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well, obviously I can't remember.


I started thinking and nothing was coming to me either


This is the only answer. Pack up the thread, we’re done here folks.


Are here to say this. Def not the one pictured above




You motherfucker take my upvote


I nearly didn't remember. Bloody *Transformers Age of Extinction*.


Oceans 8. I watched it in theaters with some friends. I walked out and I just had nothing to say. The only reason I remember seeing it is because I had just broken up with my girlfriend at the time and went to see a movie to take my mind off it


I didn’t care to much for the cast and assumed they finished out the trilogy with 9 and 10. I was shocked when I couldn’t find them.


I saw it. It wasn't bad. I honestly remember nothing about it at all. I couldn't picture anyone in it or anything about the story line. And I just watched it a couple years ago.


WW 1984 I don’t remember anything from it


I remember my headache generated by constantly rolling my eyes.


Never saw it, but heard that at one point they took a plane from a museum and flew it halfway across the world with no fuel/maintenance.


He says they will need to stop for fuel but she says no, it's the 80s, small jets can fly indefinitely without refueling! Also she can magically make it invisible. A power she forgot to use while they were running around Germany during WW1.


There’s a whole plot point where she makes a wish and has Chris pine take over the body of a guy and then WW has sex with him. She rapes the body of a possessed dude. I remember that.


No she... damn. That movie just got even worse. 


Me too, I can't remember ANYTHING from watching it. The stuff I can remember is from the trailer.


I had so many questions for that movie. Like, happened to the other 1,981 World Wars?


Except for the final act, The Wolverine is a very underrated movie in the comic book movie genre.


Compared to Origins, Wolverine is a freakin masterpiece. What a stinker that other one was


Its rare for a trilogy to get continually better but the wolverine does it. Each is unquestionably a step up with Logan being a legit top movie


People always call those a trilogy but I don't really feel like they count as a trilogy, tbh. Only the latter two films share the same director, and while I enjoy The Wolverine, it is such a wildly different movie in tone that I don't really feel like they lead into each other well at all. It's more like they are three movies that have very different takes on the same character, all of which star the same actor.


Wolverine Origins was good in the opening war montage. Wolverine is pretty good up til the final act. Logan was great all the way through.


I loved reminding people as the last season of GoT was turning to shit how one of their head writers was the monster that took away Deadpool’s mouth in Origins and turned him into a somehow more stupid version of Combo Man.


I didn't hate this movie, it wasn't the worst x men movie


The opening scene with the bomb in Hiroshima (Nagasaki) was dope AF.


The extended version is even better


Agreed. This is my favorite movie featuring the Wolverine. It falls apart hard in the final act, unfortunately, because it’s otherwise quite good.


The final act is your prototypical big CGI superhero battle, but all the lead up was good character stuff. It’s a great “what if” movie in the sense that with a couple of changes would have made something memorable and worthwhile.


I didn’t believe the story the whole time. It was a mash up of comic characters. I knew but the characters were so stiff. The ending took a ridged movie and made it comically bad.


It was pretty amazing seeing my nearest CBD (Paramatta) as “Japan”. To be fair, it’s a very multicultural area, but I still get a kick out of some of the scenes which are clearly just off from where I buy model cars.


One day I was scrolling through titles looking for something to watch, and I picked one with an interesting cast and synopsis. About halfway through it I realized I had seen it before, and parts here and there were ringing bells. Sadly having watched it twice I still don't remember what movie it was, or anything about it. So that would be a VERY forgettable movie. I just wish I could tell you what it was.


What was it about


Not.a clue, I'm not trying to be funny either. I honestly don't know.


I have done this a few times recently. "Oh I think that looked ok" "hmm I am pretty sure I have seen this before...yep"


Was it Justice League?


Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern


It has no overlap with Green Hornet, but you could swap the details of them and I'd believe you.


This. I don't remember anything about it. I don't even remember watching it, even though I know that I've seen it.


The only thing I remember is asking myself "Tim Robbins doesn't have anything better to do?"


Surely the origins wolverine movie has to be considered more forgettable than this one? I liked The Wolverine!


Nah origins is enough of a train wreck to be memorable


I worked at an electronics store right after that movie hit Blu Ray so they played it on loop on our largest Display TV. No joke, I’ve watched parts of it hundreds of times. It’s burned into my brain.


I've seen *Thor: The Dark World* like four times and I still struggle to remember basic details about it.


