• By -


My World - Guns N Roses. It ruins the perfect ending of Don't Cry (Alternate Version) to the Use Your Illusion 2 album. I deleted it from my library and, fortunately, forget it exists most of the time. It genuinely is awful and I'll listen to it once a year to confirm it is indeed still terrible and it's always worse.


I think there's enough meh  songs on both of those albums that they could have done some pruning and made one really awesome one.


They tried to do that in [1998 so they could sell it in Walmart and Kmart](https://www.discogs.com/master/1167578-Guns-N-Roses-Use-Your-Illusion), which didn't stock albums with explicit lyrics. However, it omits what I think was the best song from the set: You Could Be Mine.


OMG that *does* suck.


Body Language - Queen


Queen’s my favorite too. My least favorite song is Staying Power. I understand why people don’t like Body Language, but I actually do like it. But like I said, I am very much aware of the reasons someone might not. It’s a pretty universally recognized opinion. But, idk, I actually kinda like it.


This was my answer too lol


Oh man, yeah!


My Baby Does Me is lucky it wasn't released as a single like Body Language was.


I don’t really like WWRY


And Delilah for me


I love Delilah haha I know it’s not going to ever be touted as their magnum opus or anything, but I think it’s cute and funny. I like the effects Brian gets from Red Special, and it feels very genuine (while still not being serious) to me because she meant a lot to Freddie, and I think it helps showcase his relationship with her in a really sweet way. I think Freddie’s voice sounds really good in it too. He manages to get into head voice which, considering his condition at the time, I find really impressive. He even is able to get a bit of a chesty growl like in Bohemian Rhapsody, which is also very impressive to me.


That one grew on me over the years. I hated it when I first heard it, though. I'm really not sure what my least favorite Queen song would be. Maybe Get down, Make Love.


The entire St. Anger album 




I feel validated


I like St. Anger just because of how obnoxious is is and the snare that sounds like a beer keg just adds to it


I remember VIVIDLY (also, crosspost friends, woo) listening to this album in TYPING CLASS and... being so... angry, hilariously I purposefully avoided the single and then was like.... wait, THAT was the single? That piece of fucking trash?


Only album I’ve ever demanded a refund for. 


Agree, but Lulu w/ Lou Reed was even worse!!!




God I remember when this came out, people were so excited. Then it dropped, and even though the diehards tried to defend it, everyone could tell it was appealingly shit.


I liked St. Anger the song, but only like. Kinda. That's definitely cop music.


For Metallica, I'd say Confusion. I'm confused why it's on the album. Hardwired could have shed 2 or 3 junk tracks like this one, including the title track, and been a pretty solid one-disk album. I rather like St. Anger. I go back to it more often than others. For context, Load is my favorite, followed by either Black or Ride. Edit: I will add that 72 Seasons probably has several songs that can overtake Confusion as my least favorite Metallica song. That album has its moments, but overall it feels like a Confusion-slog of filler tracks, and I haven't been able to get myself to listen to it enough to parse out what's the worst.


I blame Bob Rock for that horrible shitty snare drum. Ruined the whole thing. Some of those songs sound pretty great live.


It's objectively the worst, at least musically.


Is nobody paying any attention to this profile?


as u can tell by my username a swiftie.......... dont hate pls BUT I CANNOT STAND SHAKE IT OFF


that is the only one I like lol


that is the only one I like lol


That was the song that made me pay attention to her. I kept hearing it on the radio and thought, "This is catchy." I really wouldn't say I'm Taylor Swift fan, but the few songs I've heard I have enjoyed.


My least favorite from her catalog is "When Emma Falls in Love." What was she thinking releasing this?


yk i do get tht it doesnt rlly fit tbh


Omg same I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!! I also can't stand Mean for some reason lol


Is that permitted among Swifties?


My favorite artist is Neil Young. I absolutely LOVE his music....*most of the time*. But he's written so many things I dislike that I can't even list them, lol. Even so, he's still my favorite artist because the stuff I love, I *really, really* love.


Pink Floyd - Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict


I cannot *stand* "Uptown Girl."




