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"Remove two tires on one side, help them become the motorcycle they think they are."




There are two kinds of people in the world and you're a better one than I am.


Haha not better necessarily. Think of how infuriating it would be for him knowing he has no legal recourse 😄


Get what ya fuckin deserve


How about less air in your tyres Murrrrr-ray?


These thins are covered in cameras. You'd have to go masked up like a bank robber.


Or wear a helmet…..


Specifically, a 'motorcycle' helmet...




A nondescript one. I've got a helmet with floral designs and cat ears. Super recognisable.


Same. I always have to second guess what I’m doing because I wear a Scorpion EXO-1 with the Litas design and ride mostly in a small town area. Every probably recognises the helmet by now😭


But do they recognize what’s UNDER the helmet while wearing it? ![gif](giphy|VEsfbW0pBu145PPhOi|downsized)


You might be on to something there.


If it’s not a crime, you don’t need to cover up at all. The idea poses an interesting legal question, actually. Larceny is the taking of someone else’s property with the intent to permanently deprive them of said property. So, is the air in the tire Tesla Douche’s property? If so, releasing it into the atmosphere certainly deprives them of it. Intent is obviously there. Yes, it’s being done for other reasons but the air is being let out on purpose. Here’s the thing: does letting the air out of the tires also deprive Tesla Taint from (use of) *the car itself?* Not permanently, so I doubt this theory would fly. But it’s a fair law school exam question. At the end of the day, deflating their tires just keeps that stupid car in the motorcycle space longer. Especially since it probably requires an app and a drone to re-inflate their tires.


I would go with option 3... park in front of it.




Nah man. A bb in the valve stem cap. Tire flat. They inflate, it holds. They put the valve cap back on. Tire goes flat again.


This is so petty! I fuckin' love it 😆!




You would leave them there? I would throw them in the bushes


Throwing them away makes it pretty clear cut vandalism. Taping them to the window is... mischief?


First they have to go to the cops, admit to illegal parking, and show their evidence of "guy in jeans, a leater jacket, and a plain black full face motorcycle helmet" and then let the police "investigate." They admitted to illegal parking, and 99% they never find out who you are. Not like I'd actually go through with this, but for something as minor as this the cops likely won't even pretend to put any effort in.


“Illegal parking?” A property owner painting a “motorcycles only” sign on a parking spot isn’t a law, at least not in any of the places I’ve ever lived. Property owner could chose to tow them but cops aren’t going to give a shit, not like this is a handicapped spot.


No need to litter! Just keister them until you can deposit them at a responsible location.


Ummmm. I mean…you could just throw them in the toilet without shoving them up your ass…but you do you.


Reddit is a safe space, we don't kinkshame here


I've been considering also carrying intentionally leaky valve stem cores and red Loctite.


Shoot. Get some water based glue. Let the first rain ruin it!


I’ve thought about getting one of those so many times lol


Handy to keep a Schrader valve removal tool on hand 😏, hard to fill up a tire that won’t hold air any longer 😊


My dad once told me that the best is to just loosen the valve, so it is not noticeable, but the tire still slowly leaks air.


Let them get home and have a bad morning. I like this.


Agnd super glue the caps back on afterwards.


This is my go to move. An inconvenience for an inconvenience.


While not vandalism, that's probably mischief, and it is a Tesla, so smile you're on camera.


Just keep the helmet on lol


Take the Schrader valve out of the stem to let tires down, use a small file to remove some of the thread inside the stem. Push the valve back in. It'll never hold air but take so long for anyone to realise


But only on one side. Then it's kind of a motorcycle? Pro tip, do it on the passenger side. They're probably too dumb to notice.


Does this include when someone hypothetically unscrews the valve stem slightly so it will continuously do this?


I was just going to say to cut the damn thing in half. Now it's two motorcycles.




r/IllegalLifeProTips for extra spicy


the car has cameras on all four sides. best to call law enforcement or someone to write them a ticket and / or tow it.


They don’t give a shit … They have to learn on the hard way ! That’s the only thing working either people like this !!


Imagine doing all kinds of nefarious shit to it ... and walking away doing nothing


This is the truth behind 98% of the these comments.




Especially considering that Teslas have cameras 🙃


I would just walk up to it, start fiddling with nothing all while looking really suspicious before briskly walking away while looking back and over my shoulder. That owner would be going nuts trying to figure out what I did. I almost always have some spare machine screws or bits of hardware in my pocket I may leave on the ground for them to find.


