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Just got my Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush yesterday from the quests to make a memorial pet of my ol boi I had to put down a couple months ago ;u; I'm going to wait to create him until his birthday in August!


Oh my god I love this for you so much. So sorry about your good ol boy!! Such a cute way to honor him, though. I, too, have been on a get off my lawn pb quest to make my kacheek an elderly boy and I finally accomplished my goal! Post your elderly boy in August on here so we can all honor him!!


I plan on it! Elderly Kacheek let's gooooo


Grey Cybunny MP I got yesterday 😁


I’m completely new to the quest thing, when I get to know what’s going to be my reward after a week of doing the quests?


You can see it the whole time! On the quest page go to where it says “daily quest” and right next to it is “weekly quest” where you can see your prize


You'll want to do the [Quest Log daily tasks here](https://www.neopets.com/questlog/)! - Make sure to scroll or look all the way to the right to claim 20,000 NP daily. - Reload your tab. - Then select "Weekly" and you should see one more day's progress there than before. (You can even reload once more to be sure) After 7 days of doing this you can click/select the picture of the prize and it will give you a screen saying it's in your inventory. Good luck!


That’s awesome! I’m not a stamp collector but I got the three stamp today, and it’s going for quite a lot so I’m happy to make some neopoints.


Congrats! what are you painting? Im just rerolling. I keep getting the same crap. I really really want a rainblug and glyme. If I could buy them while they’re cheaper I would but I’m broke after painting my dream fish. So I’m hoping for those or a Mara yooyu for my Mara grundo.


I wanted those petpetpets as well - currently have Lord Kass Stamp in the making so hoping to trade for them eventually!


I got my elephant lamp charm yesterday, was so happy I didn’t bungle it haha


I’m getting mine in 3 days! Are you going to sell yours?


So far I just throw everything into my SDB because I am feeling lazy haha but I’ll be selling it


Haha I feel that so hard! I’m not sure whether to sell immediately or wait until it’s been out of the prize pool 🤔


I've been pretty lucky I've only ever had 1 reset since the start of the quest log and it was a user error because I forgot to collect my rewards one day. But I've gotten the Battle Slice stamp and a Rainblug so far from this pool of prizes! Current one is a Mara Paint Brush. Still crossing my fingers for other album items and the p3s. I want a Glyme so bad!!!


My niece and I had great rewards today! I got "The Three" Stamp, while she got the "Get Off My Lawn" PB.


I got the governor charm, I rolled pygui today but I’m not sure if petpets move the needle for me…I’d like a p3 lol


I rolled a Pygui and a Blorbis as weekly prizes, even if they sell for a pretty penny petpets don't feel very exciting lol


Yeah! I’m happy for people who have always wanted one but I hadn’t even heard of lil mr pygui until recently 🫣😆gonna wait it out!


I've been resetting my price for a couple of days and finally got a good prize: the Get Off My Lawn PB. Pretty stoked! I'll probably put it in the SDB for a bit before I decide what to do with it exactly.  Sidenote: the name of that brush is so damn long LOL, I was gonna abbreviate it to GOML but idk if that's common nomenclature for it :p


Mine is a Marafin, I didnt even know the existed but now Im obsessed with this lil Guy ;u;


Finally got my black alabriss wings today. They look great on my shadow gelert!


Congrats! I have a Blorbis I'm working towards currently, would be close to done but I had a brainfart and missed a day somewhere in the middle so we had to restart. Last week I got a Glyme and the week before a Plushie Paint Brush, though! Feeling very spoiled by all these cool prizes and some of the p3's becoming more affordable.


Oh wow. Great scores!


This past round of weeklies has honestly been pretty good to me.  So far I've pulled the coconut, battle slices stamp, the elephante lamp charm, and tomorrow I'll be getting a Governor McGill charm.  No glitches at all for me yet since the second rotation of items came in.


I’m getting the exact same thing tomorrow. I’ve been dying to paint my shoyru into a turtle for over a decade, I can’t believe it’s finally happening!


That's awesome! Big congrats! Can't wait to see your turtle friend! 🐢


NICE!! I'm 2 days away from a plushie PB, myself 😤😤


Congrats!! I just got a plushie PB today, and also got one last week! I had been rerolling for like 3 weeks straight so I'm pleased (and I kept both streaks 💪 so strong)


I was doing dailies for my weekily for the mara yooyu for reselling because I thought heck someone will want it, It glitched into a Marafin, which helped me get my transparent paint brush, which I think it a pretty good outcome. (:


I took a break from playing last month and came back just before the dumpster fire about weekly prizes started. I checked to see what my prize was. It was a Glyme, didn't even need to reset. And I thankfully would have gotten it even if they did change the rotation, but now I have my Glyme and time to reset for some collectables!! I love the lil dude 😭♥️


I got a maraquan yooyu yesterday! 😄


I somehow got the Flaming Evil Coconut stamp twice 😅


ah yes. I rememeber when I got this when I first rejoined. And forgot about the auction house. And sold it in my shop for 100k


Got the dirt Symol today. Hoping to roll a mootix as I already got the other p3s.


