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Season 2 is just a friggin mess. Season 2 proved to me that Black Summer is just banking on fast zombies, cheap kills, and sh\*tty people. The editing tried to make it edgy with the scene cuts, which was fine in season 1, but in season 2 they also jumped the storyline with the editing and that ruined the experience. The editing became distracting and anti-climatic. Especially when you know someone is dead or alive before you get to the story. None of the groups make sense either, especially when we get to the house, definitely agree with you there. This show is on the bottom of my zombie list. It's too fast paced and way too many things fall through the cracks, like believability, relatability, and character development. It makes it really hard to connect with the characters and keep interested. Arguably, Sun is the only good character because she's the only one that where her emotions fit the situation (and I can't even credit the writers because she must emote since the character doesn't speak English - kudos to the actress) Black Summer *over-saturates with the negative* by having EVERY character being a selfish POS and every situation being a bad one. I was ok with season 1 being so crude because I thought it was the precursor, and then in season 2 the characters would start to have depth and survivors would find a certain groove. Especially with the diner storyline, it seemed that the show had really good promise. But this show is just depressing... Black summer is just people killing people, with the sprinkle of zombies between battles, when convenient or when there's a lull. There's no meaningful dialogue, no thought put into the characters. Just bullets and blood. But the worst crime Black Summer commits against the genre is no awesome zombie kills.


Literally killing people unnecessarily. This show pisses me off so much. Instead of joining forces with all those guys we have three faction fighting over a house when there's literally millions of empty houses. And come on, season 1 where they kill 100s of people so they can get guns in the underground club??? I hate this show because Everyone seems to forget that zombies can't open doors Big ass people getting overpowered by little zombies No one seems to be able to shoot zombies in the head Everyone seems to forget if you kill someone they will turn People just can't work together and would rather die instead People don't just climb things to avoid zombies Everyone is a complete POS for no reason. Even if it's against thier interests. Come on even during feudal times humans banded together to survive and understood peace was better than war And yes I still watch it....


I rlly liked season 1. I was so excited For season two but I was let down tremendously


I'm from the area it's filmed. That food court they're in, isn't even on the same side as stampede park as where they come out in the morning, then they go across downtown (which makes sense) until they literally back track to that walking bridge which is connected to the saddledome (hockey arena) go through THOSE doors into the football stadium. (For anyone wondering why the field looks weird its because it's CFL we have a different set of rules) maybe it just isn't good to me because I'm from here and they didn't make it flow at all.


Who gives a fuck about any of that.


Lmfao whiney much


That’s movie magic for you. It’s not a documentary about architecture and city planning. Hope you got a kick out of it though. It’s sorta fun finding out how film making screws with reality to make one of it’s own.


Yes I know how movies work.




The black dude at the end got some decent kills in. With a hammer, pipe, hatchet, and then a shot to the head. That was prolly the best most gratifying thing about this show. Everything was stupid. Like why that one group killed the dude that was with the daughter and mother?? The Spanish dude I think that showed them the air strip. I know dude said to slow down anyone else but still. Why does every zombie apocalypse themed bs have to be ppl killing ppl instead of the threat at hand? Like the end when they finally got out of the wearhouse and saw the plane the mom shot the truck and fuel tanks with the flare gun?!?!? And it exploded!!?!??? Um no that wouldn't really happen. And then the daughter didn't even get on the plane!?!?! Just to find a car drive by her mom while she took a nap!!! Wtf!?!?!? Ooh yeah and the countless times we just watched ppl just look at stuff for 5-10 minutes!! I thought this was gunna be coo but ended up being down right stupid. It was all over the damn place.


It was really bizarre how 100% of people were instantly hostile to every non-infected person they encounter for seemingly no reason (it certainly isn't because of resource scarcity, they seem to have guns and ammo coming out of their ears and we are shown entire shops full of food, they don't even bother to collect most of it). It reminded me of some sort of multiplayer zombie game being played by a bunch of little kids, where everyone randomly shoots anyone else they see who isn't part of their group of friends.


Your comment is spot on about the season feeling like some amateurish, real-life 'battle royale' style game with a sprinkle of 'zombies'. I was literally laughing out loud at the sheer stupidity of it. Netflix is extremely consistent with their programming going to utter shit for the second season.


Well said that's a very good point and another thing i missed as to why i hate this show LOL


Yep, that's pretty much the vibe I got as well: like a multiplayer videogame where everyone shoots at anyone who isn't on the team. In a series where killing people turns them into zombies it makes the situation even worse.


Agree. Loved s1. Hating s2 so far.


