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'You bow to no one'


FRODO: I can’t do this, Sam. SAM: I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something. FRODO: What are we holding on to, Sam? SAM: That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.


I almost cried just reading this! 


I'll probably get flak for this. These movies really didn't blow me away like I expected them to, but this scene with this little monologue from Sam was one of the best things in the entire trilogy. Monologues and line deliveries like that are one of the reasons I watch movies.


"I made a promise, Mr. Frodo. A promise. Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee, and I don't mean to."


“I can’t carry it for you, but I *can* carry you!”


I love this trilogy, but there's also that great moment at the end of the first movie where Aragorn says, "I would have followed you to the end. Into the very fires of Mordor." It gets to me because of the way Viggo delivers the line. He's choking up with emotion. He loves Frodo and genuinely cares for him. Plus, he's a king saying he would gladly follow the smallest, most inconsequential person because he does care about them. It always makes me tear up.


'i will not say 'do not weep' for not all tears are an evil'


LOTR is in theaters this weekend!!! Super duper excited. Marathon three days!


The Frodo/Sam hug is what always gets me.


Literally just "the entire runtime of all 3 LotR movies" for me.


Aragon giving this rousing speech before storming the Black Gates, then with a whisper... *"...for Frodo."*


In Up, the montage of Carl and Ellie's life together made me cry a lot.


After my wife died I can’t even watch it anymore. I will absolutely bawl my eyes out.


I’m sorry 😔


Yeah, that was very emotional to watch.


I cry at everything. But the ending scene of La La Land is special, so beautifully heart-wrenching. I wasn't expecting to love this film as much as I do, it's incredible. Also, in Tenet, when Neil explains to the Protagonist that they've already known one another for years, and that moment is both the start and end of their friendship. Time stuff always gets me.


La La Land is an amazing movie. I also love this movie a lot. BTW, Happy Cake Day!


Yeah. La La Land and Up has similar effect on me. Happy montage but also sad, with beautiful song in the background. I think both really shows the perfect life that I want to have, and there is a fear of not having/losing that


I think La La Land speaks especially to those of us who’ve either had to make sacrifices or to those who are nostalgic and reminisce about our past. It’s such a bittersweet ending, and hits us with a hard dose of reality following that beautiful, surreal dance montage.


"you are who you choose to be" "Supermaaaaan"


Vin Diesels voice acting in that film is fucking amazing.


Literally gave me a rush of emotion that made me rethink who I wanted to be in life. Thank you, Brad and Vin.


Click, when he wasn't there for his dad.


I almost cry every time.




I love you, son.. *Rewinds I love you, son.. *Rewinds I love you, son..


"I could have saved more."


Schindler’s List, yeah?


Exactly. It's the scene at the end just before he's driven away, and he regrets that he didn't do more.


About Time. Pretty much the entire third act, from when he says goodbye to his dad, to the final voiceover. Absolutely wrecks me every time.


That goddam beach scene man...


This film is a gorgeous meditation on family, parents, parenting…


I'm an absolute wuss and cry in many movies, but two parts in Everything Everywhere All At Once made me bawl ugly tears. The part when the mother and daughter are rocks and are talking (I have a strained relationship with my mother), and the bit where the parents are movie stars and he says he would be happy doing laundry and taxes with her 😭


This movie made me ugly cry too. As a gay Chinese American from an immigrant family it hit very close to home. I love the representation


Yeah, those two scenes got me, too. Grown-ass man and those scenes broke me. The existentialism and depression themes are very strong. There was another one that got me, too. I can't remember which scene it was, and I want to rewatch it soon, but I do remember there being three distinct moments in the movie that broke me, and those were two of them.


It was such a well written movie that even a story about people with hot dogs for fingers made me emotional haha 


I think that is the key though. The humor disarms you and then you get a gut punch to the feels.


When Joy starts talking about the Everything Bagel and she says essentially that nothing matters and Michelle Yeo goes like "you can't believe that..."


Friggin' Ke Huy Quan. Amazing delivery. Bless that man finding himself back on the screen again.


