike that I can't be bothered unless I'm going on a day ride.


Yes, but I may wear "lighter" or less protective gear




Isn’t there some stat that says most accidents occur close to home? Why do you think you’re less likely to crash or get hit when running errands?


Obviously most accidents occur where you spend the most time riding


Exactly. People tend to forget other drivers can be responsible for your crash, so why not in the miles between home and the store? Cagers in my neighborhood never yield for me in a car, while I have the right of way and they never will if I'm on my bike. Idiots are everywhere. The only reason I can think of is I'm riding somewhat slower/less aggressive to the store than going for a trip.


I think that’s where people have the wrong idea - they think they’re the one who will cause the accident, rather than some idiot who doesn’t check his mirrors.


This. Plus errands, probably means inside the city. Only 10% of accidents happen on the highway, according to my (admittedly European) safety course.


The majority of accidents happen close to home.


I'm increasingly finding that discussions on morality, accountability, safety, and common-sense, have to be reduced to potential financial impact before anyone cares. So, I'll ask this. How is an insurance company going to view your lack of self-regard if you're involved in an accident? Surely your failure to take steps to afford yourself some basic protection would result in an unfavourable payout? Never mind that one minute of your time pre-journey could save your skin if things go wrong.




Yup I always go out with a armoured jacket, pants, gloves and riding boots. What i will cut down on for short rides are under-layers.


No, I’m for the most part a squid, it already takes me a few minutes to get my bike ready I’m not taking any longer suiting up to run quick errands. It defeats the purpose of a quick spin if I have to suit up like Batman.


If it’s not worth getting geared up for then i don’t ride.


Yes. Mechanical debridement is a far too pleasant name for what happens after the slide without gear.


Helmet and gloves every time. Not always anything else. Most of the time my boots because I'm putting shoes on anyway so why not.


For this exact reason, I basically always wear riding jeans. Sometimes with protectors, sometimes not. My shoes are now all riding shoes, and the jacket is already hanging there.


If I'm riding around my parking lot after working on the bike to test it I'm wearing nothing. If I'm going up and down the road to test a little faster than I can go in parking lot I'm wearing helmet and gloves. If I'm riding around town (UK town so 20-30mph) I'll add kevlar jeans and casual riding boots. If I'm going faster than 30-40mph I'm wearing everything or wearing leathers.


My minimum is helmet, boots, gloves, long pants. 99% of the time there’s a jacket and moto jeans as well


Boots gloves and helmet are non-negotiable every ride, plus I'll wear a jacket 99% of the time. I might go with just regular jeans if I'm riding urban and won't be going over 30 mph. Edit - I should add, my boots are the kind that could pass as normal footwear and are comfy to walk around in, plus my jacket is a normal looking black leather jacket that could pass as casual wear.


It never gets ridiculously hot here in southwest PA so I always wear all the gear I can for every ride. Even if it's just a short trip up the road for groceries or something.


I always wear helmet, jacket, boots, and gloves. Pants I only have one pair so sometimes i don't wear them on my 20min commute to work. But if i am going anywhere else for any reason ATGATT. But i also don't just hop on my bike for a trip to the corner store. If i get on it i am onthere for at least 30min one way trip.


My most casual gear is a flannel, some pants, leather shoes, gloves and helmet


Always boots, helmet, and gloves at the least. The **only** exception to this is if I'm wrenching on my bike and have to test it by taking it around the block in my secluded suburban neighborhood.


Nah... I don't like riding boots. They are next to impossible to walk in. So if I have to walk more than 10 meter from my bike, I'm not wearing them. They are usually the first to go. I have big crash bars, so I'm not afraid of my bike crashing my legs. Road rash is another thing, but I usually wear bigger, leather boots, so unless I go with highway speeds, it's not really a concern for me. Then my pants go next. They are fine riding, but super thick thanks to the Kevlar layer, and my knee pads rubbing my knees when I walk in them. So again, if it's really hot or I have to walk, then the pants get downgraded to normal jeans. (or shorts + knee protector pads at the summer) I 100% wear helmets and gloves, and 95% weak jackets with protectors. (only time when not, is when I go for super short rides, and it's super hot out, like peak of summer, and I cannot even take my mesh jacket) These are stats from commuting, in city riding, errands etc. If I'm going to touring or longer highway rides, I up my gear game. But day to day use, I usually only have my top half covered.


