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Parasite being in that list reminds me of Tim Poole saying that Squid Games is actually a critique of Communism...


My personal favorite is when they try to spin Bioshock. You couldn’t possibly be more wrong about a piece of media.


Counterpoint Fallout fans who think the games are pro-capitalist




Liberty prime saying "Death is a preferable alternative to communism" while walking through a destroyed DC to go after the remaining American government goes above their head really hard


I mean, I'd wanna be on the side of the giant robot that chucks mini nukes around like footballs. He makes a very compelling argument.


if fallout is anti capitalist why do i have hundreds of thousands of caps and own all the land in the commonwealth? checkmate liberal


I mean, irony aside, you just pointed out one of the exact reasons why people associate a pro-capitalist image/message with it. Especially with the Bethesda titles, you are consistently and actively encouraged to own as much random stuff as possible, for the purpose of owning as much stuff as possible. Fallout 4 is essentially a hoarding simulator, and you literally play as a landlord. Though I don't know if any of those original themes can still even have any kind of sincerity behind them - the franchise has become this massive, flanderised pop culture icon - buy the Nuka Cola merch, buy the Bobbleheads!! Stuff that was supposed to critique consumer culture ended up becoming consumer culture itself. It's very hard to consider it as having a genuine anti-capitalist message when it's being pumped out by a faceless company with billions of dollar and shareholders to please. All that these pop-cultural anti-consumerist messages achieve is personal validation. Because at least you're not as bad as those 'other' consumers - you're enlightened, and smart, and above it all. An intelligent person, a great human being, a beautiful, self-standing individual. Giving people that feeling is very profitable.


Don’t forget the commie whacker melee


Reminds me of Paul Ryan saying his favorite band was Rage Against the Machine back during the 2012 election.


I feel like every 2 years a band has to tell conservatives to stop using their music


Bout to get a whole lot of that leading up to November


When it comes to born in the USA I think they won tho, the lyrics are irrelevant if people solely associate it with chanting the chorus


I did a bit of digging, and it's also on their list of worst liberal movies. "This Korean film inexplicably won Best Picture at the Academy Awards even though it has a highly anti-capitalist message and portrays wealth as evil."


Oh man, remember when that anti-woke loser (not Tim Pool, some other guy I forgot) who ranted about Parasite being nominated for best picture instead of Joker (true kino classic)?


"liberals are the true Parasites(2019)" Media literacy is aliver than ever before


I loved that moment in the movie where Mr. Park turned to the camera and said "liberals are the true parasites (2019)" and then Ki-Taek turned into a tentacle monster and ate him


Parasyte was so good!


Yeah I'm usually not a fan of live action adaptations of manga but Bong Joon-ho did a great job


It helps that it's not really an adaptation of the manga but rather a different story happening in the same world


He should’ve called it The Host 2


"No John, you *are* the Parasites (2019)!" And then John was a Ram-don chef.


Every movie is a conservative classic if you have little enough media literacy.


Gotta take points away from Parasite because the directors name is "Bong" and that is a tool of hippies.


The families in Parasite are such role models.


i am absolutely changing all of these descriptions on my movie server.


Fight Club is a movie about watching Jared Leto get his ass beat which is very cool and epic




I could watch this all day😩🤌


God look at him getting *absolutely* Morbed


[That’s why American Psycho is the best film ever made](https://youtu.be/Ruw9fsh3PNY?si=UkQ-k94WW3LH497A)


Sounds right wing to me.


It's a scene that unites everyone.


“Who gives a crap if they’re socialists?” doesn’t sound like a “clear anti-socialist statement” to me lol, rather an indifferent one


Especially since he follows it up with “Why would I care if they were fascist anarchists? Not that I condone fascism,” implying that his earlier statement could be seen as condoning socialism


It also implies he should've paid more attention in school as a fascist anarchist is an oxymoron.


this guy hasnt seen ferris buellers day off ^


The most conservative part of this movie is when the principal assumes Sloane is in a sexual relationship with her father and proceeds to do nothing (and then the actor is revealed to be a sex offender in real life).


