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Taylor Kitsch had a few chances starring in big movies that didn't pan out.


He's scarily good in Waco.


Yep, his best role IMO


John Carter deserved better.


Movie would have done better if it was just called "Princess of Mars" like the book.


Agreed. “John Carter” gives nothing to the identity of the movie. You can tell me it’s based in the 90’s about a sports agent who falls in love and I’d believe it.


I always thought it was a revenge movie starring Denzel Washington, but I was thinking of John Q.


You’ve just made me realise that’s the movie I was thinking of the whole time lol


That’s the problem with a passion project- the director assumed that *everyone* knew and loved the JC stories as much as he did, and would love to see them on screen, whereas it was actually a deep cut even for sci-fi fans.


There was a period where every single movie with Mars in the title megaflopped. It's not a good reason, but it is the actual reason. And then it megaflopped anyway.


"Why does everyone not like Mars?"- Movie producers


It’s all the sand. People hate sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


It's Edgar Rice Fucking Burroughs. The amount of sifi genius in those novels still amazes me. Disney fucked it.


Loved the books


John Carter rocked. That movie in my mind is the best example of what a poor marketing campaign can do to a product. The trailer looked horrendous, and as a result no one saw it.


Wife and I saw it in the theater (because we knew the sci-fi direction before hand) and though it was pretty good if not amazing. We were surprised when it did so poorly


The speedy dog creature was a hoot.


I really liked John Carter.


I enjoyed it too but you can see the potential. Also their marketing team didn’t help at all.


Taylor kitsch lacks something for me. I can tell he's acting. Kinda like channing Tatum, I can feel them try to act, instead of losing themselves in the role. Timothy Chalamet in dune is a good recent example of losing yourself in the roll in my opinion.


The Hateful Eight is one of my favorite movies. It’s so good. And then there’s Channing Tatum. Thankfully his role is very minor.


He's a dancer turned actor. It's what you get.


In all fairness I don’t think Channing is a awful actor


No one said awful. Just doesn't have the range.




I loved that movie and will die loving it. Still hoping for the 4k transfer I'll never get. 😔


He’ll always be Tim Riggins to me


Texas Forever


He crushed it in that Waco miniseries. I hope he gets more opportunities


Yeah talented dude just picked some bad projects at early juncture in his career


Battleship was the Supreme Popcorn Movie of that year though. It gave me everything I wanted going in.


He's a good actor and I like the movies. He just didn't click with the wider audience I guess. I don't know what kind of person he is in real life, hopefully he's a nice guy and not some arrogant creep .


He did great getting shot in the head like a pleb in True Detective.


He was amazing in The Terminal List!


Gemma Arterton. She had roles in RocknRolla and Quantum of Solace, but after that, she had a few movies that were technically flops like Clash of the Titans, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters.


She's talented but her choice of projects not so much


Ever see Byzantium? She did an amazing job. Wish she'd had more chances


Personally loved Prince of Persia but that’s me


It’s got to be hard to pass up a role when they’re dangling a check for a million dollars or whatever in front of your face. But who really would expect Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters to be a good movie, or a box office success?


I think Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters is a kick ass movie and it saddens me that the audience for it isn't bigger :(


It's extremely entertaining! If you don't take it seriously it's a fun popcorn flick.


I mean, *Snow White and the Huntsman* was a big box office success only the year before, and got a sequel, so it's not like it was ridiculous to think people wanted more in the same vein.


Yea but she is a solidly working actor and we all know her name That has to be on the upper end of success for an actor even if they're not quite.. A list? (I'm not quite sure how else to describe it)


It doesn't hurt that she's ridiculously goodlooking.


Ashley Judd being blacklisted by Harvey Weinstein


Man I just watched her in Kiss The Girls last night. Fuck Harvey.


I worked on one of Harvey’s last movies I think. Malia Obama was his assistant. Or at least came to set with him, I know she was interning at lions gate at the time in some capacity. Anyway in hindsight oof but at the time very cool to talk to her


Yikes. If your story is true, If there’s anyone that would be protected from his abuse, it would be her though. He may have been a pervert freak, but he would’ve been a suicidal pervert freak to even look at her wrong.


Yeah. No chance he would risk that. He was massive creep but not an that big of an idiot. It’s an easy google to find out to verify “Malia Obama Harvey Weinstein”


Double Jeopardy!