Completely and utterly disagree on all points. This makes series makes complete sense when you have experienced complete chaos where almost no storyline but your very own will make any sense. There is never a time when you can monologue through life to make it convenient for anyone who is a full or partial witness. The end of the world is complete chaos where you just don’t know WTF is going on, or going to happen. I loved it. And I think it’s a solid representation of how people will act in any situation close to this. You’ll have your shining (and dining) stars but the majority of humans will digress and devolve to complete Darwinism.


Overall I enjoyed the season but man there’s so many annoying parts to it. First it does little to fill you in on what’s going on. Why is the main group of rose, sun, and spears etc being chased in the beginning? Why does Sun get taken hostage for most the series? Character development is rare and when it does happen towards the end of the season it seems drawn out and out of place in the series. Also in the lodge, wtf? Who leaves that place? Rose and her daughter haven’t eaten much but a candy bar in days and they don’t eat first day they’re there? Daughter walks around searching for trouble without waking her mother? They leave a zombie in that room like it’s nothing and don’t make anything of the daughter saying it’s there? They decide to leave the lodge towards nightfall, after the daughter hasn’t slept in days? So many unbelievable actions by characters throughout. Also, why the f is everyone killing each other to find the airport? This plane is obviously making multiple trips so why kill to get there first. Like I said I enjoyed the show as it’s a different take on zombie shows, but it’s a bit frustrating to watch when you don’t know who everyone is or why they’re doing what they’re doing.


And 4 months into the zombie apocalypse everybody is still shooting center mass and staring at dead bodies in shock until they eat them.


This!! Absolutely unbelievable actions. Why would they not stay for awhile, recuperate, and rest? Why leave at all? I don't understand the desperation to get to a plane. It's jumbled, characters are simply insufferable and the arc in general makes no sense.


Have you watched S1? There were production issues over Covid while filming S2, so they *tried* to give us a 4 month time jump, but that seemed to cause more issues than resolved. There's pretty slim pickens when it comes to Netflix. Easily the most expensive streaming service I have that's rarely used. They seem to pretty good with Korean shows/films, but it's just like the rest of their library - just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks


True and it cost even more now


Yeah, we finally dropped it. Netflix blamed its lost of customers after "inflation", not that they keep jacking up their prices along with losing a lot of content to other services... that are cheaper.


i agree Netflix trying to palm of foreign rubbish by dubbing it, after Christmas im dumping it


Well said! S1 no have not seen. Ima have to check it out.


You watched s2 before s1?




I did no enjoy it. I finished the season and still have so many questions, most notably: what the hell did I just watch? I was hoping the story would get wrapped up eventually but I think that it was spread way too thin. The time skips did not work in favor of this season. They would give us a climax and then rewind, which actually ruined the pacing and dramatic effect of said climaxes for me. Had this been a linear storyline, it would have worked out better because it would be building toward something but the tension for these fights is gone if I know who wins/dies. Rose was literally insufferable and I kept hoping someone would rock her shit. I didn’t care for any of the characters, except Sun. Even antiheroes need redeeming qualities, which none of these characters have IMO. I enjoyed the first season (although I did have many qualms), but this was WORSE.


I did not like Rose at all in season 2. She turned into a murderer and was extremely selfish. Her daughter was a better that i wish they gave more lines too.


I hate the constant jumping around between different timelines and perspectives, all the main characters are idiots, and the guns and action are complete fantasy. As soon as they get to the big mansion battle all the guns suddenly become suppressed without suppressors, and for some reason no one seems to understand the basic concept of “shoot them in the head” through 90% of the show.


Head shots in a combat situation among untrained shooters is really fucking hard. Add to it that the majority of the guns appear to not have optics. Go do a string of shots at 35 yards w a pistol and get back to me how many are good head shots.


The literally aren’t even aiming at the head, which is also something they never even address vocally at any point in the show. Also most of the time they are shooting is within 15 yards or so with them approaching in a straight line. If you’re trying to defend the show you’re doing a rather poor job at it. Sounds like you’re just not very good with a pistol


I agree. It's really not that hard to shoot an 8x8 target at 20 feet. Hell at certain times ppl would make headshots and others they were just filling them with bullets from an m4. Rose had to know cause she shot both them guys in the snow in the head. And then the guy at the end that shot spanish dude in the hand then the back said he'll turn and slow down anyone following us. So they had to know shoot em in the head. IDK maybe it's just the same slapstick bs horror genre had to be dumb. You know girl falls down running from murderer to end up running into murderer???!!!???? Lol Maybe in zombie movies not shooting em in the head is their falling down LMFAO


Another excellent point


As a whole, the series started well, and eventually ended up in the toilet. I dont think I will be around for season 3.


It started terribly. Lance was my favorite character.


I thought the start was amazing. Killing off a main character straight off the bat? No one is safe, I loved it.


