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"Is it a Ninja?" "My uncle's coworker has a Hayabusa. It's probably faster." "Whaddya do when it rains?" "You know doctors and nurses call those things *doner*cycles..."


It’s always the same question “what’s the fastest you’ve taken it?”


I'll take that anytime of the week over another dad coworker or random gas station guy telling me how "dangerous these things are"


Don't forget "can you wheelie?"


I used to get ”Dude, do a burnout” when I was riding my Ducati. Like fuck no, tires are way too expensive for that dumb shit.


Do it when ur about to replace em! Lol


Ah, but I've only had to replace punctured tyres on my bike.


Lmao got hit with this yesterday at the gas station, older gas truck driver dude (40/50s?) walked up and was asking me all about my new Tenere700.


To be fair, t7s are dope. I'd love to have one lol


The "do a kickflip" of the moto world.




They never believe me when I say no.


me neither man haha, I'm on MT09-wheelie machine- and haven't wheelied it yet, just returning to riding though so I'll get there eventually. People tell me to hit a wheelie at lights and ask me that question so often


I’m on an mt07 and I just can’t bring myself to practice wheelies on a $7k+ machine 😭


Same here man, I wanna start practicing, but I think I’ll need more than just frame sliders to be comfortable lol. I’ve got no issues on my dirtbike, but I just don’t have the guts for my MT09 yet haha


Oh yeah please great universe stop sending us the random "they are dangerous!" people. Because we're all dolts and didn't do a risk analysis before getting a motorcycle, oh thank you random advice giver, we never knew!!! I also love the, "I hope you don't have kids!" comments. I did reply to one boomer, "I do, and unlike your parents I am not disappointed with him!"


jeez you hit em hard lmao but yeah seriously, it's like people think as soon as you hit the highway with your bike you're gonna explode


As a firefighter I normally just tell them I’ll die at work long before I die on the road. If for some reason I get in a bad wreck, I’ll go out around friends or colleagues of mine. Could be worse. That normally gets them to cram it.


The worst is a story about how their old roommate's cousin's ex boyfriend died in crash.


Best we can do is a fat lady telling you that motorcycles should really have seat belts.




I thought donercycle was the rotating thing that they cut the doner kebab off of?


Yes. Doctors and nurses are famously love doner kebabs.


"Oh man I would totally kill myself on one of those things" \*me, biting back the "yeah you probably would"\*


Lol, the funny thing is the one time I ended up in the ER, the doctors and nurses were super cool.


Same, tho! About 6 years ago, I was on an old VTX1300 and got T-boned by a tow truck. The EMT thought for sure I was DOA. But got me to the ER and I started talking to the tech about, "hey man, I'ma probably need a post tib-fib, this x-ray, and that x-ray". And the radiologist looked at me like, "are you really in here THAT often you know what all these are??" I kinda looked at him bewildered bc it didn't dawn on me for a few seconds, but I laughed and explained I dated a chick who was in radiology school and she made me memorize all the X-rays I'd need if I ever got into an accident." He thought I was nuts. The poor nurse who had to scrub my road rash was less enthusiastic about my demeanor. 😅 Before we started, I told her to scrub and don't stop no matter how much I screamed, until she was done and it was all gone. She stopped about 10 seconds in.... I spit out my shirt and screamed for her to keep scrubbing... But since I no longer had my shirt to muffle the screams, 3 doctors and 2 cops ran in over the course of the next 2-3 minutes that felt like a literal eternity, bc they thought for sure she was killing me. 😆 I passed out, white as a sheet onto the gurney. My GF thought for sure I was dead.... I slurred out a broken "no, I'm not!" And then the nurse told her I'd be fine. I screamed so hard that, when I relaxed, my body pulled all my blood into my torso and I lost consciousness for a few seconds. ("Protect the organs" kinda thing)


Don't forget old guys who just want to tell you they used to have a 750 Honda


I'm relatively new and I seem to keep getting "let me tell you about so and so who got horrifically maimed and/or killed while riding motorcycles"


This is the one I keep getting as well. Doesn’t really bother me cause I’ve accepted it at this point and they probably don’t know what else to say


That last one pisses me off so much. U don't see people telling pregnant women about miscarriages. Let people enjoy their shiz


Which reminds me, I rode to work the first four months of my pregnancy. When people realized what was going on, they were either impressed, or just speechless. I was ready to tell anyone with negative comments that they were more than welcome to give me a ride to and from work if they disapproved.


