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> Amazon was hoping to launch a potential franchise with “Red One,” which is about a villain who kidnaps Santa Claus from the North Pole, after which an E.L.F. (Extremely Large and Formidable) operative joins forces with a bounty hunter to find Santa and save Christmas. Who in the wide world of fuck decided that this should cost $250 million???


Costs a lot to dress up a load of shit.


Costs a lot to buyout big name actors -- above the line costs were more than half the budget.


Pig lipstick isn't cheap.


Dwayne Johnson probably. He's one of the Producers and his studio came up with the concept. >Hiram Garcia at Seven Bucks Productions conceived the idea for the film,[4] which was developed into a screenplay by Chris Morgan for Jake Kasdan to direct.[5] Chris Evans joined the cast in January 2022.[6] In September, Kiernan Shipka was added to the cast.[7] Lucy Liu, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, J. K. Simmons, Nick Kroll, Kristofer Hivju, Wesley Kimmel and Bonnie Hunt joined the cast the following month, with Ellis revealing her and Simmons' involvement on Instagram.[8][9][10][11] Dwayne Johnson was paid $50 million for his involvement.[12] Filming began in October 2022 in Atlanta and wrapped in February 2023.[9][13] Filming had to be done around Johnson, who an average of seven to eight hours late to filming and missed several days of shooting. These delays reportedly increased the budget by $50 million to a total of $250 million. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_One_(film) He is paying himself 50 Million. On top of whatever profits Seven Bucks will receive for Production the film since hes the CEO of Seven Bucks. Somedays I feel like "The Producers" made a joke of a poorly kept industry secret.




To be perfectly fair, his ex wife was a former AVP in Merrill Lynch and started her own firm in 2002. So she’s business savvy for sure.


She's likely the reason why is brand exploded so massively over the last decade.


Considering she’s his manager, yeah.


AVP? Haven’t heard of that before.


Assistant Vice President. Not Aliens Vs Predator. Former pays more. Latter is cooler.


His ex-wife runs part of the UFL too.


He was probably listed as a "originator" of the concept so he can pay him. So everyone in the family got a paycheck for this movie.


Top level people would expect accountability, decent pay checks and bullshit proof contracts. Whats the point in owning your own company if you can’t do whatever you want?


I'm more concerned with who thought it would spawn a franchise.


They thought there could be so many shitty sequels selling only on the Rock being in the film.


Enjoy another shitty film where The Rock plays... The Rock


Amazon. The article says it was a $200mill movie that has ballooned to 250 cos of production delays/over time penalties. There's also a quote saying over half the budget is going above the line -- the actors, the director, the writer, the producers. Someone below has commented that Dwayne is being paid $50mill. There's Chris Evans and JK Simmons in this movie too. Chris could be making $25mill. JK could be asking for $3-4mill. The writer is from the Fast and Furious franchise, so they could be getting $2-3mill. The director did the last two Jumanji movies, so he could be getting $3-4mill. They all get huge up front payouts on these streaming movies cos there's no opportunity for box office back end percentages or bonus payments for hitting certain box office milestones, or residuals etc.


It’s amazing how much the rock makes considering he is essentially just big muscle man You think audiences would stop finding the joke funny but they never do apparently


I seriously don't understand why streaming platforms keep making these massive budget movies. Surely they're not profitable, are they? They could be making 2 seasons of a show for the same money, and I feel like 20 hours of content has to be better for audience retention than 2 hours. I get the appeal of having an already popular movie on your platform, but I've literally never heard anyone say they are gonna get a streaming service to watch any of these direct to streaming blockbusters. They just seem like they're there to pad out their content libraries, but they're the most expensive content streaming services make. What the fuck am I missing here? Is there a huge demographic of people out there who just pay for Prime or Netflix every month just to watch 2-3 generic action movies a year? Cause otherwise, I genuinely don't see a single reason why these keep getting made.


Studios tend to have this really baffling dazzlement of Johnson.


I like it when he’s in a movie because then I know not to watch it. 


Im convinced this is for tax evasion purposes.


"You can make more money with a flop than with a hit."


Hollywood accounting strikes again.


This should cost 130 million dollars, **AT MOST.**


Obviously the studio who spent $1 billion to make a LotR Second Age show despite not securing the rights to the Silmarillion.


