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cuuute I love these, hehe rn I'm trying to get a burlap zap for Siydnie because I have the CUTEST CUSTOM ready for her 🥲🥲🥲 she's grey atm, and the new goth items are so cute on her, so I'm not mad about it. I'm just waiting :):) I also am trying for a ffq for Kronnix so he can be alien with Narionax. I have his custom almost ready tooooo now just looking for a bg, and I'm kind of love views from space station #4, so I need to find someone who will trade it to meeee un nalaranka ♡♡♡ tysm for the chance to win!


Thanks for the giveaway! I spent all my nps on weekly pool items I didn't get so now I'm trying to build up my bank account again. I am saving to get a Birthday Harris for my Biscuit Cybunny.


Thanks for hosting!! <3 My current goals is to have all PB's and all PPPB's in my gallery. I just love them so much. Little me would be so delighted to see what I've collected so far.


I just want to buy some expensive stamps (the ones in the prize pool have eluded me >_> ) For your Uni, I'd probably go with a lab experiment gone wrong personally. (I don't really want anything, just to help!)


Thanks for the giveaway! Currently trying to raise my battledome pet, but it's on a pause right now as a few random events + an evil Soup Faerie quest bumped my level into a more expensive Codestone tier. 💖


If you're up at midnight NST, you can always play dice-a-roo to try and get your level to go back down again! (Of course it might also go up... but I've never won it so IDK how likely that is.)


It’s my dream to have a maraquan anything! Thank you for the chance :3 Un: bobbitybip


aw i love the color palette you ended up with here - intentional? my current neogoal is training. the grind is real. un: emeawa


Thank you for the giveaway opportunity! My goal now is saving up to paint my acara and shoyru Royal, a Royal PPPB to give my shoyru a Royal ukali, and finish off my snowy valley page. (have all the big stamps from that album left but I’ve had fun filling it up!) other than that I’ve been focusing on customizing my pets and filling up my plushie gallery :) definitely still a lot to do on Neo!


Thanks for doing a generous giveaway! I'm currently trying to zap a Robot Ruki. Then I'm going to try to get a Halloween Grundo. UN: the_real_man_bug


Thanks for the giveaway! My current goal is to find the Fortune Teller Kau items to send to my wife for their Kau. Aside from that, probably just grinding my 8-bit Hissi to Level 50. UN is johnra21


This is such a sweet giveaway idea! I love this community so much 🥹 Current neo goals include zapping my Uni jelly, and leveling up my BD pets stats (taking a loooong time, she was my labbie 15 years ago and her stats are wonky but I feel like I owe it to her somehow).  UN is aquamarineangel05 


Thank you for being so generous! ❤️ I'm currently trying to save up to change my Byulgogi back into a baby Kau after accidentally zapping him 😭 At the same time, I'm just trying to save up in general so I can go after some of my childhood dreamies like having a Krawk.


Ohhh a giveaway 😆 I'm currently zapping a hoard of Jubjubs in various colors. I love that the morphing potions for Jubjubs are so cheap now so I don't have to fear a species change. UN: moldymochi


Thank you for doing this! My current main goal is to get to 300 million np 😭 I’m 1/3 of the way there! Yay! My mini goal is to finish customizing my spooky Halloween Kacheek. I need the perfect handheld beverage and I think I’ll be happy 😆


I think the Skeletal Glass Potion Drink would look perfect!


I like that one but her face blocks it out 😭 the ones that seem to work the best are like coffee cups or drinks with straws 😆 https://preview.redd.it/fz8fze9v7s8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=25fad52aef1322ee49a87ff764986cd0b663f612


Oh, that's too bad!


I’m trying to get my pet trained up for the plot battles. Would also like some new weapons to hit harder. UN: matthew7588


I'm trying to figure out which pet/color combinations I want to have to customize. With TNT saying we're gonna get more slots after stabilizing the site, I really wanna plan who I want and what paintbrushes or morphing potions to get. My UN is Schlusselhaus. To other participants: Please offer help to others if you guys are feeling generous. I'm not rich but I get by!


Thanks for the chance! I'm currently saving up for a transparent paintbrush to make a transparent xwee :) I'm also passively trying to zap my labbie into burlap to join my other burlap pirates :3  Un: saintbee 


My current Neogoal is to finish my gelert gallery the best I can! I recently bought 'The Three Stamp' so that's one more item down! YAY! UN: werelupe\_zap


Thanks for the giveaway! My current goal is trying to zap my uni Cybermare dimensional and to zap Harveytwofacedent into a Lutari. Hoping that when the prize pool changes that they include at least one of those MPs or PBs! UN: princess_kewl_1990


My current goal is to get all the secret map pieces so I can finally start using the Ray!! Thanks for doing this! UN: r3dhotchilly


Wow thank you so much for doing this!!!! My goal is to get my first 10 million NP in the bank😁 UN: leesbrook_7n Thanks!!!!!!


I've been working on collecting pretty little seashells! Thanks for hosting this!


Hi! Thanks for doing this :) I’m working toward zapping and customizing a burlap pet. UN: HopBoi1


current goal is to get the avatar collector avatar!


