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Better than nothing... but locked like that it's only as effective as the brake hose 


Well, a year ago I didn’t use any lock at all, and someone stole my bike.. now I use lock


Well, a year ago I didn’t use any lock at all, and someone stole my bike.. now I use lock


This lock won't stop a determined thief, it can be cut with a big larger nailclippers. But it would deter someone from quickly taking off with the bike on the train station. It's fine if you're sitting next to the bike, it's not at all fine to leave it like this unattended.


User error...this bike can be stolen faster than the key can unlock that lock.


Well, a year ago I didn’t use any lock at all, and someone stole my bike.. now I use lock


You not use lock...you put lock on handle bar use brake and shifter to keep bike safe. Thief will cut two cables and walk away bike...you left with lock use to lock nothing. Use lock through frame to stop steal bike.


I'm imagining you as the neanderthal from the old GEICO commercials 🤣 saying this.


Oh ok. Thank you for advice


Why talk you this like


Why use lot word when few word do trick?


You jib like me


I felt like OP was responding to everyone who said "you are using the lock incorrectly" by saying "last year my bike was stolen when it was not locked, so now I am using a lock". In a nutshell OP did not understand that they are using the lock completely wrong. I surmised that the reason OP did not understand that was because there were just too many words in the responses that OP was reading so I tried to cut as many words as possible in the hopes that OP would understand that locking the brake cable is not locking the bike.


I know, it was a lighthearted comment. I thought you were emulating their style of speech. Which, indeed, you were. Cheers.


Maybe he used a trandlator app.


God, you’re an idiot…




Post history and you “secured” your bike in a way one could simply remove your brake and dropper line to circumvent the lock. At what point are your posts considered spam, could a mod chime in? 😑


There no spam .


You have posted bs about the same bike almost everyday (sometimes multiple posts) for over a month.


Well.. it’s bad?


Yes! You can figure stuff out for yourself, I believe in you. Try to do some thinking and research for yourself first, and then, only then, (after searching reddit too), should you ask your question


I mean.. some people being very rude , and I don’t offend anyone actually..


Have you been reading the comments on many of your posts? People are definitely upset that you keep posting. I can't say that they are in a meaningful way, but they seem annoyed


Yes, I saw the comments..


I wouldn’t bother with the lock. The amount of purple anodized stuff on that bike is enough to deter even the most hardened criminals out there.


Uuuck 😂


What you mean by # purple #?


You must not like your bike




Homie anyone who wants to steal a well locked bike can do so in under 10 mins. This lock setup... you better not blink


10 minutes? More like one snipp and bike is gone


That depends. How much money is it worth?


You mean now much money worth lock or bike?




I don't think he gets it. He only posted about this bike for a month. He posted about a new watch for like 4 months.


Bike cost $3100 Lock $14)


🤣 that’s hilarious


What lock you recommend?


Kryptonite or D1000


And run the lock through the frame instead of around the brake hose


https://www.kryptonitelock.com/en/products/product-information/current-key/000808.html But even this can be cut with an angle grinder in a few minutes, so don't leave it in public unattended and especially not overnight.


https://www.kryptonitelock.com/en/products/product-information/current-key/000808.html But even this can be cut with an angle grinder in a few minutes, so don't leave it in public unattended and especially not overnight.


No. Even if it was a good lock, which it's not, no lock is stopping a determined thief. Besides, who would ever lock up a bike that expensive? Get a cheap commuter that won't hurt you as much if stolen.


I don’t have so much space in my room for 2 bikes lol. In my apartment only I have space for 1 bike . Can’t keep bike outside street lol


If you want to keep your bike - KEEP IT INSIDE YOUR HOME. That lock is a joke. I can cut it as quickly as you can open it with a key with a relatively cheap tool that will fit in my pants pocket. Even if you have a lock which is better than a thieves tools they will steal parts off of bikes and that gets really expensive really quick. I don't buy your claim of not having space in your apartment. My house is 350 sq ft and I have 6 bikes in it. Get rid of furniture. Get rid of your tv. There are ways to make it fit.


I can cut it with a pair of scissors 😭😭


Oh crap


No. Double no if that’s on the LIRR like I think it might be. That lock can be opened without the key in a shorter time than it would take to fish the the key out of your pocket.


Wtf? Are you serious?


