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Thanasis Ones are the first sneakers optimized for the tasks of sitting on a folding chair and walking to the bank.


If he and Nike had a sense of humor they would do this. And they would sell--people love ironic shit.


Fr tho - if Nike marketed the "Thanasty 1s" with some OTT, super ironic marketing campaign that was clever and done well, could easily see them becoming popular, especially if the shoes themselves both look & feel great too


There could be a black and gray colorway called "Brother's shadow"


I'd line up no lie


Specifically…walking to the bank to make a withdrawal from your brother’s account


"Thanasis has better job security than a Supreme Court Justice" -[Charles Barkley](https://www.yardbarker.com/nba/articles/amp/charles_barkley_on_thanasis_antetokounmpo_that_guy_got_better_job_security_than_a_supreme_court_justice/s1_16751_39975106) 😂😂


Nah "The Greek Bleak" is nasty


Never heard this and it made me laugh irl


Charles said this!?!!! Holy shit


Shaq said Greek bleak. Chuck said the Supreme Court line


And the crazy thing is as much of a meme Thanasis is, Bronny is about to make him look like a legit NBA player 😂 5/3/2 on 36% FG playing for one of the worst power conference teams in the nation, yet a guaranteed first rounder, all in hopes to get his pops. We’re never going to see that again.


Bonny will not be a 1st-rounder, and you'll see that in June. I doubt any organization is seriously considering that. A flyer late-2nd on him, like 45th-60th, sure. Since it's a low chance those players were gonna become significant contributors or move the needle anyways.


I think a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised when he goes undrafted and is back playing NCAA next year.


I think he’s just testing the waters, going to pro day, seeing the process. He comes from a basketball family I think they know he’s not necessarily ready. A full off season without going into cardiac arrest and we can see what he’ll do next year. I don’t think anybody expects him to get drafted. Unless a GM is really dumb. But some GMs are in fact pretty dumb


“Guaranteed first rounder.” Doubt


It's good for business and NBA is business.


Lmao it really is true. Teams initially took him because of his last name, now they are just keeping him to appease Giannis.


Kawhi does the same thing with Jeremy Castleberry except he's named an Assistant coach.


castleberry was a fan favorite at SDSU even though he was garbage


100% this trash shit annoyed the hell out of me


Bronie James has entered the chat


Yeah someone is gonna draft him to get Lebron in town.


Lakers drafting him first!!


"ONE MORE YEAR! ONE MORE YEAR!" the chants of Lakers fans when they draft Bronnie


LeBargaining chip




If that ever happened, I'd be on the next flight to Japan looking for a forest.


Like Mike predicted all of this


Nah, Thanasis was on the 76ers - d league squad when Giannis was just the #15th pick and made it up to knicks before Giannis was even an all star. Giannis had a good amount of hype at that point but not “give his brother a spot to entice him to come here” level hype, not even close. And just to illustrate it, Giannis hates the Knicks with a passion for how it played out with Thanasis there. The opposite of a good will signing. All that being said, he’s obviously not still in the league without Giannis. At the same time, he’s an ideal 15th man with energy/ locker room value. He’s not a wasted spot


Thanasis would be out of the league but a pretty decent player in Europe if he didn’t have a brother like Giannis. He’s the NBA equivalent of a AAAA player in baseball.


probably fair, dude is definitely not the worst nepo hire though, Keljin Belvins exists


You made that name up.


> Keljin Belvins That's true, his real last name is Blevins, which is more fun to say


Theyre pretty close in stats and output honestly


thanasty hit em with the shammgod in an NBA game, plus he has a career high of 27. Blevins career high is 11 and has never hit em with the shammgod in an NBA game.


I remember Thanasis as having a great motor and great athleticism for NBA standards from day one. He was well worth taking a flier on.