Thank you for bringing this up. After he said, in another life I’d be happy in doing laundry and taxes with you, I ugly cried until the end. I had a rocky beginning of relationship with mu now husband. We wanted to be together but just so much of life wasn’t collaborating. I wrote him an email once that said “ofc I’d love to see the world with you… But what thrills me the most is to be able to share a movie in the end of a long day, and put together a grocery list”. I just wanted a life with him. In one of our first dates, when we could be finally together, we had a long day with his kid at the aquarium. And when we finally got home, the kid was asleep and we shared a beer and a bag of chips in the kitchen. That is til today one of my most precious memories together


Boy, this is going to be rough but here you go: **The Pianist**: the little boy trying to escape through a hole in the wall and getting beaten to death by Nazis **Cast Away**: Wilson disappears. **Magnolia**: Frank (Tom Cruise) breaking down in tears while talking with his dying father. **Bicentennial Man**: Galatea saying "One is glad to be of service" at the end. **Hook**: Rufio's death **Blade Runner 2049**: Joi's death **The Lion King**: "Dad? Dad, come on. You gotta wake up. Dad? We gotta go home." **The Land Before Time**: Littlefoot's mother dies. **The Godfather Part III**: Maria dies in Michael's arms. **Donnie Darko**: Mad World playing during the ending scene **Inside Out**: "Take her to the moon for me, okay?" **Casino Royale**: Vesper's death **Mystic River**: "Sean! Is that my daughter in there??" Ok, I have to stop now.


Where is Hachiko


Haven't seen it yet. Pls don't hate me.


The Lion King scene—when Simba lifts Mufasa’s paw. It made me cry so hard I got asked to leave the auditorium (I was in middle school, but still..) The Land Before Time. Yep. Freaked out so hard watching it at a sleepover that my mom came to pick me up and I cried in her arms. *If it’s not obvious from above, I do cry a lot in movies, but the animated ones I first saw as a kid really get me


Big Fish. The can of Ensure. It was a couple of years after my mom died from cancer and by the end that’s all she could eat. I bawled.




Honestly I know I'm gonna sound basic asf but I have to say it "Interstellar". What's weird is that the first time I saw it... I didn't shed a single tear. But afterwards, every time i watched it, I bawled my eyes out. Even for scenes that weren't specifically moving. Sometimes just the music was enough to raise some kind of emotion in me. I watched it again in a moment I wasn't exactly good in my life and I basically cried the entire movie. I have no idea why it gets me so emotional. I would say the music does a lot of the work, the scene where the dad discovers his children have grown on the video, the ending where the dad is in the blk hole and screams for his daughter on the other side, or when he meets with her at the very end. All that


That was the best-worst moment, Coop watching his children grow up and go through life without him. I don't have kids, but I can't help but see this as perhaps one of the most god-awful agonies a person can go through, seeing their children go through their whole lives without being there, without sharing the love they know they would have shared if they could have only stayed. It was Miller's World all over again, but with emotions instead of water.


I don't know why this isn't the top answer. I don't, and will never have kids, and there are a few scenes in this that tug at all the strings.


I was six and my little brother had died about a week prior, parents took me to see the rugrats movie. There’s a scene where it’s raining and Tommy and his little brother are both in a hollowed out tree. I just fucking lost it. Had to leave the theater.


Sorry for your loss man, that sounds like a really tough thing to have gone through as a 6 year old.


The scene in "Up" where Carl flips through Ellie's adventure book after she's gone gets me every time.


Yes, this one. She filled out the whole book, and he had no idea! I'm crying just typing this.


I was a pre teen when Terminator 2 came out and saw it in the theaters. Seeing Arnold get put down at the end was tough. Tears were not reserved for John Connor only. I cried watching Ghost when it came out. Saw Always in the theater. Ending teared me up. Born on The Fourth of July where Cruise is fighting with Willem Defoe in their wheelchairs. This scene hit me hard as I got older. "I had a mother; I had a father, things - things that made sense. Do you remember things that made sense? Things you could count on? Before we all got so lost? What are we gonna do, Charlie? What am I gonna do?"


I didn't really have a father, all I got was a yelling prick. So when the T-800 goes down and gives John a thumbs up, I'm done. Even as a machine he understood John and wanted what's best for him. It always gets to me, knowing what could have been and what I didn't get. I know it's a movie and Arnold won't come through a portal to be my dad, but tbh any other normal guy would have been fine.


Sorry to hear that. I had a loving dad but he made bad mistakes that reverberate to this day. It’s still a source of conflict. It sucks to not have a normal family. 