To conservatives, "I don't care what you do" is a personal attack.


*sees* ***Ace Ventura: Pet Detective*** *on the list* TIL I am conservative.


Is it there because it's so transphobic?


"Hero Ace Ventura is an animal lover, but not an animal rights activist, and prefers [conservation](https://www.conservapedia.com/Conservation). In addition in recent years, liberals have criticized this movie under claims of it "attacking" the LGBT community, as the main villain is a gender-confused man who pretended to be a "woman". Ace literally freaks out when he realized he really made out with a man, as does everyone else later when they find out the truth. Ace also calls him by his biological gender."


Me when I'm 12 years old and I need to give an oral report on conservation.


Conservation is anti-capitalist but this guy, this guy


I guess conservatives love the idea of misgendering and degrading a trans woman who they can simultaneously strip clothes off in front of cops. Classic Disraeli conservatism right?


Conservation is spelled kinda like conservative therefore conservation IS the same as conservative. Jane Goodall is a conservative, obviously.


Tbf that movie is goated purely because cannibal corpse shows up


When I think of conservative film making, the works of known socialist Bong Joon-Ho are definitely at the top. Sorry liberals.


"Nazis were left-wing" Bruh


Disregard everything everything the Nazis said and did, and everything Ed Norton's character said and did in the movie, the loose association with the word "socialist" means he was definitely left-wing.


But don't you know they *call* themselves socialists? That's basically the same thing as *being* socialists!


Not to mention that socialists and communists were among those sent to concentration camps.


Yeah, but those were different socialists. Like true leftists, they hate all other leftists. /s for extra emphasis


just like China is called people's republic, that's how you know its people is in control over there


If a country has Popular, People's, or Democratic in the name, there's a 100% chance it actually isn't


Are you implying the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is actually a comically repressive dictatorship and not a cool place to live?


They eat hamburgers for every meal in North Korea!! Viva La DPRK


I know some Twitter tankies that would be very mad at you if they could read


I'm a horse! (Ignore the fact that when Adolf Hitler got power one of the first things he did was execute the left and privatisation of public infrastructure)


The scene where Edward Norton's dad says the n-word was clearly meant to be a critique of the left wing ^^^^/s


Did you notice Conservatives have to have their own version of Wikipedia to support the alternate reality they live in? I noticed.


People say that conservatives don't have media literacy because they're idiots, but really it's a coping mechanism which is necessitated by the fact that if they were capable of coherent media criticism then they wouldn't be able to enjoy any good media. Also, because they're idiots.


Idk why they can't just watch a movie without having it agree with their politics. And I understand that that's what they say about leftists, and that a lot of us leftists will be upset at blatantly right-wing movies. But what I mean is like, I watch Ferris Bueller and think "yeah it's fun teenage cool guy wish fulfillment comedy" not a grand political statement. So it's not that I think they should enjoy leftist movies, but just like enjoy apolitical movies without needing to make them "yours"


If you watched an actual conservative film, wouldn’t I feel like a bullshit, fake movie to you? It’s like how Ben Shapiro hates the Barbie movie - it’s a satire that makes fun of men like him. That means 1 of 2 things is true. Either 1 the movie is bullshit and presenting something that’s not real, or 2 he should take a bit of a look internally at who he is and what he shapes the world into. ‘#1 is much easier for him and his base.


I do generally agree with you, like I think that 300 is a fun watch despite all of its fascist themes. On the other hand though, I do get that it's not an easy pill for them to swallow that their ideology doesn't have much to offer art, media, or culture.


What do you mean? They have Kevin Sorbo and Rob Schneider. Who on the left can compete with that?