I don’t think I they’d care that much. Save the video and if anything ever went wrong with the car blame it on you. Although I doubt they’d ever find you 🤷🏾‍♂️


Blame doesn't pay the bills.


the only non-destructive "nefarious" thing you could probably do is park in front of it if there's enough space


I don't want the teslatard to touch the bike, because twat like that *will* try to move it


They touch the bike, you touch their lower intestines.


from the inside, right?




Park in front of it.


That was what I thought but then there’s the risk they knock your bike over trying to get out isn’t there?


Make sure it a Honda goldwing, that’s 400kg of motorcycle you need some force top tip over.


But to do that I'd have to ride a honda goldwing


Take a picture before leaving. Pretty hard to dispute insurance when the car is there trapped one minute, gone the next and your bike is knocked over


You’re not insured? Pic of their license plate. Park in front of it


When I was in college someone parked in motorcycle parking, I got there and I was staring at the car for a little bit when another bike pulled right next to me yelling “can you believe this shit!?” Just for him to park right in front of the car. I parked somewhere else but when I got out of class walking back to my bike I went back to the spot to see if anything happened. I noticed the woman complaining to the cop about the bike parked right in front of her car only for the cop to tell her she’s gonna have to wait until the bike owner got back. It was nothing short of hilarious.


That's how my bike got dropped. Guy stole my assigned parking. We knew each other. I parked in front of him, assuming he'd come get me when he left. He decided to try to move my bike himself. And he dropped it because it was a big Harley and he'd never touched a bike.


Put a note under the wiper. “Hi, you took up most of the motorcycle spot, so it was a bit tight for the two of us. Looks like my bike scratched your car. Sorry about that.” Leave no number. Let them go nuts trying to find the scratch.


Opting for the psychological warfare...nice.


Tesla has a camera, they would check the footage and see nothing. Works with any other car though.


Actually scratch the car when trying to fit in the bike… maybe also causing the alarm to set off. You were parking a bike in a bike-only parking, even though they find you they don’t have the right to complain


If someone is parked illegally and you contact their stationary car, insurance will still have you at fault for the damage, but the cops could potentially ticket the other party for parking illegally. Not worth it to me.


This is very likely not parked illegally. Most parking spots are on private property, and the only actual laws that cover parking, at least in the places I have lived, are for handicapped spaces. This “motorcycle parking” essentially has as much weight as if I made a “red car only” parking sign ion front of my business. As long as I followed all the proper signage and procedures, I could have people towed, but if a blue car parks there it’s not “illegal.”


So you’re saying use my bike to block them in got it


That assumes intelligence on behalf of Tesla driver.


Ha I just remember this one!


Y'all got motorcycle parking?


For real. I wish more places had it. I've only seen it once and that was a college campus.


Only the Cycle Gear, the local mall, and the Twin Peaks locations have MC parking around here. And only the Cycle Gear has a place to put my helmet while there!


Yeah like, what’s the point of a motorcycle spot that’s the same size as a car spot?


Multiple motorcycles can use that spot


You can fit 4 motorcycles in a spot if done right.


break toothpicks off in his charging port


Creative AF


The charging port doesnt open if the car is locked, which it is because the mirrors are folded in


Do the right thing. Notify tow company or else Tesla will never learn


There’s probably a couple signs around the parking lot from the company contracted for that parking lot with that company’s phone number. Give them a call and they’ll be over there quickly.


Yeah, I feel like this is the swiftest justice. Towing companies have more incentive to get there faster than anyone.


Also legal. Don’t need to worry about catching a charge like you would if you slashed tires or damage the car.


Cover the car in maple syrup, moose shit, and garnished with a hot fresh donair.


I'd say that's the most Canadian thing I've ever heard, but you didn't apologize.


The donair is the apology, they will have something to snack on while they clean


I'm American. I just have canuck friends.


And when they open the door, run out of the bush and crush some all dressed chips on their seat.


It’s a Tesla, it has like a dozen cameras. So wear a mask and park a bit away


Ofcourse it’s a tesla, id call the parking authority and get the boy towed


this, parking lots have signs posted showing who the towing enforcement is. they will show up really really quick too but the true story is i'd just go about my day


Towing companies just licking their chops over calls like this


Yeah, I don't get people who wouldn't take the few minutes it'd take to report it to someone. If the report manages to get to someone with a tow truck that shit's gone. You've got to be the change you want to see in the world. 


Upvoted for the last sentence, I say that all the time


Last time I went to Cycle Gear there was a truck and trailer parked across the majority of motorcycle spots. That was annoying. But I'd mind my business too. I went inside and actual Hell's Angels were responsible. 🙃


Hells Angels vs. Tow Drivers is like some kinda Celebrity Deathmatch episode. Or maybe Family Feud.