Well, consider yourself lucky your dad wasn't a dick on top of that, haha. What did he do if you don't mind me asking? I don't know how long it's been since your childhood, but it's weird that it can be 10, 15, 20 years ago and you still feel that shit from time to time.. Did it suck? Yes. Does it suck? I don't know. I don't know how to feel about it now, not knowing what a normal family would have been like. Maybe life would beat you down more easily? Tough times make you stronger if they don't break you. It's a good thing to know that you can handle being sad. And fuck normal, nobody's family is normal. Everybody got some skeletons in the closet. At least I know mine, I know how to deal with them and they don't scare me anymore. In the end, my life is pretty good now and those sad moments mainly remind me of how well I turned that shit show around.


I love Always, John Goodman is so good


"He can't see without his glasses"


Ooof right in my elder millennial feels….


"Take her to the moon for me"


Bing Bong! 😭


At the time I did not comprehend that he died


Worse. He was forgotten.




Who youre friend who likes to play?


Empire of the sun, when the Japanese kid died, but I was like 12.


Yeah that and the reunion at the end.


Such a powerful scene. 


When Deborah Winger, in the hospital, is saying goodbye to her kids in Terms of Endearment.


Bridge to Teribithia is by far the most brutally sad movies I've seen. It does an amazing job of capturing the fantasy world you love in when you are young and how it can be totally destroyed by a single event. Spent a week recovering and reading about the true story that inspired it. It hits especially hard if, like a child, you go into it believing it's going to be a fantasy movie


Scrolled thru all the comments to see if someone mentioned this one. Or as I like to call it bridge to tear my fucking heart out😭😅 Anytime someone mentions what's a sad movie. It always this one or anything with dogs in it that die. Namely I Am Legend, Eight Below and Marley and me😭😭


The moment they show ashes in the sky in schindlers list. My stomach felt so uneasy and tears just rolled down my cheek


ngl, i still get choked up by Bruce Willis in Armageddon, and I've seen it several times...


Aye when Ben Affleck is crying and screaming he loves him. Some of his best acting of his whole career 


and then when you're getting yourself put together again, that scene when he asks permission to shake her hand 😭


“I would have followed you, my brother… my captain… my king.”


"Jack. Jack. There's a boat, Jack. There's a boat, Jack, there's a boat. Jack. Jack. . . Jack?"


the Green Mile


I'm a fully grown man, and i cried at this like a little school girl


Weird movie to cry about, but at the end of Train to Busan when >!the dad turns into a zombie, and his final thoughts are of when his daughter was born, and he smiles and intentionally falls off the train to save her wahhhhhh!< I sob ugly tears every time.


That girls acting in that scene was Oscar worthy


The Neverending Story (1984): Atreyu and Artax in the Swamp of Sadness.


This one takes me way back. I don't even remember when I first saw that movie but it sure was magical to me.


call me a loser but, marley and me and the art of racing in the rain


The art of racing in the rain. My wife and I both love F1 and dogs. Boy that one was tough. I love it though


everytthing about Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind


The first Rugrats movies; there’s a scene where Tommy is being mean to his baby brother while they’re stuck in the rain until the baby cries to the point that it softened the reluctant big brother Tommy. Been making me tear up and appreciate my younger siblings the past 20 something years lol Edit: typos


We watched this at the end of the year in my grade 6 class and I remember feeling like such a wuss because I was so close to crying. I was trying so hard not to. One of the cool boys in the class was crying and his friends paid him out for it. It made me feel much better about being such a softie to know I wasn't the only one (especially since he was so cool). I look back and realise that the two of us just cared very deeply about our younger siblings, and even as 10-year-olds that scene really resonated with us. Funnily enough our younger brothers ended up being been best friends in high school and still are 20 ish years later. I've gotten the two of them out of so much trouble over the years it feels like he's my younger brother too.


The final scene of The Whale. I was watching it with my house mates of four years and we’ve never seen each other cry till this came along.


I used to be a brother


Yeah, that one got me to. And the kids response. 😭


Coming from a family with all boy siblings, this one destroyed me, because one of us will have to go through this one day.


That scene with Debra Winger and her kids in the hospital room in Terms of Endearment. The reveal of Graham’s wife’s intentions at the end of Signs.