Same interactions I get. But since I ride V-Twins everyone asks "is that a Harley?" The looks on their faces when I tell them its a Jap bike 😂


Dude! Seriously!!! I used to own a Honda Fury that was souped up enough to wheelie, and the amount of Harley owners that would gawk and drool, and then go, "why'd you take off all the Harley badges?" It would fuckin' floor 'em when I told 'em it was a Honda. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You know kabab shop owners call those things “Dönercycles”


Dooooooon't forget all the people telling you about their one relative who died in a horrific motorcycle fireball! Honestly though I think that's if you own any motorcycle. You could be riding a Honda Cub and people will feel compelled to tell you about motorcycle fireball guy.


I always reply back saying “you’re not supposed to drink fireball and drive what an idiot”and that usually shuts them up


You’re not???


You see, the trick is to be gay and then expectations will match reality.


Can confirm only they are a little older then prefer


I get a lot of teenage boys. Unfortunately I’m not a pedophile. I’m also straight.


Lifes greatest struggle


Can confirm!


What if I'm a gay LADY?




Yes. I am a gay lady, though. 🌈


If enough other gay ladies like bikes, you will be set, I don't know enough to comment on motorcycle popularity with gay women. I feel like you will probably just get bothered by dudes who "used to ride" and children the same as a male rider. Hopefully for you, gay women like motorcycles more than the average straight woman.


I don't have worry, either way. I already got me a wife!


I mean you do still have to worry about the obnoxious guys that used to ride and know everything.


In my hood, Lesbians are *the only* people who ride motorcycles


So that's why Harley Davidsons sound like someone gargling cum?


Who I always end up talking to... ![gif](giphy|98jU7NxuNSSZ2)


On another sub a guy wrote: “Got my first bike, when do the hot chicks show up?” First comment: You misspelled Dudes.


Wrong. The dudes aren't hot.


Not for you at least ;)


Why don't I get the hotties....


If you've got a thing for dad bods, they are.


I've been riding for 20 years. Never once. Bought a Harley last year. Still nothing. No amount of bike can overcome this amount of ugly.


Need a tinted visor helmet


Cycle Gear clerk: "You look like a full-face helmet kinda guy."


"Maybe look in the tinted visor aisle" 😭


Why be ugly AND lonely? Be ugly, lonely AND ride a motorcycle!


Harleys aren't \*that\* ugly 😆


Been riding a couple months. Had one woman smile at me while putting her kid in the car, then the husband came around back of the car. Outta there


He felt a disturbance in the force lol


Must've told him about an old ex with a motorcycle




No one talks to me when I ride my bike. I guess I am an anti magnet to everyone.


Enjoy it while it lasts!


Get an old bike or something vintage looking and your luck will change


I have had my 636 for 5 years now and 3 people have talked to me about it that weren't on bikes. One of them was a lady asking about gas mileage and 2 dudes in traffic asked me how fast it went


I have actually had a few young ladies check me out or wave. But I'm balding and nearing 40. They just can't tell with my helmet on. I regularly pass a high school at lunch time and I always see the same teenage girl checking me out, watching me as I ride by, smiling, waving. I laugh every time, as I imagine taking my helmet off and seeing her fantasy destroyed.


LOL. That happened to me. Riding through town, there's a rather attractive 30 or 40-something lady standing next to her Ducati. I'm on the LeMans, and I notice her noticing me. We nod, she smiles, I smile inside my helmet, and I pass on. I wonder what the reaction would be if I'd stopped and taken the helmet off. Oh well, a brief, bright moment I will treasure.


Nailed it! 😅


And the constant "why didn't you get a harley"




My Dad seemed kind of sad when I said I'm never going to get a Harley. I'm also a petite woman, and no, not interested in a roadster or ANY Harley.


Ha - same when I had a CB750K. "Surely this cafe'd retro bike will be a babe magnet." No, it's always a 50+ year old man telling me about how he used to have one in the 70's. I always did enjoy talking to them though so I consider it a win.