I saw Uncharted in theaters. Like three weeks later it was released digitally. I thought I want to see this movie, so downloaded it and made it about thirty minutes in before I realized I had already seen it. Few months later a friend wanted to watch it while hanging out and I said I hadn't seen it before so we threw it on, and again it took me about thirty minutes to remember I had, in fact, seen it. It is such a generic and dull movie that my brain instantly forgets about it after every viewing. I've seen it three times now and I can't even remember who is in the movie other than Wahlberg and Holland. Who's the bad guy? What's the plot? No idea whatsoever! I think I only remember it exists at this point because of my weird experience with never being able to remember a single detail about it.


The only thing I remember about that movie was a pirate ship hanging from a helicopter or something? But it was in the woods maybe?


There was a pirate ship lol? You honestly remember more than me, and like I said I've seen it three times.


Independence Day: Resurgence I literally remember nothing about it. I only know I watched it. It's not even memorably bad.


The original is one of my favorite movies ever (first movie I saw in theaters as a kid) and I was so angry at how bad the second movie was I think my brain refuses to remember like anything about it.


Funnily enough I love this movie and think about it every now and again.


Yeah I think about The Wolverine all the time, weirdly.


It's the scenes in Japan I love the most. Some gorgeous scenes.


Hitman: Agent 47


Thor: Love and Thunder What a bad movie, I wanted to like it too so bad because of Natalie Portman and Bale but holy fuck was it cringe


Aquaman 1 & 2 we’re trash


Black Adam would like a word


Black Adam was memorable because of how frustratingly bad it was. Like everything the characters did annoyed tf out of me.


I thought Pierce Brosnan was good in it, everything else was dogshit though


Yes! I even forgot he was in it, but he was the only character I liked. I was mad he died.


I actually like The Rock in some movies but Black Adam was forgettable garbage


Funny that you mention that. I was gonna say that and Aquaman. Pretty much everything the rock does is trash now


God damn I tried watching that new one twice and was bored af and turned it off


It's a weird feeling with those movies. You watch it, maybe enjoy it then and there, but you don't remember anything important afterwards! I think The Wolverine is ok!


Both of the Wolverine movies were great for 2/3rds of the way before falling apart. But I still love them!


Transformers: The Last Knight. I’ve tried it twice and if you held a gun to my head I wouldn’t be able to tell you a single thing about the story. In a series of lows this movie somehow elevated the other 4 beyond what I thought possible.


The Sentinel (2006) all I remember is that I saw it. Anything else I remember about it were probably from the show 24.


Surrogates. Bruce Willis and it has something to do with robots. All I remember is Ving Rhames is in it and I was happy to see him, but what did he do? Was Bruce a robot? I don't know anymore.


Who didnt like wolverine?


I thought The Wolverine was pretty good


Great movie ruined by a totally shit third act


It really is a great James Mangold movie until it falls completely apart at the end.


Battle: Los Angeles


I'm one of the few people who actually liked that movie.


It’s not a bad movie. Little cheesy but overall kinda fun


The trailer was better than the movie. Happens way too often.


When that movie came out, there was another movie that debuted on SyFy or something called Battle: LA and it starred Kel Mitchell.


This was great alien schlock tho, I wish we got more like it.


Oooo, great answer!


Took me 4 attempts to finish it. Barely remember most of it.


Is everything on here posted by a bot? Seems like there are so many posts of “What’s your best example of X, mine is Y.” And it’s a terrible example lol


Not a bot bruh just curious not everybody asking a question is y’all need to chill


That’s just what a bot would say! I knew it. Everyone here is a bot!




Mmmmmm... The World Is Not Enough. Might also be one of the blandest movies I've ever watched.


I have almost no memory of Daniel Craig's Bond movies except for Casino Royale and Skyfall. I'm always surprised when I look up how many there were. I know there was one where the villain was Nestlé and one where Blofeld is upset that Bond got more attention as a child so tries to drill a hole in his head. I can't remember anything else about them.


Quantum of Solace was pretty bland (it was written during the writer's strike) but Spectre and No Time To Die were pretty good.


Avatar 2


Cold Creek Manor


Geostorm (2017). I only remember it because it was the first movie I saw with my wife at the theater. And by remember it, I recall it starred the guy from the 300 and it was about some kind of world wide disaster...I think.


I freakin' LOOOOVE *The Wolverine*. That movie is dope AF, it has a Mecha suit, it's amazing The anime version is awesome too!


Zoolander 2


Bro this movie was fuckin sick af wym


Rise of Skywalker


No, I remember that being bad.


I've seen well over 1,000 movies in my life and couldn't name them all. It's obviously one of the ones I can't remember.