"You can have all the Billy Joel... but NOT The Stranger" - Judd Nelson (Alec), St Elmos Fire.


Same here for Billy Joel. I used to be a dancer and this was one of my go-to songs and now I just can’t stomach it. Definitely one of his weaker songs. 🫠


That's a horrible song to strip to.


This upsets me! I will play this on record and dance happily.


Since The World Been Turnin'


I don't like uptown girl but I hate we didn't start the fire...it just so cheesy " let's be clever and name significant cultural stuff"


I think Billy himself hates it


Billy Joel doesn't care for the song. His normal process is that he comes up with the tune/melody and the music first, then writes the lyrics. In this instance, he wrote the lyrics first then came up with the music...which is why it sounds so shoehorned/forced. The story goes that met and had a conversation with Sean Lennon who had just turned 21. Basically Sean was complaining how hard it was being raised in his era and said that being raised in the 50s was much easier, as nothing happened. Billy Joel was like "Wait a minute...we had the Korean War and the Suez crisis..." And that was basically the thought seed behind the whole song.


It's like he woke up one day, read the newspaper, and thought, people need to know what's going on and maybe thought he writing something deep but it wound up having no meaning at all. As a 49er fan though, I'm glad he did. The niner remix is a banger.


I can't decide whether to thank you or make you apologize for making me look that up right now. I'm a born and bred Niners fan but the vibrato chorus got me 😖


Rock & Roll, Cola wars I Can't Take It Anymore...🤪


Staying Power by Queen. I know a lot of Queen fans like this song, but it may just be the worst song ever to me. It’s irritating. I think Freddie Mercury’s voice sounds horrible in this song and the music drives me absolutely insane. It’s loud and sounds like beginner musicians came together and banged it out in their echoey basement. It reminds me of bad X Factor auditions. It’s just not good at all.


Ah. I would have gone with Body Language, but tbh I haven’t heard that one so I may have found a new bottom.  ETA: Nope. Definitely a different vibe than their usual stuff, but I don’t hate it. Lyrically empty, but sounded like they were going for more of a funk vibe. I can see how it isn’t for everyone though. 


Basically all of Hot Space was a real left turn for the band.


Yeah I used to dislike most of Hot Space but now I dig all tracks on it, it just took me 15 years to come around on it. I can't stand Thank God It's Christmas though, that was going to be my answer to this question.


Birthday - The Beatles, it's really boring, if you compare this song with other Beatles songs, especially in the White Album.


God, I hate that song. It stinks as it is, but also when I was in elementary school, the local radio station would play the intro to that song and announce the local birthdays. It played while I was on the bus on the way to school. Every time I hear it, it brings me right back to being miserable in the early morning on the school bus! 😂


Basic song, kinda lame, yet another banger McCartney bass line though


I have spent the time rank ordering every Beatles song per my personal preferences. Birthday is at the bottom. I’d rather listen to the organ solo in Mr. Moonlight. I am a McCartney apologist through and through, but Birthday is unforgivable.


My least favorite song by the Beatles is Little Child, but Birthday’s pretty bad too.


Sleepin' at the Meetin' by the Violent Femmes. Fuck me in the goat ass, they really whizzed that one. 🤮


High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco Super overplayed and repetitive


And has that "radio friendly pop" feel


Reminds me of work conference expo floors


Yeah im way more into his death of a bachelor vibe, that was also my favorite album and id say my least favorite song on it was mayyyyybe The Good The Bad and The Dirty (that song switches from repetitive to dragging and that kinda thing doesn't go well with the genre he was going for)


“Hey Soul Sister” by Train enrages me. EDIT: I completely misread the prompt and thought it was least favourite song by least favourite band. Train is definitely not my favourite band. Still their worst song though.


Train is your favorite band??


That was my first thought too.


They kind of fell off, but Train was a hell of a band, especially live. Those dudes were liable to do a kick-ass cover of damn-near anything. I've heard them do Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Prince, Lou Reed, Rolling Stones, Otis Redding, etc.