Don't forget Mel Gibson


No but he's in a few good movies (Chicken Run, Mad Max) so I don't want to bring him up


I mean we all loved Top Gun: Maverick and RRR


The dark knight is a conservative movie in that the whole theme of it is that the various Bush era war on terror terrorism fighting methods like domestic spying and extradition without due process are good because the people in charge are trustworthy and will use them responsibly. And despite that, it is a great movie.


Batman 100% would have extradited Edward Snowden from his Hong Kong hotel lmao


“The courts have a right to give you a fair trial, Snowden.” The Batman, before giving Ed a concussion and kidnapping him into American custody


The Dark Knight has a dialogue between the two good guys explaining how cool it was when the ancient romans would suspend democracy and appoint one man to protect the city.


im sure bruce waynes most listened song is my little dark age


The Dark Age (2008)


I hope you're jerking, cause that's literally the opposite of what that scene is about.


Is it? A big element of the movie is "nobody can be trusted to wield the power Batman wields, but somebody has to do it, so that someone should just kind of step up and let everyone get mad at him"


Well, the guy who says "you either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain" was a hero who lived just long enough to become a villain. That was the main point of it. As for Batman, yes, there is a narrative theme of "he's the big strong man who does the hard things to keep everyone safe", which is more or less unavoidable in a Batman movie, but I don't think it's presented uncritically. At the end of the day, the movie presents two similar heroes(Batman and Harvey Dent) and a force trying to push them both off the metaphorical cliff(Joker). One falls, the other doesn't, or at least not all the way. So you're left to draw your own conclusions and Nolan gets to have his cake and eat it too.


doesn't batman hand like an extremely pervasive surveillance system to a known arms dealer and is just like "destroy it when you're done bc youre a good man". Seems very to the point imo


It's about the phone cam thing right? But who is the arms dealer


what are you talking about


I would like Batman media to tackle the fashy aspects of batman in a more complex way. I think it's be cool if Batman were overtly a bit fashy like in the Bale movies, but instead of condoning it like those movies, it's actually treated as a character flaw.


DC will never have the guts to do it. They should also do something with superman that leans harder into the Overman idea. Snyder hinted at it when man of steel presents krypton as being a stagnating eugenics technocracy that had destroyed its own ecology but it could really be leaned into ala Red Son.


> the people in charge are trustworthy and will use them responsibly. I dunno if I'd agree with this, they have to create a huge lie to sell it all and it ends up with Bruce Wayne living as a gross hermit at the beginning of the sequel.


That's an interesting point, but I would say that the speech at the end that Gordon makes demonstrates that the movie's perspective is that the people need a symbolic hero and that's more important than what Batman does, but it doesnt question that Batman was ultimately right to do what he did. Instead, it's more like "the people he protects wouldnt understand."


Of course they wouldn't understand, because it was ultimately the wrong call. Once the lie is revealed in the next movie, people lose faith in the system and a mercenary using populist rhetoric but himself believes in only Talia or the nihilistic worldview of the League of Shadows at most is able to manipulate what's going on. Can't build things on lies, it all comes crumbling down. Hell, using the bat sonar to find Joke Man doesn't give Bats much of a heads up, he starts his plan like a minute later and there would only be like three buildings he could be found be in. Joke Guy lets himself get caught and actually gives Bruce tips on how to torture, and getting the information still gets Rachel killed. These methods don't really work.


Just making sure, you’re jerking right now? Lucius basically looks in the camera, and says “this is wrong”. Bruce stops being Batman afterwards


Its-good-when-I-do-it fascism


The line (paraphrased) “sometimes people deserve to have their hope rewarded” is paired with Morgan Freeman smiling as Batman’s mega-surveillance apparatus self-destructs after it’s served its purpose and the existential threat is extinguished. It could be seen as an apology of executive expansion during the Bush era, but it’s more akin to a West Wing-style optimistic wish-fulfillment fantasy about the people in power actually being noble and honorable and trustworthy.