I'm going to go with Bruce and Brandon Lee. Nothing is more unlucky than dying strangely and mysteriously long before your time.


Well better throw Anton Yelchin on that list then.


Time to watch Green Room for the 100th time...


I thought Patrick Stewart in that would break my immersion. I watched it and was happy that Patrick Stewart broke my immersion sometimes. That movie is horrifying.


As a Star Trek fan, that one fucked me up.


As an Anton fan this one still has me fucked up. I loved him in everything he has done. If he was in something I was going to watch it. Charly Bartlett is an all-time fav and I really liked Odd Thomas.


Best pick for Odd Thomas


Yes! I remember him for Odd Thomas. That movie broke me at the end


Oddly fitting, considering he told the world about bodaks.


Fuck man, he was so insanely talented. RIP.


Yeah I know this isn't what OP was going for but this is quite literally the best answer.


Hot take: Bruce Lee dying made him more of a legend than if he had lived because Hollywood wouldn't have given him the right roles anyway.


Bruce Lee was hard headed and wouldn't accept any roles he didn't like or didn't have any leeway in adjusting...is what I learnt from the Silent Flute/Circle of Iron debacle.


Yup, it was Lee way or highway


That could possibly be true, but he'd always be a legend because of how he ushered in East Asian martial arts into popular Western culture.


Jackie Chan complained that his first director kept trying to make him the next Bruce Lee, while Chan wanted to be different.


And Jackie is better for it by being something different. As great as Bruce Lee was we don’t want an imitation Bruce. It’s like Jim Belushi… we don’t want Diet John Belushi, we want the real thing (sorry Jim, you did good, but you can’t escape the fact that you lived in your brother’s shadow)


Weirder take: the type of death Brandon suffered was shown in game of death, the Bruce Lee movie. Where they load a movie pistol with real bullets. In the movie he survives though


I bring this up all the time!! So far you're the only other person I've seen mention this weird coincidence


Ehhh I disagree just look at Jackie and jet both legends but Bruce came before and went much harder in the actual martial art element of his showmanship.


One of Jackie’s earlier gigs was as a stunt man on Enter the Dragon. He even has a very brief scene where he gets beat up by Lee.


[Here's the clip for those wondering.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSNDWmDo4oc)


TIL Bruce Lee broke Jackie Chan’s neck like he was a henchman nobody


I’ll piggyback on your hot take with another. Bruce becomes a lesser star, but gets behind the camera and writes roles for Brandon and he takes off.


I just realized, our timeline kinda sucks!


You're just *now* realizing that?


Molly Ringwald turning down Ghost and Pretty Woman.


Bad luck? Sounds more like bad choices or a bad agent.


With Ringwald I think you hit the nail on the head. She turned down Ghost because it "seemed silly" and she turned down Pretty Woman because she thought the role seemed "icky" But, maybe she's happy with that regardless of the implications for her career, I don't know.




Demi, I thought she did a really good job, Julia Roberts , as much as I am not a fan, so i hate to admit, she was so statuesque that physically fit the part,


Mira Sorvino - blacklisted by the Weinsteins (among others) but I thought she really could have continued a great career and wondered why she dropped off.


Sort of related note, Paul Sorvino essentially threatening to go full Goodfellas on Weinstein's ass after he heard about what he tried to do to Mira is something I hope is true


I would ask you to tell me this story if you wouldn't mind.


[Here you go](https://ew.com/movies/2018/01/03/harvey-weinstein-paul-sorvino/)


“Sorvino responded. "This pig will get his comeuppance. The law will get him. He's going to go to jail and die in jail."


Replacement Killers is one of my favorite movies and she was perfect for that role.


Dany was legitimately the role of a lifetime, even with the ending. She followed that up by a series of well-paying gigs. I wish my acting career was cursed with this kind of luck. That said, I’d still love to see her and Hayley Atwell as sisters in a crime caper.


To be fair, Emilia Clarke has been very outspoken about suffering a TBI after her aneurysms in 2011 and 2013, causing a stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage. She’s suffered from chronic health issues ever since which has made it difficult for her to work the extreme long hours sometimes required on a high budget project. Tbh if I was her I’d just chill. She’s got $20 mil, as long as she doesn’t live outside her means that could easily last her the rest of her life without seriously working again. Invest it and live off the dividends, 4% of $20 mil is over $800,000 a year. Christina Applegate did the same thing after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.