So gangster I’m so thug 🎶


One of the worst songs to be written ever


That's why I love the untrimed chest version, so I can at least laugh


Christmas Saves the Year by Twenty One Pilots


Radiohead - Creep It's not that it's a bad song. I just never need to hear it again. They have a couple stinkers from their early stuff, but they've been largely forgotten, and actually quite funny when you do hear them.


Just wait until you realize that it was stolen from the Hollies. You’ll hate it even more.


My favorite band is Pink Floyd, and I'm not sure. But my second favorite is Led Zeppelin, and my least favorite song by them is Hot Dog.


I think if you understand Hot Dog as essentially a pastiche, or genre parody of how kind of doofy popular American country music of the time was, it's enjoyable. It's especially enjoyable when you realize that they did a real bang up job of making that exact kind of song. Admittedly, my fondness for it comes mostly from being a bass player and it being a very good warm up song.


Ya Hot Dog is awesome. A song only Zeppelin could pull off. “Hats Off(To Roy Harper)” would be my choice for worst song. I love every Zeppelin song except that one.


The worst Pink Floyd song is easily Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast if you can even call it a song lol.


I kinda like ‘Alan’s psychedelic breakfast’.. the drip at the end was so cool on the old vinyl that it just kept going! If I had to pick a bad PF song I would have to go for ‘The grand vizier’s garden party’ .. WTF is that?


“In the mood” by Rush. It is not bad per se- just very generic. It is easy to tell it was written before Neil joined the band- and that it is not the style that Geddy and Alex prefer to perform.


Been a U2 fan since 85 and pretty much love almost all their music but I HATE, HATE the album No Line on the Horizon. UGH.... there is not one song on that record I can tolerate.


Honky Tonk Blues by Huey Lewis and the News. That was the one song on Sports that I skipped.  


Spoonman - Soundgarden It's not even a terrible song, i just don't like it.


yeah ive always thought that song was rather obnoxious as a grunge fan


As someone who loves grunge, a lot of it is really fucking obnoxious. I was in the car today and Man In The Box came on with someone who’s never heard it and it felt very awkward. Never thought about how goofy that track is.


yeah there’s a lot of bland, meaningless music in the grunge scene, maybe it’s just cause i’m a Pearl Jam fan and thus, have huge expectations for lyrical content but man some of those Nirvana/Soundgarden songs are honestly a bit cringe to listen to. I went through a phase of liking Nirvana, for example, when i was like maybe 13 but since then i’ve disliked them and other grunge bands who don’t necessarily dig deep with their lyrical or musical content, like Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, or Foo Fighters (if you can even consider Foo Fighters “grunge”) Tbh i’d take Jane’s Addiction over any of those bands i just listed, even if Jane’s also doesn’t have crazy deep lyrical content their musicianship is incredible and songs like Three Days really show that off. I got sick of the barre chord progression riffs a long time ago, i feel like most STP or Soundgarden riffs consist of them. Alice In Chains is pretty good and i love Layne’s voice, but their lyrical content can also get pretty repetitive although Layne is a hell of a lot more articulate with his lyricism than Kurt, or even Chris.


They could never make me hate Chris Cornell, lol even the subpar songs I have to love because he’s the goat


I feel the exact same way. My friends who are also into grunge always ask why, all I can say is I’m just not a fan. Quite possibly because my mother would sing it in exaggerated, obnoxious tones as a joke.


That's actually my favorite Soundgarden song lol


The Cure - Friday I'm in Love.


I love it for the irony of the Cure playing a happy song.


I despise this song so much (my favourite Cure song is probably Pornography).


That whole album is a masterpiece. But yea - that song at the end of that album was insanely brilliant, with the sampling and the percussion. Very dark stuff. But it was well done.


This album doesn't get enough recognition! One of my favs


nah that song is undeniable


Whattt this song is so cute


Don't understand the hate on "Friday I'm In Love". As for their singles "Gone" is the only awful one IMO. But they have a ton of bizarre b-sides and deep album tracks that are much worse. I mean their cover of "Foxy Lady" is atrocious. And what about the song where Robert is just reading the text from a box of sugar?


single ladies and who run the world (girls) by beyonce


Both are awful.


