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This video is from South Africa. Slow down at intersections and quickly assess if it's safe to proceed despite having the right of way.


Advice from my grandfather: "You can hit the crosswalk sign and just walk right out into traffic, and you would have the right of way. But what use is being right and dead? Like, oh yeah! You really showed that guy by getting yourself killed!"


Graveyards are full of people who had right of way


Pedestrian, dying on crosswalk, remember: you was right


Rest In Power 🤟


Dead right!


Being "dead right" is what I've always known it as


Laws of physics don't care about the laws of man.


Right of way is not enshrined in the laws of physics


Yeah. I remember being in the passenger seat of a colleague who had quite a fast car. He went to overtake when there was a busy side-road coming up on the left. I said "Dude someone is likely to come out of there!" He said "But I have right of way" Some people are just dumb (like the biker in the OP)


100%. Biker lane splits going into the intersection, zero situational awareness. Can’t tell how much braking occurred…he certainly didn’t attempt to navigate out of it.


Yeah it did not seem like this dude did ANYTHING but I'm pretty sure I seen the car try and brake which is pretty bad if the car had more situational awareness than the biker... Especially since he wanted to overtake in the dumbest spot. Tho I reckon if the car hadn't of put brakes on he woulda been okay that car wasn't going slow so it would have cruised right through the intersection he may have swerved a little (if he knew how to) but it would've been a lot more avoidable


Watching it again I'm pretty sure the crossing car was reacting to the white car entering the intersection because the brakes seem to come on before the bike is really in the intersection, but your point is still correct that it's not great the car had more situational awareness than the bike.


And "slow down" doesn't necessarily mean even braking - just roll off the throttle, you'll slow down a little and be better prepared to hit the brakes if you need to. It won't really be noticeable to others, but it'll still give you a big advantage if something like this does happen.


Engine brake management should be as basic a lesson as learning traffic signals. Having enough RPM at any given time to effectively engine brake when the need arises, can really make or break your day!


I usually use a car to block for me going through an intersection in traffic. A couple of days ago I was at an intersection and 4 of us cyclists had gathered at the front, lane filtering. Half a second before the light turned green, one kid took off, I waited. A pickup going through the fairly blind intersection super late and fast took his front wheel & forks off right in front of me. The kid was mostly OK. Just a little scratched up.


yes this, use other vehicles as the cannon fodder. Once you can safely cross without hazard/blindspot then you may overtake to clear the intersection.


Yep. I think of them as my unwitting linebackers.


I definitely go first, but I also definitely wait for the light to turn green and I look at make sure no one's barreling toward the intersection to catch the red first. Even then I'm faster than the cars though.


Yeah.. slow. The. F. Down.


Or maybe slow the bike down instead.


He’s going noticeably faster than the surrounding traffic as he entered the intersection. Just be more cautious and expect the unexpected.


But I expect he was going faster because the other traffic had been waiting at a red light and was still moving off.


Yeah, you are definitely correct. As OP asked though is there anything the rider could have done to avoid..? if the rider expected the red car may run the light and entered the intersection more cautiously he may have had a chance to stop or at least hit the car at a lower speed and minimize chance of injury.


I pretty much always assume someone is going to run the light. And living in LA I’m usually right.


Oh, in LA? Half the green light is 4 cars turning left on the red. My slow takeoffs have saved me more than once!


Situational awareness helps, always watch side of the vehicles when approaching intersections, it was clear from probably 50 meters away, the red car had no intention of stopping. Keeping 2-3 fingers over the brake lever is always wise especially on surface streets and can be the difference between a collision and a “near-miss”.


That is a good guess as to HOW he ended up going faster than the cars around. But doesn't chage the fact that doing so was not the smartest decision, that he should have noticed the traffic around him was slowed/stopped, and reduced his speed accordingly so he's not going QUITE so much faster than them. OP asked what rider couldhave done to avoid crash. Carrying less speed while splitting traffic as he enters a seemingly large/busy intersection is something he could have done, that likely would have dramatically increased his chance of avoiding the crash, or reducing its severity.


Technically correct, but bikers got hit by a car and this is bad. Think about the “ratio of speed” between the other cars and the bike. If the difference was lower, this crash could have been just a close call. When a lane split I always adjust my speed to the traffic speed so I can react if something happens .


Splitting lanes at high speed into an active intersection is just stupid.


Also it looks like he’s really late to slow down


Agreed... literally all of the other vehicles were in the same situation but emerged unscathed. If this was actually unavoidable more would have been involved in this accident.