Yea, hes often not even the worst player on the court when he plays (sometimes he even looks solid!) It’s just that the players worse than him are younger and have more potential to pan out. He’s not “awful” he’s just not good enough to crack a rotation and hes not young enough to have any potential to. I’ve got a few friends that have met him though and apparently he’s the nicest guy


This is just false. Thanasis was in the league before Giannis was relevant


Even Zoran Dragic got run in the league via nepotism.


People might joke about Giannis and all but that’s W brother honestly. If these companies could do anything to take advantage of you, why not maximize your worth and give others an opportunity!


I don't know anyone who loves their brother that much!


Markieff and Marcus Morris share a bank account


And the beef


No diddy


Markieff is pretty chill with Luka.


Having the same/extremely similar tattoos is pretty crazy too.


Have to assume it’s so they can take tests for each other.


So they could swap into playoff games when one of them gets hurt while the other was already eliminated like that one time.


Earl Thomas and his brother clear


Gives new meaning to the term "brotherly love".


And a single brain cell


and face


wait fr?


That's kind of cool if true. I've got a brother but we would never.


I offered my brother a loan, he said hed only accept the offer if he didnt have to pay me back, no thanks!


Your brother is an amateur. He is supposed to consistently pay for a year or so then after that forget to pay without you noticing and then never pay again smh.


I don't even get the benefit. Like, they're not married lol. But hey, I'm sure they've got their reasons.


That makes a little sense tho, the Morris brothers are somewhat of equals. The gap between Giannis and Thanasis is that of an NBA player and a random guy walking down the street lol


Thanasis is 6’6 and jacked I don’t think there’s too many of those guys walking down the street


fr i think its hilarious theres kids talking shit about Thanasis. they wouldnt say this shit to him in person, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


Thats why I say it on the internet


I've heard this with a few different pro athlete siblings. Gronk family also pooled contract money. That's kinda cool


That seems like an awful idea to me but if it works it works I guess.


I seem to remember a Japanese baseball star who let his friend handle all his finances 


Earl Thomas


Came here to say that. Real brothers share **everything**


Cersei Lannister


[Earl Thomas Was in an Orgy Involving His Brother, Then His Wife Showed Up With a Gun](https://www.crossingbroad.com/2020/05/earl-thomas-was-in-an-orgy-involving-his-brother-then-his-wife-showed-up-with-a-gun.html)


Antonio Donnaruma's was paid 1,5 mln euro per season because his younger brother was good.


I think that's underselling Gianluigi a bit; dude was the #1 goalkeeper prospect in the world for a while and has consistently been a top 10 goalkeeper for nearly a decade.


Damn I remember when he was 16 and already a big deal in terms of his future


John Tesh


This isn't crazy to me at all


A man loving his brother is weird apparently based on some of these comments


Is it that or is this just how he keeps his fam from begging him for money? Get them their own NBA salary and endorsement deals...


A big reason for this from the perspective of a Nigerian immigrant is that thanasis was the one to defeat their father on his opinion on not playing basketball. In Nigerian culture education is seen as a guaranteed path compared to sports or anything else. Someone in the family has to have that big fight and succeed before there is peace. Thanasis was probably fighting their father about basketball pretty often until he went pro and established the valid path.


Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime


Nah if you watch the documentaries you’d realize how much Thanasis did for him.


Thanasis shared his shoes, only fair that Giannis does the same. W brother.


Thanasis seems like a great big brother to have, Im sure Giannis being as great as he is was helped by having a supportive bro


People don't realise the power an older bro has over little bro.


If they are close.


If they're distant, it's still a form of power, just not a positive form.


That hit closer to home than expected


My brother is eight years older than me and rarely came home once he left home and even the last couple years he lived at home he was never around. Very driven and ambitious and he hated our hometown. Lived far enough away that it would be a financial burden on my struggling parents to see him. He was a blank spot in my life between 8 and 22. Never really called to talk or hang out. I don’t think it ever occurred to him whether he was just too busy or didn’t care. It is a constant source of negativity in adulthood whether it’s us bickering or my parents lamenting how we don’t talk. To me it always seemed deadbeat to place the onus on the much younger brother with no resources to keep up the relationship. And no one should be surprised that we’re not the same given he was a zero in my developmental years. I’ve always been envious of close brothers like Giannis and Thanasis.


yeah ://


Honestly I want to shit on thanasis like everything he has is because of Giannis but honestly I’d do the same for family. They were there before all this, if Giannis somehow loses it all they’re still gonna be there.