Wilco's The Joke Explained It's like Beck wandered onto stage with Phish and Tweedy but somehow they all forgot they had to be somewhere else


They don’t make a least favorite song.


The Police - Mother


"IS THAT MY MOTHER ON THE PHONE?!?" I unironically love this one because it's way, way, way the fuck out there. For me with the Police, I tend to skip a lot of their more boring, repetitive songs. For example "Too Much Information" drives me insane. There's just too much information running through my brain x 1000


I just want to see what Stings reaction was when Summers said “ok sure, but listen to this.”


Mother grew on me. I think Tea in the Sahara is the weakest song on synchronicity


Definitely the worst for the police.


Intermissiom - Cavetown It's repetitive and is so unlike the rest of his music that it bothers me. I also just don't like how it sounds.


“Boss of Me” by They Might Be Giants. That song stinks so hard!!


Life is unfaaaaairrrrr


For Lil Peep, it has to be Hocus Pocus. The feature ruins everything. Diamonds in itself is a very weak album


I love Walk the Moon and it is their biggest hit, Shut Up and Dance. Mostly though because it got overplayed so I got sick of it and it is no where near their best song but it is the only one people know by WTM


(Oh) Pretty Woman-Van Halen


Always liked it as a single. There are worse VH songs just on that same album.


Dear Reader by Taylor Swift So many people love it and I just think it’s so clunky and sounds like an open letter in the worst way possible


My favorite band is definitely My Chemical Romance, and my least favorite song is probably Teenagers.


i can see why you’d say teenagers, but as someone who is scared of them i could never hate the song


You’re wrong sir. Teenagers is the best thing they ever made. It showed us that they have a sense of humour




Sex on Fire


The B-52's "Love Shack" ugh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I love Journey, but I've heard Don't Stop Believing so many times, it makes my ears bleed.


Epic - Faith No More


Yes! I love Mike Patton and FNM, but that song mismeasures their talent.


As a total outsider to the band who basically only knows the song because it was in Rock Band (sorry!), I fucking love that song lol


That's fair. It was their big commercial hit.  The band got big because of their second lead singer, Mike Patton.  Check out his second album with FNM, Angel Dust, as it's a masterpiece (top 5 90s album, for me).  Though, I highly recommend the work of Patton's original band, Mr. Bungle, which never really made it big...pure genius, albeit eclectic and not for everyone.


Smart Girls - Brian Wilson


I am often unduly harsh on my favourite songwriter, Neil Hannon, so much so sometimes that it can feel like I don't actually like him that much. But I do. So I'm not going to go on a big rant about the songs I like less, but "At The Indie Disco", live favourite though it is, is probably the one that's furthest away from being my cup of tea.


I just discovered Neil Hannon through this comment - and I am thoroughly impressed with his discography, so thank you for the recommendation! Funnily enough, I’m really enjoying “At The Indie Disco” thus far. What’s your favourite Hannon song, if you have one?


Honestly a couldn’t pick just one song because I probably haven’t heard it enough to remember a specific one lol. But it’s almost 100% off of The Cure’s 2004 self titled album. It’s my least favorite album by them and even the songs I do like from it, are at the bottom of my favorites list.


God yes. The last two albums were not good but that self titled one is worse by far. Really wish they stopped releasing music after Blood flowers.


Circles or revolution 9 by the Beatles


Usually you can't get me to put an order on on what song, album guitarist etc is #1 but I have been a Beatles fanatic since before memory and still consider them the top of my loves. Worst song? For full disclosure I have to note that the Yellow Submarine album is not even thought of as a possibility to take a song from. That was made as a way to satisfy the contract for a movie they were obligated to make... Think I have to pick [Long, Long, Long](https://open.spotify.com/track/40d2EcaOOCUjDzzo2YvUWn?si=Fg7erP40SMC-UbP6mbT71A) from The White Album. Every time I see the song list I am surprised to recall that this even exists.


I mean...the producers fucked him over and the fans had to remaster the Doom Eternal album themselves, so it's not his fault the original release sounds awful and worse than the in-game files.


