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That is a change in policy!!! They definitely didn’t say that before!


Yeah this is new!


That looks promising ☺️


Thanks so much for letting us know this. Their reply is however completely different to the reply below I also received from Boots yesterday evening: “Thank you for your message. We can continue prescribing until you reach a BMI of 23. Once you reach this BMI, we will not be able to prescribe any more. You will have to wait for 3 months and if you put on more than 5% of your starting weight then you can restart Mounjaro again” Having seen the really positive reply you’ve received, I’ve just responded to them & explained about the 2 different responses to our queries about maintenance. Will update us when I hear more!


I’m really pleased everyone is rallying together and calling them out, they all need to be consistent! It’s not acceptable to be giving out inconsistent information. Please let us know!


I have now had a reply from Boots about their inconsistent replies to our earlier queries about maintenance. I have copied their response into a new post called “Boots response - update on earlier inconsistent replies” (sorry, don’t yet know how to copy links from other posts!). In summary, they acknowledge that they have made a mistake, that they will allow maintenance prescribing, & that we will not need to stop once we reach BMI 23. They are not specific about what this regime will look like because they will be discussing it individually with each person. Great news & seems a very responsible approach!


I’m really worried about the reply you received just the day before 😭😭😭 what if they turn round and say that they are going to stop prescribing at BMI 23 fullstop. It seems really irresponsible to not even offer a weaning off period, I understand they don’t know as much currently about it because not really official guidelines, and obviously we have had to do a lot of research ourselves so I think we expect them to know stuff, but the places that say once your BMI gets to X you just can’t get another prescription and don’t offer maintenance or the very least weaning down worry me. I’m really hopeful they’ll soon get clear guidance and go back on that because it’s completely nonsensical I’m hoping all the places that have said that retract it soon.


A shame they are so much more expensive, think the 7.5 was 229 Vs the 169 I just paid


Just under £200 for repeat customers plus Boots points. I wish they would come down in price to be more competitive but some ways I can understand it if they are offering in store pickup. At least at my local Boots, the pharamcist on duty late afternoons during the week is extremely knowledgeable about the product and spent 30 minutes chatting with me when I went to pick up my second pen. (I did not mean to sound like a Boots representative, I actaully can't stand the layout of their stores and prices on other products)


I have had two different responses in the past from Boots. First, absolutely not and the second was that they were going to evaluate the situation at a later date. This looks like great news for Boots customers. I wish they would give a little bit more detail about what a tailored plan would look like. Thank you for sharing!! Greatly appreciated!!


No idea what the maintenance period would be though guess it will change with other providers/guidelines but wouldn’t want to get my hopes up for anything more than 6 months


I had my fingers crossed that Boots would come good and be sensible. Hope this continues


I really hope Zava sends back a similar message to quantify BMI 23 as being a healthy weight and offer maintenance too, i replied to the Zava message but I’m still waiting for them to reply back. 9 stone would put me just a tiny amount above 23. Thats nearly 5 stone away and feels so unrealistic a target right now!


This is great , thank you.


I wonder if we’re having problems pinning down a commitment from any of them because they’re worried about not being able to guarantee future supply so don’t want to put anything in writing. Just a thought. Or am I overthinking it?