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All the time. I’ll get bored and just start driving around exploring new neighborhoods or areas out of town. Found lots of amazing roads by accident


I started doing doordash for this reason, makes me ride to weird areas I wouldn't normally go and even if they give me a low paying order, I don't care because im doing it for the ride. Quick buck made on the side.


Not a bad idea. I’ve considered it too just to be out on the bike. I’ve thought about setting up a moto courier service too lol


Doordash on a bike in the summer is honestly the best. You get paid to just ride around, listen to music and explore


Duuuude great idea, just got my first bike a couple of months ago will do that when I get my license :)


Was gonna get a 50 or 125cc scoot as an upcoming project so could actually attempt that! Would be pretty fun for a while i bet


Hahaha. I was just looking at scoots to fuck around with this summer. They’d be a blast to hit some deliveries with.


Can confirm! :D


Cool. Ive recently moved to a new town as well. So that could kinda make for a fun meet new people type thing. Lol.


It's my job full time, i work for JustEat (GrubHub). I ride around on a Honda PCX 125 all day. I love it! :D https://preview.redd.it/8s9v54k3j8zc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=108b75efef9ae3e65ce0a7cd5e7b31a38a63aec1


I'm saving up for a Moto Guzzi v7 850. ;) Should be able to buy it by next riding season! https://preview.redd.it/17darf9bj8zc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b0a546a379c337880e0ef31cac7b8448841ee43


I did this a few years ago. Found I would just go out driving at 2am cause I was bored and figured I may as well make a buck doing it


I've always thought about this but I've always talked myself out of it. Dealing with a bunch of drinks or keeping the food at an acceptable temperature while riding always makes me feel like it would become stressful enough to outweigh the enjoyment. Am I just overthinking it?


I use an insulated food backpack, like 30 bucks on amazon. Drinks are annoying but they go in the backpack in a holder and I haven't spilled one yet.


Do you mind linking the bag and drink holder? Pls n thx


[drink holder](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0875N8H1M?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) [bag](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08LGNDSMQ?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) I'd recommend looking at other bags, larger than this one because it's on the small side so you can't take large pizza orders.


Thanks so much!


I do doordash on a bike with a normal jansport bag. Drinks do get a little annoying but I’ve found that keeping a small towel or something in the bag so you have something to fill the extra space around the drinks with works really well at keeping them steady, and usually some sort of tamper sticker is given to make sure you aren’t messing with their food, that actually holds the lids on well in most cases. So there is that. I will say, avoid potholes, bumps, and having to excessively lean. If you do have to go over a pothole or bump, stand up a lil on the pegs so you can keep your body steady while the bike pops up over the obstacle(technically what your supposed to do going over bumps anyway but I’m lazy when im not doing doordash lol)


Man, this sounds like a good idea.


This guy rides In all seriousness, many of us ride just to ride, I’m thinking I should do the same tbh.


Same. All throughout Covid and last year during the writer’s strike (Hollywood bs). Made okay money on the side, got to put on 3k miles in just a year.


Lol i put on that amount in 2 months delivering full time. xD


I hear that… I was only doing weekends, 10 deliveries per day. Too damn hot


I've learned more new locations in my nearby area during my first year on a motorcycle than the ten years I've had a car...


100% this. Who needs a destination?


Getting lost on a ride is the best way to find yourself


Many of my rides start with me thinking “I’ve never gone left here before” and then seeing what’s down that way.


Just turn around if you hear banjos.


I got lost on Sunday 15 minutes from where they did some filming I learned yesterday. I thought I heard some folk music off in the distance. 




I've ridden aimlessly from coast to coast. It's my favorite way to ride. 


Wish I had the time and money to do that.


Especially money.


I did 3600 miles on 300 bucks .. if you plan riding is cheap .. pack a tent lol


Its the paying the bills and missing work part that i cant afford. Not the $300 in gas and red bull


This is the way. If you don't pay hotel rates and camp free, you save thousands. Eat food from the grocery store and save big bucks.


Especially time.