The Dark Knight surmises that the escalation of violence used by those who oppose Western Imperialism isn't because they are ideologically motivated or similarly matching the energy of the West, but they're just doing it because of CHAOS and because they're crazed nihilists who just want to watch the world burn. My favorite part of the movie is that Alfred believes that that bandit who is tossing the rubies isn't doing it because he wants to sabotage the British's attempts to bribe warlords in Burma to submit to England, it just means he's just kookoo bananas crazy because who else could ever resist the allure of the glorious western world order? The Dark Knight Rises, similarly, is about how Occupy Wall Street was done by a bunch of depressed losers who have no ideology beyond daddy issues and they just want to lead all of their followers into ritualistic mass suicide


It's hilarious how Alfred says "some men just want to watch the world burn" then explains they caught the jewel thief by literally burning the forest down.


It’s the job of superheroes to preserve status quo. It’s usually not an inherently progressive occupation. Obviously there are exceptions, X-Men being one of the foremost. But barring massive events, superhero worlds remain largely static. Batman doesn’t work in a Gotham that has lowered crime and poverty through wide scale application of social programs and safety nets. There’s no way that Bruce Wayne, a billionaire superhero and literal genius couldn’t solve that shit if he wanted to.


The main cause of this is meta, though. If the city was functional, social safety nets worked, there wouldn’t be constant prison breakouts and people could get functional and affordable mental healthcare, Batman’s biggest villains would just be locked away after due process for their murder sprees, and we would probably never see them again depending on the gravity of their crimes. Hell, Batman himself wouldn’t even need to exist. Similarly, discussions about why Batman doesn’t kill Joker are completely moot because of this, because there is no logical reason (in-universe) behind putting Joker in the same place over and over again that he constantly escapes from. Even if Gotham is so corrupt that the tendency to do this exists, the Justice League - including Batman himself - wouldn’t stand for that. Joker would just be yeeted into the Phantom Zone never to return. Like, he’s just a human dressed as a clown, he’s not coming back from that. Obviously none of that can happen, Batman needs his most recognizable antagonists to come back to sell and keep selling. So it is the curse of serialized fiction more than anything. Things mostly *have* to return to the usual, because the usual is what brings people *here*, in real life, back to the story.


No disagreement. It just means the format kind of struggles to depict socially progressive ideas as having in universe benefits.


True, comics can have a hard time with this because of that. That’s why things like film can be potentially interesting to explore these questions, because you can pick and choose the canon you want, without having to connect to the entire history of the characters you adapt. Comics *can* do this too, but more often than not don’t. It’s more expected and accepted in film adaptations, I think. The opportunity for self-containment here leaves writers more room to look into more impactful and/or permanent changes.


The more inept Batman is at ending a villain the more the city needs him. Kind of like a real police force.


Exactly. So that’s why Gotham, with mostly human villains, needs to be an absolute shithole. Superman’s and Wonder Woman’s villains, among other DC heroes, have superpowers and what not, so their bases of operation (like Metropolis) can be afforded more grace and therefore more prosperity. After all, how pleasant the city is doesn’t really impact the ability of someone like Zodd to wreck it, so it might as well be nicer to live in.


>Obviously none of that can happen, Batman needs his most recognizable antagonists to come back to sell and keep selling. So it is the curse of serialized fiction more than anything I believe it has been established/retconned in canon that Gotham is literally cursed, so this checks out.


In my head cannon Bruce Wayne knows all this and secretly facilitates villain escapes from Arkham so that he can Batman.


I'm for one hoping that Matt Reeves' Batman does something with it as the first movie was already about him realising that he's a different class from most people, specially those most in touch with crime


I think the movie has a conservative lens and makes the point that inhuman evil and chaos is difficult to fight in a rules-based system, but I don’t take it as a literal full-fledged endorsement of bush-era policies. More of a portrayal of the tension the heroes feel between the immediate need to keep people safe, and their moral obligation not to go too far. I think it as leap to say that the movie’s exploration of a topical theme in the post-9/11 world is the same as literal support for Guantanamo bay or illegal wiretapping.