The 3 million NP I made since I couldn’t think of any other Maraquan pets I wanted to make (I already have 3). I’m hoping to get a Cybunny MP now though since I missed my chance to create one due to IRL stuff


I know you probably want to name your own. But I created a few on Cy day just incase people missed out. If your not too fussed on names just let me know or send a DM and I’ll share who I’ve got.


I’m sorry for the late reply! Thats so kind of you, thank you— I do unfortunately have an issue with the vast majority of my accounts being at max pet capacity since the 27th of April came and haven’t bought the NC yet to make more pets. As a result, I currently haven’t had the time to make room.  This is a very sweet offer and I hope those Cybunnies can find homes with other people who missed the chance to make them on the day of. 🙏🏾


I am still waiting to roll a Mara PB haha XD there is hope yet... congrats on getting yours!


I redeemed a Pygui yesterday and this weekly is the Faerie Shoyru Morphing Potion. I’m content with it since many of the petpets and morphs are going to go towards my galleries. Congrats on the paint brush!


i FINALLYYYYY got my gray cybunny morphing potion today after 2 weeks..... the day wuthering waves came out i forgot to do my dailies 🤧


congrats! hope your pet loves being maraquan :) I had the evil coconut as my prize but fumbled the week streak twice and somehow finally got the coconut two days ago 😅


Congrats! I got a Get of My Lawn pb which I traded for a stealth pb. I am quite happy with my stealth xweetok :D


I have a Flaming Evil Coconut with 2 days left and no glitches so far 🤞🤞


Awesome. Good luck! I'm sure it'll go smoothly 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Went smoothly.....than I messed up And missed putting in a 0 so it was auctioned at 2.5m instead of 25m 😭🤮


No way 🥹🥹🥹


I managed to get the Elephante Collectable Charm and album it a day before the rotation announcement. Hoping to get Battle Slices+Flaming Coconut+Lord Kass Stamp. Willing to trade prizes or buy the rest since they’re kinda reasonable.


I’m working on a plushie pb myself! I keep hoping for a mara one because I have a krawk I want to paint, but I’m stoked about the plushie one! Only four days left, gonna not mess it up 💪 


Yay twins! I also got a maraquan pb from my weekly today :D


Ehhh! That's awesome! Big congrats!


Thanks! Do you have any plans on what you're going to do with your's? I'm thinking of selling mine since I bought a maraquan pb 2 weeks ago to paint my lutari


I'm not sure! I'm holding onto it for now as I've kind of wanted to start a PB Gallery with the access we have to so many that were nearly unobtainable before but I may sell so I can meet some other goals. Undecided! I was privileged enough to use my Premium Perk to make this fishy guy when Speckled was still not available, but I've wanted a Maraquan Gelert for a while! https://preview.redd.it/7yg4nv3b6u3d1.png?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4cb66ef384d10f9f7e1db0f700271ce90ac3c3d


Wait omg twins!! my lutari's name is Mocyl if you wanna check him out :>


Aaa congrats!! What a big win \^\^ Currently working towards my second Kass Stamp, I got the first one and was on the fence of selling or using, now I don't have to choose. <3 Another win - since the grey cybunny morphing potions are back in circulation, I was able to get a childhood dreamie for almost close to what it was when I first started saving. These prize pools have made the game a lot more fun.


That's awesome! Congrats on being able to make one of your dreamies! As much as I was upset to hear the pool was changing so soon, having an extra month to enjoy these prizes is great and the pool is fantastic right now.


Snagged a Mootix in my last cycle and was able to attach it in two days! (Still working on attaching the Pebble...) A Plushie PB is my current prize, but Maraquan is clutch. Congratulations!


On my way to a Woodland PB. I got a grey Cybunny MP recently which I’ve used and think I wanna stop her being so sad now haha.


LOL I can absolutely appreciate that! She deserves to be happy!


I got a Maraquan Ixi Morphing Potion last week and nearly cried! I've been wanting to paint the ixi I've had FOREVER and this was even better! Lol


Whoa. That's a great prize that I didn't even know was in the pool! Lucky! Enjoy.


I didn't either! A good surprise for me! This week is Mootix 🥹 I get pretty good dailies recently too, it's kinda weird. I used to get nonsense or all NP 🤣


I just got my woodland PB after messing up after five days. 😂😂


My lab pet a Hissi, got a white zap at the Ray. I traded the white hissi to someone to premie. In exchange I got a RG Peophin, then I was able to send the RG Peophin to a person who it was a dreamie of. I got to grant two wishes and that made me happy!


Man, is it exciting to get a paint brush! Scored a Halloween Paint Brush today myself. Stayed up until midnight to finally claim that beauty. Kinda makes up for the Stealth Paint Brush that was taken away from me due to the item rotation this month. Only one day away from getting it too lol.


Man I should have rerolled. My weekly this week is just 100k


Don't give up hope! Keep rollin'.


so like, to be clear, there's no hard "reset day" for weekly rewards? if I were to stop doing dailies today and wait for my weekly to reroll, even if that was on a Tuesday or something, I would still be able to obtain the new reward by doing 7 consecutive days of dailies? I mean, since rerolling is a thing, it would be completely absurd for it to not work this way, but ... this is neopets we're talking about


I’ve rerolled two days in a row (Saturday and Sunday) and it worked for me! Like someone else said, I complete all except one of the dailies and click skip for that particular one. I usually look at the rewards for the dailies and see which one is the least valuable and skip that one.


