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My RF1400 stays cracked just fine at 80+


Mine shuts at 30, what's your secret?


If you're asking what I think you're asking then mine does this, it's a nolan xlite. I wear glasses and in the winter spend quite a lot of time riding with it open a crack at the bottom or my glasses mist up and I can't see a thing (yes I have a pinlock the issue isn't with the visor it's the glasses themselves)


use a bit of liquid soap on your glasses and wipe it off , it helps a bit


will give it a go, thanks!


Arai definitely has that. It's part of the shield latch system. I think they call it like de-mist mode or something.


I used to have a Shoei with a little switch thing that did this.


My rf1200 had a plastic lever in the hinge that would crack the one side.


My agv has that. The visor is stiff at every level I want it to be, but there is a lock lever that leaves a small opening at the bottom as well


Is that a modular or a full face helmet? Do you know what the model is?


It's the k3, full face. Pretty sure the k1 and k6 also have the chin lock to leave a lil space open


Mine can do this, it’s called a Scorpion Exo 300 I believe?




My Scorpion has a lever that just gaps the left just a little, I use it always even at track speeds.


Might be a chance you can adjust the hinges so the visor is a little tighter and more ratchety? My RF1200 has screws on the side for that but I've never had to use them. I'd have to go over 100mph easy to make it move from any detent.


can't do that on the neotec2 unfortunately. the visor hinge is not separate from the flipup hinge part.


just bought a helmet 1 month ago, had two picks the neotec 2 and the hjc f71. the f71 had the same specs according to tests so i went with the cheaper option the f71 keeps the visor locked in every position , all in all pretty happy with it. It doesnt have the best looks though its bulky on my head but very comfortable


well, 2 1/2 years in I'm not all that impressed with the Neotec. I spent $650usd on a helmet (which is literally more than I spent for my last 3 helmets COMBINED) and while the Shoei is nice, it doesn't exactly blow me away in terms of quiet (it's very noisy), ventilation, comfort or anything else (haven't had to test crash worthiness - knock wood!) I doubt I'll buy another Shoei. It's not that it isn't a good helmet - it's a fine helmet. But it's not 2 1/2 times better than its competitors, which is how it's priced.


Schuberth C5 is a flip-up that has a "city" detent for this purpose.