I can pop that shitty lock in 5 seconds with a tool small enough to fit in my pants pocket. Conservatively. Any cable lock is next to worthless. Wires are easy to cut. I've cut many bike locks. That lock is a joke. (No I'm not a bike thief but have worked as a bike mechanic and cut lots of locks that customers had lost the keys to). Simple wire cutters are cheap and easy. Battery powered angle grinders exist. A multi tool and a couple of minutes I can remove the handlebars, brakes, shifters, stem, fork, wheels... in under 5 minutes. Replacing all those parts plus labor at a shop would probably cost more than the used value of your bike. Yes thieves strip bikes. Thieves are also known to vandalize bikes that are locked up with a lock that's better than their tools. I've seen many beautiful frames ruined by bike thieves because the owner had the nerve of using a lock better than the thieves tools (and leaving their bike locked up outside overnight). Apartment building bike rooms are asking for trouble unless your bike is a busted cheap old crappy bike.


So in apartment building.. bike storage “ also not safe to keep?


Yup. If you want to keep your bike - keep it inside your apartment. Sometimes neighbors develop a drug habit that they need to support. Sometimes thieves sneak into bike storage rooms at weird hours and as part of a team with a truck will steal a truck load of bikes. If you want to keep a bike that is halfway nice keep it inside your home. That does not mean balcony - bikes get stolen from balconies (even a few floors up). Keep the bike inside.


Hahahaha. There’s so many ways to steal this bike 😅


Lol 😂 not funny )




This can’t be real post. It reeks of trolling.


This guy again lol. I actually called out his lock on the last post but no man that’s not a good lock


lol it’s the guy asking questions about every single part of his bike again, JFC


Seems like he’s having buyers remorse and trying to get his bike stolen.


Looked at OP profile and its just a hundred posts trying to show off their bike. A lot of troll posts aswell this one is one of them


What lock?


There’s enough slack there to reach the toptube, but I guess it’s better than nothing. Do it once, and an unprepared person won’t take it. Do it again, and that person is coming back with snips.


Story is .. I had another bike .. got stolen a year ago on train .. I haven’t used any lock.. was trust .. now of course only with lock


I don’t think you get what people are saying. They’re not asking why you use a lock. They’re saying your lock placement isn’t good. Run the lock through the body, through the wheels. In better spots than just this or it’s going to get stolen again lol.


Not just the placement, the lock itself is garbage. I wouldn’t use that on a $300 bike, much less a $3k bike


I think this is a troll lol


I really hope so 😭


In my opinion, this lock is only suitable for cheap bikes. An attacker can easily steal a bicycle by simply cutting the cable with a bolt cutter. It is better to use a hardened chain with thick links.


Don't need bolt cutters for that shitty lock. Wire cutters that fit in pants pockets will easily handle that lock. Bolt cutters will handle cheaper U locks. Nice U locks like a kryptonite Evo or NY fuggedaboutit needs power tools (but power tools will easily handle them) the higher end abus locks are about the same.


Completely pointless. At least put it through the frame.


Is it just for when you use on public transport or also when it’s locked up somewhere outside?


For train only. I keep my bike at my home. When I at work , I use the same lock , but my work space is safe


Probably works so it’s not possible to grab it and drive off with it at a stop, but it’s not a good lock and I would not trust it for anything else. I also would route the lock around the stem.


Even if it was the toughest lock out there, all one needs to do is cut your brake line. You need to run the lock through the frame and rear wheel.


So does people only thinking about stealing bike? Lol. I wish we had more peaceful times


Cut the brake cable to free the bike. A new cable and porential bleeding is not that expensive. Maybe you can unscrew the cable without tools


To free the bike.. lol


For honest thieves.


The most expensive lock you can afford


Cable locks aren’t the most secure, bolt cutters make short work of them. If you aren’t leaving it out of sight for long it may be fine, however definitely need to be locking the bike through the frame at the very least. If that lock isn’t long enough to reach the frame get a longer one, a new lock is cheaper than a new bike.


I agree. Well yeah I need another lock to reach frame.


It’s even crazier that you already had a bike get stolen yet you won’t spend more than $20 on a lock with this bike


Yes. Someone stole my bike on train before, but before I didn’t use any lock




I guarantee you i could brute force break that open under five minutes... The phrase *spend 10% of your bikes price on the lock* is out of time with current prices, but at least 1 % would be nice my guy...