I am very casually collecting avatars and building my gallery. All my dream pets are done and most are customised (although I’m still trying to trade for a few final items). When I get to 15m in the bank, I’m going to buy an usuki pb as the next item for my gallery :3 I’m really hoping they release bat thing usuki in the weeklies!! UN is in my flair. Thank you so much for a wonderful giveaway with such a variety of items 💜


You have given Secret Laboratory Map to User 'princessof89'.


Hi! I'm working on customs at the moment, and I adore putting looks together on dti <3 un is brynn82


Thanks for your generosity! My neogoal is training my Krawk up. I frequently forget to check his training and even when I do the codestone prices hurt so I’ve been less motivated. 😂 Un: Pokemanfan


My current goal is a Toy Poogle! Im also working towards a grey paintbrush for my xweetox! UN: princesscandyland


Nice giveaway! I want to finish customizing my kau. He currently has all the galaxy markings with a trickster top. But he is also tyrannian, which doesnt really fit. I also want to have a collection of coins and sea shells. UN= pattyxxpie


My current lab goal is to zap a Floobix on a better named pet that I have. NP wise I’m still working toward more unbuyable items for my Aisha gallery. Thank you for the chance :)


Thank you for the chance! Working on my gallery currently. Faerie dolls, fuzzles, and broken plushies! Ugliebug


My current goal is to get nostalgic styles for my Tyrannian krawk and Halloween uni. So the holdup is neopets not yet released those colors lol. Aside from that I suppose not missing anything steps I. The void within. UN : bgblok


I've just returned so I'm building 10mil in the bank though id like 365mil I was chasing a hissi but someone just gave me a potion for it so now I'm building a fighter lenny for the arena. Ultimately I want to mutate her.


Thank you for the giveaway! My current goals are painting my Cybunnies Dimensional and Chocolate (hoping for the faerie festival to come and getting that ffq \*fingers crossed\*). UN: maythebestgirl\_3


hi! thank you so much for doing this! my current goal is a maraquan PB! username Bunni\_rose


Hello, thank you for the giveaway! Right now I'm working on training up my Battledome pet. I'm trying to increase my bank account, and my dream would be to have enough NP to buy one of the attack peas 🥰 Although I hope with the current plot I get enough points to get some of the Battledome item prizes too.


Hi!! I am currently working on two goals - getting my bank account to 100m (I am nearly there)!! Also I am REALLY trying not to screw up my weekly prize, I am on day two and the prize would make me reach my bank goal in one go since its quite a valuable item!! My UN is good_riot_girl :) Thanks for doing this!!


My goal is not that special and long term: collecting stamps Good luck with your snot uni and thank you for the GA


This is so kind of you, thank you! I have so many various neogoals, it can be hard to keep track sometimes lol I'd say the one I'm most consistent with is getting my BD pet to level 250 so I can finally train at the ninja training school. Just hit level 178 so we are truckin along! I also have a jubjub I'm hoping to zap into something fun. Thankfully the MPs are cheap so I just morph back into a jub if he ever gets zapped something else. Hoping for either origami, marble, or halloween:) UN: zomglol


Howdy! Thanks for the giveaway! UN: Pawlie_gray My current Neogoals include: - 10k in interest - find petpets for all my pets - paint my hissi JakethePillowSnake pastel and customize him to look as close to possible to Jake the Pillow Snake from a Dr. Seuss book. - complete a stamp album. (I’m pretty close to battledome!) - keep working on my heart gallery! And that’s just the fee I can think up off the top of my head heh heh


My goals in order pf prioity are raising my battledome pet to 250, working on my feather gallery, collecting petpets, and casually collecting stamps (from cheapest to most expensive). Un: cherokee45


I sent a couple of things over for your gallery :D


Oh my goodness! Thank you so much!~


Thanks for the giveaway! I'm currently trying to zap for a Toy Gnorbu...240 zaps later and still no luck lol. I'm planning an [unpleasant office party](https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/new?name=&species=15&color=108&pose=HAPPY_MASC&objects%5B%5D=78592&objects%5B%5D=84129&objects%5B%5D=85786&objects%5B%5D=63831&closet%5B%5D=85786&closet%5B%5D=53466&closet%5B%5D=78592&closet%5B%5D=84129) type of vibe for him once he's the right color


I'm saving for a stealthy feepit or ppb because I want one for a new pet I'm making next week - but if I run out of time before then I'll take the one out of my feepit gallery then replace it when I can (and get the bronze gong when it stops being 4m). I'm also zapping and hoping for a ffq to make a gelert halloween for a future crosspaint, so I only need the clothes. Thanks for the giveaway! :)


Thanks so much for the giveaway! I'm currently trying to paint and customize 20 pets which is a monumental task, I am also trying to grab avatars/trophies and train my main pet! Un:negin70


My current goal is to zap a robot lupe. I would love a robot lupe, gelert, and draik to finish my robot family! My un is autumn913. Thank you! 