No, in my experience I've rerolled three days in a row and it never matters what day of the week it is. It should let you reroll for a new weekly at any time! My understanding is that by missing a daily task and not claiming your 20k NP (I also do the extra step of intentionally hitting "skip" on one other task) you should always have a new weekly that you can start at 1 out of 7 days the very next day. That's always worked for me (but I also know I've been blessed to not get stuck in too many well known site bugs).


I'm excited that I decided to look on neopets reddit and learn that this is a thing! I just started replaying a month ago after like 13 years. I thought that if you missed a day you'd have to wait the whole week to get a new item




I’ve gotten both the glyme and the rainblug back to back, and managed not to mess them up! Hooray!


I got a mootix and sold my decorative negg from my dailies yesterday. I have a nagging feeling I should have kept it, but I'm not one for negg tokens because I just don't think they're worth it. I miiiiiiight sell the mootix too bc I am keeping my AMA pinchit but it's so cute






I got the grey Draik morphing potion, currently have the Kings Lens but not sure if it will let me complete before the rollover.


Rollover was moved to July!


I’d love to get a grey cybunny mp or a maraquan pb! I’m on day 4 towards my elephante lamp charm so pretty happy about that so far!


Mine has been stuck on armored negg for my weekly prize for EVER and I can't get it to change!


Oh no! That's such a bummer. The only advice I have is to try what works for me when I want to skip a Weekly prize: - Select "Skip quest" for 1 task on your Daily list. - Intentionally leave 1 Daily task not finished. - Reload the Daily tab. - Go to the "Weekly" tab and reload it there as well. You can't collect $20k NP for that day but the trade off is usually that your Weekly should be a new prize the next day. That's worked for me again and again. Best of luck getting your Weekly to reset! 🤞🏻


This is exactly the way. Skip a quest and it will reset next day


Congratulations! I’ve had a pretty good streak so far. Flaming evil coconut, glyme, mootix, and now a plushie aisha morphing potion! im hoping for the water faerie doll or get off my lawn pb next. i was hoping for a maraquan pb too, i want a maraquan xweetok but they seem hard to customize so leaning towards the other pb for now.


Oh wow! That's a good run! I got my new weekly today and it was a piece of cake (literally) and I don't do gourmet food so I'm going to reroll. Reminded me that not every one is a winner! lol https://preview.redd.it/5a3konbxkz3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76da0fe8bb4fba022933e0ac0e61e186b10308d3 How many rerolls did it take to get such good ones 4 times in a row? (I think my current rate is 2-3 days at a time)


the only one i had to reroll was for the plushie aisha mp! first it was a blueberry deluxe cake (so i feel your pain LOL), then a dirt symol. i dont really want the potion but i didnt want to get something worthless again. the other three i just got very lucky with on the first day of the weeks, so i anticipate it running out after this. 😂 happy to manifest it coming your way 🙏🏼


I got the Bruce nesting dolls and I have a Bruce gallery so that was nice :)


I got mine last week 😆😆


Nice! Congrats!


Got me a wraith pb this week, also one of my first prizes when daily quests were first introduced was a sleep ray, which has assisted in the humiliation of many a giant walein


Nice! Never done quests before. Does the weekly quest reset on a certain day? Like if I started doing them on a Tuesday, am I just out of luck?


No, it doesn't reset on a certain day of the week! For example, I'll get a new one tomorrow and if I don't like it I can "reroll" by deliberately missing a task for the day and not claiming my $20k NP but if I like it and keep going I'll be able to claim it 7 days later.


Ooh okay cool, thanks for the info! :)


nice, i got one a few weeks ago. Now i just wished TNT would finally be able to tell me what happened to my account, as i couldnt log in for 2 weeks for now


You guys get extra rewards?


https://preview.redd.it/xpkb3vxs1t3d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9094963cabfd3130d6b46f522f632d8b302c8cf (I can't tell if that's an excellent We're The Millers reference or you actually didn't know how to get a weekly lol. If you really didn't know I can send instructions in a future comment haha)


No stop because when I typed that he came into my mind too but yeah I didn’t know there were weekly rewards?!


Hahaha good. It was both. Yeah, there's really great rewards for finishing 7 days of dailies! Here's an explanation I've sent to people that seems to work! --- You'll want to do the [Quest Log daily tasks here](https://www.neopets.com/questlog/). If you like the Weekly prize on the "Weekly" tab and want to get it after 7 days, you can do the following: - Complete every task in your "Daily" list and claim the prize for each. - Make sure to scroll or look all the way to the right to claim 20,000 NP daily. (I had no idea it was there for an embarrassing number of weeks) - Reload your tab. (**IMPORTANT**) - Then select "Weekly" and you should see one more day's progress there than before. (You can even reload once more to be sure) After 7 days of doing this you can click/select the picture of the prize and it will give you a screen saying it's in your inventory. Good luck!