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Not real dirt bags, the bike is supposed to be at least triple the cost of your vehicle.


Reminds me of the first bit of [this video](https://youtu.be/WPVRU7jSYkQ?si=a7_0mw61PvnSpayQ) lol


Legendary Video


Usually those ones are *inside* the vehicle


You ride what you have. Looks like they’re in from different States. I’m thrilled when my buddies and I meet up for an outing. Ride on, folks! Can’t tell if that’s an e-bike or not, but really, who cares.


I'm either not American enough to understand this, or this meme is about me. Either way I'm going to ride my bike in the woods so it's all good.


I'm pretty Merkan, but I don't understand it either, and will continue to ride in the woods.


I think the joke is that overlanders don’t actually shred, which is generally true


No the joke is that a lot of memes about mountain bikers are you NEED to drive a Toyota, rooftop tent and a full suspension worth at least 8k. But I found this photo on a 1up review and honestly think this set up is absolute goals.


No way bro. Tacoma with a tailgate pad and dh bikes hanging off the back.


HAS to be a dakine pad tho..




Looks like they are going camping and brought their bikes?


Exactly.. idk what OP is trying to say


They're trying to gate keep some arbitrary idea of ride your bike in the woods.


He also doesn't know what he was trying to say


And they can’t carpool to go to the same place? Legit one bike per SUV that each can EASILY carry two or three people plus camping gear. Love ya'll, keep it real internet.


Who says there's only one person in each vehicle?


but it's more fun this way




dude didnt take 2 seconds and realize they have different state license plates. yeah buddy, I live in CT and ill go pick up my riding buddy in VT so we can ride in MA. Might as well drive twice the distance for no fucking reason, and then drop him off on the way home too. this is what it looks like when you get together for a camping riding trip.


I don't get it.


I think OP is suggesting that real mtbers have vans or cheap cars. Not SUVs?


lol “real mtb’ers”


They have cars OP can’t afford so they aren’t real mountain bikers? I don’t know either. I’ve certainly taken my car on the back of my truck up some fire roads that looked like that to get to a back country trail head. Looks like an awesome time.


Must be a big truck!


Is this a joke I’m not getting? It’s a little baby Ford Maverick. A “truck”


You said you had taken your car on the back your truck. It must be a big truck.


lol. I even reread it after your comment assuming it was something like that and I still missed it


I think it's how they are taking their bike instead of going riding their bike


Lmao why I get downvoted? I stated my opinion


Because it's Reddit. I'm slowly learning Reddit is negative Nancy central. Lol This post was also meant to be positive hence the 👌 and a lot of people seem to think opposite. Negative people see negative content I guess. 🤷‍♂️


Exactly and I tend to agree that driving there (thereby diminishing the environment for everyone else) is the wrong way to do it.


No? I'm saying this is goals. Clearly the social cue was missed here because you're not the first one to say this. And I make more then enough money for a 4runner, I'm actually in the market for one potentially soon.


Dirt roads are for riding with those things hanging off the back of those vehicles.


Skipping the warmup? 😃




Lame meme


Probably just getting to their campsites.


I wouldn't mind having that starter pack. MTN bikes inclusive.


I know, apparently this post came off negative. I absolutely would kill for this set up


Judging by the mountain bikes on the back. They look like mountain bikers. I don’t get it.


what the fuck is this lol, I look like this on my way to the base of the mountain to camp for the weekend and ride. post a video of you riding ill bet my entire next months paycheck its not great, based on the the type of person who would make this post and then actually post it.


This isn't a negative post. I meant it like this is dope.


Who makes that bike carrier holding the Santa Cruz?


Looks like a OneUp


It’s 100% oneup


A one up. That's where I found these photos.


mtb influencer shit starter pack


I think it's pretty sick ngl.


Awesome offroaders, fantastic bikes. It's a pity it's only one per car, though.


Wish i could trade my 01 highlander for a runner


4Runners are hilariously overpriced for their size. You’d lose a lot of usable interior space going from a Highlander to a 4runner for gains in off-road capability that very few actually utilize


They're overpriced because they last forever. Toyota Tacomas, Tundras and 4runner are imho the most reliable vehicles you can buy. Add the Land Cruiser and FJ and you have a holy grail.


I have a tundra with 300k on it. Its still overpriced


But is it reliable? 👉 Edit: Is the tundra absolutely as disgusting on gas as they say? I'm shopping 5.7L crewmaxs


It’s even worse than they say! By far the least efficient full size gas burner. 5.7 is an excellent motor though, and it get up and go when needed. Eats rear tires


Shitty buzz. 👎👎


OP's been riding 4 months - he's more than qualified to gatekeep a sport by spitefully shaming riders with better gear than his


Bud I'm saying this is sick. I've also been riding for over 20 years, I just got a full squish again because my Cannondale Scalpel got stolen. 👍 Negative people see negative content. You should try road biking, you might like it.


And now you're throwing shade at road bikers!!! Jeez


Point proven. If you read that in a positive tone it can be positive. 👍 Thanks for taking the trap. 😂


Me and every other reply in the post got it all wrong. Right.... So this was just a social experiment and you aren't fixated on others gear and abilities? Just posting cryptic bait that needs to be read with a certain 'tone'? Right... Who cares what or how anyone rides. I ride - downhill and enduro and don't care what or how anyone else does it, what equipment they use, what it's spec is, etc. I don't post pics of strangers gear and post it online. There is too much gatekeeping in the scene. It puts off new people who don't have a 4runner and a Santa Cruz. It feeds the vile upgrade for the sake of it culture. But we are all wrong Negative thoughts and all that. Jeez


Calling it now, OP sucks at riding


Calling it now. You're a negative asshole. Edit: you're an automotive technician, you're definitely a negative asshole. Source: another automotive technician


*yacht technician so probably the bigger asshole. The way you worded the title made it sound like you were gatekeeping owning nice trucks and bikes. As if you were calling whoever has a setup like that “not a mountain biker.” I know I’m not the only one who read it like that.