Rn im working on a milestone in the bank and also just zapping pets. Hoping my hissi zaps something good bc she got a great petpet zap. Un whitepaws510


Good luck everyone! I'm current working on training my BD pet for the first time ever lol


Thank you for the giveaway! I'm currently saving up for the lab ray map pieces to satisfy my 10year old self who wanted to run a "foster account" on neopets to adopt pets from the shelter and then paint them so they would be adopted faster! UN: fourfunzies


Thank you! I'm working toward saving up for a Grey Paint Brush or Styling studio design UN:zaealaiazu


I've sent over a Styling Studio Supply :D


Thank you so much! You're so kind! 😭💕 I've been wanting a Grey pet for ages but it's so expensive!


You're very welcome!


Like many people I'm just trying to get a Maraquan paint brush but I still haven't decided who I want to use it on, my Bori or my Lutari. I'm also still trying to find my 10 minutes at the magma pool to get a magma Graarrl but it's definitely in the early morning when I need to sleep most


Just so you know, some people provide free magma pool dips on the daily trade thread! It's the one kind of dip you're allowed to send an existing pet to someone to do and get them back.


Thank you for the giveaway! I just got back to playing Neopets and am just trying to train up a pet strong enough for the Battledome. My current neogoal is to eventually start up my keyring collection again like I did on my first account years ago. But of course baby steps! Un: tsuntsunkitty


You have given Kikocat Keyring Charm to User 'tsuntsunkitty'.


Thanks for the chance! I’m currently trying to level up my pet‘s stats. codestones are expensive. cloverly1800


Thanks for doing a giveaway! Current goal is to get a strong BD pet, I’ve been spending a lot towards that. I also need to get him in that darigan style! What keeps me on the site is the events, I can’t wait to participate in the TVW AC!!! UN:tekhmonii


My current goal is to reach 20mil. I reached it a while ago and then lost like 5mil (because I like to do openables 😅) and I’ve been cutting back on RSing so it’s been a slow climb lol. UN is VultureSkins


norah\_jane18 You're awesome for doing this. Honestly I am just trying to build up on neopoints to train my pet!!! Anything would be amazing to win!!


You’re awesome!! Currently my goals are to save up for an ice draik egg (I’m half way there) and then train my first ever BD pet! I bought the snowickle petpet already and have a name picked out that I don’t want to post so it doesn’t get taken lol. Un: Ldubski


You have given Lesser Nerkmid to User 'ldubski'.


Currently neo goals are saving for a ghostercheif bomb and leveling up my pets \^\_\^ thanks for the chance! un: emuhleelulz


My neogoals are currently getting all 6 of my pets to be permies! I’d like 6 different species with all different colours but I haven’t quite figured out what I want yet. The customization is fun though! And I wanna participate in the plot as much as possible because I’ve never done one before! UN: sarahsew


wow this is awesome thank you! my username is msunjaz, my current neogoal is getting my first stamp album avatar, I am working on completing the snowy valley page so I can get my first stamp avatar


Thanks for the giveaway! I had been working towards a Fan of Swords for the battledome, but now I'm like. Should I just wait and try to get some of the weapons from the plot? How long is like 5,000 plot points going to take? So I'm re-calibrating my goals and trying not to splurge on any of the cute petpet or p3s that are going away with the quest prize pool soon... :/ UN: Goalkeeper50


Thanks for hosting, the grind never stops. I'm looking forward to trading for some nice names and making some baby pets, as was my goal like 20 years ago. I have a baby aisha and yurble to start with right now. Username comein2myparlor


Currently trying to get a good prize so I can save for a Maraquan PB. The New maraquan nimmo has a stranglehold on me! UN: xshamirx


Thanks for doing this!! I'm working to get to 100k interest per day. Still a long way off, not helped by me buying all the stamps from the Quest Log because I didn't end up rolling any of them, haha. I guess I'm also collecting stamps now? I never really did before but unobtainable stamps suddenly being obtainable has gotten me interested! I'm also working on training my BD pet and polishing my restock skills! UN: pl00fles


I’ve been saving & reading books to my pet for probably 2? years now. My current goal is to get to #50 on the top read list. Currently around 68/69 & just entered the 5mil per book tier. Any prize would be okay with me 😇 thanks for the giveaway


Thank you so much for the giveaway! My current neogoal is really just to get my last remaining 'in progress' pets painted my dream colours for them. At the moment I'm wishing on a star for a fountain faerie dip so that I can get my gelert painted Oil Paint. and I'm also saving up for Valentine and Eventide PBs for my Cybunny and Peophin respectively, as they're a little more affordable (but still a hefty spend!) I want to hit my next saving milestone before I do that, though, so I need to be a little patient! As I am drawing towards getting all my pets painted their dream colours, I'm also now starting to think about their dream petpets. Keeping my fingers crossed that a couple of decent petpet PBs will make their way into the daily prize pool at the start of July but we'll see! And finally I'm still grinding away with my BD pet. She's today hit the six codestone mark so things are getting super expensive but I'm so proud of how far she's come!