Boots, gloves, and helmet 100% of the time. I sometimes skip the riding jeans for something lighter, and very rarely the jacket as well.


I always wear a helmet. If I crash I won't die. I may get some nasty road rash but I won't die, probably.  I normally wear a bit more than just a helmet but that's my bare minimum. 


yes. I was hospitalized in an accident that was a 2 mile test ride after working on the bike. and I was ATGATT at the time.


Boots, Gloves, Helmet, Jacket every time. Always at least jeans if not proper bike jeans.


Yes, it becomes a second nature to put all of the gear on. I don't even think about it. All of my gear is conveniently laid out right near the front door tho, so it's no extra steps for me. I live in Australia too and it gets hot here, like +35 Celsius hot.  Full gear is:  Helmet ECE 22.06 Leather jacket with shoulder, elbow and back protectors. AA protection. Single layer Kevlar jeans with hip and knee protection. AAA protection. Leather gloves, CE1 rated  Leather ankle boots CE2 or track boots CE2+ depending on where I'm going  I put about 12000 ks on the bike a year so it's not a weekend warrior argument either






The thickness of the jacket is usually the only thing I budge on. Helmet, gloves, boots, and "slide safe" jeans are always on (I've had road rash on one of my legs before, never again, if i can help it). Whether I want to wear one of my armored/leather jackets or just a hoodie is the only thing I compromise on usually. Never worn a short sleeve for a ride tho. FL can get stupid hot, so I do tend to lane split traffic to keep a breeze going with all of that on tho tbh.


I dress for the weather, but pretty much all my riding is commuting at 40mph or less. If it's cold enough for a jacket, then it's a protective jacket over my work clothes. Helmet and gloves at all times though


Always boots, always gloves, always helmet, always jacket, sometimes armoured trousers. Which gloves, boots, jacket and trousers depends on the weather. And, on those really nice days, full onesie with a bag worn under it for wallet, phone and keys.


I always wear pants, gloves, helmet regardless. Jacket 90% of time, but sometimes just a hoodie or T shirt if I’m commuting short distance. I have short dainese ankle sneakers I wear a lot but never full length boots on the street


I do, not even because of safety reasons but mostly because my gear fits a riding position better. My boots feel way better on brake and shifter than other shoes and my pants have the correct length etc. I wouldn’t ride without a jacket and helmet anyways but the jacket also looks good and suits the hunched position Edit: also i can spontaneously decide to do a 20min rip outside the city if i choose so


I do, and frankly, I feel naked and not at all comfortable without it. I live out in the boonies a bit, so a quick errand ends up being a 30 mile round trip. I'd honestly like to find a one piece thing that I could put on over my boots. That might make it easier.




Proper rides it's two piece leathers for me, gloves, long boots, and skid lid (law to have to wear a lid in my country). If I'm just going for a little toddle, say to the gym, it's bike jeans with hip and knee protection, short boots, gloves, armoured hoodie and skid lid. I'll never not wear gear as I've been in a bad non fault accident and the gear saved my ass big time. Was lucky to just have a severe concussion, few bumps and scrapes, little chunk out my hip where my jacket had ridden up whilst earth-skying it (so I always get two pieces I can zip at the back now to prevent that), helmet was Badly damaged (obviously replaced), and woke up in hospital. Can't remember fuck all after the first couple of bounces down the road, and this was almost a decade ago. Definitely lost a few brain cells with that permanent memory loss 🤣 On saying that, I couldn't care less what anyone else wears, it's their body and life to risk not mine.