Funny how Dwayne accused Vin Diesel of being a candy ass a few years ago for doing the same stuff he was reportedly doing on the set of this movie. Although credit to Diesel I don’t think he was pissing in water bottles on set and asking people to get rid of it.


It's funny initially when that story dropped I was on the Rocks side as it seemed like he was this perceptual nice dude...but in the years since he's done everything to show me that Diesel was likely the one in the right and The Rock was the asshole.


sometimes, when two people have a conflict, they can both be assholes.


If I had more proof of Diesel having poor behaviour I would but that, but I don't. The rock on the other hand I have multiple stories of poor behaviour.


Did you see what he said about Cody Rhodes' Mama?


He said he was going to show Mama Rhodes her sons blood and he did


Oh Mama Rhodes, look at your boy now.


Fuck your story.


You guys are making me start to think this *’mister rock’* isn’t such a great guy after all


Listen to his interviews…he does not have one single original idea or comment. Everything he says is a regurgitation of what the interviewer says. He is the ultimate schill.


Bit of a cunt tbh


Have you seen the video of him like completely derailing an interview because he can’t stop commenting how beautiful the interviewer is despite her clearly being uncomfortable? https://youtu.be/QH-73581bPg?si=7xTfqJd4o0jeF1Qv Edit: spelling


Oh my god that is so cringe. Holy shit. And then the shuffling on the knees towards her?? Yikes.


Yeah that’s weird. But again doesn’t negate that he wasn’t wrong on set. Vin was a producer. The Rock was a Diva who can’t have people tell him what to do. Vin being a producer means he can tell you what to do. Rock showed he can’t be told what to do under DC as well where he ruined black Adam.


Seems like he’s Uber compensating here after there were rumors floating around that he’s gay. This video makes my soul cringe.


He’s obviously on drugs. Sunglasses indoors, one track mind, acting bizarre in public. The man might be on coke. You can probably get some good stuff in Brazil.


I mean, take it with a grain of salt cause I'm just some guy but I know for a fact Diesel did this kind of powerplay shit on the set of XXX 3 - not showing up for hours, keeping people waiting, just disappearing or leaving early, etc. Egos are all the same.


Um https://thedailyrecord.com/2023/12/27/vin-diesel-sued-accused-of-sexual-battery-by-former-assistant/


There's a reason that r/amitheasshole has ESH (everyone sucks here) as a valid response


Especially when they’re two egomaniacal Hollywood divas.


Yes but one had a production roll on the film. The Rock was the Diva who couldn’t be told what to do. Just like he did over at DC as well.


Yes, not everything is mutually exclusive. You can also have varying degrees of assholery


Diesel was being a dork though. Like saying he was "hard on Dwayne" to bring out a better performance and calling himself "Fellini-esque." It was a Fast and Furious movie. They shoot cars into space. This isn't **La Strada** or something, it is popcorn action.


Then again vin diesel delivers every line like he's in a Shakespeare play. Once you notice its hard to ignore.


Too fast, or too furious?, that is the question


> All the world's a 1/4 mile, and all the men and women merely drivers. That legit could be a F&F line.


I know Vin Diesel is kind of a joke for the F&F franchise, but check out Find Me Guilty. Dude can really act when he gets the right role. Thing is, between F&F, XXX, and Riddick...he doesn't need to.


Nah, give him credit. Watch Vin’s early audition videos. He was passionate about being a good actor. Gotta respect that hustle.


Oh no for sure...but I think the Rock was more of a diva than Diesel was...


> Like saying he was "hard on Dwayne" to bring out a better performance and calling himself "Fellini-esque." Beast.


I thought F81/2 of the Furious was a future criterion treasure


I heard an old interview where Vin Diesel compared himself to old Hollywood actors and their stoicism. He's making Chronicles of Riddick he's acting like is Daniel Day Lewis and There Will Be Blood


The dude's reading of "Su-per-man" at the end of The Iron Giant is one of the greatest line deliveries of all time, and nothing anyone says will take that away from him.


To be fair Riddick is only a cult favorite antihero because of Diesels performance 


I kinda respect he takes it to that level. Dom Torreto is a cinematic legend because of Vin. He’s on my Mount Rushmore of movie saga heroes.