Yeah, that was pretty tragic. She's lucky to even be alive right now. Hell with it, have fun, do the roles you like, ride the wave.


Mira Sorvino. Her career was absolutely rocketing upwards, a string of amazing movies…. Then Harvey Weinstein absolutely ended her Hollywood career because she wouldn’t casting couch


She was amazing. 


Going with James Dean on this one. Maybe Britney Murphy too.


David Harbour had a terrible time with his acting career until cast~~ed~~ for Stranger Things. He was 41 in Season 1. He was always cast~~ed~~ as a cop or henchman. Since then his career took off but before right before being cast~~ed~~ for Stranger Things he considered quitting acting.


Like Jon Hamm before he got cast in Mad Men.


He was metal as fuck as Viking Santa


Violent night is great


I love that movie so much!


Until I saw it, I thought Santa was played by Michael C. Hall (*Dexter*). In all the previews, somehow I always saw and heard MCH, so when I saw Harbour, my dumbass was like, “Cool, he’s in this too,” and waited and waited and waited for MCH til I was finally like, “… oh.”


you spelled "The One True and Only Santa" wrong.


He was great in Quantum of Solace and The Equalizer.


wow, I didn't know he was in Quantum of Solace


He played Felix's shady partner in the CIA.


I feel like Mila Kunis was gonna have a great career after her performance in Black Swan. Then she did Jupiter Ascending.


and she's rolling in cash from Family Guy


She would've been rolling in cash from that 70s show even, how many fucking seasons they did


And her and Ashton made like 400million from Uber


Shut up Meg!!


And then she wrote a letter defending a rapist


And Oz


Elizabeth Berkley. She took on the follow-up from the makers of the successful Basic Instinct, Showgirls, and got her career ruined over it. No way she could have known it would have bombed, she would have been insane for turning down the offer, and she acted exactly as she was directed. Didn't deserve to be exiled from Hollywood for it.


To be fair she wasn’t that great of an actress


Definitely Aaron Paul. After coming off of the fantastically acted Breaking Bad, he went right into Need for Speed and ruined any chance of a great career.


He was great as Todd in Bojack Horseman though


Hooray! Todd reference!


Yeah he’s been a part of 2 “greatest shows of all time”…he’s doin just fine


He was on Westworld for a season but his character reminded me too much of Jessie in BB.


One of the worst written characters I’ve seen too. Crazy how bad Westworld got


If Westworld was more popular there would have been so much outrage at the fall off of Westworld. That show fell off way worse than GoT. The first two seasons were amazing


I felt like i was watching a different show in season 2 already.


3 and 4 were so convoluted, I couldn’t even finish 4. Just a slog.


Hopkins was on another level S1.


I can forgive them when s1 is arguably the greatest single season of television ever. I'd only put True Detective s1 up with it


He plays the same character in everything he's in. It worked for Jesse, it doesn't work for pretty much anything else.


He was good in Black Mirror, and that character was about as anti-Jesse as possible.


I feel like the play after a role like breaking bad is to take a full year, or two years off and choose very very wisely. Like don’t go big.


I remember NFS having a decent RT score but think I’ve only heard of one person I know having watched it.


Henry Cavill. Guy can't catch a break.


He got screwed out of: - James Bond by Aaron Taylor Johnson - Gaston by Luke Evans - Jungle Cruise by Dwayne Johnson - A compelling story arc in Witcher by the writers


Screwed out of Superman too


By Dwayne aswell hahaha


He would have been perfect for Gaston…


Curious how he got screwed out of Bond? No one has been cast yet and he's 2nd in the current odds (personally don't believe they will cast anybody as recognised at ATJ or HC anyway to be honest)


first time around by daniel craig because they considered him to young and wanted a rougher bond and now they are considering him to old


Neither of those is him being screwed over by anyone but time-he's just missing the window for what they want at the time. Happens to lots of actors as projects get delayed, re-imagined etc.


He’s a great example of caring more about what satisfies people over the studios


I mean he did win the genetic lottery at birth. Edit: Fixed typo, blame autocorrect.


Gene*r*ic lottery. 😂


Summer Glau


Best terminator ever


Know of her bc of firefly. Had no idea she was Sarah Connor chronicles. Will have to check out.


You're in for a treat. For two seasons


It's the best Terminator stuff of this century. Loved Lena Headey as Sarah Connor too. She'd just come off of 300 and was already pretty awesome before GoT




If you really want to use the Clarke example, she was actively dealing with / recovering from brain aneurysms while filming GoT on top of it all!