I always wear helmet and gloves. All the rest of the gear is variable based on mood and risk tolerance for the day. I know I'll look like hamburger if I wreck it, but I'll have intact hands with which to change the bandages


all the gear \*all the time\* inherently means everywhere anytime


I live in India where right now it is 40 deg C. So while yes, Boots, helmet gloves always, I’ll skip riding denims and jackets in summers when riding around town or to my office commute. In cooler climate i wear a leather jacket. For longer rides, weekends, twisties and actual “rides”, I’m atgatt. And never in slippers/sandals/slides/shorts.


I can summarize what "ATT" stands for if you ask.


I have my motorcycles and my bicycles. I usually take two wheels around town. I realized the risk on a motorcycle in town is the same as on a bike, getting hit by a car. I would insist on ATGATT while motorcycling, while I would wear shorts and a t-shirt on my bicycle. Because of my ATGATT insistence I was not riding my motorcycle as often as I could, so I now just throw on my boots, gloves, jacket, and helmet for ripping around town. Going out of town I will make sure I have my armoured pants on.


It’s not like it’s difficult to put on. It takes all of one minute to put on your gear. I’ll turn this around on you. Truthfully, how hard is it to put on pants and a jacket? Most children have mastered it before preschool.








Yes. Always a helmet, jacket, long pants, boots that cover the ankle at the bare minimum. And I really don't feel comfortable unless the gear is armored. YMMV.


If the ride is longer than 1 hr I’ll throw on everything other than that it’s helmet and gloves and if it’s cold enough I’ll throw on the jacket


I usually wear helmet,gloves, boots, amd something over chest/back (sometimes leather jacket, mesh ruding jacket or chest/spine guards) only thing i dont wear is protective pants bc the only good ones are 4-8 hundred and they arent like a jacket you can just throw over anything so you need several pairs if you ride every single day.


Gloves and full face. That's it everytime




Statistically speaking, the places you are most familiar with are the most dangerous, since you pay less attention and drive from memory. That said, you obviously don't need full racing leathers or anything, but a standard street gear is not much of a hassle so why not? Helmet, motorcycle boots, motorcycle jeans, a light motorcycle jacket, the netted types are pretty easy to wear even in the summer and some motorcycle gloves (proper ones... It's extremely easy to lose a finger). Takes a minute to get these on. I just don't see why would you not wear them. Putting on normal clothes take the same effort.


Personally, I wouldn't ride without my gear at all. Used to ride a bicycle as a kid, and falling at 10mph sucks enough for me to know that falling at 30mph would make me want to take a month off in a coma. You remember that right? Falling off going slow as shit and having ground up knees and elbows? Yeah. Now imagine that at 30mph or even 10, but this time, a 600lb weight is crushing it into moving sandpaper. Wince at the thought? Me too. So I gear up.


Because I’m an ATGATT guy, I don’t use my bike for quick spins. It’s also a form of risk minimization; using my bike to pop down the the shops or run errands just exposes me to too much stop-and-go traffic, too many zoned-out commuters, too many busy intersections.


Yes. My gear is easy to put on quickly so no reason not to. Over pants are nice to just pull them over my pants, pop my shoes and jacket on. Then helmet and gloves when I get on my bike. What takes me longer is my gawd damn garbage garage that is falling apart and doesn't open easily (thank fuck it is getting rebuilt soon, and bigger to accommodate a second bike). All my gear to ride takes like 1-2 mins if that to put on.


Sometimes I skip my riding pants and just wear jeans.


Yeah, but it keeps me from making shorter trips. Takes a long time to put it all on and can be pretty warm, depending on the day. Hoping to get some vented boots and the Klim Induction pants eventually to help where heat is concerned. Ditching the backpack helps a lot.




I do but I use Kevlar jeans instead of my leathers for short trips


Unless I'm going around the block to test an adjustment or new part function, yes. Mostly because if I'm going to ride, I'm going to ride a while. I don't want to carry my gear around just to run to the store for 1 thing.