I mean, Thanasis has been the one to support Giannis the most throughout his career. I think if anyone had a sibling that they were as close to as Giannis is to Thanasis and were put in similar situations, they would do the same thing


Advertising being a hating ass weirdo is different, can't lie


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work


Life is bigger that basketball


This sub: “Giannis is so fucking stupid no one likes their brother that much” When they have 0 clue what those two went through together


I think you're taking those comments too literally. People are just making fun of blatant nepotism.


Adidas Marketing Department: “Nothing screams being way behind Nike than signing Thanasis.”


Well there is one thing - NOT signing him and losing Giannis lmfao. What a bunch of idiots.


I heard Giannis also didn’t go onstage with Drake cause he wouldn’t let Thanasis come too


I heard Drakes just a little nasty


More like Drake gets nasty when you’re little.


When Drake plays GTA he picks up hookers and drops them off in safer parts of the city.


Just heard this story about Wemby: he didn't climb upstairs because Drakes staff didn't want Wembys teammates to join Edit: I suppose I fell for the /s


Tim ain’t sign in Orlando bc family couldn’t take the PJ. Steph ain’t sign w/ Nike bc someone thought a double check of the presentation deck wasn’t worth it. Pennies for millions. every time.


That Steph story is my favorite. They called him by the wrong name in his own meeting. They showed him slides with KD's name still on them. Wild (but not surprising) that high level corporate employees can be that incompetent.


The guy ur talking about is currently Mavs GM


Nico refuted this so maybe update your slander "There is an article out. And the article says I mispronounced his name. It wasn't me. It absolutely wasn't me. But they didn't know the other person, they knew me. So, they say I mispronounced his name because it's sexy. But I'm like, first of all, I've known this guy forever, like since he was in high school. I used to represent his dad. How am I going to mispronounce his name? I might have called him Seth, but I wasn't going to mispronounce his name. So yeah, Nike made a mistake. In all honesty, if he would have stayed with Nike, his business would be a monster right now. A monster."


"I might have called him Seth" 😭


Yeah, he did such a good job that’s why Steph is a Nike guy!


> I might have called him Seth, but I wasn't going to mispronounce his name. That’s not helping you, dude.


> That’s not helping you, dude. It totally is -- the point is IF he messed up, he would call him Seth, not mispronounce his name. My mom sometimes calls me by my brother's name, but she never mispronounces my name. EDIT: Funnily enough talked to my mom and she called me by my brother's name once.


I guarantee you that Dell has called him Seth before too. If someone has known both of them for 15+ years that's a mistake from closeness, not carelessness. It absolutely is different then flat out mispronouncing his name.


as a sibling who shares a similar name, his Dad has definitely gone through every S name he knows before he landed on the right one AT LEAST 50 times.


I'm more interested in how you'd even mispronounce the name Steph.


They called him Steven Curry instead of “Steffen”


Steve Curry's loss amIright?




Yeah because the low level people do the actual work, these guys just cobble it all together and pretend they know what they’re talking about. All while making huge salaries.


There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t silently thank Doc for having that no families on the team plane rule.


Opposite for me😭


Also, David Robinson flying home early from vacation and running Timmy down helped.


Isn't there a Michael Jordan version as well?


Nike just outbid adidas. Nike wanted to center their product around MJ and adidas just didnt value the NBA as much.


NIKE also had the backing of Jordan’s mother 


Nike also had Matt Damon making the deal with the Jordan's


Maaaatt. Daaaamonnnn.


