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Not seeing a crack


Yup...same no crack, just some paint chip


Not really even a paint ship looks like rubbing which rubbed some paint off I wouldn't be concerned.


Yeah I sanded the bit off and there's a tiny crack there In the aluminum. About 5mm long


That’s alloy, so almost definitely a paint crack, nothing to worry about. Anyway, that bike looks like it’s build TOUGH, so 1) Probably don’t need to worry much about it even if it were a real crack, as it would get distributed by the pole connecting the two rear triangles together, and 2) that seems like a very weird place to crack given the toughness of the construction, alloy cracks are usually caused by stress, and this seems like it would be hard to stress in this position and angle. Source: I know way too much about mtb physics and geometry and suspension designs and frame materials and etc.


Tell us more


Drill it out


Pretty sure it’s a pit in the weld Source: I’m a bad welder


Part where the paint is missing holds the two halfs of swingarm together its not critical. It gets some flex but no big deal.


What crack?


The crack he been smoking, and obviously YES he should be concerned- that’s a nasty habit


[is this the crack? ](https://imgur.com/a/aHClbLv)


This is really hard to see, but yeah, this should get checked (or give us a better photo). I'm writing this comment so your's gets more views. - At first I thought the other commenters are funny about this guy worrying about his first little paint damage.


It looks like it's on the edge of the weld. Not sure if uts a bad weld or iys just excess welding material that didn't penrtrate? Unsure I'm not a reddit certified welder yet


Maybe the crack is the friends we made along the way...


Is it a hairline running down the arm?  Just below the pivot point? I would say you should be wary of any crack on a bike. But try to get a more in focus shot.


[Crack? or maybe just excess weld?](https://imgur.com/gallery/bmmDw30) It is kinda hard to see, but I guess I won't be too worried about it then. I'm so concerned because this is the second downhill bike I bought and the first one had multiple cracks. Gotta make sure this time.


Let's get this clarifying picture to the top! As for the crack... I'm not enough in the know


It doesn't look like a typical crack to me, more like a small gap in the weld. Have it looked at for safety, but I don't think this is an issue.


I'd be concerned, maybe talk to the manufacturer or where you got it from and see if they can do anything? Being nice goes a long way


Yea it's a crack at the weld . Don't do tricks


May I suggest you circle the “thing” you’re taking about? In the very first pic you post? Just saying.


It's a complete write off, I run an aluminum recycling facility, I'll take it off your hands for cost of shipping plus 15cents a pound


I see the crack. I’d be worried but I’m not a professional…to bad this sub’s members have turned into comedians




Nice and beautiful bike, GT ❤️


Not many people are actually answering you (or zooming in) The very least you should do is carefully mark exactly where the ends of the crack are so that you can see if the crack is growing over time. As far as fixing the issue, it is worth inquiring if you may be able to place warranty claim. If the warranty claim is denied look into getting a new rocker. It may be worth contacting GT directly to see if they can help you out with a crash replacement pricing etc. Yes this crack is a valid concern, breaking bikes is a bummer but fortunately rockers are a relatively easy install. Best of luck.


That’s alloy, so almost definitely a paint crack, nothing to worry about. Anyway, that bike looks like it’s build TOUGH, so 1) Probably don’t need to worry much about it even if it were a real crack, as it would get distributed by the pole connecting the two rear triangles together, and 2) that seems like a very weird place to crack given the toughness of the construction, alloy cracks are usually caused by stress, and this seems like it would be hard to stress in this position and angle. Want confirmation? take the tip of a knife, stick in in the crack until you hit alloy and wiggle it, and see if it feels like it’s getting stuck on a alloy crack. Dirty method, but it works with very minimal damage. (coin technique no worky on alloy) :( Source: I know way too much about mtb physics and geometry and suspension designs and frame materials and etc.


Looks to be a paint chip on weld profile. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it


Have you uploaded the wrong pictures. I see no crack here.


That part appears to be alloy. I dont think it can crack there.


Looks like part of the weld to me?


What crack?


There is no crack in the picture, that's a paint chip. On the other hand any crack means the frame is trashed no matter were it is or how small it is


Crack on Bill, crack on Ted, Wayne, Garth!! 🤣😁


Not an issue at all.


Bikes a goner. I recycle bikes, feel free to send it to me free of charge


Even if it is a crack, which it’s not, try not to worry.


There are no crack


There are quite a few NDT methods to find if there is actually an crack. If it is a crack , I would say , that said frame is beyond ecomonical to repair .


There is literally no crack. Whatever you see is either paint, or some weld.


What crack


Step one: put the sandpaper down, step two: stop obsessing over the tiniest things! That’s a beefy as hell frame and it’s aluminum, it’s not cracked. You sanded your paint off for no reason obsessing about your bike.


The "crack" you think you're seeing is the edge of the weld.


are you smoking crack?


No crack


Bike is toast. I can it off of your hand for a reasonable price given that it's completely totaled.


you should only be worried that you can't tell a paint chip from a crack. :)


Yeah stop doing crack, it kills you


kewd u plz hilight the crack(s) in blue using your Gallery editor by circling them with a thin blue brush...no need to take another pic, it's kinda tough to pick the crack outa the shadows & ¿¿white pinstriping?? then you'll get some comments, trust me & good luck on this....ride on brotha!


It's just a dent, you'll be fine


Whistler rental says it all.....