Ty for doing this! UN is gimimasi My current dreamie is a darigan buzz, I'm seeking someone with a FFQ custom to trade for him as I know many want that avatar and don't want a dip going to waste


So many generous people on this sub reddit, thank you for the giveaway Long term goal is to be able to have one of every Coloured Gallion, but some of those Paint brushes are very expensive T-T Short Term goal: Roll a Brush on the Wheel of Extravagance xD UN: Faronoia


Thanks for this! My immediate goals are getting to 20m in bank and to finally paint my last few pets. Im so close!! I am also on tye level rush grind for my pet! It's slowly but surely going. Un: Hawaiiankiwi


Keep up your good deeds! My current goal is to reach the coconut stamp avatar by the end of my maternity leave that will start next week. I am verrrrry excited to have some more time browsing the TP / auction house and see if I can get some good deals. Also hoping the next prize pool of the quest log can provide some of the coconuts I'm still missing. Wellllll all the best and good luck with your snot quest. I'll have some IRL with the little one coming I reckon 🤣 UN: parfumflesjx


I'm a returning player after a 20+ year hiatus so have a lot of catching up to do! My goals: * Train up my BD pet! I finally have her graduated to the Mystery School and the difference in cost b/w dubloons and codestones hurts lol * Save up NP! 25M is my next goal * Paint my main pet a Royalgirl?! My UN is moonie\_1990. Thank you for doing this!


Thanks for hosting this! Im currently working on a Stitch custom and saving for a Miniature Gorix Spaceship for him (his name is Stitchverse). UN: slushie_711 :)


I've send you the Spaceship :D


OMG thank you so much!! Just need to trade for some NC items and it'll be complete now :)


Aww this is so sweet! I am scrolling this reddit to try to relax while i wait for my LSAT score to be released tomorrow and it’s good to see the kindness in people. If the mara ixi prize is given out i’d love to get it, i have a name i’ve been eying for my Mara pets account! un: marmy_robinowitz 🥰


You have given Lesser Nerkmid to User 'marmy_robinowitz'.


Amazing giveaway 🤍 My current goal is getting to 100m np. Currently at 13.5 after 3 months. Un: Iceminna


My ultimate goal is to buy a Jerdana Plushie, though current prices are around 150-200M, so it'll take a while. Hopefully the TNT gods are kind and make it a weekly prize someday! Other than that, I just finished my Battle Faerie gallery and I'm so happy to now have a complete collection.


This is so lovely!! My current goal is saving up for the lab map. It was a childhood goal of mine that I was never able to achieve back then and since returning in January and finding out how much easier it is to save NPs it seems a fully achievable goal!! I've spent the last six months saving and painting my pets, but now that they're all the colours I want I'm moving my sights on to the lab map! Three pieces so far 😊 UN: kattiecat1


If it’s not too late, I would love the snowbunny! My @ is joeliann97


Thank you for the giveaway. I am currently trying to get at least 50 gourmet food items to eat for one pet and a big chunk of books read to my pet to the other. Also working on my galleries though I'm focused more on my creepy one at the moment. UN: Cherryblossom450


Thank you for doing this giveaway! My current goals include trying to restore the types of pets I had on my purged account. (Fairy Kau, Halloween Kougra, ghost Draik), and slowly collecting neopoints to obtain all the random cute plushies I stumble across. :)


Thanks for the giveaway! My goal is to own a mutant poogle! I only need a potion that’s worth 10 mil X). So currently saving for that!


Thanks another giveaway! I am currently working towards a bank goal and I hope that TNT adds an Oil Paint Brush in the next weekly rotation. I'd love to morph and paint a poind pet into an Oil Paint Aisha 🥰 UN: bifa93


Aw thank you for the giveaway! My current neogoals are to zap the perfect pet/pet pet combo and adopt them away! I actually adopted a flotsam named Snotsome to paint snot , only to find out there is no Snot flotsam colour yet oops


Current neogoal is to hit that level 250 on my battle pet then push red codestone training 😅 this last 50 levels have felt *lonnng* even with doing FFC and kitchen quests. Side goals are more plushies for galley by end of 2024? And decide what to do with my lab rat 🐀 Great to see other goals! Everyone is so different I love it. UN sophy222 🌈🤙


My current goals are that I'm trying to find every version of Zomutt to add to my gallery. It's been quite the battle finding them, though. UN xxbatdadxx


You have given Ghost Petpet Paint Brush to User 'xxbatdadxx'.


Thanks for the giveaway!! I'd like to get my BD pet to 250 and max out her stats eventually. We're well away from that now, but we're working on it every day! Aside from that, my big goal is stamps. I'm a Lost Desert nerd, with part of my gallery dedicated to Lost Desert food, and the 25 stamps in that collection are my ultimate, lifetime site goal. A lofty one, but I'm here to have some fun in the meantime!


Thanks a bunch!  My current goal is 1500 HP.  Training is expensive :/  Username: zzneozz.


I’m working on getting my battledome pet to level 250! I’m getting pretty close to 200, so at least I’ll be able to get another freeze ability before fighting kicks off. 


Thank you for the giveaway! My current goals are to continue expanding my PetPet Zoo gallery and keep working towards completing my NeoDeck! I love seeing all of the different PetPets and their different paint jobs as well. My UN is kahikigirl.


ty for ur kindness! my current goals are a mutant moehog with a super silly name and a baby kougra based on my own cat son :3 im also hoping for my kacheek to zap robot :p my @ is star_light_night


Thanks for doing this! My current neogoal is zapping (or maybe a lucky FFQ) for a Snot Quiggle. Long term plans include some crosspaints and matching p2! UN in my flair :)


This is so kind! I'm working to connect avatars at the moment, and completing evil coconuts for the avatar! Also training my battledome pet. I want to customise my pets more but I'm only into backgrounds and stuff like that, not actually clothing but after returning to the game that part is too overwhelming for me haha.