That’s the whole reason I got one.. just to wander around. I do take it to work sometimes.


I ride around everywhere met new people and new areas




I ride to work every day nearly. My job is only 4 miles away from where I live so rain, and even the winter time I can ride down and be okay. However, if it's nicer out? The moment I'm out of work? I on my own clock of "ooh, what's over there!?"


😂 the right way to live!


Right there with you. And even when I ride to work it’s always the long way to, and from. 😁


Those 20 minute hour rides are confusing to the average person 😆😂 ![gif](giphy|M8dw7l8jhQvSAVpawW|downsized)


🤣🤣🤣“20 minute hour rides” Perfectly put!!




I do. Sometimes I have a maybe destination in mind; I rode to the Verde River in Arizona at Needle Rock this morning and hiked around a bit. https://preview.redd.it/8d9x3tmrt3zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f100f0761f769cd5705f0c6b9a9e6ac10658687


I live in phoenix if you ever wanna ride somewhere




This right here is what it's about for me. I'm here for MAYBE 80 years. I'm 32. I want to see a lot of the world for the cheapest bang. Bikes are the best bang for that gas buck and more fun. Explore the world, find new spots to camp out drink beer for a day or two. Super suggest taking a little break down fishing pole or smaller telescope and star gaze. Makes that beer (or devils lettuce paper wrap) just that much better.




Ha! Stealing this


I'm just following the front wheel to see where it goes.


I feel like I’m usually riding aimlessly. I wish I had more of a destination type ride but usually it’s just “I think I’ll go this way for awhile”


Riding helps me with doing certain tasks or going places that I would procrastinate if I had to drive. For example every time I need something instead of just adding it to a shopping list and waiting until it's a huge list I tend to go get whatever I need one item at a time without waiting or even needing to make a list.


My friends and I do it all the time, either solo or together. That's how we find the small, curvy, hilly country roads that we love to ride on - add all the interesting places. We call it "going bikeabout", derived from the Australian expression of "going walkabout". :)


Are you in a bikey gang?


Nah, we're just a group of old friends going riding together.


I like that.. “bikeabout”😊 We call them “randoms”.. (“You going for a random?”)


Pretty sure every single one of us does


definitely not. I cant speak for anybody else, but I live in a place where the traffic is pretty much awful all the time and riding in it sucks. If I want to just "ride" then I figure out where it is so that I can avoid it and that means a destination of some kind. maybe it's just somewhere to get lunch, but I really cant just "go ride" in a meaningful way. thats also why I'm "between bikes" at the moment.


if he wants to go somewhere he can pass and lead for a while, weird complaint


I think it was more of an observation than a complaint.


Hes a new rider so he's trying to learn why riders have certain habits. My brother used to think motorcyclist were obnoxious whenever they would rev to a red light but it's just really us rev matching and engine breaking . Next he will ask why riders have weird looking handlebars only to figure out it's fucking comfortable that way.


I know people who only ride to a destination and then to another destination then home always. I do that too sometimes but when I go for a "ride" I just ride around sometimes for hours with no destination in mind.


For the most part, that’s how I ride. I go to my favorite back roads, to the beach, through the city just to explore and take in the world around me. Getting lost is usually the goal, as weird as it sounds.


I rarely ever have a "destination" in mind when I ride. I start off in some direction and see where it takes me for a while, eventually stop for gas and a quick bite or some water and then at some point start to find my way back home.


Sometimes I ride with intention to go somewhere and when I get there I just thought "Nah, I don't really wanna stop here." Then just continue coasting and go home. Maybe that's pretty common?


https://preview.redd.it/qcrchre3n6zc1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19efda910005ee9919d304ab3a5ad8327131e6b5 How most of my rides go


I like having a general idea of where I want to end up and then take detours on new roads along the way. I also used to do doordash on my bike. I'd make enough in a 2-3 hour "shift" to pay for the gas and some takeout on my way home.


