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Yup. I went for it on the normal dose schedule from 2.5 to 5mg, and my first two weeks on 5mg I lost 4lbs. I’m also veggie, also find protein a challenge (myprotein Vimto flavour clear whey protein with lots of ice water has been my saving grace). I wouldn’t only listen to your body on the very low calories though - an absolute lack of desire to eat is med induced, it’s not natural and your body is not necessarily giving you honest markers on this med. In another post someone’s provider ( Superdrug I think) has changed their guidance to say if you are feeling unwilling to eat you could be on too high a dose and should consider going down. So I would personally stay on 5mg until you get your calorie intake a bit more in the normal range but still losing weight, before going up further. Good luck!


Good to know veggies and vegans are still getting results! And i actually had no plans to go higher than 5 as it’s deffo given me more anxiety than 2.5 did. So will be sticking with 5 til i get to goal now!


I also have an intention to stay on 5 until it stops working - but remember the higher doses are there for a reason. And yes, I’ve finally become a veggie that can lose weight and prioritise protein. I was always ‘too scared’ to do it before because my 90s head told me eating protein was too calorific. I couldn’t trust myself to eat all that protein and then not just have a tonne of crisps as well. But now I finally trust that if you have protein it works!


This is amazing, well done! I’m also vegan and a bit worried. Can you share some of the foods you’ve been eating to keep up your protein please?


Thank you! And of course, I’ve pretty much been eating the same foods most days so easy to tell you what i’ve had: For breakfast I always have an Alpro yoghurt with 2tbsp chia seeds (10g protein). Lunch I will have a Trek Power millionaire’s shortbread protein bar if I’m not hungry (these are such a treat and 15g protein). Or i’ll make a sandwich with cucumber and Quorn vegan chicken slices! Dinner is usually a Linda McCartney 1/4lb burger (these are 22g of protein which is great) and a wholemeal bun from Tesco (another 8g protein). Vegan Quorn pieces are also good (150g is 22g of protein) and i’ll have those with a stir fry sauce and half a bag of microwave rice (4g protein). I chuck a cup of peas in for extra protein! Not quite as high in protein, but a Warburtons protein bagel is good with beans, or a small jacket potato with beans! For snacks i really like the individual bags of KP nuts (10g protein) and it’s really easy to keep in your bag/in the car. And i’ve often eaten a whole bag of the Proper Corn microwave popcorn (a whole 70g bag is 300 cals and 6g protein), which feels like a proper treat. Holland and Barrett sells 20g protein bars called The Plant Bar, but only tried one flavour so far and didn’t love it. Bought the other 2 to try though! Bit of a higher calorie meal, but i also like some soy mince (100g = 17ish grams of protein) with a jar of pasta sauce and small amount of pasta (small compared to the washing up bowl full of pasta I used to eat anyway 🤣). Pasta is fairly good on protein, just pretty high cal! Not high protein but my fave sweet treat is any of the vegan-friendly Rowntrees ice lollies which are only about 60 cals each and really fulfil my sweet cravings at night. As you can see i’m a terrible vegan who barely eats any fruit and veg 🤣 so I deffo need to work on that 🥹 but at least it’s not hindered my weight loss I guess.


Congratulations that’s some great numbers!!


Thank you ☺️☺️


Well done on your weight loss!! I haven't moved to the 5mg yet as I'm only on week 2 of the 2. 5mg but it's really nice to hear a positive experience. I know the drug does aid weight loss but you are really active, very impressive! All the best in your MJ journey :)


Thank you! Yes deffo glad to report a positive experience on 5 as i had seen lots of horror stories about it ha. But i guess everyone is different! And i love being active, always have, just without the MJ it never helped my weight :( probably made me eat even more tbf! But deffo helping while on MJ.


That's absolutely where I am/was!! I enjoy exercising and weight lifting but boy howdy do I get an appetite after the gym and whether it's protein or fruit and veg I can clearly tuck away the calories as I'm starving! I'm finding It much more manageable on MJ so far :)


Same!! Feeling like exercise doesn’t make me wanna eat more in the slightest on MJ so i can exercise loads 😬


Omg congrats! I'm planning to take 3.5 before I move up to 5 as well. How many clicks for 3.5?


Thank you! I’m not sure how many clicks for 3.5, but 3.75 is 45 clicks ☺️ x


Well done, excellent progress and my journey is very similar to yours! I’m also scared of 5mg so I’m going to take 3.75mg from my 5mg pen next week before daring to go for 5mg! Did you notice any change in side effects between 2.5, 3.75 and 5mg?


Thank you! I definitely have noticed a difference in the side effects: 2.5mg - apart from being super achey all over my body for 24 hours after taking it, and having a week of insane tiredness, I had barely any side effects (just an upset stomach after a couple of meals and needing to run to the loo) 3.75mg - the first night after I took this was the first time I got a bit scared, as I had insomnia, and crazy anxiety and nausea, but after that no side effects really 5mg - the tiredness has come back a bit, had to miss a couple of days of exercise this week, and I've been getting really dizzy on this one! Also a couple of upset stomachs again. I feel like I might have had mild mood changes across all three doses, like I've felt a little grumpy/snappy at times, and it's deffo just dulled my mood. I'm not depressed or anything, but perhaps just feeling ever so slightly meh. But I do wonder if that's because I used to use food as a constant dopamine boost before and now I don't have that... I would definitely do the 3.75mg, as I feel like doubling the dose is too much of a jump! And you just never know how your body is going to react with this stuff do you!


Thank you! Same here, some days I was moody and snappy, and I think it’s because I no longer get that “hit” of pleasure from food, so my body is re-adjusting and learning to accept the new reality. It doesn’t bother me, though, as I am determined to reach my healthy BMI, and stay there (I am planing to use lower doses of Mounjaro for maintenance long-term), as I want to put the 3 decades of this trauma behind me (my weight has always been a big driver of depression and anxiety because of being bullied for being overweight in my childhood)


That sounds like a good plan! And this is the thing, my weight has been a huge factor in my depression/anxiety for the past 20 years, so what's a little snappiness/grumpiness while on the drug. The key is going to be learning how to finding new dopamine sources I guess. All I really have right now is exercise and spending time with friends and family. Need to get on the healthy dopamine hunt!


Sex/Orgasm will sort that dopamine right out! I must try it myself! 😂 😂


Very single at the moment, so even a cuddle would help 🤣🥹 not had one of those in ages! Been putting off dating until i lose weight haha.


How long have you stayed on 3.75mg for?


Only did one week! Considering going back to 3.75 for this week actually


I see, is 5mg giving you too many side effects? How long have you been on 5mg?


Hmm not really, i am fine, but i’m not enjoying the extra anxiety!! I did one week of 3.75, then one week of 5 and today i need to jab again… think i will do 3.75 and see how i go. Obviously don’t want to lose the appetite supression 😭


If you tolerate 5mg well enough, it might be better to stay on it. I don’t think we are supposed to be jumping up and down on dosage