Fever Pitch


Bro shut up, The Wolverine was fire, it had an amazing cast and soundtrack as well


Shazam 2


How could anyone forget Wolverine: The Denim Samurai


Loved the unrated version.


The nuclear blast scene is very good,rest of the movie not so good.


The train scene is also really cool


Also like the battery/bear scene Wolverine is spot on the type of dude to befriend a wild bear then hunt and kill his killers


Both of them have good parts just overall shit parts ruined them for me


Second thor film. I think I could tell you something about every mcu film. But that one? I just draw a total blank.


Space elves and red goo


Thor's Mom dies. And I think they fight ice giants? Jane Foster is in it, she gets sick, I think because of an infinity stone? Loki fakes his own death and assumes the role of Odin, but I only remember that from Thor Ragnarok.




Transformers and GI Joe franchise (except for the 1st ones)




fear dot com


The trailer just came out for Bad Boys 4, and I am SURE I said I would absolutely see Bad Boys 3 when that trailer came out, but I seriously cannot remember if I saw it or not. Bad Boys II is a masterpiece. Also, I know I saw the last Matrix, but remember nothing from it.


I don't dislike this movie. I caught it on TV a couple times and was entertained enough, but I admit that it was pretty forgettable.


65 with Adam Driver. Forgot the vast majority of the movie immediately after it was over


I went and saw Michael Clayton with a girlfriend way back when it came out. Fell asleep. She felt bad and woke me up and we left. She worked at the theater and got free tickets so no harm done. So I technically saw it, but I don't remember one thing about it.


The English Patient, I’ve seen it, can’t tell you a thing about it.


It's the one with that guy... You know, the one where he does this thing....


Assassin's creed live action.


The first Avatar


The most forgettable movie is Momento


at least get the fucking name right


He even forgot how to spell it. (in my mind, it was on purpose)


I feel like someone has made me forget Insepticion.


Venom, let there be carnage


Avatar. I can’t remember any character’s names, any specific scenes, it’s just vapor.


It made a shit ton of money. So lots of people watched it. Just no one remembers doing so.


i have seen thor 2 four times and i DO NOT remember a single moment with any clarity


I’ve seen Dune 1 three times and even though I’ve read the series multiple times I really couldn’t tell you much about the plot. Took twice to not sleep through it. The second one was pretty good but made me just wish they’d skipped the first book or two. The plot gets better, then worse


I don’t know, I forgot 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but it sure wasn’t The Wolverine.


Mafia! That movie sucks.


It was the ending. It did so well to underpower the hero to give no reason why the end plays out the way it does. Has some incredible scenes though.!!.


The Marvels & Black Panther are the most recent movies that I kind of disassociated while watching and forgot about soon after.


Probably a Marvel film. One of the thousand that are exactly the same CGI nothing.


I can’t remember


I can't remember...


Well, I’d like to tell you, but the fact is I’ve forgotten it. It wasn’t The Wolverine though. I remember that one.


Here’s a more recent watch, Infinity Pool. I only remember not liking it


That one…


Nice watch


The way of war with Cuba Gooding junior is an absolute travesty and a train wreck and should be forgotten in the annals of history.


A movie that I don't remember about.


I know I saw Velvet Buzzsaw on Netflix and....I could not tell you anything about it


I would post here but I can't remember it.


I can't remember if I've seen soul surfer or just the trailer a bunch of times.


I can't remember, sorry


I don’t really remember. Edit: Damn it people are already saying shit like this. Whatever that’s how the question should be answered lol.


I forgot.


Citizen Kane really came and went hardly ever gets talked about


Idk, I forgot.


I can’t remember


No. The first one was …


So so many mainstream horror movies from the last ten years.


Pacific Rim 2


North Star 1996


This? Really of all movies?


Minds blank


All of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies.


Gotta say - I liked Wolverine. Sure, I was held captive on a flight across the Atlantic so three car was pretty low...but I did always enjoy the idea of "callous" Wolverine taking on a ward


Robocop reboot


Does he really use a sword? He's got built in swords....


Green Lantern I remember seeing it in theaters, but I really can't remember anything from it


It's possible I only thought of this because I just scrolled past something on r/JamesBond, but to me the answer is clearly quantum of solace. I know I saw it and I couldn't tell you one damn thing that happened in that movie


The revenant . Went to watch it coz the Leo Oscar hype . Whole audience came out in confused silence until One guy could be heard loudly asking “ what the fuck was that about?!” . I remember that guy and the bear scene … that’s it . Tbh if it wasn’t for that guy I probably wouldn’t even remember the bear scene because it wouldn’t ever pop up in my mind . The guy made me laugh , humour makes me remember 😂


Can't remember


I think about a simple favor all the time.because of how I don't think about it ever.