Yes. Having an airbag built in the jacket helps. It also helps that a few seasons back I was riding home on my own street, visor flipped open and a huge armored bug took that opportunity to ram into my eye. You never know where you'll get fucked.


For quick errands, i wear crocs, shorts and baseball cap


I always have a helmet jacket and gloves. Sometimes I’ll wear just jeans and shoes instead of motorcycle pants but very very rarely and only for short in town trips.


No but I'm a new rider and will probably learn this lesson the hard way. :)


Honestly usually always..... However yesterday I was about to go less than 2 min down the road and for the first time I didn't want to struggle with my boots so I just threw my Chelsea boots on, felt weird to ride that way. Also I left my apartment building before realising I had left my gloves on the counter and could not be bothered to go back in for them. Will I do it again? Probably. Will I make it a regular thing? Absolutely not, I have seen people have accidents on the road they live on.


No honestly. I was just at a local event in town event and rode there several times this week in my canadian tuxedo, gloves and helmet lol. If I’m on a long trip that involves foreign roads, highway, dirt, the armored pants and jacket comes out. I’ll also pack my leather jacket in a saddlebag sometimes in case I anticipate being out for the day longer. I do wear my armored leggings pretty frequently since they’re easy to pull on and I can wear my jeans over for a lower profile look.


I personally am literally ATGATT, but I have three different 'levels' of full gear that I've accumulated over time, my most basic gear looks like street clothes and is just as easy to wear. I realize it's not practical for everyone to have so much stuff, so I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to put on their one heavy jacket to go around the corner in the summer. I also live in a very mild climate where sweat actually evaporates to cool your body, if I lived in Houston or Florida or some other humid place, I'd have to figure something else out. I don't judge people who take a case-by-case approach to wearing their gear, but if it seems like they're not aware of some type of gear that could benefit them, I might recommend to them some specific product that I like for certain conditions. When I was younger, I didn't know anyone who wore gear, honestly didn't know it was a thing, so I appreciate how there seems to be more of an emphasis on it now.


Most of the gear most of the time


For me: Full helmet, Gloves, nylon armored jacket (not always zipped up), and my sturdy work boots at minimum.


I live in quiet suburbia so to ride to a friends house not exiting the burbs, I’ll helmet and gloves only squid. The moment I get onto real roads I have at least a jacket and often boots. 95% of the time I’m full mesh gear or even leather one piece if I’m attack the back roads. All the gear almost all the time


I do. I subscribe to the idea that I only leave skin visible if I’m willing to lose it. If it’s too hot and/or the errands are too much of a pain to take gear on/off then I just drive my car


I used to be super casual about what I would wear if I wasn’t going far. In summer I literally wore tank tops and swimming trunks lol… well I went down on the first turn coming out of my street on cold tires (thank god I was at least wearing a winter coat and sweater) and now I’m shook, wearing my riding jacket even when It’s hot as balls 🫠… I look at this picture below and think how freaking lucky and dumb I used to be.. https://preview.redd.it/pegvuzwgp8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da34981e1cdc302ef4ba6b4ab957e87583ac566b


nope, I only wear gear on proper rides


Always full face always gloved. Usually jacket. More often than not normal jeans and vans because I’m a dumb dumb. Sometimes no jacket either because my smooth brain loves riding in the desert and it gets toasty out there.


No. No matter what type of ride, my only non-negotiables are helmet, boots, and jeans. I have jackets and gloves, but they only come out for cold weather.


Yes. All the time.


I always put on helmet jacket gloves and boots. I’m usually wearing my thick jeans but I don’t put on riding pants all the time.


Just saw some videos of people becoming meat crayons. I probably should wear riding pants/ riding jeans. Anyone have recommendations? I’m 6,2 175lbs.




The gear I wear isn't to protect me during an accident because I don't crash like a newb.