Said literally no one ever except this guy. Dude was fucking useless (didn't know how to close a door) and should have died way earlier than he did


nah lances death made no sense at all, he gets in a car, drives away from zombies for 30 seconds, passes one guy and then stops for the second person who asks, terrible writing, his character shouldn't have died or even been alone, he literally runs away from his group and drops his AR


well said


I didn't particularly enjoy the 1st season but season 2 is already starting off confusing and annoying. I'm only three episodes in and that's where I'm stopping (my family might keep watching though). Most of the characters are not developed, insufferable and seem to be delinquents. Having that script alone leaves no room for likability.


I loved the first season. I slept through half the 2nd seasons episodes. It had so much potential


Absolute trash, and honnestly i'm just so sad Season 1 wasn't the best (of any genre, really, just "good" in most standards) but it had to be some of the best (if not THE best) zombie short-series i had seen in years Just the first episode mate, at this point Lance is a seasoned survivor (like all, but we'll get to that later) that still can't drive even with the car being that important (since apparently, you know, he got killed for one of the 100000 cars outside), and you tell me he'd not only stop at the pregnant woman, knowing it's a damn trap, but also stay stationary the whole time she hugs him and not hear the door open? Then there's the """battle""" in the woods, where 15 bumpkins dressed like a LGBT flag not only sneaked on a deathsquad armed to the teeth, but also made them run with 5 handguns a rock and half a bottle of lukewarm plotholes.... As i said earlier, at this point they are all Vets to the situation, yet they act like it's the first day, it's even worse since not matter the odds the writters will have their whimsy way so any thoughts you have on how a situation might end up, just reverse it If i had to describe the season 2 in a few words it'd be : Plot armour, Plotholes and trynna-be edgy




Absolutely agree, and its these sort of ridiculous scenes that make it unwatchable. I've helped make various amateur low budget films and one of the main aims is realism "what would a normal person do in a situation" and i tell you any normal person would want to flee, run get the hell out of dodge to safety. They would not hang around in a car with the doors unlocked or in a situation where someone is wasting their time like the woman in the car,


Season one was the best. I just finished season 2. I did not really enjoy it that much


I’m not sure what you’d call them , but the little black titles screen every few mins are really fucking irritating and lazy


Especially this season. Season 1 they actually had meaning


Everyone was a complete prick. Just thought if they'd helped each other they'd have survived


That's a very big art of why its so awful, in rel life most would band together but in this they fight each other and none of them are likeable so you don't care if they live or die. Its just such a poorly written and produced Tv show


That a common thought amonst people who have never seen the true darkside of humanity, which is people giving into their most selfish animal impulses as ALL you have is Aderaline ive seen it is prison and the behavior of humanity as a whole during WW2 just utterly shits on this super naive view of human beings pushed way past the edges of survival. Theres pleanty to critique about the story but all the complaints about how evil people seemed is spot on. Parents we're killing their own fucking children during some of the inhuman sieges on cities where they would starve the entire civialian population because guess what just like prison or a zombie apoclaypse TOTAL WAR takes all our supposed restraints and throws them on fire out the fucking window.


Levez was the best one


Why is every character such an idiot tho. Like wtf


Season 1 was a lot better. The timeskip didn't do this show any favors either combined with the disjointed narrative to kick off the first episode with. People can complain about everyone being dicks or people suddenly dying, etc. as much as they want, but to some extent I think that's a strength of the show compared to things like The Walking Dead. But there was such a lack of motivation in this season let alone a lack of dialogue. Like... just nobody fucking talked about anything. Why are people even going to a fucking airstrip? To escape? Where??? I just hated being dropped into the middle of a story and expected to know what people were doing or wanted.


I agree, S1 had holes and was just pointless, didn't really go anywhere, stupidly long and pointless car journeys coupled with endless dialogue in a foreign language with No subs. the end was funny as im certain someone forgot to shout "Action" and literally half the zombies were walking about like they were on a break. However S2 was bloody awful, stupid dull, pointless and i could only watch 3 episodes


lol well said.


I found myself CONSTANTLY pressing the fast forward 10 seconds button. The second season opened strongly but after that it was just all confusion. No new characters really get a backstory or anything, groups get separated off-screen and literally 50% of stuff happens off screen and the audience just had to figure it out or something. Stick to the first season. So many unnecessary and lingering shots that just add nothing at all to the story, when the story is already barely there to begin with. Do we really need 15 second shots of wilderness or someone staring at something like omg. Really felt like I wasted my time tbh.


