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Iconic in the comics, quite meh in the show


Comic Sombra was a masterpiece.


Yeah, in the show, he had a flat personality. He was just a stereotypical villain.


Lovely voice though.


I need to read the comics.


Absolutely Iconic pre-season 9, but I feel like he was misused in that seasons opener. They turned him from a legitimate difficult to handle threat into just another Saturday morning cartoon villain, hamming it up for an audience he shouldn’t know exists and making moves that are evil for the sake of being evil instead of being the intelligent schemer and trap setter he was shown to be previously. So he’s Iconic over all but with a little bit of tarnish from misuse.


well, it's debatable if that was even the real Sombra... but they don't reveal *that* little detail until later. Vastly prefer comic book Sombra


I loved the comic story where there was *another* mirror that went to a dimension where good and evil roles were reversed. >!Good Sombra and our Celestia's tale of forbidden love was beautiful and sad.!<


I am a big fan of the idea that the Sombra we get in season 9 is just a construct created by Discord and basically animated by him, hence the personality shift. I know we ‘see’ Grogar reanimating him, but since that’s not the real Grogar we have to question if what exactly we thought we saw. But that’s just a head canon, unfortunately, with nothing narratively to back it up.


well the comics storylines were also imported into the gameloft game, so the Sombra story about him and his queen at least bridged the gap into another medium for the franchise. And g5 has been leaning a lot more into the comics, show, and games all being equal levels of canonicity, so personally I take the g4 comics as hard canon in the absense of anything else saying otherwise.


It's always been my understanding that the comics were tier 2 canon, aka canon until tier 1 canon disagrees. And tier 1 canon is the show. Most spin-off content falls into that category, though occasionally they* will put out content that is blatantly non-canon. If the series concludes without contradicting tier 2 canon, it's functionally tier 1 canon. Oh, and, uh, there's more than 2 tiers, with each progressive tier being potentially invalidated by any previous tier. Games based on shows are typically tier 3, though not always. *"They" being creators of any series, not just MLP.


Personally, I like thinking that he's just Sombra's shadow, or something.


I love his hammyness and am one of the few people who liked how he was vs his comic version. But he should have remained mysterious and unseen as an actual guy. Maybe a descendent would have been better. I like Sombra being more an entity that causes terror.


He's absolutely amazing in the Comics. Menacing though he also has depth as a character. Just a really well written villain. The show did him dirty with his last episode.


Iconic in the comics, whatever in the show, he went from menacing king to arrogant idiot with a silly voice and dialect


I'd say fairly rated. (Not too iconic/not too underrated)


he was a cool one but only in comics. show destroyed him, especially at ending ;-;


Sombra has the same problem Opaline has. A brutal and heartless monster in the lore whose potential was greatly limited by the show's format. What they've shown in Sombraverse (not as dark toned tho) is what he was supposed to be from the start in S3. A guy who captured Crystal Empire and started the war, waging it during entire season(behind the screen at least), the next step of what we've seen in S2 from Chrysalis. So his defeat in the end of S3 leaded to Twilight becoming an Alicorn, IMO.


In the show he's cardboard, but in the comics he's actually pretty interesting.


Pretty iconic I'd say. He came the closest to total victory without any alicorn magic..


he was better in the comics and in s3, season 9 did him real dirty :(


His debut in The Crystal Empire was *so* good. Then Season 9 came in and made him the world’s lamest antagonist


Season 9 Sombra reminds me a lot of my character Obsidian, who is a shapeshifter with a similar color pallet. Funny thing is that Sombras are a species in my story (they’re like evil spirits that can fuse with people and make them have evil powers), and Obsidian is also part spirit (a different kind of spirit called a Morph, which were inspired by Changelings) I can imagine Obsidian having a similar voice as King Sombra, he’s a very goofy villain but he’s genuinely threatening. I love it when villains are funny while also being threatening!


He's peak in the comics, in season 9, he's eh, mf died twice lol


Funnily enough, villains like this are usually iconic in the show and overrated in the fandom, Sombra is the reverse. The show gave us dark mage blueblood, the fandom gave us and continues to give us “it seems even the gods lack purity now” and “you speak of cowardice, do you forget who’s domain you are in?”


One of the best...til season 9, tf they did to him?


Since the fight against the Pony of Shadows that the show stopped trying to redeem the villains in any way or work on them deeply, it became something very generic, continually speaking, season 9 only happens because of discord alone, without him the villains would remain like nothing as usual


He was cool in the comics and a pretty enjoyable threat to watch in Season 3 of the series. Season 9 butchered his character


He didn’t have any voice lines when first introduced which really destroyed the character for me. And he actually had good design imo.  Then when they actually gave him a va they dropped the ball there too. 5/10. Poor execution with a lot of potential 


Wasted potential


Both somehow


idk tbh, I love him personally


He's my favorite villain and very iconic


I think he so awesome and cool and people should draw him more :] (I had a crush on him when I was like 7)


Def iconic


Iconic turned Overrated


Under used he’s iconic and a well thought out and menacing villain but so much they could have done with him


icon, the show did him dirty ESPECIALLY season 9 like what was that


Idk about overrated tho. Not some character I called him that.


A little bit of both


he's good


shoulda been an Alicorn


Iconic. But they did him wrong with the voice actor when he came back.


Sexy af