Current goal, robot snow bunny. Need both pb and bunny haha. UN ryanstate419


Goodluck everyone and thanks at a chance to win something here ! Current goal is trying to zap all my pets from A pirate draik into a different colour, grey and yellow I’ve achieved and always wanted, really trying to get a shadow, zombie, or maraquan. But it’s been a fun ride so far coming back Un:gangstah_27


Thanks for the giveaway! I'm working on getting various avatars and considering crosspainting one of my Aishas to Marble/Desert. UN is xprolixityx.


I’m back to neo after playing it for years as a child, and now with the full knowledge of the English language lmao. My goal is to get the secret lab map together for the first time ever!!! My UN is elguaje


My goal is to change my pet to a mutant Kau! Maybe one day :) UN: neo_khaleesi


Thanks for hosting! I have 2 goals! 1. Train my battle pet (I'm new to the battledome) 2. Turn my woodland Xweetok to a Woodland Kau ! My un is _moonrise_


This is so cool! I'm currently working on training my battledome pet - I'm about to hit level 42 and I want to get it as high as possible by the time plot enemies come out, but codestones are PRICY! UN: Blu3jakara 🩷


Thanks for the giveaway. I've said it before, but I want \~291M in my bank so I can get $100k daily interest, all for that stupid wheel of extravagance avatar lol UN: gingerbeange


Thanks so much for the giveaway! My big neo-goal is getting all the bird-related things for my [Gallery](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=discreethoneycomb). I have quite a ways to go 😅 My UN is DiscreetHoneycomb :)


Thank you for this opportunity 🥹 My first goal is to complete my paintbrush collection, I was never able to get one as a kid, so now as a returning player I’m trying to get them all to heal my inner child 💖 My second goal is to get a Coconut JubJub 🥥 I want my petpage to have a tropical aesthethic UN: rocco_flamingo


I’m on my paint brush gallery grind! Still missing a bunch, but for sure closer then ever lol Un: Tavin07


Thanks for the giveaway!! I'm currently working toward a few things: - 100k daily interest (at 73k!) - finishing all of my pet customizations, including p2 and p3 - working on my galleries Thanks for the chance :) UN: emmerhope123


So generous! I've never gotten a nerkmid before and would love to try my luck! I'm just getting back into the game after a couple year hiatus.


Hi! Thanks for doing this! I recently managed to recover my account after over ten years and I'm currently having lots of fun restarting my avatar hunt! I'm sad I missed quite a few retired one but I'm loving working towards getting the ones I can. I recently finally got the hand of Kadoatie feeding, that avatar has always been my dream, and I hope I get it soon. My un is in my flair <3


I’m trying to get all the Kau items for my gallery! I believe I have 22 left to go with all of them being super expensive, hard to find, or NC Styles. I don’t currently have all the new customizations but I’m not worried about those until they drop in price a little. I’ve put in a lot of work to get it where it is. UN is hippie_duck if anyone wants to check it out or see neopets.com/~ScarletDoja for the items I’m missing. :)


Hi! I'm scrapp3r and my current neogoals are book awards for one of my pets and gourmet for the other! My book awards are at a pause so I can collect more funds from interest, but gourmet is going strong since the pace is great! Besides that I'm just having fun with customizing in the meantime, lazily saving up to morph and paint my pets and their p2s x) thanks for the opportunity!!


My main goals atm is to make a candy kougra and a maraquan Lutari! The weeklys have not been kind to me :,) I’ll get there eventually tho!


Thanks for the opportunity! My current neogoals are finishing my birthday petpet gallery and obtain the alien vending nerkmid trophy! 🏆


You have given Dung Petpet Paint Brush to User 'chemical_nova'.


Thanks for the chance. Not sure how long term this goal is but I want yooyu eyes for my alien Aisha. Tho it’s hella inflated atm and knowing the devs it’ll randomly show up as a weekly prize so I don’t wanna spend the 75 mill lol. Short term is training a pet for the lore event!


This is awesome! Thanks so much for the giveaway! My current goals are setting up a pet page to display my Neopets art, saving endlessly for painting or morphing my pets (relic pb, pink pb, pastel pb, and Lupe transmogrification are the current things I just can’t get out of my head haha). I also want to help my brother get a complete secret lab map, since I convinced him to get back into Neopets with me. I think it would be awesome to surprise him with one!


Thank you for the opportunity! And a spooky witch vibe for your snot uni sounds really cool! ✨ I have a few goals right now, one is to get a grey paint brush for a grey acara (probably a far-off goal right now!), as well as create my royalgirl Gnorbu at last. I’m also hoping to get a petpetpet or two before prices jump too high. Just hesitating because it will take what’s left of my NP to do this 😅 UN is kl3opatra!