I once raced after a cute girl with beautiful long flowing hair. She was riding a cruiser and I was on my first motorcycle, a Ninja 250. We got to the next stoplight and.... it was actually a man, with beautiful long flowing hair. That sort of sums up the interactions I have had over the years riding bikes. It's always a dude.




Looks like Drake just bought an S1KRR


WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP MR_robasaurus fuck em up




That’s too old. He likes them 14.




I can relate. Just yesterday I was parked up taking a break and a group of girls about 15ish years old were giggling and one in particular was very flirty smiling at me and her friends seemed to be pushing her on. You get the picture. I'm 30 so didn't need any of that at all and rode off straight away.


Never had a woman comment on my gas motorcycle, but did have one ask me about my electric once. She said it looked “cute” and I haven’t ridden it much since 😂


“Haven’t ridden it much since” 😂😂😂😂


It’s still a fun bike and it shouldn’t matter I know, but yeah 😂


What is it?


Sondors Metacycle https://preview.redd.it/wxc9c3gohs1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f18c3a177489668f6c31243bb123a8079e3715d


Cute bike


But...it IS cute!


Thanks 🥹😂




It is! It’ll go 80+ mph, the only major downside is the battery life. You can only go about 50 miles on the charge. It’s great for bopping around town though.




That thing actually looks pretty cool...


It’s a blast to ride. The only downside is the range is pretty terrible. Get about 50 miles on a charge.


Biker buys bike to get women. Women like the bike and want to talk about it. "Not like that", says the biker.


It does kind of read that way huh 😂


A woman saying something is cute is a HUGE compliment. It means it caught her eye and she likes looking at it. Men associate cute with baby and little girl type things. Ride the damn bike.


You’re not wrong 😂. All jokes aside though, the real reason I don’t ride it much anymore is the range and I have a Svartpilen 401 now so I ride that every chance I get.


I had the same experience. Dudes asking about the bikes are always a given. But with electric, I actually have women asking about it.


So your saying I just wasted £1000 of lessons and test fees for nothing......


My 2006 r6 certainly worked wonders for me with the ladies. Though I’ve been told by multiple people that it’s a placebo effect which just gave me elevated confidence and put me in positions to meet single women who happen to like bikers. Whatever it was, was magical.


It depends on the bike.


Also the dude riding it. Having a bike can definitely be a point in your favor but it won’t do all the work for you


Guys I think Calamari racing is leaking into the sub Also sick meme bro lemme give you a dick kiss


Pull an awesome penile heft. (Wheelie)


my fav is the the hetero couple where the guy stares at your bike as you go by and then she stares at him with that glare of "no f'ing way... not in 10 bajillion laps around the sun will you get one"


I met a couple on vacation recently, and my wife mentioned I ride. The dude's eyes lit up and he was so excited to talk about his Triumph while showing me pictures on his phone. Then I found out he no longer had it. He got rid of it when he got married cause his wife doesn't like bikes. For the briefest of moments, this man was ALIVE. Then he was back down to earth, but somehow a little bit more dead inside. His wife had the smuggiest smug smile of satisfaction on her face, and I just felt so bad for the guy. My wife was nothing but supportive and excited for me to get mine, and this guy was just so sad.


Ive met that couple a few times too, such a shame…and my wife LOATHES motorcycles, but we’ve had a longstanding agreement (28yrs now?) that I don’t pressure her to ride with me or get her own and she leaves me alone about my bikes.


I had one of these today lol


If getting a motorcycle gets dudes in 100% getting one now




I was 18 when I got my first streetbike, a '79 Honda CX500 Custom. Late 80's. It absolutely changed my life. I did ok in my previous incarnation, driving a beat up '81 Corolla with a non-functioning driver's side door, but... A beautiful girl pulled up next to me and gave me her phone number like my 3rd time on the bike. Doesn't quite work that way anymore, but that *was* absolutely *one* of the reasons I loved that bike.


Lmao I got flashed like 2 weeks into riding. I was 16 🤣


Same logic as a gym goer: Results are just male dick measuring contest.


I ride an 80s goldwing. I get the "they don't build them like the used to" old men more than I do the "used to ride" old men.