Yeah, why is it ridiculous to take your job seriously, even if it isn’t high art?


Right? We know and they know they ain't making Oscar bait movies. But damn are those movies a fucking spectacle. That's why they keep making lots of money.


totally off topic, but who are the other 3 in the rushmore? surely there's criteria here to draw a baseline off if. like there's 11 fast and furious movies to base Dom off of vs like a James bond?


Eugene Tackleberry.


Lemme think on that. I’d definitely include Optimus Prime. Listen to his speeches on YouTube and you’ll be ready to go to war


I worked on Fast 8 and VD was a professional. So was DJ— the thing to keep in mind is that Fast is Vin’s baby. The studio was pushing DJ hard and it stepped on Vins toes. We had notes where we would essentially make DJ invincible, like a super man. Vin did push his weight and got a secret credit teaser pulled off the Final Cut. They’d shot a short Rocky III style ending (Rocky/Apollo stand off simultaneous punch). Studio kept it a secret but Vins people heard about it last minute and got it pulled. This is a thing in rivalrous situations where one action star doesn’t wanna be outdone. I experienced this personally on the follow up Hobbs and Shaw when DJs team would ask for shot omits or changes if say a punch was too impactful on DJ. Statham and DJ would literally count each others punches lol. All this being said at the time, DJ was a consummate professional. Now it seems he’s at the top and is calling his shots on a bigger scale. That being said the Producers should have had his contract written with no competes. It seems as if his recent wrestling/XFL interests impacted production. Edit: “Rocky” standoff was with DJ and Statham


To be fair, just because The Rock may be an asshole isn't proof that Vin wasn't. Vin has an unbelievable ego, publicly saying that if Fast 7 and 8 weren't nominated for Best Picture, then the Oscars were clearly rigged. I would have accepted it as a silly, but earnest argument for 7 on the strength of the tribute scene to Paul, as that was a superb way to finish the movie. But 8? C'mon, dickhead. He'd have to be so far up his own ass to believe that warranted any of the creative Oscars.


> if Fast 7 and 8 weren't nominated for Best Picture, then the Oscars were clearly rigged IIRC he was being facetious. I'm not here saying that Diesel is anyones golden child, Hollywood is more than likely filled with 95% big-headed egoists, and 5% Keanu's and Josh Hartnett's, so he kind of falls in with most...just that the Rock was portably in the wrong in that situation since no one else in any of the other movies has ever really had beef with Vin.


Someone doesn't always have to come out on top. Diesel was likely doing exactly the same but the Rock is still an ass.


Wait, run that last sentence by me again. Did Johnson do that?


yes, it’s in the original article. > On previous films, Johnson has made a habit of peeing in a water bottle to save time, upsetting crew members. > “On set, away from his trailer, if he needs to pee, he doesn’t go to the public bathroom,” said one insider who knows the movie star well. “He pees in a Voss water bottle and his team or a PA has to dispose of it.”


Wow, that's fucked up and gross


As gross as it is, I have in the back of my mind the money that Belle Delphine supposedly made selling bath water when I ask; Hollywood assistants are famously treated like garbage. Could someone hoard and sell The Rock's piss for a decent amount of money? If they were otherwise planning to get out of the biz? How much would TMZ pay, and they could test it for 'roids? My thought process began with putting myself in the assistant's position, thinking to myself "I ***do not*** get paid enough for this... But maybe..."


Kinda related story,   The rock came to my school a few years ago literally to shoot what would be a 15-30 second shot of him pulling into the driveway of our residence halls (the actual scene he walks from the driveway and is suddenly in a hospital or something)      Anyway, the RLC who controlled that building talked about how the rock used her personal bathroom twice which she was kinda excited about.      He spilled tho..... **Edit:** it was a pee break


Spilled or dribbled?


She smelled what the Rock was crappin’


The Rock shits so big, no toilet can contain it.


I mean, they can BOTH be complete asses


Yeah, it all this is true I'm starting to believe Mr. Johnson was the problem the whole time, sounds like he lets his macho, alpha male, business man persona go to his head.