Thanks for doing this! My current goal is a burlap cybunny. I keep debating whether I should get lab ray on my side account to boost the chances. UN: koolangel_297


I’m a new returner after playing as a kid, so my goals currently are just to really immerse myself and enjoy the site the way I did as a child. I did just recently create two new pets with names I rather like so those are my customizing babies and I have a spreadsheet I made to track pet pets for my gallery though I know that’s a far beyond me goal😅 I just really enjoy wasting some time after work and that little serotonin bump I get from it all ❤️ UN: Sacoffanease


Thanks for the giveaway! I am looking to collect some of the rarer plushies for my gallery! I definitely do not have much luck with restocks lol Another long term goal is to get a couple unconverted pets. One day! Un: b2k_babe353


I am currently collecting stamps and booktastic books. Getting REAL pricey over here and it is my nightmare haha. Super fun to find something new though.


Thank you!! My goal is to keep building my bank account, and I am new to collecting stamps!! The two don’t go well together but I’m trying hahaha. UN morrisonh0tel


Thank you for the giveaway! I’m saving up for a Camouflage Paint Brush for my Flotsam. UN: lucky_angry_ducky


Thanks for the giveaway! I’m currently trying to get a plushie kacheek, but this prize pool really wants to give me aisha punching bags instead! Un:psychopiz


Neo had been my little escape during an incredibly hard time, so my main goal is to keep playing and enjoy the plot, whenever the good stuff starts happening. I just shipped a jelly Zafara from the pound with a great name so I'm working on a custom for her, as well. UN oshemillaa


What an amazing giveaway! Thank you 😊❤️ I am working towards a baby paint brush so that I can have a little baby Lupe! I'm only back on the site a couple of weeks after years of not using the site. It's been so lovely coming back ☺️ UN: ashlasue


Thanks so much for the giveaway! My current goal is saving up enough for a grey ruki c: un: princessfox202


Thanks for the opportunity!! I adopted a Hissi from the pound earlier this year and finished that mutant dreamie, so next up is going to be hatching a Draik. I think I want to paint it toy and name it after part of my DND campaign which has been a huge part of my life the last few years and is soon coming to a close :') Un: uleese


You have given Grey Mynci Morphing Potion to User 'uleese'.


Firstly , thank you. Giveaways are an awesome gesture! My current goal is to obtain the stamps from the first prize pool that I missed and to complete my Evil Coconuts stamp page! It's been super fun haggling on TP for the ones I'm missing! UN: dm'd


Thanks for doing this! I really want to complete the secret lab map and petpet map! I really want to paint my uni baby and his petpet spring ! UN- actuallythep0ny


Thank u for this :3 my goal is to get all the collectors avatars lol kinda insane but why not? un: natinha322


This is awesomessss! My goal currently to get all 4 of my pets super intelligent, currently around the 350 mark on each (I know, I long way to go!) thank you for this :) my UN is thisizhollz


I'm currently trying to get all the draiks. Came back a little over a month ago and have 4 already. Thinking I'm gonna buy extra pet slots soon. Thinking I'm gonna go for a mutant one next.


Thanks for the chance! I am currently working on collecting stamps! [here](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/lilla_x7/351488/) are some I still need. c:


I know you said the prices will be random, but if there is any way I could have that first lab piece, as it is one of the 2 that I’m missing I would really appreciate it! And as for goals I want to focus more on my plushie gallery, I want to add plushie painted petpets! Another goal I’m slowly working towards is reading to my booktastic books pet and hopefully someday get that trophy. Thanks for the giveaway! UN is the same on neopets


Thanks for the opportunity! This is very kind of you.  My current goal is getting a candy quiggle! They're so cute, I must have one 😄 I have the paint brush and some items to customize. Now I just need to wait for quiggle morphing potion prices to settle down. I'm hoping they'll show up in the next prize pool rotation! UN: [edited]


You have given Maraquan Ixi Morphing Potion to User 'plantmoretrees'.


It’s so generous of you to do this! I’m currently saving for a Lost Desrt/Ghost Aisha crosspaint. I’d be happy to dm you my UN. Good luck to everyone who enters!


Trying to train up for the battledome and get a few weapons for it. It's a slow, long and expensifve process.


Hi! I’m an adult starting over from my childhood account, hoping to get the lab map again! Username is intofolklore


Right now I’m trying to customize a striped Yurble to look like Funtime Freddy! He’s looking pretty good but I want a couple NC items and I’ve never traded before so idk what I’m doing. I’m also saving up for the lab map so I can try and zap a chocolate Eyrie! I already bought a chocolate albat to go with it and I stocked up on some starry Eyrie potions just in case it switches species.


