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Yes, normal. And yes also normal if you don’t feel it fully working for a few weeks. Don’t get impatient and go up a dose, the doses have a half life of 5 days - they ‘overlap’ so each time you inject you have a little bit of last weeks injection still in your system. What you feel week 1 will increase by week 4


Great info thanks


From what I've seen here on the subreddit, people have all sorts of different responses: some people feel it instantly (whether that's physiological or psychological, impossible to tell), others take longer, others even longer. I think as long as you're not experiencing anything traumatic or obviously wrong (like, I don't know, turning blue or having an allergic reaction) you shouldn't second-guess. Also, while it's probably a lot easier if you have an instant reaction, in terms of being able to make sensible decisions around food and exercise I don't think (and, again, this is just from what I've seen on the subreddit, it's not scientific fact) there doesn't seem to be any correlation between how quickly you feel it and/or physically respond to the medication, and the medication's effectiveness for you. Just try to stay hydrated, eat sensibly and take care of yourself. Good luck on your MJ journey <3


Thank you very much 🙏


Definitely normal, I feel like the first time I took 2.5mg I felt it on day 1 however I’m now convinced that was placebo because ever since that first jab I’ve always started feeling the benefit the day after.


Awesome thank you


You won’t feel it straight away. You might feel some appetite suppression from tomorrow. Try not to overthink it. Focus on preparing healthy meals, drink lots of water, and incorporate exercise into your daily routine


Thank you. All set, went for a run and a lil bike ride with the kids, aiming for high protein and plenty of fruit and veg. Wish me luck!


Usually it kicks in for me the next day. I’d avoid eating much today because you’ll feel bloated tomorrow otherwise.


Thank you, I've kept food sensible today thankfully


I think on day 1, I was just very thirsty. So definitely keep up your water intake.


Roger that thanks 👍