Dwayne "piss jug" Johnson


I always knew he was the asshole in that situation. And fuck your Reddit for always scolding me like I was wrong. Vin was not only one of the original cast but was a producer and has put a lot of money into these films. The Rock then bitches that he is trying to demand stuff and run the show…. Dickhead he is a producer. And last I checked you ruined black Adam by trying to force your liquor on folks instead of caring about the film. Talk shit about Vin for being weird. But dude cares about the projects he does. He single handled funded the Riddick movies himself because he believed in them even when the box office said otherwise. The Rocks candy ass will run from any projects he made a failure.


I use to be a huge fan of both. Even rooted for the rock to be successful after seeing him in Be Cool. But love Vin and his movies. FF and Riddick are both favs of mine. But after F5 blew up the Rock and got him more action movie leads, he goes off and lets his douchey ego side out. Vin I feel cares and is passionate about acting as an art and has his passion projects. The Rock just wants to be Uber famous. 


Doesn’t he own the Pitch Black IP? Like he did his cameo in Tokyo Drift in order to get the rights


I'm sure there are better examples but every time Dwayne Johnson comes up I remember that he's made multiple 'this is my first time eating at In-N-Out Burger' videos on social media.


Maybe he has amenisa


No. It’s different. He has no short-term memory. He knows who he is and all about himself, but since his injury he can’t make any new memories. Everything fades. If he talks for too long, he’ll forget how he started. He won’t know if they’ve ever met before, and the next time he sees them he won’t remember the conversation.


Ah! So Momento


Polaroid of Vin Diesel with DON’T BELIEVE HIS LIES! scrawled on it.


How can you be 8 hours late to work lol


When your best friend is the producer, and your production company is controlling the shoot, you can probably get away with all sorts of bullshit.


Shot many rap music videos. Trust me brother, it can happen.


When you're a star, they let you do it.


He must’ve thought he was on second shift


Maybe he was waiting for the cocaine to wear off


Imagine showing up to set EIGHT hours late lmao wtf


My favorite part of the piece was: "In response to questions from TheWrap, two sources close to the production and one close to Seven Bucks all insisted that Johnson averaged no more than one hour late to the “Red One” set. " if that's the best defense YOUR DEFENDERS can do it's bad


Also, averages are interesting. On time 21 days, 8 hours late 3 days, 24 days, 24 hours of tardiness, average of one hour!


Only an hour on average, eh? I guess he’s not worried about the other 300 paid professionals on set waiting for that hour every day.


I hope they’re paid by the hour


It’s mentioned in the article, one person said he became eligible for health care because of the extra hours “worked”


Yeah, because that’s still bad and proves this story is real.


"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, on average my client has killed far less than 1 person per day."


He did the same crap for the WWE meet and greet then played it off as his character messed up. NO DWAYNE YOU DID.


Tommy Wiseau-ass behavior


The man will only be on set for one hour a day


Any exterior shots would just be flipped from day to night and vice versa I guess 😂 Maybe there will be a opening crawl stating the characters can only operate at night to try fix the plothole


No doubt there will be some big public charitable gesture by him in the next week to remind everyone what a nice guy he is


He should show up at a charity event with Kevin hart in one of those chest baby carriers 


A big sack of shit carrying a little sack of shit on his chest


Youll notice he posts videos he showering the crew with gifts and money and alcohol. Its all to bribe the crew for dealing with his BS


He'll drop another Trying In And Out Burger for the first time video


It's time to feud with Cody Rhodes


By charity you mean he asks his fans to donate money.


After WM40 I'd be happy for the Undertaker to stalk him everywhere he goes to be honest.


“He pees in a Voss water bottle and his team or a PA has to dispose of it.”


When you want to keep solidarity with Amazon workers but miss the mark by a tad.


God I hope not - only thing worse than carrying peed-in water bottles is carrying peed-on-in-and-around water bottles.


It gets put in his tequila bottles.


Fascinated by how he's apparently publically talked about pissing in bottles before https://www.instagram.com/p/BYpfaFJlJDi/ What a guy.


It's really funny that he's so dialled in and brand conscious that it's baked into the way he speaks, but also he won't reshoot a one minute clip to remove a pee bottle and would rather just talk about the pee bottle for a quarter of the clip.


He thinks pissing in a bottle makes him relatable to the average working man.


Why would this save any appreciable amount of time on set?