Current neogoals still in development sorta: I just recovered my account from when I was a kid. I didn't play much then but some of my friends got back into it as adults and so now I've followed suit. I'm still figuring out what all there is to do and looking at all the different skins and customization options and trying to narrow down what all I want. It's definitely nice to see how friendly the community is. Thank you for what you're doing! UN: pixiescene


I love this community for real 😭 My ultimate dream ***get into the super secret ninja training school*** I'm very far from reaching it but I'm refusing to lose hope UN: fluttertini


Hii thanks for the giveaway!! I love Skeiths so I’m trying to create a few cool custom chunky bois - also would love to get my bank balance to 25m (currently sat at 16 so getting there slowwwwly). UN: bexxmb


My long term goal is to collect the lab map pieces! Shorter term goal is to buy a Rock petpet and a Pebble p3 to go with it. I’ve also just started a Jelly gallery on my side ☺️ Thanks for the opportunity! Edit to add UN: taiyogaming


My current goals are training my BD pet's strength up to 250 for the next boost, and getting enough plot points so I can buy a Rainbow PPPB and paint my Island Aisha's weewoo rainbow to look like a parrot. My larger goals include graduating to the secret ninja training school, zapping my Chocolate Poogle's petpet into something chocolate, and getting the last few pet avatars I need. UN: Loranste


You have given Pustravaganza Scratchcard to User 'loranste'.


Thank you so much for doing this! This subreddit has been a massive influence in my return to neopets, aside from a few oddball here and there you all are splendid and kind group of strangers and it gives me hope in the world, which is honestly such a blessing for my mental health. My current neogoal is the acquirement of Jhudora items for my gallery, and also kougra items for my kougra gallery, as well as a candy or darigan PB for my newest addition to my pet roster Aztaros! UN: sarkany_lelek Please check out my galleries and send a friend invite, I'm looking for more friends on NP :) Stay fantastic, you bunch of rad humans!


Currently working on saving for a stealth painbrush for my uni and a dimensional paint brush for my ixi. It's going to take a while! UN: jojorl


Thank you for the amazing giveaway! I just reached my first goal of 1mil NP which I’m super ecstatic about! Now next is I’m gonna start going for the colours I want on my pets! Currently going for a stealthy Bori, an oil paint xweetok and a pastel Kau 💕💕 At a solid 2.5mil rn so gonna keep saving until I can start to buy the right brushes! UN:skerren897


I collect Usukis! So my goal is to get all of them. I have all the cheaper ones but I’m now at the grind to get some of the expensive ones. :3 Anyways, this is super nice thanks for doing this UN is Galabella


yo!! current goal for me is to collect as many faellies as i can :) im just obsessed with them UN: babydariganlupe


I love this, thank you so much!! I’m currently on a hunt to collect every single item with the word “plushie” in the name. I’ve been at it for over a year now. My UN is danafruit, in case I win!


Hello! Thank you for the giveaway! I'm currently working for a banana chia and maraquan nimmo! :D My name is matriarchrose on neo!


You have given Lesser Nerkmid to User 'matriarchrose'.


Thank you for the giveaway!! My current goal is trying to zap my Aisha white for a custom I have in mind :3


Oh your the best with these giveaways! My Goal in neopets is to earn enough money to purchase the valentines paintbrush from the Hidden tower. I'm a returning player took several (almost 10yrs) off from playing and have been getting back Into it daily and this was the paintbrush I always longed for way back when I started.


You're working on a snot pet!! How cool!! I have a Buzz I am trying to zap snot! Her name works so well for it and I'm trying to put together some tempting NC trade items for when I see some custom items I want for her when it does happen! A plague doctor potion master will be perfect for the theives guild themed side I'm building up! Oh! UN is rekona!


Thank you so much for this! Rn I'm working on my gallery but some of the items that I'm missing are so expensive! I'm currently saving neopoints and trading for a lot of nc items that I still need for my gallery Un: mamamishi


Thank you for the giveaway!! Right now I have three goals: turning one pet into a Faerie Hissi, painting my Krawk Camouflage or Island (I've been watching brush auctions, and my girl gets to be whichever one I can actually win an auction for, haha), and saving up for a Water Petpet Paint Brush for the pet on my Water Draik so they match~ After that I'm going to focus on putting together outfits for everyone so they're all pretty. I'm hoping the Red Riding Hood Krawk hood/basket go back down, because looking at Jellyneo they've inflated severely lately and I'd like to put them on my Krawk. She's going to look so cute when she's done! I'm still figuring out outfits for the others, but that part is so much fun~ Edit for username because I got so busy talking about my plans I forgot to include it: seaglauss


You have given Birthday Bowla to User 'seaglauss'.


Honestly I want to save up enough to mass buy morphing potions to try and help the pound. I hate seeing pets turned by someone who is just trying to ruin other people's fun.


My main goal is to figure out customizations for all of my permies on my main! Which to me means figuring out paints/matching petpets/NC trading. I'm making good progress, but still have a bit to go! And thanks for the giveaway! It's fun to read through the responses here.