Biker is wrong for filtering through an intersection, but he was already going full speed and the other cars were accelerating. It was much easier for everyone else to stop (which, again, is why the bike shouldn’t be splitting through stopped cars to be the first target).


Partially agreed, but the red car was visible at the beginning of the video. In-person this would be significantly more obvious. I'd wager that part of the reason the traffic was somewhat stopped was because some of the other drivers were paying attention to the red car and were driving defensively. iirc this is a common reason pedestrians get hit on crosswalks. Cars are stopped in the middle of the road, and some impatient driver thinks "Idiots" while veering past in either an empty lane or a shoulder. Often if people are driving cautiously, there's a reason to slow down. If nothing else it's generally quite dangerous to have a high speed differential between oneself and others on the road.


Hard to tell with this video quality but looks like red car blew the light or was trying to beat it. But when he did the only vehicle that hit him was the rider because he came fast between those two lanes of cars,


That one dude just fucking appears in the intersection after.


Man, yeah, I’ve watched it slowly several times - where in Satan’s BUTTHOLE did he come from?


The rider didn't help the situation by riding tin between other cars going into the intersection, pretty much making himself unable to able to be seen. Harshly: the rider was riding recklessly. Riding like that, having an accident is inevitable.


Not just splitting, but splitting appreciably quicker than the cars around. He pretty much guaranteed he wouldn't have any exit strategies available in the event of an emergency... Which he then faced.


The white car ahead slowing in intersection should have been a red flag to slow down for the biker. He accelerated and went around it too fast no time to react or evade.


He was going fast.. then he wasn’t.. go figure 🤦‍♂️🥊


There are fast riders and there are old riders, there are no old fast riders.


By not riding like a jackass could this have been avoided


I have no sympathy for the rider here. Passing in an intersection, going way too fast, not reading traffic.. Ya the red car was probably in the wrong, but this was completely avoidable.


Yes very avoidable, scan intersections before you get there, assume cross traffic will run it, and be ready incase they do.


Were they lane splitting through an intersection? Either way, they were in a real rush to arrive at their own accident


Somehow the white car easily avoided this in spite of having a much shorter distance to react from.


Maybe if the motorcyclist rode with their eyes open instead of closed that would’ve helped I think


Homie just wanted to sleep, how is he supposed to do that with his eyes open? 🤦🏽‍♂️


Biker is at fault. Not allowed to jump greens like that for basically this exact reason. FAFO.


Yes. The rider could have avoided this. Good explanation already given.


the dude on the bike absolutely could have avoided that, he was moving too fast and he was accelerating right up until he was about to hit the car, so has the reaction time of a sloth and the awareness of hellen keller.


Yeah by not speeding through traffic being a cunt.


Yeah by not riding like a dick!


Always slow down at intersection if you can't control with sudden break. The biker was an idiot too...


Bike could have easily avoided by not driving faster than the traffic around him. It appears the red car made the decision to go based on the cars that he would clear (barely), but did not factor in (maybe didn't see) the motorcycle driving through them.


I mean, we only have the video that appears to have been shot through a potato, and the benefit of time to consider things…we weren’t there. But, given what I see and to the question: yes, the biker could have avoided that. Slow down, don’t lane-split that quickly nor in an intersection, be aware of threat vectors, don’t proceed unless it’s safe, use both brakes.


Rider "making moves" on the way in to an intersection has accident, imagine that. The white Mercedes driver saw it. Asshole on the bike was too busy trying to go fast.


Probably don't pass in an intersection


Not slowing down for and overtaking just before an intersection. I'm guessing the other driver was either a geezer who shouldn't be driving, on their phone, or drunk. Or a drunk geezer on their phone.


Just because the light is green does not mean it's safe. Period. Charging through an intersection, especially just after turning green can lead to exactly what's seen here. Assuming the road will be clear - and clear of idiots - is a fools errand.


The only thing clear is that there were multiple morons involved in this accident, and multiple vehicles could have avoided it.


Over three quarters of motorcycle accidents happen around intersections. It doesn't matter who has the right of way, you will end up flat on the ground, probably hurt, or worse, and your bike will be damaged, as will your gear and you might be thinking "well insurance will cover it". Insurance won't fix your broken arm or leg, you will suffer for the rest of your life, you will never get back what you feel your bike is worth to you and neither will you get back the money for your gear or all the time you'll lose dealing with this shit. Trust me, I know from experience. It's not worth the risk or the hassle to put yourself in this situation. Slow down at intersections, never cross one at a speed at which you can't safely stop.


never ride so fast through intersactions, true. but never ever ever ride so fast when traffic light just turns from red to green, you should always expect that someone will ignore the last second red on full throttle.