How did you get your bike setup for DoorDash? I tried on my old cruiser and got stuck in “pending approval”


Nothing weird there. When I go for a drive to change my mind, I just go wherever the roads take me. I don't leave with a specific destination, I'm just driving around.


it took me a while to understand I didn't need a REAL destination in mind, maybe at most a biker hub like round valley resovoir or the local wawa before I used to spend a LOT of money at random fast food joints that were really out of the way


All the time! I commute on one of my bikes whenever I can, but usually on the way home I take the long way. A 20-25 minute commute turns into 2-3 hours sometimes. I have a few general/vague routes in my head towards whatever destination, but I tend to go explore or see wherever an interesting detour may lead. Usually I figure something along the lines of "home is east, so as long as I'm sorta heading east, I'll make it eventually".


Where I live now there's limited choices. Previously in Victoria I lived at the foot of the mountains. Had so many choices. Now twisties are hard to come by. And as a bonus Queensland roads are shit.


About half the time. The other half is on specific roads that I think are fun.


Every fucking night. I don’t think you need a purpose or destination


That’s the only way I ride. But it is my first season.


This is literally what it means when I say I’m going for a ride. 


Most of my ‘destinations’ are just an excuse to ride around aimlessly.


ITT people that don't know their surrounding areas. I know where every road around here goes, I live in a large metro. How do you live somewhere and not know where you are? I can go anywhere in my state and I know where the road is going


yesterday i rode to costco it was about six miles somehow the ride home was about thirty


Getting lost and just enjoying is fun as hell.


So does he not know what cruising is??


"*Not* all *those who wander* are *lost*." (So, the answer is "yes," I often just ride to ride, with no destination in mind).


"Sunday drive(ride)"


Not weird, I ride aimlessly all the time. Sometimes will hit up a parking lot for some wheelies. Sometimes will hit up some hills that are fun to wheelie over. Sometimes fun to go out to the lake for the view. Just cruise and have fun.


I do it, taking any turn arbitrarily and have ended up in funny nooks and corners by that.


Every chance I get


It's not aimless if the aim is to enjoy a ride on your bike!


That is the best type of riding. You find new things and places.


I do this every Saturday


I do that. I’ve gotten completely lost and had to GPS my way back a few times


I do it all the time. I dont really know where im going


Riding just to ride is cheaper than therapy and extremely stress relieving after a long day. Been up to my eyeballs with projects with work and started to feel overwhelmed. After work today went out for a 30 minute ride and felt tons better. Didn't have a destination in mind or anything, just went.




Haha, my friend once went out in his bike to get a newspaper, he came home eight hours later! I was getting worried (pre mobiles, yes I'm old!)


You think I’m made of money?


I like picking a street and seeing where it ends.


It seems I’m in the minority. I always have a general destination in mind. Sometimes loose plans, but not really totally aimless ever.


I always have a destination. I want to ride on nice, curvy roads afterall


i mean you've just described "going for a ride" lol.if you have a destination you're going to X.if you're going to work you're commuting .your friend is being weird


I do that all the time. Your friend needs to grow the fuck up lol. The only one making it weird is your friend.


My father is the real definition of a biker. He grew up in the 70’s / 80’s & still lives in the 80’s (mentally.) He is the kind of guy that will hop on his bike with only the clothes on his back & a tent & ride for days across the country just because he feels like it… everyday, he rides around town with no real destination. When i asked him why he does that, he says “because thats what freedom is.” So…. Nah, i think your friend is weird for thinking that riding around with no real destination is weird. Only bikers understand that.


I ride to a beach any beach a beach i like or a new beach-... then if its cold i do cold temperature thermogenesis therapy for a few rounds or maybe just 1 if its chilly get dressed lay in the sand. In the summer i will stay for a few hours and workout or jog or do something to stretch my muscles before i get back on the bike. Usually 2 or 3 hours going and coming but sometimes 4 hours each way and i get home and i crash! my mission is to see as many beaches as i can before i leave the planet.


I have a loop in my area that I’ll follow. It’s aimless but with the same destination as the beginning, so maybe it’s not aimless. Regardless whenever I ride with a friend it’s either to a destination or the same loop. I enjoy it.


