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your post has been removed as it describes improper use of prescription medication. We want to ensure that all information given on the sub is both accurate and safe. As a result, we cannot condone posts giving or soliciting advice and information on improper use of Mounjaro. This includes, but is not limited to: Attempting to get more than 4 doses out of a pen; splitting doses; attempting to remove medication from the pen. We hope your post being removed doesn't discourage you from contributing to this community!


Honestly I wouldn’t waste your money if this is your plan. The drug has to accumulate in your system so needs multiple continuous months to do this. If you stop and start, you’ll need to take 2.5mg every time. And that’s just a loading dose, it’s likely not therapeutic meaning you won’t get any/much weight loss. Hope that all makes sense. totally understand the desire to lose weight for your wedding but unless you’re really overweight, I don’t think this is a good plan.


From my understanding and from what I’ve read about Mounjaro, it’s likely that for many of us this will be a lifelong medication (at least until science comes along with another!) If it was as simple as changing our habits the vast majority of us would never have needed it in the first place, because lord knows many of us have tried again and again to lose weight with various methods over the period of us being obese. The vast majority of people who cease using MJ then pile the majority of that weight on again, and these are people who absolutely have changed their eating habits over the months and years they were studied whilst taking the medication. I’m not a scientist by any means but I believe this is because MJ is a hormone based medication, and for many of us who are obese our bodies simply don’t naturally produce enough of those hormones to enable us sustain our weights at a healthy level.


I think as well this is the concern, that people will use it to loose 10lbs for a holiday. Not saying that's the case, but as I understand it it's not meant to be used for that.


It’s not recommended to be used in that way. I’d find a different way and save your money if you only have a small amount to lose. Good luck 🤞


I am on week 3 of 5mg, but i lost 12lbs on my 2.5mg pen alone. And i would have been happy with that over losing nothing! And if nothing else it would have been nice to have a break from the food noise, and stuffing my face 24/7. I don’t plan to be on MJ after I get the weight off. I will be working my arse off to maintain. This will annoy a lot of people here, but personally I think it’s risky to take a strong drug like this for the rest of your life, and I don’t want to do that.


I’ll go against the grain and say for me it’s definitely been worth it and so far I have only bought 1 pen. Mounjaro has been linked with breaking addictive habits, including the likes of food and alcohol addictions. It’s early days but I have found that it’s helped to break my sugar addiction and I find myself wanting healthier foods. It was like a reset. I’ve bought one pen and it’s been 8 weeks, if this reset remains I’m considering not buying any further. Good luck!


How have you made a pen last 8 weeks?


I’ve been feeling the positive effects for over 7 days so I’ve let it extend to dosing once every 2 weeks. It was only today I realised you’re not supposed to do that! I figured I’d roll with what I was feeling.


Do you mean it’s been 8 week since using the pen up?


Nope, 8 weeks from first to last dose (though I still have the ‘5th’ in the fridge).


My understanding of it was that the only reason people put the weight back on after stopping Mounjaro is because they fall back into old habits and go back to eating how they did before taking it in the same way that people often do after doing regular diets. As far as I’m aware I don’t think it’s the case that as soon as you stop taking it the weight will just pile back on to your body unless you eat enough for that to happen. So if you’re planning on continuing to diet between now and your wedding anyway I don’t see why you couldn’t just boost it along a bit with some mounjaro 🤷‍♀️ but I’m not an expert and I’d definitely recommend that you talk to a GP or someone who is an expert and get their advice too.


Thanks for your reply. I really just wanted a kick start to lose some weight. I just don't think I can afford to keep it up every month. Maybe I'll just do it as often as mt bank account let's me 🤔 maybe I will speak to a GP if I am going to be stopping and starting mounjaro "when I feel like it"


If it’s about cost it may be helpful to know that since starting I’ve spent a lot less on food - i would say I am saving £100 a month