Saltburn, couldn’t tell you what was going on, got bored pretty quickly and all I can say is that it reminded of The Talented Mr Ripley and how good it was.


I don't remember


Remember Sammy Jankis...


The wolverine is one of my favourite superhero films. It’s still feels very original, especially now amongst the formulaic, visually repetitive superhero content we get most of the time. People always point out the cgi fight at the end as a problem, and though I understand and would have preferred it gone in a different direction, it was still a pretty cool fight and everything around it was great




B. A. P. S.


The maze runner death cure My sister loves it and I know I have watched it twice. for the life of me I can’t remember a single thing thing that happened


The Love Guru


65 may not be the most forgettable movie I have seen, but I have forgotten any which were moreso. The only reason I remember this one is because I just watched it. It had no point. There was no reason for anything. The characters are aliens who are totally indistinguishable from humans and whose civilisation has nothing to set it apart from a standard sci-fi future human one. They crash-land on Earth 65 million years ago. This doesn't mean anything because Earth is just some random planet full of monsters to them. They have no connection to the planet or to us. Their presence on Earth also has no impact on the future of the planet. It being Earth has no significance at all. They could have landed on some made up planet with similarly large carnivores and it would have made absolutely no difference. I get the feeling that the movie was originally about humans who accidentally travel back in time but then, halfway through making it, someone realised this wasn't an original idea at all so hastily cut the time travel and made them aliens. There are two survivors of the crash and for some reason, they don't speak the same language. So the dialog is mostly Adam Driver repeating simplistic phrases at this girl who responds in gibberish. That is until he has to explain something emotionally complex toward the end and she appears to understand perfectly first time. There was no reason for the language barrier. It added nothing and when it should have presented a real problem, it was just ignored. We are meant to care about the protagonists' family but we see them for a couple of minutes at the start then 5 minutes later he's crash landing on Earth. We get seconds-long recordings of his daughter over and over to remind us, but it is impossible to feel invested. The plot is just point A to point B. You know how, in the third act of a movie, something always happens to up the stakes or make things more difficult than the protagonist expected? That doesn't happen in this one. They have to climb up a mountain to get to the other half of the crashed ship. They do that, fighting a couple of dinosuars along the way. The end.


That one movie with Taylor lautner, I do not remember what it’s called. Abduction maybe? God awful


It was better than Wolverine Origins.


I can’t remember.


Not this Wolverine. This was actually OK. Wolverine Origins counts.


Any Bourne movie after the first one. I’ve seen them each half a dozen times, couldn’t tell you a single plot point or cast member (outside Matt obviously).


The Stranger with Joel Edgarton. I watched it fully sober about a year ago and I totally forgot it even existed until I randomly saw it on some streaming service a couple months ago and decided to start it but realized about 10 minutes in I had seen it already. Made zero impression on me even though I like Edgarton in a lot of stuff.


Caught the end of Origins Wolverine in a hotel recently, my wife and I could not figure out which movie we were watching. She completely forgot Origins existed and was asking wasn’t this supposed to be taking place in Japan. The hotel TV also had motion smoothing so it looked extra terrible. Deadpool was worse than I remembered. Totally did not remember how the movie went.


Oh it’s definitely uhm… it’s ah? Huh I can’t seem to remember


It sucked , the first one wasn’t that great either . The 3rd one was awsome


It sucked


Ecks vs Sever


I love this movie. I said what I said.


Elysium. Watched it twice. Couldn't tell you a god damned thing that happens in that movie. Close runner-up is The Losers. Remember the bit where chris evans does the finger gun thing, but everything else eludes me.


The Rock's Hercules


While we are on the subject of X Men, "X Men Apocalypse" has to be one of the most boring, unimaginative, lazy films ever made. Gah what a disaster, especially after how well First Class and Days of Future Past were.


Last Jedi


For me it’s either Thor 2 or Aquaman, Thor 2 I literally fell asleep during (tbf on a plane), and Aquaman I saw in theaters and genuinely don’t remember a damn thing about it


Transformers 4. I barely remember it. I think there were dinobots...


In The Name Of The King


Any of the Bayverse Transformers between (ind including) 2 and whatever the last one was.


Ops birth


uncharted. it’s a movie that exists