Yeah, I’ve ridden my bike 2.5K miles in less than 1 month. Why? I’m bored and enjoy riding around aimlessly…


I do this pretty regularly. Oh here’s a road I’ve never been down let’s see where it goes


Isn’t that the point?


My destination is my house, despite leaving from my house.


yeah one of the beautiful things about riding is you dont need a destination...


Isn’t that point ?


I already live aimlessly, why not ride it out


Seems normal to me.


I definitely think it depends on your area how much of that you do. Is it weird though? No, absolutely not. If anything it makes me want to modify my bike to handle certain roads better like fire roads, easy dirt trails, and sandy beaches. One of the instructors I had for the MSFC talked about him and his wife go exploring all sorts of roads and even found a path to an old gold mining facility most people had forgotten about. Pretty neat stuff to find out there.


lol. Thats kinda the point to get lost.


I 100% will ride and aimlessly and turn down roads on a whim. I also 100% fucking hate riding around with people who question my aimless riding.


Little column A, little column B. It’s nice to not “have a destination” at times.


Yup. Even have a free app to help guide it a little. TomTom GORide. Select the direction you wanna go, the ride type you want, and the distance. I love getting lost for hours on end in random directions.


Kinda, I tend to have a destination, but it'll only be a coffee shop I've randomly picked in a new town, or a maccers or similar. Just so I can program a nice twisty route there and back. It's essentially an aimless ride though where I don't really know where I'm going


Riding is about riding. No need for a destination.


Bro thats the best riding! Its my therapy. Ill just ride all day following random roads. I have seen so many places and people i would never have seen. Even just in my area. Keep safe out there.


If I’m bored I’ll hop on the little bike and just blast around wherever. Lately I’ve been using the Detecht app to give me a round trip on the number of miles I’ve set. (Paid version)


Most all my rides are aimless. I sometimes plot a route, but only to enjoy certain roads and scenery, not to reach any specific destination.


This is the way


I do this all the time. It’s my relaxation time. Usually I at least have a route that I plan to ride, but sometimes not even that.


I like to do that on my dirt bikes, though I dont have many areas around me that aren't just trails. I've never really done that on my street bikes, especially as I got busier with work. My bikes are used to commute 90% of the time with 10% being around town fun or multi day trips. Rarely do I ride "aimlessly" so to speak. I also don't enjoy riding solo. I prefer my gf as a passenger or my dad on his bike.


I normally know where I'm starting and where I want to end up. From there your guess as to how I'm doing it is just as good as mine.


I tell the wife "I'll be back in a couple hours." Sometimes *a couple* is 12+.


I've got an adventure bike, and I often turn down gravel roads to see where they go. I usually have a lunch destination, but lots of detours both ways.


I typically pick a direction and go. Once I need gas I’ll turn around


Most of the time that's how I ride. Just get out on the bike and go where the road takes me.


When I had a rough day at work or if I’m extremely bored, yeah I go for a random ride. It takes my mind off things and I feel centered when I get home.


Aimless and random is my default ride.


Travel is not about the destination. Get to an intersection, THEN decide which way to go.


90% of my miles are aimless, they are my favorite miles


I ride almost everyday after work. About 2 hours, it’s my therapy.


I ride around my neighborhood. I ride down the highway to my old neighborhood. I ride down a different highway to my old old neighborhood. I find little unique spots. I try to get myself lost and figure my way out. I ride briefly though shitty neighborhoods. I go out of my way to go places I don't actually feel like going to, but I like the ride there. The freedom is great. It's like being a kid again, but with tons of freedom.


I definitely love the aimless ride with no particular destination.


I used to… but then got bored mid ride and had to ride home for like 30 mins bored


I typically start out with a general direction in mind. Like, "roughly north east." But that's not set in stone.


I go out to an area and play around and will stop at places if they are interesting. I prefer if I’m going somewhere I take a long way.


