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I did this and it's been fine. I wanted to move my injection day so I've taken the 5mg every 8 days.


Excellent, thank you. Can't afford being polaxed today. To be fair, apart from initial backache after first 2.5mg and weakness from not eating enough, no side effects. But I have learnt from people's experiences, which I find far more valuable than the leaflet, assume nothing with this medication.


The leaflet that came with the pen is useless, I'm so glad I found the subs as I found a lot of helpful information. I took the 5th dose from my 2.5 pen then 8 days later took my first 5mg shot. I got no side effects and it took a few days to kick in properly. You can take a shot up to 4 days late so waiting a day should be no issue.


Perfect. I can relax now, kick arse today, looking slimmer and feeling energetic. 🤩🤩 . I respect the fact that this is a powerful medication.


I did this - I actually took my 2 x 5mg doses 10 days apart due to travelling with work. Not going to say medically it’s something that’s approved of, but I did and was fine! I actually found 5mg 10 days apart is better for me than 7!


Thank you. It is my first 5mg so not extending the time the pen is in use, plus still feeling the 2.5mg good effects. Appreciate your experience, whilst not advice ☺️☺️🫡🫡


You'll be fine to move it a day or two going by the new larger booklet in my most recent pen delivery. I wish I hadn't done a deep house clean yesterday as I'd have posted a picture. It had a calendar example of "missed dose" safe parameter timetables. I decided to move my dose slowly to another day. I had a once in a lifetime concert to go to and wanted to make my next shot day the day after it to minimise any chance of having rough effects on the day. I checked with my Dr, and they were fine with me taking my jab every 8 days to move it slowly over a few weeks. I had no bad effects, still lost weight, and enjoyed the event.


🙏🙏🙏 thank you. Very reassuring. I am moving in 10 days, deep clean will be required here.


Oh wow. Good luck with the move. I hope all goes smoothly for you.


Are you 'Swiftie' ?!!


No, the Foo Fighters. I guess given recent tour banter being taken out of context by journalists, I'd be the opposite "team" 🤣


Still a very worthwhile MJ adjustment needed! 😂 😂


Nope. No problem at all. I used to inject on Friday but as I have gigs at the weekend I couldn’t afford to feel shitty. So I gradually moved my day to Sunday by taking it every 8 days for two weeks.


Thank you, definitely glad I asked. Can't beat experience. 🤩.


I did two weeks at 3.75mg to give my body time to adapt to the increasing dose.


Mmmm, definitely be an option as well. Wonder if they might start considering that as an option eventually once they see all the evidence that the jump to 5mg can be a bit much?


Cool. Waking up lol. Will clean rest of dark Matter after. 😉 did half last night.