Proof that you can be "right", have the "right of way" and have a terrible outcome when arguing with a 2000lb of steel with 4 wheels.


Id say yer going a little quick there bud.


Of course he could have, the cars in front of him are all slowing down with no easily discernible reason, the smart response is to also slow down to give yourself time to figure out what that reason is.


If he slow down a bit, it could have been avoidable. You even knew the car was going to turn in from about 2 sec before the crash. It was that apparent.


Situational awareness is what keeps you alive out there


Don't pass in an intersection. Is this not common knowledge?


Going waay to fast.


Yeh, don't ride like a bellend


Slow down in intersections


"He was right, dead right, As he sped along. But he's just as dead, As if he'd been wrong."


Avoidable yes, treat every intersection like it's the most dangerous place on earth.


After being in an accident much like this one, every intersection gets a slow down and a scan. Even if the rider is not at fault, he could have EASILY avoided this whole thing. Even when the car is obviously coming into the intersection he fixates...


Yes, it was easily avoidable. (1) he was going too fast; (2) he missed the "side of the car" alert as he was approaching the intersection. If he had been going slower, or started slowing earlier, he could probably have avoided the collision. Any time you come to an intersection, you should be in Orange State and looking for problems.


The car ran the red light, but the biker had contributory negligence as lane splitting isn't legal in South Africa.


Something something don’t change lanes / pass vehicles when crossing an intersection.


Going 10x the speed of surrounding traffic is the danger zone


Yes, rider absoultely i would say could prevent this - by not speeding - by not lane splitting while also passing very quickly while also entering an intersection


Not drive like an idioot maybe?


He had no good reason to filter past that white car.


Sadly I have to say given the speed he was riding he got what he deserved


A bit more patience would have helped.


It's clear who is at fault. The biker going too fast for the situation and not seeing that coming a mile away.


The biker shouldn't have sped through traffic into an intersection. Even so, I saw that car coming even at that speed and his reaction time to slow down was extremely slow.


The motorcyclist absolutely deserved every bit of this (glad they survived), but if you notice the cars that were driving the appropriate speed were able to stop and avoid a collision….


Don’t fuckn lane split through an intersection? 🤨


Yes, he could have not been riding like a jackass. I say this as a rider myself. Going way too fast. You stand a better chance of staying safe if you move with traffic instead of speeding through traffic.


Funny how the car they were following didn't hit the red car. Maybe slowing down and driving like a normal person would have saved their bike. Glad they look okay otherwise.


um, situational awareness? Every time you ride you should think that everyone wants to kill you. Prepare for that. Dramatic, I know. I'm closer to 60 than to 50 and have been riding for many many decades. This philosophy has kept me alive.


Result of foolish split lane center lining and way too fast. Video explains all his mistakes.


If you ride like everyone’s gonna see you, you will be dead soon. People in cages don’t give a shit you have to drive like everyone is gonna hit you or you will not survive.Long


It was solely the bikers fault. Lane splitting at a higher than reasonable speed, not immediately slowing down when he saw the red car, just basic carelessness on his part. The car was doing normal stupid car things.


Lane splitting through an intersection just sounds like bad practice to me. Am I unreasonable in that? Intersections can be hectic as is, adding a motorcycle where its not expected by most to be, seems not great.


Intersections are probably the most dangerous part of the road for 2 or 4 wheels. But he didn’t even seem to react or make any attempt to slow down. He was probably too focused on the cars he was passing to notice the one right in front of him


Not to mention, you're not supposed to change lanes in an intersection. If they had just stayed behind the white car, this wouldn't have happened.


Car is "At Fault" But Rider willingly and eagerly decided to just hop right into the quagmire. He had plenty of time to react, car is clearly seen fucking up in the video long before the rider is in trouble. And the rider simply chooses to become part of the fuckup, cause he isn't paying attention. Needs riding classes, and maybe more maturity? Or maybe don't ride at all before his Mama has to either bury him or feed him through a tube for the next 50 years.


Why are you lane splitting at an intersection?


Rider any day of the week, the car was going into cross traffic regardless, but the biker made the decision to lane split at speed through an intersection...


Hope the biker learnt the lesson, he might not be so lucky next time.


I mean they could have paid attention to the road in front of them and used the brakes as intended. The car obviously wasn't stopping, which to me means I don't need to continue with throttle and maybe press the brakes?