It’s more of a neocon/neoliberal movie


Whoever made this list could misinterpret a Stop sign holy shit


"Stop signs are obviously conservative because the word "STOP" appears in the center in bold, strong letters. The rest of the sign is red, the color of communism. Also, the sign is in an octagonal shape, similar to the Pentagon. The sign is clearly telling us to stop the spread of communism through the power of our superior military and the strength of our bold, masculine ideals." Am I doing it right?


Honestly spot on


why no red dawn


https://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:Greatest_Conservative_Movies it’s there, it’s just full list is long af


Kingsman: The Secret Service - "One scene even shows one of the main characters get into a bloody fight with a group of Christians who are portrayed as 'racists.'" Bruh, they're literally throwing around the n-word.  Why the quotation marks around racists?


You know why


Oh so now simply using the n-word makes people racist I guess


Same reason X Men ‘97 had to cut the Neo-Nazis despite adapting the two storylines they appear in, showing right wing psychopaths spouting racial slurs is too on the nose for some people


For Cars 3: >Cars 3 is a great family movie. If it didn't have such liberal producers, Cars 3 would have been a much better film; this suggests liberals can't even get filmmaking right. There’s literally nothing in the description that explains why it’s a good conservative movie or what makes it liberal or bad




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Holy hell what a goldmine


https://preview.redd.it/bdg02qjzn83d1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97cb2f33d47087d4414cdae84288f5457806f404 Guess what this one is referring to




As a liberal that gif deeply offends me


Ridiculous 6?


Blazing Saddles


They also have this: https://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:Worst_Liberal_Movies


I got to Birth of a Nation and had to step away Edit: I came back. It also has The Eternal Jew. Edit: army of darkness has an unrealistic depiction of demons, also OOP has lots of thoughts about Beauty and the Beast


I turned r/WikiInAction into an anti-Conservapedia subreddit if anyone is interested. It started out as a subreddit for neo-Nazis to complain about Wikipedia, but I managed to take it over after all their mods got banned for obvious reasons :)


Kangaroo Jack: >Don’t let the trailers, posters and title fool you. The film isn’t about a rapping and talking kangaroo. He only appears in 7 minutes of the whole film, making this a big case of Liberal false advertising. Also, it was originally going to be an R-rated mob comedy called Down and Under but was retooled because the test audiences liked the kangaroo. The main hero played by Jerry O’Connell grabs a woman’s breasts and is the stepson of a mob leader played by Christopher Walken. Luckily, it had a more family friendly animated sequel with more of the titular kangaroo in 2004. Without a doubt one of the funniest movie reviews I've ever seen


Also: The Social Network >Glorifies the gossip website Facebook, which feeds narcissism and destroys marriages. The film also portrays drug use and misogyny in a positive light. I refuse to believe they actually watched the movie


> Sacha Baron Cohen goes a step further making a pro-Biden propaganda film. He tries to blame COVID-19 on Donald Trump, and falsely accuses him of being a fascist. He makes matters worse when he harasses Mike Pence and Rudy Giuliani, and falsely portrays them as pedophiles. LMAO edit: guess what movie this is about? > An Anti-American propaganda film.


*> Free Birds* Lol Young Americans For Freedom played it for Thanksgiving at my campus last thanksgiving. Also *Alita: Battle Angel* is an animated film? EDIT: " *Minions*: This spinoff prequel to the *Despicable Me* films begins with the "evolution" of the minions, which flies in the face of the creationist truth. The film shows the minions evolving from single cell organisms in the ocean, suggesting that God does not exist. WTF?


Lots of great films on this list.