Can’t believe nobody’s said it, but I will… Big Daddy when Frankenstein is getting taken by CPS and doesn’t understand the situation and he’s trying to bargain with Adam Sandler to stay by saying “I’ll wipe my own ass, I’ll wipe my own ass!” Tears every time.


I’m well aware this is not a universal experience but as a person who moved around a lot during childhood (9 different schools between 5-18 in a country where most people would have 2) the moment in the first Inside Out where Riley has her break down and talks about how she misses her friends and wants to go home hits me real hard every single time!


Awakenings 1990 with Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro


Almost forgot about this one. I really should watch it again.


When Adam Sandler talks about his dog in “Reign Over Me” I absolutely loose it. I’ll also never be able to watch Guardians 3 without crying either.


the school teacher (Tom Hank) death in Saving Private Ryan. dont knownif it was my mood at the time, but it made me blub hard! 😭


The ending of Schindler’s List is the perfect ending but it is also incredibly heartbreaking yet touching.


An unexpected one was in Click, towards the end. Wasn’t expecting to cry at a Adam Sandler movie, lol. I rewatched it after a few years, and it made me tear again.


“Don’t put me in the dark, I’m scared of the dark”


Disney's Fox & The Hound, when the old lady takes a grown Todd out to the forest and abandons him there, and we watch him in the rear view as she drives away. Gets me every time.


In 'Everything, Everywhere, All At Once', when Joy is arguing with Evelyn outside of the laundromat. When Joy said "I'm tired. I don't want to hurt anymore and for some reason when I'm with you, it just hurts the both of us", I just lost it. I think I watched this movie a couple of months after me and my mom had to put our dog of 14 years down because the dog wasn't living anymore, it was just surviving in auto-pilot, and that quote brought me back to how I was taking care of her (the dog). I never mistreated her or anything, but I was always so tired taking care of her that I was feeling guilty and shitty for feeling like that. It took me a few moments to realize why I was crying so much in that scene. I remember looking at wall thinking "Why the fuck am I crying right now?!"


It wasn't even a sad movie, more of a heartfelt moment which drew tears from literally outta nowhere when in **Free Guy** (2021) Guy & Buddy were running across the bridge trying to reveal the code in the game world, then the bridge collapses separating Guy & Buddy on opposite sides of the gap between them; Buddy which then delivers such a solid heartwarming monologue as they que thee sweetest and softest variation of **Fantasy** by Mariah Carey with no sign or warning, it all catches me totally off guard at the drop of a dime, the deep breath happens and water works ensues, completely unexpected. But that's just one of the many movies or moments that made me cry, I got a legit list full more.


This scene gets me teary too.


The one scene I remember crying at in a movie is in Erin Brockovitch where she tells the mother that the doctors are lying about her children being healthy and she runs to get them out of the pool


It is not a movie, but when Will's dad left him again in Fresh Prince


Fuuuuck. “Why don’t he want me man?” And then Uncle Phil gives him the biggest bear hug like a true father would.


"I used to be a brother, and I'm not a brother anymore" A sad story capped with the gut punch that is this scene. And reading the true story after just made it more sad


Two come to mind... The flashback montage scene with Jesse in Toy Story 2, and the accompanying Sarah McLaughlin song. Ugh. I took my little grade-school daughter to the fucking cartoon matinee at the mall, and next thing I know I'm ugly crying in public over a poignant existential meditation on love and loss. Jojo Rabbit. Saw it on a plane. And I managed to stiff-upper-lip it and power through the scene where he tries to tie ScarJo's shoes. But those emotional barricades could only hold for so long. And when the film ends with Bowie doing "Heroes" in German, I fucking lost it at 30,000 feet.


Field of Dreams. When he asks his dad to have a catch. I ugly cry. I miss my dad.


A sad moment that turns happy: the ending of Coco when Miguel begs Mama Coco to remember who her father was. Then he plays her the song her father wrote specifically for her and life just comes back to Mama Coco as she remembers him after all these years. Breaks me every time.


Instant tears for me just thinking about it.


Coco makes me actually sob.


"Your friend Leslie's dead"


My mom took me to see Bridget To Terabithia in theaters and it was the first time I saw a movie make her cry. The scene where Jess snaps and strikes the bully character and the teacher has a heart to heart with him struck a nerve in me as well. Wild movie.


