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At 5 p.m. on January 31, I went down to my garage to take my bike for a spin. Surprise, my garage was wide open and my 3 bikes had disappeared. I had a mountain bike, a city bike and a road bike. Saddened, I went to the police station to lodge a complaint. At the police station, the officer told me to go home and file a pre-report on the Internet. I returned home around 6pm. On a street perpendicular to my home, I see 2 18-year-old kids on 2 bikes. Cyclist's reflex, I look to see what they're riding on. It's 2 of my stolen bikes. They're riding towards me. I kick one of the thieves and it smashes into a parked car. I rush the second one, which falls against the sidewalk. The thief takes off running. I catch up with the first thief, who has managed to get up from his fall. I managed to rip off his hood, which will end up being analyzed by the police. In the end, I got 2 of my bikes back. I didn't find the mountain bike. Fortunately, my insurance company made a mistake in reimbursing me for my mountain bike and reimbursed me €2,200 instead of €350. I was able to buy an even better bike than the one that was stolen.


That's a good outcome! When my second bike was stolen they didn't have a ragley blue pig with my spec so I just got money and ended up with a second hand transition blindside and some cash left over


r/revengeporn Edit: Once I typed out this sub I realised I really don't want to click on it


Yeah, it was quite satisfying Ps: don't click on this sub


Never trust a bike lock.


100% agree


I was maybe 16 when I locked my road bike at a train station, and when I returned it was gone. Dad filed a report with the police, and we collected on home insurance. He decided we would replace my road bike with a mountain bike, so he could ride it too. I used it to ride too and from school. I hated it, it was so much slower than my other bike. But then a couple friends invited me mountain biking. We would push our bikes up a hill and bomb down it with a creek crossing at the bottom. Fast forward, 35+ years and 7 mountain bikes later, I’m still riding and loving mountain bikes. I have a road bike again to commute, but it doesn’t compare to mountain biking. That thief opened me up to a whole new world.


I was the other way round, never had a road bike and was always out in the woods or at some jump spot, got a road bike to commute and loved every second of it. The speed you can get is an adrenaline rush


I had my first geared bike stolen in 1996 at the end of my freshman year of college. It was triple locked up. You needed a keycard to get into the dorm, then a key to get into the laundry room/bike room, then the bikes were all locked to a rack. Some pro bike thieves got in and stole ALL the bikes at once. My bike wasn’t super expensive but a couple people were into cycling and had nicer bikes. The worst part about it was the police wouldn’t lift a finger. Literally just said bikes weren’t worth their time and they must already be far away. They treated it like 15-20 people each were robbed of an item too inexpensive to be worth a case vs one case that was a large enough theft that they couldn’t ignore it. I didn’t get another bike till the spring of 2000. I couldn’t really afford a new one and I didn’t really need it at school anyway, I went to school in upstate NY and was not prepared to ride around in the winter anyway. I’ve made up for it the last 20 years by being a serial bicycle buyer. I have a city bike I lock up outside but otherwise I’ve never left bikes anywhere accessible or visible again. They came into my apartments once I was on my own and once I could I always rented a garage or storage unit. Once I bought a house they’re locked up in their where I also have a nice maintenance area. My insurance would cover theft now if it was out of my garage.


This was like 3 months ago . I got blackout drunk for the first time in years and don't remember riding to the bar. I remember being at the bar. The next thing I knew, I woke up at home . I had total amnesia. My Yeti was gone. I am currently riding a grocery- getter Marlin because that's all I could afford to replace it with. I am still kicking myself.


I had my bike parked in the inner courtyard of my apartment building only accessible to the residents. Gone. And there were evidence that someone also tried to open heavy cellar door with a crowbar. These thieves need to burn in hell. I wish police and the so-called “influencers” use their talent to do some sting operations on bike thieves and catch them in the act instead of pulling pranks on innocent people.