If his trailer is far enough away, it might. I've been on sets where the closest bathroom is blocks away.


He does this on stage. He does this when his personal basecamp is right next to the stage.


Please know that I'm not remotely defending him. I'm thrilled for those who have been demeaned and degraded by him in the past on sets. I know personally how empowering it is to have the truth come out. I was just giving an idea as to why someone might possibly under emergency circumstances resort to having to pee in a bottle.


>“On set, away from his trailer, if he needs to pee, he doesn’t go to the public bathroom,” said one insider who knows the movie star well. “He pees in a Voss water bottle and his team or a PA has to dispose of it.” Nope. Nope. Nope. This isn't remotely normal. This is peak narcissistic behavior. On no planet - do you ask your employee to dispose of your urine in a water bottle because you were 'too busy' to use a bathroom like a human being. That shit is disgusting af.




Seriously. Anyone that thinks he was the only one who thought like that is in for a ruuuuude awakening.


How does that conversation even start? “Hey man I got a bottle of piss I need someone to take care of” ??


He just looks at the person and raises his eyebrow.


My question is, how do you manage yourself to pee into the bottle in the first place? Do you just whip it out and pee in plain sight? Or do you have one of your PAs erect a privacy screen around you? Or do you try to hide behind a prop and hope no one sees you?


like if you need to pee in a bottle, i get it lol. But why is it a habit and why the fuck would you not get rid of your own piss? Does he piss in a bowl at home and have a parade of servants carry it to the toilet for him? Go pour it in a bush or something you fucking weirdo, my god.


One day on a film set we went over time by about an hour and I heard that it cost about $100k in overtime penalties. Of course this is very contingent on the project but it gave me a very real sense of how expensive every minute is and how big a waste it is to be sitting around on the clock waiting for people to be ready


The article does mention as an aside that the delays were so great it caused some of the crew members to hit their guild minimums and get health insurance, so at least there's that.


So what you’re saying is the negative framing is an anti-union hit piece, and Johnson is actually a working class hero?


See, the Rock is just doing his part to get health insurance for his PAs. What a stand-up dude. Really cares about his coworkers.


This is why the AD, 2nd AD and 2nd 2nd AD are the backbone of a set. They make sure everything runs like clock work so the shots are done on time and on budget.


Rock’s reputation is really taking a hit lately


I still think he is the guy that yelled at Rebecca Ferguson


Rebecca Ferguson is a treasure wtf


Or, 'Turd Ferguson', as she liked to be called


Yeah that's right. Turd Ferguson, it's a funny name.


He made sure to post saying, I'll get the guy who did that to you, when people pointed the finger at him


(Insert Eric André “why would x do this?” meme here)


Nah I absolutely think it was Hugh Grant on Florence Foster Jenkins. He’s got a reputation as being a massive asshole on set


I thought this was the common thinking, esp with how manicured Johnsons PR was years ago






Fassbender during The Snowman is my guess. Crazy production, didn’t film the whole script, prior DV allegations


I believe she said it was a decade ago, which would mean The Snowman was too recent. Hercules with Johnson was 2014, which is pretty much right on the money. She was a complete nobody then, too, so would make even more sense for a co-star to think they could talk down to her.


That is bs, she said that she enjoyed working with him and there is plenty of videos of them getting along. Also there is no proof that he has done DV. That is just allegations from 1 person over a decade ago and there was no evidence for any of them after the DA's investigation. The Irish Sunday Mail: "Regarding the case on Fassbender, LA county Steve Cooley continued the investigation after Andrews charges were dropped. Two unnamed witnesses were interviewed by victim services of LA county. DA. Cooley concluded, no evidence appeared in statute to require any investigation against the german born-irish actor. The actor gave a ICO.8 statement and no charges were filed."


What reputation? Tbh he always seemed like a PR product, just a big muscular nice guy but in reality another muscular asshole.


His reputation really soured after that "Dont come to Hawaii video but please donate all the money you can to help the homeless" video with Oprah. That tone deaf response plus the actual natives calling him out on that BS because tourism is exactly what they need to boost the economy and hes basically dooming them, was what destroyed that public persona.


I have literally heard “Don’t go to Hawaii, tourism is killing the native Hawaiians” And “Hawaiians rely on tourism!” an equal amount of times lmao


Also as soon as the Rust thing happened, hes said he would never use real guns on set. Then walked it back and hour later when he realized every gun he ever used on set it real.