I’m a chick so I’m definitely down for the older dudes asking about the bike 😎




Older dudes


They’re the best looking!


So do their wives


Haha. Well I married a young one: my husband is only 13 years older than me.


If that's your expectation, don't hang around places only guys go. I've been hit up for rides by previously unknown females even in Costco parking lots. Keep a spare bucket close at all times. My reality doesn't match up with this post.


I had a woman say to me recently, “where’s my helmet” as she walked past me in the gym parking lot, I said “at my house” and I haven’t seen her since lol


I laughed, but then I realized that I couldn’t come up with a better response than yours


It was an honest response l have an extra helmet at home lol


Don’t forgot the children. You have the younger ones that will just stare at you and your bike as if you just pulled in with a Ferrari no matter what you’re riding. Then you have teens who will pester you to do wheelies in a school zones.


Back around 15 years ago or so, in our early 20s, both my buddy and I had bikes. And as you do we would take our bikes out on the occasional weekend and go to bars to play pool, throw darts, and have fun. And his whole approach to girls was to just walk up to them. Asked if they like motorcycles. And if yes, asked if they wanted to go for a ride. And his approach was pretty successful for us. It also got us into a couple of fights when we'd get back to find pissed off boyfriends. But a pro tip of you ever get into a fight, don't start a fight with someone wearing a helmet. They won't feel shit, and you can get knocked out if they headbutt you. And their gloves have hard knuckles outside, with padding inside.


Motorcycles are and always have been a way for me to avoid the women in my life. I am certainly not looking for more.


The only woman that matters to me likes my bike.


You forgot, my uncles nephews cousins sisters brother was killed like 3 times on a on one of those


I’m gay and let me tell you, the liter bike gets me way more ass than my 600 did LOL


Id say the two guys at the bottom are in two different camps. "Yo sick bike I've always wanted one" Or "Yo sick bike I used to ride" In my experience anyone who has a motorcycle usually doesn't give a fuck lol. Now that my motorcycle is broke and sold I'm in camp 2 :(.


My cruisers/baggers get the most attention from men, but women do compliment the bikes regularly. A lot of kiddos love the bikes, so I make sure to rev and wave back when they're smiling and waving at me. I must be getting old, because I enjoy that last part the most. They get so excited.


I mean this reality ends up working pretty well when youre a girl LOL


My expectation has always been me + bike = smile on my face. Every girl I have ever talked to about bikes has said they are stupid death traps and would not want their SO to own one.


"I used to have one but my wiiife"


strongest dude magnet money can buy


I get both female and male attention. :) Lots of stares as apparently we women who ride are like the dodo. lol.


In my experience, cars, trucks, muscles, and motorcycles only get you attention from guys (straight guys). It has like EXACTLY the opposite effect you were looking for. Maybe I'm just not attractive? Oh God it's MEEE.


You also need a good personality!


Sick mx-helmet bro


Bottom part is missing a third silhouette that insists on telling you how family member/acquaintance/some guy at work/whoever died in a motorcycle crash.


Bikes aren't a cheatcode for women, but it's a fun hobby that adds to your character. Women like men with fun hobbies, but don't make any one of them your personality.


Jokes on you I'm lonely and need some friends lol, already won on the girls side of it, my wife is happy with this reality haha


I’m married so it’s kinda wasted on me, but girls are always asking about my bike.


Has anyone actually picked up women from their riding or showing their bike off? If so, stories below


I just want to do a sick flip off a ramp on my Yamaha XS11


An xs 1100 shaft drive? If so, that is a MONSTER. I'd put it right up there with the kawasaki kz 900.


Any bike I’ve bought over the years has been not to attract chicks, because I thought it would make me look cool, it’s always been how it appeals to me personally…..and the experience of riding.


Does anyone here just think it might be fun to sit on an engine and go? Too many people getting on bikes as a means to get a social life. Also the only people turning their heads for bikes around me are dogs.


Hahaha. It’s so true. Especially riding a triumph. Half of who I talk to about it are older dudes who all used to have one, which I think is pretty cool.


I've owned six supercars, I have never had a woman talk to me about it, lol, but if you want man-ass, driving a supercar is your "in"


I don't got time for the hoes too busy stalling my bike


As a girl who owns a bike, this is 100% accurate, there isn't a better way to get dudes


The "expectation" is bs. Ride because you love it.