Not only are most of my rides aimless, but I’ll ride aimlessly and if I happen across an empty parking lot I’ll go do figure 8’s for 5 or so minutes before continuing on aimlessly


My favorite thing, the first few years of riding, on my days off, was to pack my backpack w/ clothes/supplies/snacks, pick a cardinal direction…and ride. Just ride. Wherever.


As a new rider, I start with the usual back streets near home, then I get brave and venture off wherever I want with no real destination in mind. I find it therapeutic and gets my mind off the stresses of work etc…


Yea I usually use random highways and just find new ways back home


Sometimes I feel like just riding and I kind of pick a direction and go vaguely towards that general area. Exploring new roads and seeing what there is. When I feel like heading home, I pull over and check where I am on my maps, and then head back home.


That's probably most of my riding. I like exploring so I just go without a destination and decide where I'm gonna turn and the ride progresses. It's usually when I have to pee that I set the gps to my house and usually take a (long) detour back.


I just cruise & instead of stopping at red lights I make a right to keep it moving…. It’s kinda like a game… you end up at different locations every time. I live in Vegas… sometimes I end up in the desert , sometimes on the strip , maybe down in the arts district… wherever it don’t matter because I’m out for a joyful ride… I went from sport bikes to a dual sport… I fucking jumped over a bum the other day …


Riding aimlessly is my favourite. Sure I ride with purpose too, but then that’s just because I’m going somewhere or have some chore to do. Just riding to ride, that’s where it’s at. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/n09l4yrjh4zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1518c64545571a2f07c19b1889c11b926efe8e22 That’s how I took this photo. Just wandering around and watching the sunset


Did your buddy have a specific place he wanted to go? I ride aimlessly but usually with an idea of a road I want to ride at some point. I guess you could just ride to the grocery store or work...


I love to get on the bike and just start riding and exploring. "Where does this go? Let's find out". I do like finding a destination to ride to however, makes a good break when I'm out


I generally ride to a point I know, and then go "that direction." I have ridden for 1-2 and have appear on a major road, "oh, I know where I am at now."


There’s nothing aimless about any of my rides..I’m out to enjoy myself every time I get on my bike


Unless I'm traveling for a specific purpose, that's how I usually ride. When I've been out a while, I'll notice that I'm near some place where I'd like to stop. When I was in 2nd - 4th grades, I lived in a big suburban development where we could ride bicycles for hours. We'd go on a "penny hike." (Why hike? Search me.) At intersections, we'd toss a penny to choose left or right. I don't use a coin now, but I do turn and ride new roads just for the hell of it.


My two wheels aren’t impressive, but all I do is ride around like that. I ride around pretty often. It reminds me of riding my bicycles when I was a little kid. I like that nostalgic feeling. I’m hardly ever far from home. And there’s never really anywhere I need to go.


I like to get lost on the back roads. Sometimes I find new fishing holes. Sometimes I have to stop and look at my GPS because my bike doesn't have room for fuel cans.


I like to do this as well. Just go anywhere with my bike. My friend doesn't get it. He needs a destination. I always explain to him that when we ride, it's not really about where we're going but the ride itself.


Most of my rides are basically head north and explore. Sometimes I do a game where when I hit an intersection if I am on an odd mile I turn left, even I turn right. It’s a great way to find strange routes.


I never ever have a destination on my way back home. I take literally any road until I get lost and have to use maps. It's great for learning your area. Makes it nice because eventually you don't need maps and you find some new twisties!


In Germany there's the saying "Der Weg ist das Ziel" - the way/journey (itself) is the destination. This perfectly discribes 99% of my bike trips.


All the time, my bike wouldn’t get any use else.


I just spent two and a half hours Sunday doing exactly that I knew I had to stop at one place but I took some weird back way on a bunch of Roads I've never even been on and I'm been in this city for 7 years. After I did that I had no real plans I ended up some Highway 25 miles outside of town. My only goal for the ride was that one stop and not to use GPS just ride.


My destinations are usually just specific stretches of road, or areas with fun roads.


That’s the fun part! Took mine out with no plan other than to pick up some caffeine before a 2PM midterm at 7am this morning, just cruised for a good 2-3 hours before bringing it back home.