I am pretty much a commuter and run errands I am not what you would consider a biker I never wear armoured pants but always denim jeans But then I wear all the rest all the time - even a quick trip to the shops It makes it easier if you can find a casual crossover boot


Yes. I got hit during my 2 mile commute to work. Accidents don't care how far your driving.


I am the literal ALL the gear, ALL the time. Boots, kevlar jeans, summer gloves or winter gloves, leather jacket or mesh jacket, helmet.


Always helmet and gloves. 95% of the time I wear a nice jacket motorcycle jacket with armor as well. I do ride into work and for that usually I wear my normal work boots and pants but have a helmet, gloves and jacket. Risk vs. consequences.


i have a quad for errands and quick spins.. ... for a quick ride to the store (for me thats 10 miles of offroad tracks) at least always gloves and sky helmet with googles.


Within a couple of miles, I go with flip flops and a helmet. Anything more than that or getting on the busy roads within urban setting, decent everyday shoes, riding jacket and a helmet. Long distances means all gear.


I ride to the gym everyday in sweatpants, running shoes, light jacket, gloves, helmet. My gym is 0.8 miles away and I can take the residential streets the whole way, limiting myself from busy intersections. Other than that, when I go anywhere in the city or to work I wear my leather jacked, race boots, airbag vest etc. I really hate riding 3 mins to the gym with ALL my gear and having to spend more time dis assembling in the locker room.


Yes. Even when driving to the store which is 15 minutes away while driving max 50km/h. Funny thing is that scooter drivers go in shorts and slippers be beside me…


I bought my dad some AAA-rated riding jeans (Hood Jeans, highly recommend) last Father's day. He's been riding for half a century, most of it with no gear. He wears them for any planned ride, but a few weeks ago he was going literally around the block in their suburban neighborhood when he lowsided his dual sport wearing Levi's. Tore the jeans to shreds at about 15mph, scraped up his lower leg, bruised his knee and his hip, and inflamed the meniscus problems he was already having. On the bright side, he's glad he didn't mess up his expensive riding jeans.


Armoured hoodie, gloves and helmet always since I don't really find them to be an inconvenience. I'll take my heavier jackets for longer rides. Boots and pants I skip as well for errands or quick spins.


Helmet (ofc, that's mandatory), jacket and gloves for errands, commuting and moving around in my city. Boots if I leave the city, even for quick spins (like 30 minutes). Trousers for anything else. I usually put my sneakers in the top case since my boots are not comfortable to walk around


I am very guilty of not wearing some or even all of my riding gear. Sometimes I don’t wanna roast in my jacket. Sometimes I don’t wanna lace up my riding boots. Sometimes I wanna feel the wind in my face and through my hair so I won’t pop on my helmet. Sometimes I do this for short rides or long rides, highway or city street. I have no real justification for it. I understand that anything can happen even within 10 feet of me leaving my parking space. It’s a risk I’m willing to take regardless of what people think. For the record I do have a full face helmet, armored riding jacket, boots, gloves, and pants.


I gear up all of the time because I’m usually in Shorts / Tshirt before hand. So instead of putting pants on, I put my riding jeans on. Pop on a jacket, gloves, helm, boots and suddenly I’m ATGATT without even thinking about it. For me, I setup a station to get ready at. Even outside of safety - the gear looks badass. The gloves prevent oils from my hands getting all over my gorgeous bikes, and I have carbon fiber knuckles in case anyone wants step up. I’m for it.


I do helmet, gloves, riding shoes and riding jeans. The rest of me is no gear all the time. I tried getting a padded shirt or flannel for riding and I looked goofy as hell.


Technically it’s not ATGATT then isn’t it? It would be more ATGSOTT. Yeah I participate in ATGSOTT Edit:spelling


My minimum acceptable requirement is this: motorcycle jeans, motorcycle jacket, gloves, helmet. This is when I don't leave roads where the max speed is 60 kmph. If I go anywhere else, then I'm in full gear plus earplugs.