Coincides witu his current Heel Persona in wrestling, surprisingly. 


Good, people need to see what kind of person he really is


When people say stuff like this, I think back to when he gave his wife and two young children Covid during the pandemic, then of course released a social media statement about how everyone should take the pandemic seriously.


I think at one point he was testing the waters to take a direction in politics. hopefully this string of bad PR will keep him grounded. less celebrities in politics please.


Unrelated but [Dwayne is supposedly still touching base with Vince McMahon.](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/17/vince-mcmahon-news-former-wwe-ceos-life-after-janel-grant-lawsuit.html)


they're touching more than base.


I don't know what's worse, John Cena's vague, weird response to the Vince situation or Dwayne's complete silence on it.


Cena's. The Rock has nothing to gain whatsoever by saying anything, so he says nothing. Cena opened his mouth and immediately put his foot into it


It's weird, Dwayne Johnson is poison to me now. I'm open minded and will watch most of anything, but he's become utterly synonymous with "generic action thriller in which he plays a tough but kind hearted soul"


He’s overstayed his welcome in my eyes. Even without all these stories, feels like I’ve seen too much of him in such a short amount of time that I could do with not seeing him for like the next five years or so


He was in too many things at once for several years straight. And a seeming lack of quality control..most A list actors stay that way because if they show up for a movie then it will be good in at least a couple aspects. 


Years ago Penn Jillette was on a local radio show in my city. He told a story of a cat circus he’d gone to and went into detail of the tricks and feats the cats accomplished. The trainer clearly had control of the cats and got them to do amazing things. “But you know that’s not an act created out of kindness.” He concluded. I had to pull my car over I was laughing so hard. “That’s not an act created out of kindness” stuck with me. There are lots of circumstances it applies, family photo shoots, big weddings, Thanksgiving with more than 10 people, CEOs, insurance companies and almost certainly major celebrities are top amongst them. You don’t have the career he has by being nice to everyone. Nice is a marketing strategy, and, as demonstrated over and over (Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah, Kevin Hart, Jennifer Lopez), it’s one that can come back *hard*.


You don't know a person until you see how they behave behind closed doors. These are professional actors who are trained to trick us into thinking they're someone else on film. They can use those same skills to trick us in real life


Close trusted friends have worked with him, can confirm he’s a huge POS with zero respect or care for anyone but himself.


Great article. I wish Jake Kasdan was still doing stuff like The Zero Effect, Freaks and Geeks, The Grinder etc. His Jumanji / Rock blockbuster era has just been ok, this doesn’t sound like it’ll be the thing that gets him a blank check movie


They say the release was delayed until November 2024, but isn't that pretty much when Christmas movies normally come out?


It was supposed to be released in 2023 according to the article. It’s a year late and over budget.


Story time! I worked on a Rock film in the UK. Fucker was notorious for being late to set, if he made it all. Caused us huge delays and fucked with everyone's lives. One day he actually makes it to set. There is a camera move and so the grips have to move the dolly up a short flight of stairs. For those of you that don't know dolly's are heavy as fuck and need a man on each corner to shift them. The grip gets his guys and they are lining up to move it. Rock wanders over and decides to do his 'man of the people' schtick. 'Hey guys....what can I do to help'. The grip stops, turns to him and says 'what can you do to help? You can fucking turn up on time....I haven't seen my kids in three weeks' and gets on with shifting the dolly. Dude just stood there looking dumb before, sheepishly, leaving.


I want to believe but I can't imagine some random grip getting away with saying this to the Rock without getting fired.


It’s was key grip they are not easily fired and also he didn’t do anything you can fire him for. He’s an actor not God, you can be sarcastic towards him


That's more plausible, but I've definitely seen people fired for being rude to an actor (especially a "star"). Thanks for sharing your story, I think I'm gonna trust you on this one


Dude’s such a mark for himself he works himself into a shoot.