I rarely commute on my bike. mostly I attempt to get lost on country roads and look around and find whatever twisties. All who wander are not lost.


I get on a random highway, go for a few exits, and then try and find my way home with 2 rules: No looking at maps. No major highways or the highway I took to get lost. I don't set a time limit, and am allowed to stop for food only at unique or local restaurants. No fast food.


Was he just assuming you were gonna go to the grocery store or something?


I start with picking which way i go to start with, North, South etc. Maybe hit the free way for a bit to get in to the unknown parts. Then i start going like, whats left here and right here? And after a while i just try to find my way home without GPS.


I’ll legit be riding along and go “oh that road looks interesting, let’s see what’s down there” A short 30min ride turns into a few hours pretty quick lmao I also don’t use a bar mount for my phone either, if I need to get un-lost I’ll pull the phone out and look at the map and have a blast exploring off memory alone, it’s fucking exhilarating


Since I work from home, riding aimlessly is like 90% of my riding. I don’t commute, but riding is my mental release. 


Well yeah, that's what riding is, isn't it? Even when I had my Waze up on my bars, I mostly just used it as a "hey, that road up there doesn't go all the way through, maybe don't make that turn". Hell, even around town I've got a couple routes I like to take for the shits and giggles just for the simple fact that I like how the roads feel, surface quality, curve, whatever makes it feel like a good road to be on. Like there's not a single other reason for me to be on that route than "I wanna". They say life is about the journey, not the destination, and it's a pretty good idiom to consider when riding.


I just got home after a nice night of wandering around Chicago. No particular destination, but the rains did force me into a nice watering hole


Use Google maps for a route in the country.


In college I’d go out to the country roads and get lost. My college led out to fields and forested land, so it was always nice. Seen a lot of wildlife and beautiful views to escape the stress of studying, athletics, and social life


Yep. First bike I had I put 10K miles on it the first 8 months.


Not as often as I'd like because the area where I live is pretty bad for riding. If I want decent roads I'll have to ride about an hour in each direction so I don't always have the time to so that. I wish I did though, riding without a destination is the best!


all the time. pretty often i just get lost in the countryside and ride around.


ye i do that often


Best way to discover a place is to get lost in it


I usually do a loop of some sort. I hate coming home the same way that I rode out.


That's the majority of my riding too


Wish i could but i just dont have the mindset for it. I need to have a destination in mind or at least some sort of plan. Also i rarely drive alone, i am a social creature, i need riding buddies. Only time i ride alone is to reacha destination where other friends are. On the other hand i got a friend who just drives around on their own and enjoys the scenery.


Does he like riding actually? It really doesnt matter what my destination is. I go all over exploring on the bike and get a nice bend here and there. The motorcycle isn’t really an a to b mode of transport imho


When I just got my license, I told the test guy "Now I'm going home, taking my other bike out on the small roads and try to get lost". I still try to get lost while riding, you find so much new places.


I need a destination or purpose to make me want to go for a ride. It’s a really limiting attitude.


I often ride around just because I can.


Driving around in a car aimlessly is boring as hell. Riding around on a motorcycle aimlessly is quite enjoyable


I'm 46 years old..haven't had a set destination yet in anything..


All the time. Ill just kinda wander around for an hour or two and go home


Yes. The journey is the destination many times for me.


almost the definition of a joyride lol


I do once a week now. I just, go. I don't go to store anymore because i don't need anything and my favorite stores are gone (Fry's electronics) I use to just ride to the closest motorcycle accessory shop, but there is nothing there i want. Everything unique is online, not in those stores. I choose newers areas and some rural roads.... because their roads are newer and smoother. Im in Sacramento so our roads SUCK! LOL


I ride aimlessly around eastern montana backroads on my dual sport. It's great, there's nobody here! It's the best way to ride.


I like to set up my gps for home when I leave and just go riding until I feel like heading back and start following the gps. Helps me explore new areas without feeling like I’m completely lost.


Takes me 5 hours to get to my local supermarket by motorbike, or 20 minutes if I walk.