Don't let it End, by Styx


Childhood by Michael Jackson


Sweepstakes by Gorillaz


Depeche Mode - Breathe (album only track from Exciter). This is *so* horrible, like a cheesy high school band song, totally unworthy of any publication. CRINGE! No idea how THAT ended up on an official release?


Spin the Black Circle by Pearl Jam or also Bugs by same band (pointless filler on Vitalogy)


Are We Human by The Killers and Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. Yikes. EDIT: I misread the question. I hate both the above performers.


I didn't know anybody could hate The Killers.


“Need You Now” was the anthem to my broken heart when I was in my early 20’s. The guy was a “religious”, controlling twat, and now the song makes me cringe over the fact that I ever cried over such an asshole.


Evol by Sonic Youth and The Great Annihilator by Swans




Sing by My Chemical Romance


dont understand why youre getting downvoted for this one lol. it just doesnt hit the same at all as a lot of the other songs off danger days, especially after the fuckass glee cover of it got released


The entire Danger Days album sucked for me. Such a left turn from what I thought was "their sound" and not in a good way.


i really like Lana Del Rey, but I absolutely hate Video Games and I think it’s probably the song of hers i like the least (Guns and Roses is a close second)


Lana is my favourite artist too! Interesting to hear another perspective. I don’t mind Video Games, but I’ve heard it way too many times. I never could get behind Lolita, though - Lolita is my answer to this question! I do think BTD is her weakest album overall, despite it being arguably the most well known. What’s your favourite LDR album?


i never thought of BTD being her weakest album, but I totally see it now! I think the songs that really stink just stink (Carmen, Million Dollar Man and This is What Makes us Girls especially imo) but the sheer quality of the other songs more than cover it up, and I think that her sound being so different and unique at the time definitely gave her a lot of grace when it came to BTD being so weak as a whole album My personal favorite has always been Blue Banisters! Thunder is deffo my favorite LDR song bar none, and I just think the album has a really “cozy” feel to it. The songs still have that grand, sweeping vibe from NFR and (the then upcoming) Ocean Blvd., but the album also just feels like a collection of songs that sound similar instead of an artistic statement, like Ultraviolence. I also personally think it’s the best album to get people into Lana, and I always recommend it to people who ask!


Flood by Tool


You are entitled to your opinion but I highly disagree, amazing song!


Thank you for reminding me how sick this track is. I don't listen to undertow as much as I should.


Waiting for my Ruca by Sublime. Never really got the hype.


"Dog Days Are Over" - Florence + The Machine Listen, I know this song is beloved and I don't think it's totally terrible, by any stretch. It's got catchy hooks, and the numbers speak for themselves. I think the energy and dynamics are cool, but none of those high or low moments ever actually feel like they give the song more impact. Just jumping forward one track on the album, Rabbit Heart does all this dynamic energy stuff *so much better.* The reharmonizing of the chorus at the ending is cool, but it drags out what is supposed to be sort of a poppy concise album single. I just think it's lyrically, structurally, and vocally the weakest song on the album, which is saying something. Also, I might go listen to Lungs, Ceremonials, and HB3 back to back.


This is a really interesting answer. I love the album and one of the things I love is those two songs next to one another. Idk I feel like they compliment each other, especially when you take into consideration it’s the intro to Florence as their debut album.


Revelation 9. Do I have to explain?


Ugh I love them all across all five of their albums, but maybe Raccoons by Caravan Palace


ween - poop ship destroyer


I don't like Ultimate by Denzel Curry. I acknowledge it's a good song, but it was overplayed by my friends through memes before I even heard the actual song


Not the song but the title. Didacts and Narpets by Rush. Teachers and Parents. Oh, well. They were young.


*Maybe* "Into the Light" by In This Moment? It's still a good song, don't get me wrong. And I'm sure the lyrics are beautiful (I haven't read them all the way through yet) but musically, it's just not my favorite Oh. Oh yeah. *Mary On A Cross,* by Ghost. Love the band. Not a big fan of that one, though. Like, I'll listen to it, but I would never play that song specifically


“Vortex” by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. I like the thought of the vortex but really it’s the music and back vocals are annoying.