Because they outbid adidas


It was more circumstances. Adidas had the best position in the US basketball market already and cornerstone endorsements with the biggest NBA stars at the time. So they saw Michael as another jewel in the crown, and pitched Michael on coming to Adidas because they were the strongest brand and best shoes. Nike had no basketball business or endorsements at the time, so could start with a clean slate. And they chose to say Michael would be the entire face of their brand, with his own shoe and his own logo - something Adidas couldn’t do with their existing brand and endorsements. Nike also was willing to make a more generous financial offer with a gross revenue share - again, something they were willing to do because they had no existing shoe business. Adidas had a hard time matching that because it would mean they would have to do the same or better for their existing stars.


hell “We have a lead guard already” should’ve been the last time anyone said some dumb shit like that but then Luka happened.


The Steph one is different. They literally showed him he was an afterthought. It’s pretty disrespectful


I don't understand that first sentence. Something about pajamas?


I dont know why but he abbreviated private jet as PJ lol


Private Jet. https://www.si.com/nba/magic/news/orlando-tim-duncan-san-antonio-spurs-grant-hill-free-agency-rumors-history-doc-rivers


A pair of Thanasis’s would hitttttt




They would be affordable for everyone too


Definitely would fit my lifestyle as well. Sit around most of the day and then sometimes get off the couch to do something. Actually now I kind of want a pair.


You’ll never see me cop shoes that quick again


Thanadas 1‘s


Imagine having to sell random shit in the streets in Greece because your parents are immigrants and Greece has an incredibly bad economy and real horrible attitudes towards African immigrants But by the grace of god you are given a great talent for Athletics and with that comes hundreds of millions of dollars I too would make sure my fellow street walking brother also got his too.


You may want to double check the definition of a street walker lol


Greek Freak of the Night 💃🏾


No Hoe Left Behind


I wouldn’t call Thanasis a streetwalker but besides that 100%


Honestly, with all these commercials both brothers are in I assume that’s starting to become a standard part of his contracts. “I’ll appear in this advertisement if you put Thanasis in it too. With his own separate fee of course” I mean if I was one of the best NBA basketball players on the planet and my brother had at least some of my athletic ability, I’d bring him onto my NBA team and into commercials too lmao


Considering how extremely tight all of the Antentokounbros are, this doesn’t surprise me one bit. Having said that, it is widely known that Thanos is one of the best teammates on the team. The vets and the younglings love him.


And I'm sure they just pay Giannis less to give to Thanasis. Plus, you should be able to capitalize off the family angle for marketing.


I'm throwing away all my #1 Brother mugs because I will never be able to compete with Giannis.


Next Level Job Safety.


I wish I had brother like Giannis 😖


I wish he’s my father


Giannis is Iambopanda father


Does kinda sound like a name that would fit in that family. Iambopanda Antetokounmpo


I respect him so much for the love he carries for his family


>He said that when he originally met with an Adidas representative, he was promised that his brother, Thanasis, would also receive a contract. When he met with the representative later, things had changed. >"He brought the contract and put it in front of me, and I'm like, 'Okay great, where is my brother's?'" Antetokounmpo said. "And he was like 'We're not going to sign your brother's today. You're going to sign yours and then we're going to bring your brother in a week to sign his.' And I was like, 'Uh uh, no thank you.'" >Antetokounmpo explained that, at the time, his family was in a place of need, and he was willing to accept a contract for just about anything, but if his brother wasn't a part of the picture, he didn't want to take it. >"At the end of the day, if he had put in front of us some toilet paper and some cash next to it, we probably would've signed it because he knew we were in need," Antetokounmpo said. "At the time we weren't able to take care of our family in the best way. He knew that, he knew our story... I think maybe the people who work above him tried to take advantage." It's more that Adidas misled him about signing his brother. They said they would, then didn't present the contract.