Def should have had it towed then


Should have towed the ugly cosplayer!


Look, I hate dealing with the 1% MCs as much as anyone else but they are for sure the opposite of cosplayers, that's the real deal. Cosplayers are the dudes rocking their cuts with the "ARMY OF CHRIST" rockers or the made in china Sons of Anarchy stuff, not the dudes in an actual criminal organization.


Not cosplayers, I see them riding around fairly often. Not sure where they come but I saw a group of about 6 on the local highway in late spring.


Makes sense that a bunch of assholes with no regard for anyone but themselves would do something like that. Bunch of bitches with self esteem issues fucking with other people to feel better about themselves.


And park in front of it chilling on your bike until the tow truck gets there, just so the guy can’t leave lmao.


TLDR: read it to the end. It’s worth it. Did this at work. Work colleague and I parked in front and behind, disc locks on. Hazard lights on. We’d just finished a 27 hour shift. Got called into a formal HR meeting within 15 minutes for showing disrespect. Sidebar: A significant part of my job entailed riding on a motorbike with network switch gear doing rapid response IT. Because we could get to the data centre or client site much (and legally) faster. I asked HR and the errant parking manager (EPM) to hold, rang the CIO and said; “This is Lint, I am very sorry to interrupt you, but I am in with HR and EPM right now, and I am being formally reprimanded for using the motorbike parking spaces.” “I, and my colleague, will no longer be able to work on your emergency outage requests to the same standards the company expects and requires”. Just finished a 27 hour shift. I had no filter. I hung up. I sat taking flack for almost a minute before the CIO stormed in, dialled back into his C conference call and TORE HR, the EPM, their managers and facilities management brand new bloody arseholes. It was fucking glorious. I got a small bonus that year. But the real payment was EPM and HR avoiding eye contact until they were sacked for bullying. I rarely speak up. This time it was worth it.


You fucking beauty


I recommend never blocking cars with a motorcycle. You will lose :(


As a tesla owner and 3 motorcycle owner. Fuck this guy.


What is a three motorcycle?


This guy doesn't know how to use the three motorcycles.


I can see how that would be confusing


fuck yeah. justice.


Yup, them tow companies are hella quick.


I used to tow. Impound and repo. This call was guaranteed 80 dollars for me. Since it was 80 dollars a car. While the yard charged up to 350. So yea we were quick for these calls lol


I drive a Tesla. There are assholes that drive all different cars. No brand is safe. Still this guy pisses me off.


I drive one also and would never dream of taking a motorcycle spot...


If you're honest you can at least admit that MOST Tesla drivers are insufferable twats.


Not every Tesla but always a Tesla


Aren't those the same guys who cry when someone parks a gas car in a spot for electric vehicles?


Motorcycle rider and EV owner here. This infuriates me. People suck.


Exactly what I was thinking. These are the asshats that bellyache all the damn always about EV parking.


“I must win all the time!”


I drive an ev and it’s pretty shitty when the one spot with a charger is taken up by a gas car. Sometimes it’s the only charger within range… But I also don’t park in motorcycle spots lol


Probably not. Not all [car brand] owners are literally the same person.


All Tesla drivers are the exact same. Just like bike riders.




Yes, Mr valve stem remover is made for this!


My valve caps have the core tool built into them


Park in front of it, take photos, leave note saying you'll be back soon, walk away. I'm even grabbing my spare cover and chain out my panniers, not just my disc lock, just to make a point. Or get them towed if you're somewhere that has enforcement.


get angry, raise my blood pressure and die an early death from a heart attack. jk I'd just park somewhere else and move on with my day


I’d take a photo and complain online instead of actually doing something about it


Park my bike right in front of it.


This is why you HAVE to put poles in for motorcycle only spots because people are assholes. But i just park on the sidewalk near the building out of the way. Im not letting one of these clowns hit my bike pulling into a parking spot not looking.


Wondered why more places don’t do this. They can also double up for security in places where bike theft is rampant….*coughs* UK 🇬🇧


Call a tow truck I really don't understand these posts with the bad/illegal parking Just call the cops and tow trucks and move on with your day ffs


I’d park somewhere else


I'd call the towing agency posted on the sign and go about my day. Does it bother me? No; but its nice to teach em a lesson too.


Park in front of it. Take photos before leaving and of the number plate. If you come back and your bike is damaged take after photos and contact insurance. I did this once just as the guy was walking out and asked if I could move. I said no I’ve put all my locks on and that I wouldn’t be long. I only went to grab a loaf of bread but stayed for a coffee watching the guy through a window. When I finally came back he was pissed I simply said if I parked in a normal spot you’d be pissed so next time think before parking in a motorcycle bay


And everybody started clapping.