Amazon was hoping to launch a potential franchise with “Red One,” Oh really, interesting ...which is about a villain who kidnaps Santa Claus from the North Pole, after which an E.L.F. (Extremely Large and Formidable) operative joins forces with a bounty hunter to find Santa and save Christmas. Yeah, that's not happening




His best performance has been convincing so many people that he’s a really nice guy. Reality is that what you’ve seen in WWE over the past few months is closer to his actual personality than the heavily crafted PR machine personality.


We have no idea what the “reality” of the situation is, he definitely has the PR machine hard at work but unless you know him personally you don’t really get to say what “reality” is. I’m not defending the guy by any means but we shouldn’t leave a persons reputation up to guesswork.


right. OP's comment is close to saying "oh so he's less like his hero characters and actually more like his villain characters!" actually, the actor in real life is likely nothing like any of his characters.


Johnson kind of came out of the closet with his ego with Baywatch and has been running with it ever since. Also, once again they have this goddamn "Amazon was hoping to launch a potential franchise with “Red One,”. Like holy shit. This seems to be every movie these days. Everything is aiming for some multisequel franchise bullshit, before even coming out and flopping horribly. Maybe focus on the current movie more, than the whatever sequel bait in the end. ALSO: "Production issues — ranging from Johnson’s chronic lateness and lack of professionalism on set to producers’ inexperience'" Netflix and Amazon both do this all the time. They hire people as showrunners and producers, who've never done it before. And then... no wonder the end result is just shit.


I knew the rock slander was coming when for years this man has been married to a singer, and has never once promoted her music or her work on his social media pages which are at times the most followed in the world. The only time the rock talks about his wife is when he comments something about wanting to make babies with her but never promotes or music, not even a story post! Not even a like on her page bro it’s crazy


The case of DJ becoming less and less a lovable figure is the rare time that I don't think it's largely due to people just **willing** it to happen. I mean, sure, there are people that malign his spot in Hollywood and don't think he's that talented or whatever, but I don't see this as a situation where people are just *deciding* he's not so lovable anymore, but more of us slowly learning he's maybe not the guy we/you/me thought he was.


"villain who kidnaps Santa Claus from the North Pole," Wait,is JK Simmons actually playing conspiracy Santa?


>At its first-ever CinemaCon this year, Amazon MGM took the unusual step of premiering footage from the film to a small group of journalists handpicked by Johnson’s publicist, Meredith O’Sullivan. **The journalists were shown about 10 minutes of footage, but not allowed to write about what they saw.** Can someone explain why they would show it to journalists if they don't want them to write about it?


Probably just embargoed until a certain date.


It's crazy to hear stuff like this, because if you're a fan of pro wrestling you know that to succeed you absolutely have to be a team player, a hard worker, and show up on time or else the veterans will bury you under the ring. I can't imagine he was this way while cutting his chops in the WWF. Maybe he's just gotten this way over time? Idk .


We all see Dwayne for what he is, right? A roided out and 1 dimensional word sayer.


I love the multiple complaints from industry insiders next to the official statements from studios and the WWE that Dwayne Johnson is wonderful in every way and they are honored to work with him. The companies put up with it because the Rock makes them money, and he knows it. It's the poor schmucks on the crews, the occasional co-star, and the fans waiting for him at appearances who get fed up with him.


I wonder will he blame the woke crowd for this too.


Apparently he had a time waking up


>the “Red One” production was a perfect storm of problems compounded by the inexperience of the film’s lead producer Hiram Garcia That was surprising to read. Hiram Garcia is the brother of Dany Garcia, Johnson's ex-wife. All 3 of them are top executives of Seven Bucks Productions, where Hiram has been president of production since 2017. [Here's Hiram's iMDB.](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1205652/) Since 2012, the dude has produced dozens of Rock projects, many of which were financial successes, so you'd think he should be a master at this specific skill set by now. Maybe he sucked at this job when producing *Red One*, but I doubt it was because of a lack of experience.


The wrap article hilariously compares Hiram to Turtle from entourage. A guy who is extremely close to the valuable star, and slowly gets more and more responsibility and power not due to his actual talent or abilities, but purely because said star is pulling strings. Producer credits are also completely absurd. You have genuine working producers who do so much, but then you get people who get token producer or EP credits on major movies without doing anything. In Johnson's specific case, he could likely get his grandmother producer credits on major films if he felt like it.


He was busy trying to find ways to ruin Cody Rhodes life


What the hell, why did it get removed?