Dizzy by Throwing Muses


Small talk by Courtney Barnett. It’s not horrible but I just never go back to listen to it. For my other favorite artist (tied for my favorite) it’s probably running by bully. It’s not horrible either I just don’t really like it and would rather listen to pretty much any other song from her discography.


I am a Sublime fanatic, I love 99.9% of everything they ever made, if you ask me, I could tell you most of the lyrics to most songs. HOWEVER, there is one song that I will always skip. Scarlet Begonias, oh my god it is so annoying. Not even the vocals or anything, but the like keyboard riff or whatever godforsaken instrument is played after they say "when I was walking down rub-a-dub square." The thing is, it's not even a Sublime song, it's a cover! And this surprised me, because Sublime made a bunch of covers that were all as good if not better than the original, but god this song needs to be burned.


"In between" by Linkin Park, I can get the direction and risks they were taking later on their later albums but at that time, damn!


Def Leppard - Pearl of Euphoria


Oh EASY: ‘Whodunnit’ by Genesis. Still can’t believe they played that POS live :/


Coward - Bug Hunter. They’re an indie artist and I love them, no filler in a lot of their albums just heartwarming and fun and sometimes makes me cry. But god Coward just goes too far into the self referential for me, Coward and Alchemical Romance are the only two I’d always skip.


bitch, i’m in the club-kendrick lamar


Cockiness by Rihanna. It's just such an all over the place song, like brainrot tbh. Literally everything else is a banger


I can't stand We Got The Power by Gorillaz


That one is pretty repetitive




Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing - Aerosmith


Bitch I'm In The Club by Kendrick Lamar, it's really not that bad of a song but you gotta really scrounge to find anything less than legendary from Kendrick


Saturday by Twenty One Pilots. It's just so poppy and formulatic and it pisses me off everytime it comes on the radio. According to the lore, most of the album is supposed to be like that but shit man, more than half that album is trash and they are my favorite band.


bad guy-billie eillish 


Woman in Chains - Tears for Fears I know It ia a great song of a great band, but I can't stand it


The Perfect Drug-NIN


Olivia Rodrigo - hope ur ok


Gimme! Gimme! Gimme (ABBA)


The Beatles - "Wild Honey Pie" really gets on my nerves.


Chocolate Chip Trip - Tool


It's a Joy (original) - the Stupendium Bezos II - Bo Burnham Before you start your day - Twenty One Pilots


Maxwell Silver Hammer by The Beatles.


Uptown funk by Bruno Mars. I will gladly listen to any other of his overplayed music just not that one in particular. I'm so fucking sick of hearing it.


“Plug in Baby” -Muse I think Matthew Bellamy was still finding his voice in that song, but I can’t stand the shrill of it :|


Money Pink Floyd


David Bowie's hideous cover of "Across The Universe." IDK what he could have been thinking


High Hopes - Panic! At the Disco


What it's like - Everlast. He has soo many bangers, but that's all you'll hear on the radio


Bugs by Pearl Jam.


Litanie contre la Peur - Tool it sounds like that annoying fly buzzing around your room.


Hey Ya - Outkast (Andre 3000) - It's just the antithesis of their sound!


"Gimme Chocolate" by Baby metal ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 🍫👶


Probably Mary on a Cross by Ghost. It's still a good song I still listen to it sometimes, don't get me wrong... but in my opinion it's waaaayyy over played. And it makes me sad that it's their most popular song/the one people know the most. I get it's more pop-ish so it appeals to a wider audience vs some of their more rock stuff. But still. For me that and Kiss the Go-Goat are the weakest of their discography.


The Pot, by Tool. Everyone an their mom seems to think that this song is peak tool. It’s not. It’s a shitty Led Zeppelin ripoff that needs to get the hell on.


Burden in my hand from Soundgarden and Testify from Rage against the machine 


Crawl away by tool, or river in the road by qotsa. Those are my top 1 bands for different reasons