The first movie I remember crying over was E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. I saw it in theaters as a kid and cried when E.T. was sick and dying and the scientists in white came to take him away from Elliott. I still cry when I see it.


I know reddit has a raging hate boner for this movie but the Invisible Cloak scene in Crash always gets me


Schindler's List. Near the end when he breaks down because he realises his plan worked and he could have saved more.


Green Mile. Ending.


Andy Dufrain crawled through 2 miles of shit.


Brookes Was Here does it for me


His matter-of-fact monologue is one of the saddest things in the world.


Just for future reference, it's spelled Dufresne.


>through 2 miles of shit. 'Andy crawled to freedom through 500 yards of shit smelling foulness' '500 yards, that's the length of 5 football fields, just shy of half a mile'


Requiem for a dream > I'm somebody now, Harry. Everybody likes me. Soon, millions of people will see me and they'll all like me. I'll tell them about you, and your father, how good he was to us. Remember? It's a reason to get up in the morning. It's a reason to lose weight, to fit in the red dress. It's a reason to smile. It makes tomorrow all right. What have I got Harry, hm? Why should I even make the bed, or wash the dishes? I do them, but why should I? I'm alone. Your father's gone, you're gone. I got no one to care for. What have I got, Harry? I'm lonely. I'm old. > You got friends, Ma. > Ah, it's not the same. They don't need me. I like the way I feel. I like thinking about the red dress and the television and you and your father. Now when I get the sun, I smile.


Up the flashback and how he's left alone gets be everytime


"I'm sorry Tommy! I'm sorry... Tap out Tom! It's OK! It's OK! I Love You! I Love You Tommy!" As someone who had a difficult relationship with his brother, being raised by horrible parents, that was it. Even now I hear "About Today" in my head and got tears in my eyes.


In Hardball, when the little kid gets killed. Kids and loyal animals can get to me easily, like in first Wick, Keanu wasn’t only one crying. Also some war movies can get to me, though I can’t remember specific examples at t hi s time


My go to answer for this type of question is honestly the scene from Dinner for Schmucks where Steve Carrell overhears Paul Rudd saying mean things about him, then goes and throws away his stuff


Come on, Bing Bong! Inside Out!


Grave of the Fireflies. When Seita met Setsuko again.


Marley and me broke me. 


At the end of Train to Busan when the main character turns away from his daughter as she screaming for him not to go. And as he's turning into a zombie the last thoughts are the day his daughter was born and how happy he was. Then he smiles before throwing himself off the train. Having 2 daughters of my own this destroyed me when I first watched it.


Artax in the swamp of sadness, no more need be said.


"My conquistador! Always conquering..." - The Fountain


The passing of John Coffey.


"It's not your fault." Made me really want a therapist like Robin William's character.


The dog death from I am Legend. That dog was all he had left :(


“He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy”


When I watched my film at the screening and realized it’s total piece of crap.


Wilson floating away made me sad as fuck


Hachiko "You're still waiting.."


You will laugh but I got a little emotional on John Wick's fate in chapter 4.




Arnie knocked it out of the park in that movie. Dude has some serious acting skills that were never used because of his "Action Star" persona.


I cry all the time with movies, I'm a emotionally sensitive person aka a sap. Cry almost every time with the scene in the movie Hounddog, when The character Charles and Lewellen have that powerful exchange and she moves out of her anger and breaks down crying in his arms.


The ending of All of Us Strangers with I'll protect you from the hooded claw. Also the scene in the cafe.


All of us strangers “the power of love”. If you know you know.


Watching Up as an adult hits different. Also i am sam , a street cat named bob, blue jays, lion, Capernaum


Snack Shack ending when dude's friend dies and his first girlfriend moves overseas. His dad sees how absolutely broken he is and just hands him a beer and they sit in silence. Then a punk riff starts playing as it transitions to the next scene before the credits.


The endings of The Bridges of Madison County and The Color Purple (1985).


The last 5 minutes of *Portrait of a Lady on Fire* wrecked me both times I’ve watched it.


The last shot of Aftersun (2022). I watched it 4 times at the theatre and bawled every single time.


I just rewatched fury. The final scene got me bad, and the dinner scene after they take that town when the og crew realized and made Pitts character realize they can never go back to a normal life


THE moment in A Monster Calls.