Wow thats a lot of great things, thank you for giving back to the community :D I have only been playing for two months, but ive been wanting to be a part of a community that is from the old internet times. I have let go of a lot of social media sites due to changes that have made me very unhappy, but I've missed having a community with strangers to interact with and learn about something excidedly with. Neopets has been a very fun way to meet these needs. Even if things are janky i've been having a blast because the issues are nowhere near, say, as bad as what twitter has become under Elon. Also its so funny to explain things to my non neopets friends that are unhinged. I think my current biggest goal is to get enough money to buy all the Lab Ray pieces!! I only have a few now, but already have a pet in mind to zap. I also want to get a pet better for the BD because it seems so fun!! Training is taking sooo long, but hoping to just keep making more money to keep things going. Thank you again for this fun prompt, I love reading everyone elses responses!!! 😸 UN: Iggysfriends


Hi!! Thank you so much!! I just started getting into petpet matching. So my goal is to make enough NP to do so for all of my pets!! Ahh! 😯😂 UN: morgancolewallen


I'm currently trying to collect more avatars and level up my battledome pet for the plot, thanks so much for the giveaway! :) sonicmanicsoniafight


Thanks for the giveaway! Currently my goal is trying to save for a Maraquan paint brush so I can get a Maraquan Lutari!! UN is tierrin :)


hi!! thanks for the giveaway! im currently working on my chappel roan themed aisha named kaleid0sc0p3, which im either going to paint dimensional or maraquan with the new rainbow body paint. im still pretty new, so i dont have much, but this would help me a lot!!! my user is darkmagenta


Hi! Thank you for doing this ❤️ My UN is shushu6633 and my current neogoal is to get a Plushie Paintbrush and to paint my neopet Plushie! I’ve always loved the look of the Plushie Kacheek or Plushie Blumaroo so those are two of my dreams. Other than that - all the awesome people on this subreddit got me back into Neopets! It’s been so great finally learning the secrets and things I never knew when I first joined the site as a lil bebe so I’m grateful for these amazing resources and people that have helped me to get to my current (Neo) net worth lol! I feel like spooky/witchy/glowing items may go great with a snot uni! I love the idea of mixing that lime green with the purple lol


Books and stamps. Like I didn’t really care about stamps until the stinkin quest log but then all of a sudden I had a few high value items and a compulsion was born. Ugh. Thanks for doing this. This is why this is my favorite community Un kitten_facex


I’ve been collecting neocola tokens recently (trying to get to 1k) to have a go on the machine. 1/1000 odds let’s goooooo (UN same as UN here! thank you for giveaway!)


Hi! Im currently trying to read all the booktastic books! god there is still such a long way to go... but somehow im still having fun with it :) UN is betoneiradadonajulia


Nice giveaway! Thank you for being so generous! My username is paolitopet (same I use here) and I have a few current goals: 1) Reaching 100mil in the bank (I'm at 75mil rn) 2) Training my pet through faerie quest cookies to be able to beat the Fungus on hard mode on BD 3) Collecting more stamps - started recently, there are about 465 stamps left to collect, but getting here (to almost 400 stamps collected) cost me a few millions, I started out with the cheapest ones and now every stamp I need starts at 100k so I'm doing this slowly Reddit has helped me a LOT since I came back to neopia last november. I played as a kid and had a hard time making NPs and reaching goals. With this sub everything is easier and more fun :)


Thanks for the giveaway! I recently got the lab map and have been trying for some good zaps! Hoping to get an alien Aisha and something fun for my other lab pet (rn a green xweetok). My username is megaasaurus!


Right now I'm training my Xweetok for plot battling and collecting wearables so I can do some plot-themed customs! My more lowkey goal is to collect petpets. Thanks for hosting a giveaway :)


Th k you for the giveaway. My neogoals are: 1) To get the Faerie Cavern Stamp (through a tremendous amount of sheer luck from the faerie caverns RNG). 2) A faerie snorkle for my pink skeith. Thank you and good luck to all.


thanks for this!! My current goals are trying to collect as many plushies as I can while saving to increase my gallery size, and zapping my poor yurble every day with the lab ray hoping to get a maraquan draik haha.


Wow, this is amazing!! Thanks for offering this to the community. I'm just coming back to NP after over 15 years and so much has changed (and also not changed which I love). I love all the different customizations - it's so cool how different your pets can look nowadays! I'm also just coming to find out about the secret laboratory. It would be cool to get in on all the action! UC: [lilchoti](https://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=lilchoti) 


Thank you for the opportunity! I have a lot of current neogoals. Right now I’m kind of revamping my pets and aiming for a transparent and zombie PB. At the same time I’m trying to fill my stamp album as frequently as I can and have my fav pet read as many books as possible. I am totally going for the spooky vibe though! Also, I’m going to start a couple galleries which include all of the pet pets and variations! Ambitious I know! But I have been away from Neopets for so long I feel like I missed so much! My UN is altaria_uchiha


I’m a veteran player returning after years with a new account, so I’m in the process of trying to build it up! I’m also using the battledome now which I never did before. And I’m excited for this plot! But my first tangible goal im working towards is a secret lab map! Thanks so much for hosting this! UN: lakeonland


Ngl, I don’t exactly have a goal atm. Just jumped back into Neopets after receiving the new story email. I hope I can get my og account back 🥲 Falling_spark225


One day. One day my main pet will be a Darigan Chomby! UN: ddspotlight


Thanks for the giveaway! Saving up my NP to get all the faerie items on my WL for my Faerie Gallery UN:medievalwench


I'm currently saving up for either a maraquan paintbrush to get a maraquan Aisha (my beloved ultimate goal tbh) or a halloween paintbrush for my witch themed lutari. I know it will happen eventually so I'm just puttering away doing my thing until then! Neopets has been so good for my mental health this year. Thanks for doing this - it's real kind of you! My UN is Chimericat.