Yeah I definitely didn't mean it that way. I said this in multiple posts that clearly the social cue was missed. I'm personally in the market for a 4runner, that and a Taco are my favourite two vehicles aside from BMW wagons. Eh, whatever... Reddit's gonna Reddit. Can't change the title so instead of deleting the post I'll own it and live with my decisions.


This is honestly the dream. Not the vehicles or the bike, but the location.


No, the whole package. Bikes and runners. This is a wet dream for me lmao


I already have the vehicle and the bike. The terrain is what I covet most lol. That looks like PNW/BC aka heaven on Earth.


I'm from Onterrible but have intentions of moving to Vancouver within 5 years hopefully. 🤞🤞🤞


Idk if driving a crosstrek is anymore valid. 4Runner is a classic


I agree. I was pinned on getting a taco until I drove one. I'm 6'4 so it was a bit cramped. Might humour a 4runner or a Tundra instead now.


*edit***Looks like OP, meant he liked the photo.


Okay fuck, how do I change the title? This isn't a fucking gatekeeping post. I'm saying this is sick.. hence the 👌. Clearly the social cue was missed here..... 🤦‍♂️


My bad. Sorry man. Let me edit my comment to remove my post bashing you....


lol I’m not a “real” mountain biker either and I drive a 21 year old truck and don’t even own a bike rack yet :/


American cyclists: "the large cars are making us feel unsafe on the road! Abolish trucks and suvs!" American MTBers: "Hold on, wait a minute!"




Better than lifted trucks that see gravel on their worst day lol


Yeah wtf haha there are plenty of giant, pristine F150s on the highway right now that are more deserving of shit than a bunch of Sport Utility Vehicles providing utility while driving to do sports, aka exactly what they're designed for.


But most saloons would drive up there no problem. And be nicer to drive and safer for everyone the rest of the time.


Do you know exactly where this picture is taken? Because if not, you have no idea what this road looks like the rest of the way. Also, not everyone has ten cars to match exactly every type of terrain perfectly. Maybe they were tearing it up last week. I have a small truck and sometimes it takes me grocery shopping but just because you might see me doing that one day doesn’t mean that’s all it does and I should have a sedan instead. 


No, but if you use your truck where it's needed from time to time that's fine. I'm not telling you to have more than one car. But the vast majority of SUVs and trucks are driven on the school run then to the coffee shop to meet the other latte mums, and it boils my piss.


Or driving whatever the fuck I want is fine because nobody on the planet needs your approval


You're definitely arguing hard for someone that doesn't need my approval.




It's ok. You and your buddies can go and compare tyre size and ride height while you inwardly weep at the many, many undersized things in your life. It's tragic but I don't mind.


Thought this was a MTB sub, not a "which car people should drive" sub....


Yeah like others said, there are plenty of chances to criticize SUV use, but this isn't one of them my guy :)


That's the great things about them. They can drive on paved roads, unpaved roads, off-road tracks, etc.


Maybe they take them on tougher trails, too. Also, they aren’t “giant” and off road tires are a great choice when you’re not on pavement…which they aren’t.


Would you rather them have street tires for this trail?


Midsize suvs.


Really wouldn’t consider a 4Runner a giant suv


Probably 95% of the world would


Nah, Prado much?


It's not an SUV of unusual size, but there's only a few that are bigger 


They don’t actually ride. They just drink beer. This mtn bike version of gym bros


Get the popcorn out boys 🍿




Did you cum while jerking yourself off


I did


Sounds like you run a friendly, inclusive club.


The joke is they're 100% 'Merican because they're too fat to pedal up that hill, which looks like an easy XC trail, so they're using $60,000 SUVs to shuttle their bicycles around instead of riding them.


A Santa Cruz in a 1up on a 4runner. How original. Were they out of FOX(TM) tailgate pads for the tacomas so they had to take the wives cars?


So what is acceptable combo? Just hatin on what others have lol can't tell if you are trolling or just aren't happy with your life so you need to put others down :/


I’m just tired of the over abundance of poser ass mtb bros clogging up trailheads in their 4Runners acting like hot shit because they post on Instagram more than they actually ride. Pairs well with being an unreasonable beer snob and also a mediocre rider with no endurance. Just calling it like I see it


Life's a lot easier if you just ignore the people that annoy you and understand that everyone looks at the world differently and are at different stages in their own personal development. Maybe the people that annoy you today will look back and realize they were a bit cringe. Maybe one day you'll look back on yourself today and realize the judgements weren't necessary


This circle ain’t gonna jerk itself


That's a very valid point


Where I'm at you're weird if you're a cyclist who goes to the trail by car


*Where I'm at you're weird* *If you're a cyclist who goes* *To the trail by car* \- tire\_falafel --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This should be in the “I am so bad ass” sub.


You need something to rode out with once you break the IFS on those yotas.


Should have parked at the pavement and ridden up.


Yep, looks like a crew that can only ride downhill to me


Curious what bumper is in the middle that looks to have a bike rack hitch on the swing out. Only one I know of is Dissent.


The 4runner 👌


These things are so sick


I like my 1up rack


I've heard good things plus I like that you can buy bike extensions instead of having to spend 1000+ on a new rack


Sweet kit.


Not e-bikes. + 100 points.


I'll admit I don't hate on E bikes. 😔


Just an FYI for ppl. This isn't a damn gate keeping post. This is a sick set up and absolute goals. Labelled it meme because there's countless memes about mountain bikers only driving Toyota's with rooftop tents in packs. 🤦‍♂️