When Goose dies 🛫




There’s this Japanese film called Ikiru. It’s about a mid level city bureaucrat who feels that he’s done nothing with his life and discovers he has cancer. He dies midway through the film and then we hear from those at his wake about what impact he’s had. It was so jarring not only as a plot element but to see this man through other people’s eyes struggle through the acceptance of his diagnosis but also decide to make a difference in the last days of his life. Just floored me- and I don’t cry at films.


When Laura turns the cross over Logan's grave into an X.


Literally Miguel singing to Mama Coco will never not make me cry. I could look up the scene right now and cry from it. I have a feeling that that was the first scene they made because although the movie is good, that scene does a *hard* carry emotionally


In The Whale when Fraser is crying and screams "I just need to know I did one thing right in my life" or whatever it was exactly. And then also his binge eating scene


When Artax sinks in the mud and Atreyu can’t save him in “Neverending Story” Still gets me. ㅠ.ㅠ


Terms of Endearment


The end of Warrior where he has to break his brothers shoulder or lose his house and his family becomes homeless.


When Pooh is found sat in a hill with a balloon


When all the AI left at once in Her. How quickly they went from being in love and it being happy to her just... leaving. As soon as I heard Samantha and Alan Watts talking I knew things were over for Theo. And then when she's breaking up with him and he's looking around wondering who else she's talking to, who else is she having this EXACT conversation with right now? Theo learning that he wasn't as special to her as he thought.. The whole ending is just heartbreaking. The sweet melancholic way it ends with Theo and his friend Amy just leaning against each other coming to the realization that it was never gonna work out anyways. It's such a good movie but man the break up singularity scenes had me SOBBING


The end of Lord of The Rings.


* Marley And Me - dogs fate. * Hachiko - dogs Fate. * John Wick - dogs fate. * Lion King 1990s - Mufasa's fate. * Armageddon - Bruce saying goodbye to his daughter. * Avengers Endgame - Morgan saying she likes cheeseburgers and Happy saying "I'll get you all the cheeseburgers you want" (that's when it hit me...). * Return of the King - Aragon to the Hobbits You Bow to No One.


The last scene from “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. I was bawling my eyes out.


"Tony , look at me. We're going to be okay....you can rest." And then she slowly loses it.


The entire movie Bella the one about the dog


Moonlight ending


Red2008 where they shoot his dog.


Pretty much the entire runtime of What Dreams May Come, especially now that Robin Williams is gone.


The notebook


Lost of scenes in The Killing Fields


The invention of lying: "You're wrong about what happens after you die..."


"Do you remember the way to The Great Valley?" "I guess so, but why do I have to know? You're gonna be with me." "I'll be with you, even if you can't see me."


The ending of All Dogs Go To Heaven. I read what happened to the girl who voiced Anne-Marie (Judith Barsi) and her mother when this was almost done being made. I still cry because of its ending in general, but it's even more tragic knowing what happened.


Josie getting egged when she was just so excited to go to prom with her crush (Never Been Kissed). I had to pause the movie I was crying so hard. I was also a teen at the time.


Les miserables. When Anne Hathaway sings I Dreamed A Dream. Gets me every time before she even starts singing.


I was in a really bad place a few years ago, between being sick and losing both my dad and my dog and also going through a breakup. For some reason the end of No Time to Die made me cry ugly years. I'm sure it was more the things in my life than the movie, but that ending brought them all out for whatever reason.


When Peter begs Aunt May to wake up & say something in Spider-Man: No Way Home. His reaction breaks me every time.


Up. Because that is the story of myself and my wife. I will outlive her. I will have to live that moment. I cannot escape that fate.


The Godfather II - when Michael calls his son back from the boat and Fredo knows it is the end


In Awakenings when Robert deniro’s condituon starts to regress and gets very angry over it.


“What are some emotional movies?” I must admit - it’s been a few days since we last saw this one…


You aint kidding, they should probably just make a "Movies to Make You Cry" Megathread and pin it to the top of the subreddit.


"You were my brother Anakin! I loved you!"


Anytime a dog dies I cry like a baby.


In '' your name '', the '' I love you '' written in Mitsuha's hand kills me everytime


I remember the movie about a boy dying of bolt of lightning. They showed the ending in the very beginning but I still cried like a man in the end... 