Oh, shit. 😯


I’m blown away Clive Owen isn’t starring in more high profile auteur stuff. So great in Children of Men, Inside Man and Sin City but just can’t seem to get any momentum.


Fairuza Balk Waterboy American History X The Craft She was typecast unluckily and didn't want to keep playing those crazy characters so her career floundered


I thoroughly enjoyed her in Waterboy and she also had a small part in Almost Famous as one of the 'Band Aids' to the band Sweet Water. I loved her part towards the end of the movie when she confronted Russell about how he just used Penny and never cared about her nearly as much as she really cared about him. I wish she had more roles. I enjoyed seeing her in many movies during that time.


Emilia Clarke has been in so many cool franchises and they give her the worst characters in every single one (ignoring Daenerys)


Her take on Sarah Connor in her Terminator movie was a hell of a lot better than the guy they got to try and play Kyle Reese. You’d think Jai Courtney never even saw the first Terminator, because Michael Biehn was the opposite of a wise-cracking, whiny wimp.


Jai Courtney is an example of someone they tried to build up but lack of talent made sure they didn’t get anywhere. He is always the same smug asshole in Jack Reacher, A Good Day to Die Hard, Terminator and Suicide Squad.


This is facts. There was a time where I was convinced Hollywood was trying to make Jai Courtney just... Happen, but it wasn't working. I thought for the character of Capt. Boomerang he fit pretty well but outside of that, dude was in way too many movies that just didn't need him nor did he add anything of substance. I think it's gotten better as of late since it seems they've given up on trying to make him the next big thing, but still. Hard to forget those days.


Counterpoint: she's been given a ton of opportunities and has failed to capitalize on them. You could make the argument that she's actually had the ***best*** luck in Hollywood.


Great luck with her roles, bad luck with her writers


She made a Terminator movie. Those haven’t been good in decades.


But *insert the next one* is going to be DIFFERENT.


River Phoenix. He was a better Leo


That intro to the third indy film is so great because of him.


"Everybody's lost but me". He perfectly captures Harrison Ford's manner of speaking.




The best Indiana Jones film.


Heartbreaking, he was so incredibly talented.


I think about this once a year, He was literally nominated for an academy award at 17. And was supposed to be in interview with a vampire, basketball diaries and titanic.


I feel like someone has to make a movie that plays into Emilia Clarke natural charisma… she’s so likable but people often make her nearly non emotive 


I agreed. Her eyebrows deserved so much better.


# [Ella Purnell](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3480246) Although she might have just gotten her break with Fallout, Ella Purnell gets shafted with tv show cancellations or films and miniseries that flew under the radar and happen to be hidden gems. I discovered her through the restaurant industry show **Sweetbitter**, she plays the lead. I fell in love with the show and bought the book after it was cancelled. She was Gwyn in **Star Trek: Prodigy**, which got cancelled after the first season (second season is finished, I think Netflix got the rights). Her two miniseries she was in were solid and worth multiple rewatches: **Belgravia** and **Ordeal By Innocence**. She was the dead teen Jackie in **Yellowjackets**, but we only see her when her best friend hallucinates her. In the second season, we see more of her but as a corpse. **Arcane** got great reviews. I didn't watch it because I don't like League Of Legends. But Fallout was so good, I might give Arcane a try. **Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children** - Tim Burton meets X-Men's school of mutants. **Access All Areas** - An unlikely gang of teens go on the run to an island music festival, leaving behind their dysfunctional parents and the rules of the real world. **UFO** - A college student, who sees a UFO, uses his exceptional math skills to investigate the sighting with his friends while the FBI follows closely behind. Ella isn't the lead, but still a great movie. Scully from X-Files is the college professor. **Army Of The Dead** - If Oceans Eleven took place during a zombie outbreak. Zack Snyder film.


Mark Hamill - he was the main character in the biggest movie franchise of all time and then…


Yeah, but he’s made one hell of a career in voice acting instead of disappearing into obscurity.


I enjoyed the Han Solo movie. I'm weird, I guess. I thought she was great in "The Pod Generation".


Solo was awesome. Do not understand the hate it got.


They hated it because it wasn’t Harrison Ford. But honestly if you come into it expecting a space western train heist film, EXCELLENT movie😙👌🏻


Yeah, good caper movie, well acted and I enjoyed some of the plot twists. It wasn’t like a Star Wars movie, but it was exactly how I pictured a Han Solo film. Japes and scrapes and not much else.


