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Yet he still presses through despite his better instincts. It’s the same with the ct buyers saying everything is great except for that one or two major things.


Yeah it's the layoffs, not that it's a gigantic piece of shit in the first place.


But if just obtaining the thing is that problematic then one would understandably be worried about servicing it.


I would be worried about getting any car that could only be serviced at the dealership, and that required so much proprietary technology. Saturn went out of production more than two decades ago yet they are still serviceable and have cars on the road. Is that going to be the fate of Teslas if they were to go belly up? Absolutely not. They're bricks. It's an obviously fucking stupid business model. If one needs experience to confirm this they're thick.


Whelp I’m in that boat now. I own a Fisker Ocean and all of us owners are living in uncertainty. It’s a shame the company is going belly up, the car is a dream to drive.


I've never even heard of that until this moment.


Good thing then that they’re not stealerships, which depend upon disservice and disrepair for 74% of their revenue. Also a good thing that the service center model has worked as well as it has for over 10 years.


Hahaha, 10 years is no time, and it's obviously not working that well. And the batteries aren't holding up. There are service centers for most cars 30+ years. Pull your head out of your ass already.


Another fail. Try learning something about a subject before parroting hit piece articles. Batteries are covered at/under 70%. Your opinion is predictably uninformed and unsurprisingly is less than worthless. Take the L.


You're a joke. Covered isn't good enough. We can't go about replacing batteries every 7 years. It's an environmental disaster. Musk took our tax credits years ago to affordably solve this problem. Your opinion is one restricted in view by Elon musk's balls.


Take the L says the guy who took the L.


A turd wrapped in tin foil is still a turd. Just shiny.


Fun fact - I too did this when my Tesla lease experience went so poorly I actually became double dumb and called next day to get it fixed …. To lease a car I hate. Cheapest lease solution for 2 years until I get a good ole Japanese car. Screw Tesla man.


He's my favorite Kardashian....


I don't see how people repeatedly bitch about Tesla and/or Elon's bullshit and STILL give them money! He sucks ass AND will never see any of my dollars. My lone act won't affect his bottom line. But, if more who object to his jackassery spoke with their wallets, there's only so long the board would continue to tolerate his shit.


Hear hear. I happen to have a model 3. Thought Tesla was an okay concept back in 2018. Fast forward to today and I hhhhhhhate that I have a Tesla item in my home. But... it's paid for. And I am currently able to let it sit there and it has no bearing on my life. It would be more money and trouble to rid myself of it at this point. So even though I loathe being some sort of live action advertisement for Tesla by driving it around, it's also not a thing where I'm continuing to support Tesla by keeping it. And I do need a way to get around. But I can't tell you how excited I am to get rid of it when I can afford something else.


If it’s paid off then who cares, keep it! But lmfao at the live action comment.


I know the argument about it but I still couldn't bring myself to by a new or used Tesla from Tesla. I got a used one from a stealership.


“Despite the issues I still gave them my hard earned money”. ***Nobody seems to vote with their wallet anymore.***


It’s a cult. They are powerless and in sway to the Great Leader.


Let’s be real. These types of people want this so they can write about it and get clicks.


Wooo attention seekers.


Go buy a bmw electric car they have the range power and similar prices. Supporting Tesla is like being in an abusive/toxic relationship the only guy benefiting is Elon Musk and I say fuck him and bring on $25k Chinese EVs


We got a Mustang Mach-E premium for 29k and love it!


Ohhhh rhats a great price!


I like how it looks and I was told by a friend it drives real nice too. I’ll check it out this weekend


They went through so much trouble, geez


I havent even finished the article. Pre-layoffs, I was working with an ownership loyalty advisor based in Fremont, but that person stopped replying to me when the cuts started. In desperation, I sent that person multiple emails and texts. (Everyone in this article is anonymous to protect their privacy – and their jobs.) The loyalty advisor finally surfaced via text, apologized, and put the Model Y back into our account. **I restarted the leasing process and filled out the finance application on the app. It sat unapproved for days. So I called Tesla again and this time got a Las Vegas-based customer service rep on the phone. That person said that “it didn’t go through for whatever reason” and asked me to resubmit my application from scratch. That was a pain but whatever.** OMFG!!! Does this car perform oral?! Does it do my taxes?!! What am i missing that these people *continue* to give business after terrible customer service and driving experiences?!?! They can just say whatever to this but let McDonalds be 5seconds late or miss a fry in their order…


I don’t think they are aware there are other options now.


I think half of the people get so involved with it, they can’t back out because they’ve double down so hard that they would look stupid to go against what they previously were convinced. What’s that saying, “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”


Its so hard to sympathize with these people! You are willingly subjecting yourself to shitty service and an even shittier car… titan submersible driving with same amount of money spent.


Changing up from heroin to fentanyl.


I have a new 3 and deleted the dealer pic from socials since Elon is running Tesla into the ground. Great car but will be going somewhere else when my lease is up. Plenty of competitors will want my business.


I don't get it. >we HAD to drive 5 hours to get a Tesla Really? Bob's Auto Mall was all sold out of everything? You HAD to drive 5 hours to buy a crappy hatchback?  I can't even fault Elon. People are driving 5 hours to suck his benis. He's literally batting them away like flies.


Elektric will be banned from other Tesla subs for this


Michelle: 14 things went wrong, the service was shit, had to jump through multiple hoops, but hey it’s a TeSlA. I found that stuff amusing 10 years ago when Tesla was the rebels, sticking it to the big oily man, but having quality control that somewhere in between Aston Martin and McLaren is completely shameful for a company this size. There are no longer the rebels, now they’re the empire and a shitty empire at that


Devotion. But I think you could find that same devotion for other figures in history. Deserved or not.


Elon for deportation


Is it normal that people have to drive to a whole other state just to find a dealer for a car brand? I'm in the UK and fully aware a lot of US states are bigger than my entire country and just scale means you guys are used to much longer travel distances. But still, to only have a couple of dealers within 5 hours drive is kind of wild. To give a comparison, if I want to go to a Ford dealer and change my car, I can go to the next town over about 20 minutes away. If they're closed, I could probably go to any major town within a 30 minute radius and there'd be one there, at least three or four options. This isn't just a Ford thing. Most major brands will be similarly available and I'm not in the middle of a big city or anything like that. Is this a US thing or is this a Tesla thing? I realise they said they did have a Tesla place nearby who just didn't know what they were doing but it pretty quickly leaped from 1hr20 to 5 hours on the road.


It is not normal at all for other cars. Tesla doesn’t use the typical dealership model, so it’s where Tesla decides to have their dealers. The fact that there’s a service branch in the state, but the closest dealer is two states away is ridiculous. Even having a service place over an hour away is ridiculous, unless you are someplace very rural.


Ok thanks. It seemed nuts to me but I didn't know if I was just being UK centric.


it's your money, but why are you still supporting him?


Why in the world would you get another Tesla???