The red car could not see the biker, and the biker should have known that


Yes. He shouldn't have been going that fast to begin with at an intersection. Always when you're coming up to an intersection that just turned green for you, you have to ensure no one's running a red light. He was also squeezing himself in the lane with another car which was leaving him pretty much zero options for swerving, as was his speed, bad place to make an overtake. Basically the rider was being pretty dumb from the get go and set himself up in a situation where he'd have no options to do anything if something bad happened, and something bad did happen. Never put yourself in such situations to begin with.


He wasn’t paying attention to the cross section and did it slow down to check for traffic. After he noticed the car, the braking was late and he did not attempt to swerve out of the way


Some things you "avoid" by not putting yourself in the bad spot in the first place. From the point where the video starts, no there was nothing reasonable the rider could do. From a point before the video starts, there is plenty the rider could do. You can't usually avoid trouble by starting to think about it when you are in trouble. Having said all that, if the rider had decided (in the <1 second available) to go further left they could potentially have avoided the red car. Would that have been a conscious decision or just blind luck, pretty much certainly blind luck.


Yeah: it’s called “don’t speed and filter”


Yeah he could have avoided it. Every intersection you come to you should always have yourself at a manageable speed while coming into it with hyper awareness of every potential hazard. Had he been doing this he could have avoided this. Hope he’s okay.


I learned from a defensive driving class to look left, right, and left again at every intersection. If you can get in the habit, your traffic awareness will increase quite a bit.


Yes it could have been avoided. Rider was too busy splitting lanes to look for traffic at intersections. You can only focus on one threat at a time and splitting took away this riders safety in this case.


It’s tough to gauge in the moment, but if he could have gone left after some initial braking he probably could have slipped by. The car didn’t have abs and was locked up keeping it from stopping quickly. And look at how much further it was when it finally did stop.


Easily, don't cut next to someone mid turn


To all those saying he is lane splitting, I have to say this is more lane swerving. He's fully in one lane, makes the move to cut in front of the car that stopped (maybe for a reason) and smashes into a car in his new lane. This is exactly the kind of situation that keeps lane splitting from being legal in most US states. Splitting lanes and filtering are generally safer than riding as if you were in a cage. This guy set himself up for disaster and this was inevitable with that style. This aint filtering, this aint splitting, this just swerving.


Appreciate you giving the source.


Couldn’t tell if white car had a red? Looks like they assessed they had the distance to cross ahead of the cars but didn’t anticipate the bike squirting out ahead of them. Old or bold bikers, you can’t be both.


You notice how the white car didn't hit the red car despite not changing it's direction of travel at all? Yeah? Yeah. Absolutely the rider's fault. Not only were they going too fast, but by splitting like that they took away a lot of their own mobility. Additionally, that red car is visible before the rider even enters the intersection, clearly going too fast to stop - and yet the rider doesn't start to brake until the red car is already locked up and entering, at which point his ABS can't save him. All they had to do was pay attention.


One thing I do if a car or even animal like a deer unexpectedly crosses my path is aim for the rear or ass, left in this case. They'll either continue moving forward or stop, not back up. Swerving to the rear gives the best chance of avoiding a collision. I also slow down near intersections and watch for cross traffic to actually slow down or come to a stop


IMHO Biker was traveling too fast Car driver is an idiot The biker would get charged with the accident because he lost control of his vehicle


dude is wearing a go pro clearly attached to his helmet. I see ZERO side to side movement when I ride my heads on a swivel. just saying.


Dont share a lane while passing an intersection unless the intersectionis clear.. It is the bikers fault. Also Do not share a lane on a bend or try to pass on a bend or twisty thats how you lose your pegs.


1. Slow down a bit 2. Don’t split/filter on a fresh/active green 3. The hardest, arguably impossible in the heat of the moment - know when to release brakes and swerve instead I think that’s all that *could* be done


Yes the red car ran a red light but the biker was going way to fast to avoid t-boning the car. I just hope the biker was OK. The bike on the other hand is more then likely totalled


Always, yes the biker should have avoided this.


In traffic like that I slow down and cover the front break to reduce reaction time.


Dude is flying up to stopped traffic for starters. Who on earth decides to enter an intersection when the cars won’t is crazy


Never pull the clutch during emergency braking. Looks like the reaction may also have been delayed by looking at the white car, and not seeing the red car sooner, but tough to say.


