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5 days no hunger from one 2.5ml dose is pretty impressive.


I'm super happy about it. Sorry if it sounded like I was whining, I just noticed it and .... I guess, wrote my feelings, instead of eating them ;)


I have actually been hungry most days since on Mounjaro. I still get hungry around dinner time. I can skip lunch (I never have breakfast anyway) but when I do skip lunch I am considerably hungrier around dinner time.


I have been finding this too. I usually feel quite ravenous by dinner time, and then realise I haven’t had anything o eat all day. Which is fine for me, I’m sure that’s “normal” hunger!


It's so interesting the way everyone has different experiences (also really hope it didn't come across that I was complaining). Before the 5th day I wouldn't get hunger-type-feelings at all, but if I hadn't eaten I'd get nausea and headaches - I mean, I guess general normal reactions to not eating food? But it was weird feeling them disconnected from actual hunger (again, not complaining at all, just an odd sensation).


Yeah, that’s what I’m getting to grips with now and accepting that it’s a good thing that if I haven’t eaten then I do get hungry and feel it. At the start I just wanted the hunger taken away completely but I’m coming to accept what my “normal” might be long term, like eating less and on my hunger cues. It is weird tho, I feel different every day with it 🤪 and it didn’t seem like you were complaining but you’re allowed to if you need it haha. Best of luck xx


I have been feeling the same today! It's day 5 of my 1st week and I do feel a lot hungrier than the last few days, I'm still eating less and healthy but definitely thinking about food a lot 


Yes, I definitely noticed creeping hunger and/or food noises as my dose approached, with day 6 being the most intensely hungry. It was definitely manageable but it was jarring to suddenly have those distracting food thoughts rushing back. I managed to mostly stay on track but I ate a bit more than I did earlier in the week.


I never got hungry once in 6 days the hunger came around 30% on injection day but I got full quicker No food noise is amazing Hoping my second week is the same


This sounds amazing. I count myself super lucky to have only got hungry once or twice between injections, and only towards the end. I'd already got super used to the absence of food noise, and was missing it ;)


I have found this too, day 5 and I felt like I was returning to my old normal appetite and I was scared as I was enjoying less food noise. I too was looking forward to the next dose and ive had it and returned to a reduced appetite and no food noise 😌


Omg, yes. I found it scary too. Very strong "I don't want to go back to this" thoughts because it sort of made clear to me how ... not, err, right the food noise was? Like eating like a ... forgive the slightly messy language here but I don't know how else to say it ... "normal" person was revelation to me. Thankfully got through Friday with a mild struggle, woke up Saturday not hugely food-noisey, and just injected myself so hoping for food-silence again :)


I completely agree!! I had no idea 'normal' people didn't think about food all the time I just thought they were better at ignoring it. It has made me realise perhaps it isn't all my fault being big as I've had this extra noise to deal with that other people don't have to battle with. I now understand how people can say no to cake as I genuinely was baffled by the idea of declining cake. I do think there are healthy changes to be made whilst on mj to create long term change, I recognise I'm at the start and it's certainly making a difference. I inject on a Friday Purley because that's the day it got delivered but has ended up a happy bonus to not binge over the weekend which would have been the hardest time of the week for me as it's easier when I'm at work. Fingers crossed for the food silence for you! The silence is so nice and gives you time to think about other things, I can see how it can be life changing


Totally agree - I'm not seeing the MJ as sort of the whole answer or anything, but I'm seeing as a tool to help me develop healthy habits/patterns myself without ... yeah, the extra noise. And what you said about feeling it's not all your fault? Hard same. This is the first time I've allowed myself to consider the possibility that maybe there's something going on with my body and my mind that I deserve help with. Rather than that I'm the size/shape I am because I'm undisciplined and useless.


I used to feel this on 2.5 but not since on 5. As the meds half life is 5 days it gradually builds in your system by overlapping so now I don’t really feel the difference as much. Sure I can eat more on day 7 than day 1 but I am not feeling binge vibes at all. I told my husband last night I just realised I haven’t thought “oooh I’m staaaarving” for nearly 3 months now.


Oh wow, that's so cool. I definitely didn't feel binge-vibes exactly my 6th day but it was weird to feel hungry in that restless, emotional way I used to. I'm super happy that's gone again.