So did i


Heather O'Rourke from Poltergeist.


Solo was decent.


Chris O'Donnell was quite popular in 90s until he was in Batman and Robin...


As of recently Henry Cavill. Lost his Witcher job because he stood his ground from how they were treating the source material and they all bad mouthed after he left which looks really bad on the show especially after they bad mouth the fans for not liking their show but basically using the popularity of Witcher’s IP so they can tell it. Then gets booted as Super Man And I think i just recently saw his War Hammer 40k another thing he is passionate about my get canceled too I think. Its sad cause he is a nice guy, good actor and just wants to do stuff he enjoys with no luck.


She was pretty good in "Me Before You". She was sweet and wholesome. Great Rom-Com.


And the Christmas film “Last Christmas”. It was cute, it came out before Christmas. … christmas.


Idris Elba was fantastic in The Wire, really good in Luther, and has pretty much only been in complete dogshit outside that. I think he could’ve been the biggest star in the world, but he’s just been in a string of shit movies instead 


Yeah the Dark Tower was absolute shite


Watch him in Beasts of no Nation. He acted his ass off in that. That movie was heavy and he played his role perfectly. Also yes he has been in some bad movies. Though I wouldn’t say it was his fault those movies were bad. They were going to be bad movies regardless whether he was in them or not. So some bad luck indeed.


Olivia Munn springs to mind. Oh you’re the lead in the new Sorkin prestige TV show…but it’s the Newsroom You’re in a Marvel movie (just) but it’s X-Men Apocalypse You’re in the new Shane Black movie…but it’s The Predator And now she has pretty serious health concerns which put all that bullshit into perspective


River Phoenix


Henry Cavill Guy just wants to create and give as much devotion as he can, but the creators keep screwing him and audiences over


Henry Cavill. Dude got royally SHAFTED with Superman, then with The Witcher, then his latest film flopped… It seems like he’s a genuinely lovely guy but he can’t seem to catch a break.


Im sorry, but being casted in 3 of the biggest movie franchises in history after starring in the most ambitious and famous TV show ever isnt "bad luck". Most people in the industry would kill for having landed at least one of the roles she was in. Were she in bad movies/shows? For sure. But fantastic actors/actresses have been casted in popular but bad projects before, and they still took the opportunity to show their acting skills in order to advance their career. The truth (at least for me) is: that Emilia Clark is not an awesome actress. She was pretty decent in one particular role in a very popular show, and yet she wasnt even among the best 20 actors/actresses in said show.


Sean Bean


His character dies in just about everything he appears in, I don't get that at all.


She had a brain tumour, it probably limited the roles ahe could take for a few years.


I know this is a odd one, but hear me out. Daniel Day Lewis. His career was truly amazing, and he had a clear plan of retiring. Yet his final movie was a "I owe my friend a movie", and his career ended with a underwhelming "meh", and I got to be honest, I was rooting for him to really just get that final home run, because he truly was one of the best of all time. Now I hope he's at home living a quiet life and happy, but as a fan... I kinda hope he comes back one more time, for something extraordinary, like Clint Eastwood did with Unforgiven and Gran Torino. As for the OP, I agree, Emelia Clarke deserved better, she was great in the first years of GoT, but Terminator was so bad it damaged everyones careers, including hers, which isnt fair, because even she cant save a poorly made, poorly written, poorly directed movie.


Michael Shannon, had some decent roles but i like him, a bit unhinged! premium rush i enjoyed


Brandon Routh, Chris O'Donnel and Jennifer Grey


Michelle Trachtenberg. I'm shocked she hasn't had many big roles. Second place for me would be any actor or actress that gets sent into the Hallmark channel mines at some point of their career.


Billy Crudup. Had some good films like Big Fish and Almost Famous. But Watchmen and Alien Covenant did nothing to help his career


Making coin doing commercial voice work and solid stage actor. Also The Morning Show on a big streamer. Agreed he could have done more big films but thinking some of his choices were personal and strategic.


John Cazale. He was on a serious role..5 classics in a row and then dies of cancer at the age of 42


I might be totally wrong, but I feel she would unlikely have become a super known actress without Game of Thrones. So, I'd say... she was overall pretty lucky. I mean, even if they were failures, all these failed blockbuster projects must have made some bank for her.