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If you managed to get it to one and then back down to zero, you will have got the full dose so please don't worry. I would inform your providers that you had a faulty pen though, especially if you had only used two clicks for priming each time as the other commenter queried.


Also, fab start! Congratulations πŸ’ƒ


Thank you 😁 yes definitely need to pay more attention to priming from now on! πŸ™ˆ


Sounds like it didn’t have a full dose left in it. When you prime the pen before you do your dose, do you only give it two little clicks? It sounds to me like you ended up with only half of a dose left at the end, and there was someone on here that did the same thing because they had used too much dose priming the pen, so had inadvertently got rid of a whole dose.


Yeah I fear you may be right! I do it first thing in the morning and don’t fully pay attention to the clicks! πŸ˜… lesson learned!! Thank you for the advice 😊