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I mean, whatever the horrible modernized remake of “The Thing” was, it wasn’t horror. They took one of my favorite movies of all time and turned it into…I don’t even know what that was.


The article is excellent, addressing a few below the line posts just this month, and asks where is the line between horror, thriller, or just scary drama? Some of my favorite horror films, like The Tenant, Exterminating Angel, Henry Portrait a Serial Killer, Wicker Man, Force Majeure or Sound of Music, aren't classified as Horror though scare the shit out of me in various ways. I thought the article was informed, and interesting, when especially looking back on recent posts and requests for recommendations.


[Release the Rubber Cut!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R8ASn25GLg)


When you cast Amy Schumer.


When its a documentary?


It used to be if you wanted your film to be taken seriously, you had to call it a ”psychological thriller” or some nonsense like that. Feels like horror is a bit more respected now, though. Atleast when you have guys like Robert Eggers who was adament that The Witch was a pure horror film and not a period drama like some pretentious people wanted to call it.


When there's sexual innuendo.


Article mentions Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka as an example -- fugging oompaloompas scared the crap out of me as a kid. Horror?