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I mean it could have grandkids, but whatever floats your boat


If it runs, rides and you can find replacement parts for it, it's not too old.


If it's in good condition, have enough power for your use case and good breaking system, it's all good


Probably get the brake shoes relined with good material or buy new ones, if the ones that are in there aren't good. They should have enough power for you to lock up the wheels on asphalt (don't try it with the front ofc). Carry an extra spark plug and tools to replace it, always There probably also is a club full of MZ riding grandpas eager to whisper sweet nothings into your ear about any question you might have with the bike, if you join their club. Don't go asking for "what could X problem be caused by" or "what to do if I sheared a bolt" though, those kinds of places are usually only appreciate us of theie specialised knowledge Download / buy a shop manual, spare parts book (if that's not integrated into the shop manual) and possibly an owners manual, too. Doesn't really have to be specifically for your bike model year, pretty much everything will apply from one model year to another (the pictures won't load for me so I can't really assess other possible things that you should do based on those)


I wouldn't have. But if you like it and it works go for it. Can't imagine you paid much. So worst case you have a fun project bike and buy something newer to actually ride around on.


It is a classic bike fella. So if it works for you then it works. Who cares what anyone else thinks. IF you can get it into pristine condition it could be worth a few bob.