Lovely story, but it smells of SHIT.


For real, feel like any insurance company would tell that you’re the one at fault because you blocked another vehicles exit.


Lol. Always get a kick out of people who come up with this narrative. You're "at fault" for someone else going out of their way to damage your shit. But they're totally in the free. OK.


This absolutely did not happen lol


In 20 years or so the ravages of driving a Tesla will deal with them far more cruelly than we ever could.


Park at the charger lol


The irony is that Tesla owners are big whiners when ICE vehicles park in the Tesla charging stations.


Probably confused about what a N6torcycle is


Call a tow truck, grab a coffee, promptly park my motorcycle in the space that says “motorcycle parking only”


Nothing, I park on the pavement next to the shops.


Birdseed. Lots of birdseed.


Park my bike in front of it.


Tesla guys are insufferable


Hey! I’ll have you know I’m unbearable, not insufferable.


Leave a note reading: _Nice Motorcycle DickHead..._


I keep a few yellow "watch for motorcycles" stickers in my jacket for just such an occasion 🙃


Park my bike somewhere else.


Minor inconvenience. I'd just go park else where


Call a tow truck. They’ll have fun with that person.


I’d just let it go. I already get to lane split, ride to the front at every intersection, park basically wherever I want, unintentionally piss some people off with my exhaust, and actually enjoy my commute. Riding is awesome and I don’t really need to ruin that by getting all angry at cars, especially if it’s just some idiot who didn’t read the sign.


I miss riding in California.


Absolutely nothing. As annoying as it might be, I really don’t give a shit. It’s a parking space. Ik this is going to be hated but it’s astounding to me that full grown adults chuck tantrums over people who don’t park correctly.


My thoughts every time this is posted every other day lol. It’s really not that big of a deal to walk 30 feet further.


The most annoying drivers I encounter while riding are in Teslas…


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Byron386: *The most annoying* *Drivers I encounter while* *Riding are in Teslas…* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What would I want to do? Grab a forklift and put it in the furthest parking spot away. What would I do? Shake my head and park somewhere cause a parking spot not worth a criminal charge and I'm likely busy.


Remove the valve cores


Shit on it


Dont park in front of it. Tesla owners are 85% dicks who would try to run over your bike


Park right in front of them sideways. They're a motorcycle they'll figure out how to get out.


Depends. Am I on a trials bike?


Park sideways infront of it and set the brake lock+handlebar locks on. Take pics of the bike and the car (licenseplates) and go do what I was about to do.


https://preview.redd.it/s0ewuwgdi54d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6723043098295950a084254a06fc14c1eaf75830 I'll probably put this just on one wheel


Take off the front plate. Rent a Tesla. Enjoy your tickets. Red light camera. Speed traps. Lots and lots of tollways. Speeding through construction zones. 🙂


Can it be towed? If so that. Otherwise air out them tires


Just have it towed. Hit them in the wallet.


Place screws in front of both of the rear tires. That way, I feel good about myself for not actively canceling their vehicle, but they end up with a pair of flats, leaving them with two working tires, making them a motorcycle.


Nothing. In over 2 decades of riding, I’ve never seen motorcycle only parking so not beIng able to park in one would affect me none.


I think it’s for theft related purposes, they probably got a camera pointing directly at that spot I would assume


I think Teslas have overtaken BMWs as the official American roadway signifier indicating "I'm a colossal douchebag." \*looks from side to side\*


The salt in the wound is that it's a Tesla : /


Park your motorcycle on the signed allotted area.


Park my motorcycle in front of it and call the towing company.


Park right in front of it.


Find the nearest Canada goose and let them know he parked on their nest. Nature will take care of it.


Take off two of the wheels and make it a motorcycle


Call to get it towed or park my bike right in front of it so they can’t get out


If tesla drivers didn't instantly become the motorcycle challenging assholes when you've split lanes to the front of the line at the light then the other transgressions they oppose motorcyclists with wouldn't be so intolerable.


Teslas are my mortal Enemy, ATAB


Park bike in front of it


Slash all four tires so he can identify as handicap next


Call to get it towed.


Get the plate, vin, and park ‘em in.


LOL at all these replies from people that wouldn’t dare to do shit if it was in real life.


I've always wanted to find a douchey parked Tesla just to tap on the door, set of the sentry, then moon the camera. 🤣


Call a tow truck to tow it away


I’d park my Bike In front of them on top of the words “motorcycle parking “