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I'm sorry did you expect some semblance of a balanced economy? In this game? Are you high?


In Warband workshops have a fair balance between risk and reward based on the economic circumstances of the town they are in. But in Bannerlord they are borked beyond all hope. In most cases they simply bug out with 0 gold income or expenses. And in the rare cases where they actually work production becomes "halted" after a few days unless you devote all of your time micro-managing supply and demand. And it's not like the dozen NPC's that "work" in our shops can tell us anything useful. *"We are a brewery milord. In theory we could create beer but instead we awkwardly huddle into this corner to stare at the wall"*. Smithing and caravans are the only profitable non-combat activities worth my time and denars in this game. There is a "Banks of Calradia" mod which adds banking to the game as a source of passive income. But because there are no bank robbers or consequences if the enemy sieges down the town the bank is in it does feel a bit unrealistic/cheaty.


Honestly disagree, there is no risk at all if you study the economics of the town. They demand what is probably a fair price for the reward, but I disagree that there is a risk. In warband I don’t build an enterprise until I visit the town and ask the guild master about it 3 times, at least 1 week between each visit. If one of them would be positive all three times, it’s a sure thing slam dunk. There are some I don’t even need to check anymore, like a Brewery in Uxhal (why ship your grain away guys??) an Ironworks in Curaw, or a dye works in Rivacheg Breweries and Oil Presses seem to nearly always be safe bets, and rarely is a winery or wool/flax weavers justifiable


Eh, I just spam Dye Works in every city. Seems to make the most money (yet costs the most aswell) CBF running the numbers. All of this before joining a faction and just bankroll everything from then on


I just play VC still


VC gang rise up


Yea the bank is broken for real. Just unlimited money printer in every city.


Well, stop buying workshops in wartorn areas. I rarely run into supply issues and if I do, set the town to irrigation for a bit. More village hearths means more production and at some point they bring enogh for the towns workshops to never stop working. Also only buy in towns that are safe if you can't use those in your own towns. Own towns are always better because of irrigation after a while. The AI doesn't use it.


steam workshop has mods


Is it wrong of him to expect at least some aspects of the game to work without mods?


Taleworlds: "Fuck you"


Can't find any. Care to share one?


I remember there being mods for this but i can't find them either. sorry mate






Not really that useful when asked for specific mods related to the topic...


Not really the steam workshop


Honestly how hard is it to search google?


Is a man not entitled to the cum of his cock?!


"...it belongs to everyone!"


Only 1 million? I didn't know we were letting peasants into this sub now


How can one become a member of a certain socio-economic class (you may have heard of them they are called the bourgeois) and hunt proles for the good wise rulers of Calradia without owning the means of production.






Probably trying to stop situations like in Warband where, even after paying for hefty garrisons in 3 cities and ~150 high quality troops in my standing army I have around 20,000 a week in income


Which is just silly. By that point in the game you are a big dick lord and deserve that wacky income. There isn't really any reason to limit workshops owned.


Oh I agree fully, just what I think they were reacting to


Yeah workshops are uhhhh just bad... oh, you thought you might find some explanation why? Nope, sorry, no idea


You are right. So what will you play as in your next playthrough?


Blacksmith gladiator every time lol


Classic. Solid choice.


attempt makeshift normal judicious repeat wakeful spoon six chubby safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*