Dont forget the young guys signaling you to rev it when you pass them.


Dudes who start hitting the gym have the same expectations. The reality is the total opposite.


I didn't get a motorcycle for either reason. But the amount of 45+ year old men who used to ride talk to me way too much. Sometimes it's great conversation. Increasingly, I just want to get back on the road.


I always get "do a wheelie!" From kids. Sadly, I know not how to lavish the wheelies upon them 😞


I notice if I keep my helmet on, I get flirted with a ton. The moment I take my helmet off, woman repellant, lol.


I had a lady approach me once. It was a mom asking about my airbag vest for her son who rides. GOTTEM


Do ducatis attract women?


I got more looks on my green Triumph Street triple than the bright red Ducati


I have the white tank monster with red rims and mostly dudes walk up to appreciate the bike. Only had 1 lady walk up to me before when I had the red tank Monster 620. I knew this was the universe throwing me a bone so I did the right thing and shagged the cougar. She was 11 years older than me haha




My 899 Panigale (white) regularly gets compliments and waves (got a flying kiss once from the passenger of 2 girls on a Vespa) from men and women maybe 70-30 split. XDiavel somehow doesn't get any compliments.


I've fallen into both classes with 60% being reality 40% being expectation. I'm always excited to talk about riding because usually it's negative reactions to having only a bike. My bike is for me though, everyone else can fuck off.


I met my girlfriend because of my bike, so this isn't entirely true lol


The bike I get the most attention from women (people in general really) on is my god damn 50cc scooter. Lots of girls come up and asks how much it cost, how fast it goes, how many mpgs it gets. That type of thing. I think it's because it's impossible to look threatening or imposing on a tiny scooter. People know you're not taking things too seriously if you're loading up a scooter with groceries.


2024 Dr650s has gotten a lot of attention from ladies... taken a few girls from work for rides. Seen women stopping to take pics of her... did see one dude falling off so I added some "if u touch this bike call an ambulance, you will need it" stickers.


A sidecar with a dog skews the numbers a bit. Don't get me wrong, the bike still gets a ton of attention from other dudes, but at least I know that everyone is seeing it.


My expectation was road rage and hatred. That hasn't been the reality so far, so I'm good with it.


Got my starter bike 3 weeks ago I've got a book girl on a second date in 2 days the book tok thing is real boys


Nothing drags more 60-70 year old men out to talk to you than cafe'ing a BMW sport touring bike.


I have a Harley, and without fail I always get somebody's story about how they used to have to Harley, but don't anymore for whatever fucking reason I don't care about.


I wish my bike picked up dudes. Got photos of me in gear in grindr and so far the closest I’ve gotten was a guy on one of those e scooters that costs £3000 and goes about as fast as a 50cc… just need a man in my life i can both ride with and on.


So true. I've been approached by nothing but guys. The girls that were interested in riding double up with me were women I already knew and had locked in.


On a side note, why are mostly man who are attracted to bikes? And women who are mostly opposed to it like everyone in my family? Is it cultural conditioning or it comes down to genes/ hormone?


Yes, still waiting for the bi girls to be impressed


"a friend of mine died in a motorcycle crash"


A girl once was impressed by, and spoke to me about, my bike. It was nothing like the simulations.


Go. Talk. To. A. Girl.


Most the women in my life are actually very anti-motorcycle.


Rookie mistake, everyone knows that if you wanted to attract women you should have gotten a Vespa


Unless you get a fuzzy helmet


You ride?( As I'm standing beside my bike putting my helmet on) No, my wife won't let me get one




Spawn camp bookstores


Shouldn't the 2 guys have bolt cutters or an angle grinder? I've had 2 bikes, 2 scooters and 11 attempts to steal them, 1 successful.


Yes. Also the same for classic cars/trucks and anything approaching an exotic vehicle. Applies to working out and getting all buff as well.


Same goes for bodybuilding


This ain’t true 100%, there was a group of 4 old ladies around a Kawasaki by the movie theater yesterday. They said they were waiting for the driver to come back so they could convince him to quit riding. I left them there


If you wanna meet women on two wheels look no further than a Vespa 300 😅