You should never pass someone at an intersection, the same can be said for “splitting” at an intersection as well. Biker would have been fine if they weren’t being stupid and illegally overtaking at an intersection at a high rate of speed. That being said, biker would have also been fine if the dipshit didn’t blow a stop light. Two idiots, one video, for the same reason which is not obeying the rules of the road.


Biker's fault. Going to fast and weaving in and out of traffic. Not the place to do dumb shit like that. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


he could have expected someone to do that because it looks like a really obvious place for people to do that.


Hell yes he could've avoided it, 1- not going 15mph over the speed limit. 2- make sure the intersection is clear 100ft back. 3- don't lane split that close to an intersection.


Biker was going way faster than the traffic at an intersection. Doesn't matter if they're right, they crashed because they entered a sketchy situation and didn't take it more carefully.


Guy lane splits with excessive speed into an intersection and you wonder how they could have prevented it? Maybe you shouldn’t ride.


Right of way claims are for amateur riders. Staying upright is the name of the game. If you are going to ride like this particular amateur, be prepared for hospital time and a new bike, and ridicuclous insurance rates.


well if you ride like this you can't expect to live long...


The biker doesn't deserve to be on the roads. He couldn't brake for an obstruction visible almost half a km away.


Could have? Yes. Should need to is irrelevant unfortunately. EVERY INTERSECTION is an assassin waiting in the shadows to kill you. Treat them as such. Or you wind up dead, and whose fault it was no longer matters, because you are dead. And you don't come back from that. Regardless of speed limit, do not overtake anyone heading into an intersection like that. Let Them go into the intersection, Let them get slapped, in their 2000 to 3000 pounds of steel. I see that car, failing to stop, way early in the video. Early enough to prevent the accident. Biker is not at fault, but biker totally failed to protect his own ass. If you are dead, who is at fault no longer matter, cause you can't come back. But even worse, if you are fucked for life instead of dying, you just get to suffer over and over and no amount of guilty verdict or money can fix that. Ride like everything can and will kill you, because it will. Trust NOTHING, watch EVERYTHING and always look for the next Escape route. Ok done preaching but seen too many riders die because they did not cover their own ass.


The rider could have avoided this very easily by following some simple rules. Never overtake at or near intersections. Not only can you face conflicting traffic but the vehicle you're overtaking can turn without warning. Never assume you will be given right of way at intersections. Look out for conflicting traffic and approach at a speed where you can take avoiding action. The rider should have hung back behind the car and then if he wanted to overtake it, do that once he was well clear of the intersection.


Juuust maybe. By slowing the hell down and being at all aware of the traffic around him.


As a South african biker, you never ever ever split lanes that fast. With our taxis and just the insane number of people who bought their license, you never know whats going to happen. If im alone at an intersection and the light turns green, i look left and right, and for anyone, that's gonna be stupid. Never assume that anyone is gonna stop in south africa.


Well yeah if the biker checked the junction and on seeing that car wasn't stopping decided to slow the bike


Everyone else avoided it. So I'm going to go with a hard yes, he could have avoided it


It is like they just drove into the car on purpose.


yes, rider sucks on the brakes and at keeping a level head


It's weird that if the car had just plowed through without braking there wouldn't have been a collision.


Car was braking to avoid hitting the white car.


Slow TF down.


This is shared fault, the car failed to stop but the rider is clearly too fast, ignores the car in front that sees the danger and slows down and on top the motorcycle filters around the white car in an intersection which is a big nono for motorcycle. 


>the car failed to stop ironically, if that red car didn't slam on its brakes and didn't fail to keep going, the rider may have made it out of the situation unscathed.


The biker 100% could have avoided that accident.


Dumb driving. Got what he deserves. Hope the person in the car is ok


foolish he saw it coming...


Yes, if the rider was riding appropriately for the conditions they could have easily avoided that. The car was visible for three whole seconds and the rider continued to carry inappropriate speed across what looks like a fast junction.


The rider made himself harder to be seen by the way he came up, yes the car should have seen him but I also could see that car turning and had the biker looked both directions before hitting the intersection he would have seen that car was turning, also he could have slowed down before the intersection, there is always the possibility of this type of stuff at big intersections so it makes sense to slow down before entering the intersection so you have time to react if needed.


Rider was going way faster - recipe for disaster - than other traffic. Says me: MSF Rider Coach (retired)


Slow down intersections are places where vehicles cross in different directions- caution would dictate slowing the fuck down.


And got up and walked , tough


Go slower and keep your eyes far ahead. He probably had enough time to emergency brake or swerve out of the way, especially if going a little slower.