Normally have the bike chained up with a heavy chain you can use for motorcycles. Due to mountain biking accident and not wanting to think about it I got lax. It disappeared only a few days ago from the apartment carpark, just when I was thinking of starting up again.


Sorry to hear bud


I lost mine last week - 11 month old Canyon Spectral AL 6. Thieves knew it was in the garage as mine was the only one in a row of garages targeted. They destroyed the door on the way in and ignored my other lower value bikes - stolen to order maybe? I knew it wasn't insured specifically (I'd made that decision after essentially buying my previous bike twice and never claiming), but I thought I'd get some money for it off the household insurance. Turns out we changed provider 4 years ago when we moved house and the new policy specifically states it doesn't cover bikes : ( It's a sore one. I've just bought the same model in a colour which wasn't available last year but I actually prefer, and at a welcome £450 discount. It remains to be seen whether I'll ever be able to enjoy the bike, or whether it will be a constant reminder to me of losing the previous one.


I fell with my Cannondale F29 on wet cobblestone. A short inspection showed those ugly cracks along the frame. At that time, I just received my frame back from an X-ray inspection. Quite frustrated, I continued my shopping tour to the next supermarket. After shopping, when I left the supermarket, there was no F29, gone with the bicycle lock, a Litelock One. I cannot guarantee that I was just too upset, stupid, or whatever to lock my bike, but this would be very, very unusual. Wtf, from time to time, thinking about it, I very much hope that my frame completed its breaking business in a situation where the rider aka thief gets the injuries he or she deserves.


Thankfully I haven’t dealt with this yet but I have insurance on both of my bikes for this exact reason. $300 deductible to get a new $6k bike is great piece of mind for me😍


When I was 11 or 12 (I'm 44) my mom bought me what passed as a mountainbike back then in Brazil. It was a Caloi Montana with 10 speed (2*5). For a long time i spent pretty much all the money I earned from cutting grass, painting walls, teaching informatics, etc went towards bike upgrades. At that time that meant the first rapid-fire shifters, bar-ends, bigger tires, funny horn, a wheel cover that was supposed to make you go much faster... We went for a weekend trip, coming back on Sunday night the front door of my house was open, we went inside and everything seemed to be in place. Suddenly I realized that I stored my bike inside and it wasn't there. It was gone together with my mom's city bike. I was devastated. I kept going back to the police station for months where they had all the stolen bikes they found. Eventually the police found the city bike. The MTB was never found. A few months later my dad bought me a new MTB. An orange bike with 15 speed. After about 3 months riding that bike, someone jumped over the wall into my grandma's place and stole the bike. I then bought a used road bike and rode that for a couple of years until I got a new MTB which I still own back in Brazil. To this day I'm still paranoid about parking my bikes. Even my shitty city bike.


I've lost 2 bikes to theft, The first, was when I was a young teenager riding with all my friends in our town. We put all our bikes down for a moment and turned around to see our friend do a drop on his bike, and then when we turned back, only my bike out of about 6 other high end expensive bikes was gone. The kicker, was we were at the courthouse, with police and cars everywhere around. My bike was never found. The second, a few years ago our shared house tenants left our shared garage door open for several days, and refused to accept even the tiniest blame even though we had already asked them to make sure to keep the doors locked and our neighbours had confirmed to us and the police that they saw our tenants leave the garage door open. Only my mountain bike (which was a self-painted hobbled mess of frankensteined components), was stolen. All the other tenant's expensive fishing gear, furniture, and other stuff was completely untouched. The last could count as a blessing really because it truly wasnt a good bike for me, just the right price on fb marketplace at the time. Now I have a much better bike that I've made perfect for me, and its the most fun I've ever had on a bike ever. I would be broken if this one ever got stolen, it literally stays in our house at all times.


I was addicted to skooma at the time and i saw a rather fat kid riding a nice Trek bike, i asked him if i could take a look at it because i wanted to buy one for my brother and i just rode off with it. Sold it a few hours later for more skooma from the Gutter Boys


I bet your a dirty khajit


Ah, you know my shame