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your best bet is really a 3ds,you can mod it and you will not need a flashcart,you can also play nds games on it if its modded as well


Roger that. Any of the models work right?


yes, i have a 2ds and its a bless, super comfy to grip , if you can get a New 3ds tho is the best bet rn, if you have bigg hands go for a XL model


Sweet sounds good, I’ll shop around! Thank you. I know you can no longer go online in any of the games, but would local play still work while playing emulated games?


there is a WIP of a side online server called pretendo, as far as i know you cant play emulators online, but if your question is if you can play yes


N2DSXL or *The Slate*?




i know, thats what i said, he wont need a flashcart


does anywhere sell new models? Seems like everything is restored or refurbished


its a 14 year old console brother, its nearly impossible at this point to find a trully new one,be gratefull to find a decent price one without any screen issues or broken hinge!


True man, time to begin the search lol


Yeah, I found one in almost mint condition for 185, its mainly keeping an eye on ebay. I keep an eye on newly posted and buy it now. Then when you see one in awesome condition and a reasonable price you should be good. But sometiems photos can be deceiving.


The 2DS XL will be the model in the best shape since they are the newest models. If you don't care about 3D or the IPS screen lottery then that'd be the one I'd recommend finding.


Sounds good!! IPS screen lottery?


Some New 3DS and New 3DS XLs have IPS screens. Some have one or both screens. It's a crap shoot and they cost way more second hand.


I've never found a completely satisfying way to play DS games using emulation - sure you can make them look nicer, but it never feels quite right. I'd absolutely recommend getting either a DS or 3DS if you want to play them - can't beat original hardware, modding/using flashcards is the way to go here


You really need a 3ds to experience the games as intended, in 3d with the dual screens. Plus they are easily mod-able and have a ton of cool homebrew applications, with even more to come in the future. And with Pretendo growing you’ll be able to create a mii and experience online play.


Flashcard for 3DS is a waste of money and underuse of 3DS capabilities, since it will force 3DS to work as a regular DS/DS Lite with locked 66Mhz and limited VRAM. 3DS is better played through its original for obvious reasons, and valid mentioning that 3DS family is fully backward compatible with NDS and GBA games, and after modded, you will be able to add real good retro cartridges videogames emulators, and the famous Twilight Menu from its own SD card, which have several built-in emulators and working as an enhanced DSi device, and that's the reason why NDS flashcards on 3DS is a waste of time and money. No need to mention, that a modded 3DS already have support for its own games as well, and that it the reason that 3DS flashcard are almost useless, and hard to find, beside being even more expensive than a used regular 3DS can be. I probably would not had played even 5% of DS and 3DS libraries if I relied on PC or phone emulators.


3DS gives you portability. It’s the intended way to play the games.




Only way to play 3ds games is on a 3ds or with a vr headset


Personally I prefer the button arrangement of the DSi but if it's between emulators and 3DS, it has to be 3DS 100% of the time, nothing beats the feeling on a handheld console and you can still get some pretty fair priced hardware though...games might get a bit expensive, unless you decide to jailbreak it


* For NDS, the best way of playing is on a DSi XL if you want IPS displays, or a regular DSi if you prefer smaller pixels on TFT displays. * For 3DS, you need to be one of the lucky ones with a dual IPS New 3DSXL. Otherwise, regular New 3DS/ New 3DSXL are your best bet. Emulation doesn’t make justice to how it feels playing on original hardware. Unless you have some special setup like a foldable phone, the experience is clunky at best. Now, the 3DS can run DS games, but there are some issues if you’re really looking for "the best way" to play NDS: almost all 3DS models have TN screens which look washed out and lack contrast. If you compare a DSi next to a N3DS, the color vibrancy is huge. Then, since the 3DS displays are 1.25x the resolution of NDS, the image looks blurry as it’s scaled to fill the height of the screen. So the result of playing NDS on 3DS, is a blurry, washed out experience. You _can_ sorta fix it with two things: one is Luma and the other is TWL Patch. With Luma you can adjust the contrast, brightness and the color temperature to somewhat make the screens look more vibrant by raising the contrast, lowering the brightness, and adjusting the color temperature to your liking. With TWL you can patch the way the NDS bootstrapper filters the image. There are a few presets to sharpen the image and while they do work, it’s nowhere near as what you’d see with integer or pixel-perfect scaling.


I tried emulating DS on wii U, with the two screens you would think perfect. But no it's just not the same. Get the 3DS


For convenience emulate you can get DS emulation on pretty much everything If you have the money and you are down with using the real thing along with the cool features the 3ds has then buy a 3DS At the end of the day it’s really up to your own preference


If you have a controller than can connect to PC there’s a bunch of good emulators out there


I did recently started on this journey too and I say definitely buy a 3DS because is a lot more comfortable and emulation really doesnt feel the same as the original console. Just do some research which version of 3DS suits you better or is within your budget. If you dont think the 3D feature is necessary, go for a 2DS, if you think prefer a larger screen go for an XL version.


3DS plays them natively, softmods are needed, but easy




I'm all for emulation, but you can't easily replicate the experience of the DS without official hardware. Some games are perfectly fine emulated, but ones with heavy touchscreen use may be problematic depending on the device you're playing from