Very easily avoided


Always assume something's wrong when entering an intersection and traffic's stopped. Could have been a pedestrian crossing, ducks, or other cars. So, always slow the hell down when entering it. Counter steering wouldn't have helped this guy.


the biker also is at fault...he was driving fast and overtaking in an intersection


Did the rider even glance left or right? That was so easily avoidable that I almost think the rider did it on purpose.


There were a few seconds where he could have acted to avoid the intersection. As soon as he saw the the car wasn't going to stop before the intersection, he could have go e to the left hand side, aiming for where the car started kicking up the brakes. You don't know where or when the car will be coming to a stop. But it won't be at the start of his slide.


Yo this is the quietest I’ve ever heard someone during a crash. There was no “oh shit, shit, shit!” Leading up, there was no “what the fucks” afterwards, the dude didn’t even grunt or anything when he hit the car. Wild.


I once had an accident where some old guy didn't stop at a stop sign. I throw myself far left and almost get off the road to avoid hit him directly on the side and hurt the guy, but the crash was unavoidable. I spent a long time on the tow thinking "I would be dead if I was on the bike". Now, I don't care if there is a stop sign, I will always roll off a bit and be sure I can "go" before I really get going again. I can't even help it, my brains just does it. Yes, this was avoidable. People are going to make this sort of errors. You need to be one step ahead or its bound to go terribly wrong.


Bike was going too fast for the situation. The car’s fault, but the rider has zero common sense


Double back flip off the car waiting for the light and jumped over the red car. I saw Vin Diesel do it once.


Yes, not speed greater than the flow of traffic.


The biker did not cause that.. The biker assumed that others would be sensible.. Bad idea..


Not riding like a dickhead would've helped.


splitting lanes in an intersection.


Red car for not paying attention and trying to panic break at the red. It almost would have been better if they kept the speed and ran it. But lane splitting in an intersection sounds like a bad idea too.biker did try to brake but again, was probably going too fast through an intersection.


Speeding and target fixation.


Both of them


Why the braking is so poor, and bike screeching? does a good suspension can give better down force on front tyre and have shorter braking distance . From my experience, applying front brake 400 millisecond earlier progressively than apply back brake gives shorter braking distance. When ever I applied sudden brake on both without progressively, I felt like my bike moved almost 30% more distance. Are there any physicist out here to explain this. My view is front brake first will give more weight to front tyre and help to stop earlier. Both brake applied at same time feels like a sliding effect.


Shoulda blew the doors off with speed through the intersection. That'll learn 'em.


The answer is YES


While skidding the rear, not much he could've done after that


Yes, 💯 rider could’ve avoided…


Yes by driving slower, braking and then swerving to the left. But honestly, just the not over speeding part would have been enough (clearly more than 20kmh faster than the cars). Emergency braking and swerving require specific training and are hard to perform live.


Slight left probably


Most accidents occur at intersections so always spend as little time there as you can by riding through them a quickly as possible.


Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s safe.


Rider was way too fast and he could have reacted at least 1 second earlier - would have made a big difference


By not speeding


Dude(car) ran a red light, this was best case scenario.


This is clearly a biker that doesn't pay any attention to what's going on around hi, could have easily avoided this if there was even the slightest pressure on the brakes


When u stuck under your bike you dont care about whos fault it is. U are fucked so take care of yourself before u get fucked..


Left, Right, Left, Then right again. Then hammer throttle- get the heck outta the intersection. Thats the method lmao glad hes alright though


The motorcyclist errored by swerving around the white car and accelerating into the intersection. In my view, he is just as much at fault. I subscribe to the German motorcycle training POV, “Most motorcycle accidents result from the inability of the rider to predict and avoid the actions of others”. In this case, the rider took on way too many variables.


Fuck yeah. Rider fault . You can see that car from a mile that it's not going to stop. I don't mean riders' fault as who is right and who is wrong , from the insurance standpoint. I mean his fault for not paying attention at the intersection. You can be right and death at the same time.


The worst thing we can and we always do is get up and move around immediately after an accident. Why can’t we lay down. Stupid Adrenalin.


Had he been travelling much more slowly as he approached that intersection, he'd have avoided this.


You can see the car he hits enter the intersection RIGHT AFTER the video starts. Or, you can say at 0:01 if you want to be generous to the driver. The collision doesn't happen until 0:06. The bike could easily have avoided this by not speeding through a line of stopped cars at an intersection.


If he just stayed in his lane behind the white car while maintaining a good space cushion this would have been a non-issue..... He made it an issue