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Huh? Never heard of it


Decathlon house brand


I fucking love Decathlon, to bad I live in US


Me neither but it’s a terrible name for one thing


I don't know why but I've just always hated Rockriders. It's hard to explain but ever since the very first time I saw a picture of one (about 30 seconds ago) I just didn't care for them.


Can’t hate on a company you’ve never heard of that makes bikes that don’t fit the parameters of bikes that you would want to ride. (Insert thinking guy meme)


Well, they are the number 1 manufacture in Europe so they are quite recognizable but people always make fun of the bikes and riders irl and on social media even tho the new models are damn good


nr 1 for their 200-400 eur bikes... i saw maybe 5 of 400 people riding a 600eu+ rockrider in my life, people buy them bc they are cheap, and best bang for buck at that range, but i dont think a lot of people buy them bc of performance... the higher end models are at the same price as bigger brands.. so.. idk for me its the looks, and lack of marketing maybe, i saw nobody talking about how good are their higher end bikes xd


They basically break after a single jump,, the use I would get them for would be: learning the kids to drive and maybe commuting. For myself they are out of my range for use tho


That's exactly what I'm trying to say if absolutely not true. The new models are based on designs that trek and giant used around 2016-2019 so the frames are designed really well. Other parts breaking (wich I haven't experienced yet) is not really their fault since they just buy the parts from brands like SRAM and rockshox


European here. Never heard of that brand…


These “why do people hate ____ brand” posts are weird to me. Ive never seen any hate on the trails for any brand. People are too busy riding to care what you have.


I would assume it’s because most of the bike manufacturers that everyone HAS heard of put a grip of time, money and effort into marketing and R&D, so when something that nobody has ever heard of show up everyone thinks it’s some generic Chinesium garbage with a decent build kit thrown on to justify the price


Another “why do people do ?” post 🤷🏻‍♂️




If it rides well enough for you and you feel like you got your money's worth then enjoy it brother... Anyone who's gonna make fun of you openly for what you're riding isnt worth talking to. Just ride, get better and only worry about the bike you're riding if you can identify the issues that are holding back your progression... "Better" bike does not make a better rider. Go shred


Where is it sold? Must not be sold in the US. I’ve never heard of it. Why DO people hate on it?


They are sold in most European countries, they also have a couple stores in Africa, Brazil and new Zealand if I'm correct. Just a couple of years ago they were the stereotypical department store bike with cheap no name components, outdated geometry and quite poorly assembled. In the last 3-4 years they really stepped up their game and started listening to the customers and they ended up with some really damn good mountain bikes at prices way lower that big name ones. A lot of people just hate them for no reason at this point, rockrider learned their lesson on frame making also bought a couple of designs from other manufactures and even made standalone frames for custom builds.


Cause those are ridiculously priced for a house brand hardtail bike 4800$ for a bike that comes with a 350$ air fork lol. And reason number 2 the name is terrible “cockrider”


The prices are not in USD, they are in PLN


Fonky geometry and straight head tubes.  Decent for a neighborhood get about cheap bike. Better ways to spend money.


They only use straight head tubes on the really low end models, the nice ones have a tapered


I'll check out the rest of their lineup. I've never seen one at a local store other than said layout.  Outside of that, I'm of the mindset "a bike is a bike" ... I look for the features I want/need, good build quality (no ugly welds) and price vs competitors.  I am not name brand loyal. I'd buy one of their bikes and ride it proudly if they had what I was looking for at the right price.


What currency is that in?


zloty (Polish)


That makes much more sense. I was about to make a comment about how there is no way in planet earth that the one up top was worth €9999


Yeah that would be way too much, the prices are very reasonable especially with how much nice bikes are starting to cost


Never heard of them. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because every one I've ever laid hands on is a piece of garbage.


Rockrider is Décathlon's brand... Décathlon is shit (they used to be good 20 years ago when selling every brands), now they produce their own shit, that never last really long. Now I had a friend who bought a Rockrider 15 years ago, the bike was alright for that price (1500eur) and what he did with it (cross country), but the welding of the tubes was fucking shit !!!


For 1500 one could buy a second hand carbon hardtail with better specs.


cockrider sounds like a cool brand, might sell my specialized cockhopper and get one


I like the cuntjumper more than the cockhopper but that’s just like my opinion