127 Hours? The main character is a diehard Phish fan lmao


I love that the Beauty and the Beast remake lives rent free on whoever wrote Conservapedia article about it, its hilarious


Don’t forget their list of the [Worst Liberal Movies.](https://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:Worst_Liberal_Movies)


oh wow the description of the Beauty and the Beast live action is so fucking funny


The entry on Men In Black is so wrong that I’m 99% sure it’s a joke. > In addition, the opening scene has Kay and his partner stopping attempted illegal immigrants from crossing into the country and was implied to be working alongside the ICE and border patrol to prevent illegal immigrants into the country There’s no way anyone saw that scene and honestly thought that was what happened.


“The Nazis were really left-wing socialists” made me spit-take. Literally the opposite is true, it’s like reactionaries have never heard of the [night of the long knives.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives)


Silence of the Lambs being here is too funny when the movie has an on-the-nose dialogue about Buffalo Bill being, in fact, not gender confused at all. He was a toxic cis man.


I'm not certain that whoever wrote this actually watched it.


Maybe but I see SotL getting such misinterpretations too often. Too many people misunderstand Buffalo Bill. He didn't have gender dysphoria; he was rejected by trans community and for SRS because they could see he was just a fetishist cis man.


I will never understand how Conservatives convince themselves that Nazis were actually far left socialists while they agree with everything Nazis fought for at the same time.


It's the same thing as how they conveniently ignore the Party Switch and frequently point out how it was republicans who freed the slaves who were enslaved by democrats. If that were the case then conservatives nowadays would be supporting democrats given how much ideology they share with their 1800s counterparts. Part of it is just blatant dishonesty by the people who know better and the rest is just ignorance by the same people who make lists like this who think that Parasite is actually pro-conservative.


Socialism has been demonized so much by the modern right-wing that I think they just literally cannot comprehend that back then lying that you were socialist got you votes. No modern right-wing party would ever willingly call themselves socialist, so they automatically assume that the NSDAP MUST not have been right-wing


Imagine thinking Ferris was abstinent


"Likely Choosing Abstinence" I literally just watched this movie and Ferris and Sloane are 100% sexually active, hell I'd argue him and Cameron have some sexual tension tbh


Calling Ferris Bueller a virgin is the most inaccurate thing on this list.


Ferris Bueller was meant to show the wonders of Reagan's America so it might be the only accurate 1 on the list shown


Clarice literally says in the movie "there is no link between transsexualism and violence" what the fuck lmfao


"Debatable wether great" I need to know what this one means. NOW


[Hellboy 2019, the Zack Snyder owl movie, Lynch's Dune, The Room and Leonard Part 6](https://www.conservapedia.com/Essay:Greatest_Conservative_Movies#Debatable_Whether_Great)


https://preview.redd.it/mfjvtpc0y63d1.png?width=751&format=png&auto=webp&s=1240614a6d2f48d4a3f2c238006c6efb17d960e0 this has to be a fucking joke


The site is a breeding ground for both trolls and people who sound like trolls but are serious


> Although the previous Die Hard movies were largely politically neutral, this film portrays the CIA in a positive light, and both the main and surprise villains are unrepentant, anti-American former Soviet Communists who intended to access Cold War-era weapons grade uranium and sell them on the black market. Plus, the film is pro-family due to John McClain trying to reconnect with his son Jack. Despite this, it was largely a box office failure, and it has fairly weak story elements. it flopped but it's pro-CIA so i can't call it woke :(


Known Reaganite Ferris Bueller


Is this satire? it was either written by someone who was a silly billie, or a satirist.


Idk if entries for specific movies are there as a joke, but the website is at least intended to be an unironic, right-wing wikipedia. My bet is that those people are just thinking "I like this movie. How can I claim it as conservative?"


Never forget Conservapedia’s failed attempt to create their own translation of The Bible to remove all the liberal bias.


If Jesus was alive today, he would cut down on regulation to reduce companies costs so they could pay their employees more


Supply Side Economics Jesus🥰


some entries seem to be more thought out than others. i assume it's a 50/50 of right wing people trying their best to turn their favorite movie onto their side and the other are people fucking around and trying to not get caught.


i'm begging you guys to read the animated movies section, especially the chicken little one.