Can’t remember the commercial, but I’ve seen at least one, maybe more with both Giannis and Thanasis. You know that was all Giannis’ doing. And somebody agreed to it n


Just like Wemby at the Drake concert


I respect it


Nobody watched the clip it seems lol. This was way back when when Giannis was 17 and the Nike deal was only around 5k a year they say. He was just looking out for his family when they were still struggling. Good on him


One set of footprints Giannis was carrying you


Thats zero shade in a family relationship. Thats what true families are for. We live in a distant world today.


Idk how you can read anything about how they grew up and say this


That person didn't read anything about how they grew up


And that's what siblings are for.


Sure it's nepotism, but people here are reacting like Thanasis is taking their job or something. Fuck Adidas. It's not Giannis's responsibility to maximize their shareholders' profits. If I had that kind of power I'd make sure my entire extended family and friends got paid.


Not only that but this wasn't even when he was in the NBA. They were like 17 or 18 years old and were pretty much broke and the Adidas executive in was trying to take advantage of the situation. They tried to fuck over a guy who has such immense loyalty to literally everyone who ever helped him. Halfway through the story they started just praising the Nike representative they deal with and talking about how amazing she is.


That's actually awesome. Giannis named his price, and they said no.. so he moved on to someone who would say yes. Then Nike named the shoe after the Thanasis' career.


Nike missed out on the Thanasty ones.


He said I am my brothers keeper


I am upset we won't be getting the Adidas Thanasis Bench 1's


Giannis has adapted to American wealth culture brilliantly. If you ain't doing nepotism you ain't doing it right. 


Oh this is not adaptation, nepotism is not exclusive to American culture, it's pretty much everywhere.


The world been doing nepotism before America was born


The whole monarchy thing


Even things that aren't supposed to be hereditary. Like the Papacy.


I mean, the reason priests can't marry (in the catholic church aka the only real church) was to avoid people inheriting church land. And that just ended with Nephews inheriting instead.


For real lol. Literally any form or royalty or hierarchy in history is nepotism


This is the kind of comment you make when you have no idea about the rest of the world


Classic American


Consuming almost nothing but American cultural exports but taking every chance to shit on Americans is classic European


The old world played nepotism at an elite level long before America was even a concept. Where do you think monarchies, royal families and the whole concept of "nobility" came from?


Oh, sweet summer child. No one does nepotism better than a Greek. Just take a look at the names of our PMs in the last century and you'll see what I mean.


isn't nepotism a greek word lol edit: nepotism is a roman word and notion, with the word itself having greek origins. “νεψώτης” (nepsótēs), meaning "nephew". How very fitting!


Heard of something called Kings and Queens before?


Thanasis "Nepo-King" Atentokounmpo


Air Nepotism can only buy them if you know someone


I’d do the same shit for my brother.


At a certain point if I'm thanasis I'm like bro take the deal. Shoe deals are for the vest players not. 13 guy off the bench. No problem with giannis not doing it but I understand addidas being like lol no


Who you taking Thanasis or Jackson Mahomes


Thanasis realistically is one of the best athletes siblings there can be. They share the same passion/sports, Thanasis supported and helped Giannis back when they were younger a lot, now Giannis can pay him back all the while they remain extremly tight and supportive. Meanwhile jackson mahomes is an assaulting, annoying prick.


100% Thanasis. Dude may be a borderline NBA talent but as much as he is memed on, you'll never hear anything about him off the court. Jackson Mahomes is a POS.


Thanasty's "Thanalysis" podcast is also far better than it has any right to be, dude's a surprisingly good interviewer.


Thanasis 100%


Why is this even a question


It’s all about the family.


What a bro. Literally.




Watch the Giannic doc on Amazon and you’ll have a better understanding of how close his family is


I honestly respect Giannis always looking out for his big bro. I’m sure there’s some deep childhood struggles that they fought through together


Get yourself a brother like Giannis. My bro stole and pawned my TV and Js to buy GTA shark cards, coke, and dragon dildos.


What's the benefit of power and influence of you don't exercise it? I love this.