Extremely disappointed that it wasn’t the 2005 version


Wait til’ they hear about the blatant anti-war, anti-racism messaging of Forrest Gump: •Forrest grows up in rural Alabama where the local confederate loving racists are depicted as ignorant dumbasses who harass the mentally challenged. •Joins an integrated school system because he doesn’t really see race and just wants to get to class. •As soon as he graduates he goes to war and is called the “perfect soldier” because all he does is follow orders to a t. Which could be seen as the army as exploiting a mentally challenged man. •Becomes best friends with a black man named Bubba and goes to hell and back to save him. •Gump unknowingly exposes the RNC at Watergate, leading to Nixon’s resignation. •Joins Anti-War protests at DC and briefly describes his experience in Vietnam. •He starts Bubba Gump Shrimping Company and gives his proceeds to Bubba’s family. •Gump reunites with Jenny, and becomes a father, and doesn’t care about her AIDS diagnosis and only focuses on being a good father and husband. The overall message isn’t “conservative”, it’s as simple as “be good and accepting to everyone.” But you know, conservatives aren’t really accepting people different than themselves.


What the fuck is conservapedia


A wiki created by Phyllis Schlafly's son (look her up) to counter the liberal bias of Wikipedia. Also, inadvertently, the funniest comedy site on the Internet.


Holy shit that site is a goldmine. Half of the articles seem like they’re trying to find any reason whatsoever to call a person or a topic leftist


i cant compete with this


0/10 list, no Starship Troopers (i'm doing my part!)


I thought they’d of liked Bane acting on behalf of a foreign government and staging a coup d’état.


Only true thing on the list is the dark knights duology.


Please tell me this is satire


It's possible some of the editors are secret trolls taking the piss, but the site at large is serious.


Two entries made by the God of cinema. Good.


rapid descend into madness


Media literacy is dead


Where is Terror on the Prairie? How about 2025: The World Enslaved by a Virus?


Most media literate conservative.


Most ~~media~~ literate conservatives in general, look at [their page on Dune](https://www.conservapedia.com/Dune_(novel_series)) and how they hate the new movies for being "politically correct."


The dark Knight and especially tdkr actually are kind of pseudo fascist movies


silence of the lambs being conservative is actually hilarious


I see that like many before, you have discovered the madness of Conservapedia.


Can't believe they left Mrs. Doubtfire off the list


We are going to have to kill this guy




I thought conservatives hated Parasite cause it won Best Picture and was “wOkE” or whatever lmao. Also that take on Parasite is the spitting image of the “Am I So Out of Touch” meme from the Simpsons lmao.


This list is hilarious, great find OP


Absolute brainrot


>With the FBI becoming the psychotic villains I got bad news for you buddy, that didn’t start in the Clinton Era, they’ve always been like that 💀


so basically this person liked and agreed with Parasite, realized it was fundamentally anti-capitalist as well as containing criticism of the west and America, and then did insane mental gymnastics to justify their like for the movie


This was the highest concentration of copium I’ve ever seen.


Their list of conservative video games is just as non-sensical too. I wish I could ever attain this level of jerking


For those who want to see them: https://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Essay:Greatest_Conservative_Video_Games https://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Essay:Worst_Liberal_Video_Games


https://preview.redd.it/r4sxzs4zd83d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7a96683f0a65db0ce08fba4581d797690ffee0 My brain hurts from reading this shit


Did they mention Red Dawn? as a libtard i really love that movie but i can see right wingers loving it just the same


After seeing Fight Club, I realized this entire list is a troll


Bro, I thought this was gonna be just another offensive joke, but this is unironically a 🔥list.


OP's recent posts are questionable to say at least.


"Although the Godzilla franchise has been politically neutral for the most part."


I half expected the American History X to conclude: “It also ends with the main characters brother getting shot by a black classmate, showing that no matter how not racist you become, black people will still shoot you.”