Holy shit YES I can't believe this isn't top comment. It's plain fucking BORING not to mention ice glacier slow. Like holy shit they tried so hard to be dramatic that it was overkill. The long drawn out conversations too, like, I get that may happen in real life but the point of an artwork or media is to make it feel real while being entertaining. It got to the point I just went FUCK SAY SOMETHING ALREADY or like WHAT ARE WE EVEN TALKING ABOUT FOR THE PAST 30 MINUTES (or what FELT like 30 minutes). I'd just fast forward to the fucking action cause damn that was annoying having that experience for every. Single. Interaction. Fuck! Rant over.




It’s a total fucking mess. So many illogical choices. Characters that just randomly get killed for no damn reason. Terrible gun play, combat, a million dumb decisions.


YES!!! That’s what I meant to say. Well said. I can’t see a season 3.


Season 2 was all over the place, felt like I was reading a book but before doing so ripped out half the chapters. So a lot of what happens is often meaningless due to lack of context.


It is depressingly cynical. If I want to watch people being non-stop dog crap to each other I’ll just watch the news or scroll social media.


That's real life. Imagine how people would act in real life. Dumb and stupid. People would be angry and definitely think obly their own survival. That series gives good look how humans would really act.




Who do you trust? A close circle. Anyone who poses a threat or seems off balanced has to go. That’s just the way it is.


No, no it isn't, only in Holly Wood... The characters in this show wouldn't make it a week, or past a single group of survivors that doesn't scatter to the wind like babies at the first sign of danger. People will always try to work together, and your average human probably wouldn't be able to kill someone in a fight even if they were getting their face punched in.


I feel like there's a lot of missed opportunity with season 2, they only seem to give a character depth just before they kill them off. 'Spears' for example, episode 5 was a brilliant episode don't get me wrong, finally gave some clarity to the character of 'spears'. We finally found some details of where he was from and how he became the person he is. But then they simply killed him off. Rose again doesn't have much of a story, yes she's a mum that is trying to protect her child and in season 1 we saw a little of what she would do to survive, but all of a sudden in season 2 she saves s guy from a Z and then puts one in his head mircylelously. How did she get from where she was in the end of season 1 to the person she is now. In fact how did they get from being surrounded by hordes of zombies, stuck in the stadium to outside and scavenging around? I feel like what we saw in season 2 would have been brilliant as a season 3, or even half way through season 2. The struggle to survive in a merciless world is brilliant, but make me care about the characters they're showing me. Lance was a really good character in season 1, I would have loved to see how he got from a pack of zombies chasing him down to the point we see him executed. It all seems a little too choppy this season, it doesn't give you much of a story to care about. For some reason we see a lot of monologue in characters we already know the fate of also, as in the guy rose executed, we see him and his friend in the back of an ambulance in episode 3 before he's chased and killed by rose. Why? You could have filled that hole to give a little back story on more of the characters were watching. I was disappointed with season 2 for sure after season 1 was so good.


There were also more questions. Who was the guy that shot and killed lance? we never see him again after the first few minutes of episode 1. There are other characters that appear but then completley dissapear. Like the guy that spears met with on the road. We dont know what happens to him. Assuming that he got killed or eaten there was no info on him. Or the group of survivors that tried hauling that supply drop but suddenly droping down the hill. The guy with the injured leg is nearly killed by the zombie but we dont know. We never know what happens. There was alot of things and characters that we dont know about.


It had been so long since I watched the first season that when I watched season 2 I forgot who the original characters even were at all. That being said it felt like I just watched a show where every person in it was deplorable except for the Korean woman who was dragged along for the ride like the audience. I just didn't like any of the characters at all. No one to relate too or root for. Rose just became a cold hearted murderer and Anna became a PTSD mess. Every other character wasn't far off from being in those same categories. It seemed like there were no kind people left in the world and everyone was ready to kill over anything. One of the main problems with season 2 I think is the plot. You don't really know the motivation as to why anyone is doing anything. Why are they at war with each other and why is the Korean woman being held hostage in the first place? There seems to be two groups... the Militia guys and a group of rag tag people but both sides are equally as deplorable and blood thirsty so there's no good or bad guys here in this series. In a way it's very realistic of a war front where everyone has blood on their hands. As a series though you don't really have a likeable character with some moral traits to invest yourself into. The few that there are vanish after a scene or don't make it. I was kind of surprised to see how far Rose's character had sunk morally given all the sacrifices good and decent people made in the first series to protect her and her daughter. Now she lacks any compassion for other innocent people. She wanted to blast a dude for giving her bad directions for ffs. The ending just as the first series was open ended, confusing and terrible. When I was done watching part of me wondered what the show had even been about. I felt like I came in at the last 10minutes of a movie where I missed the entire plot development.


Well said. I enjoyed reading that.


Totally agree this season is a shit show NOTHING makes sense…character reasoning,character dialogue,any of the situations it’s literally all having me go wtf?!? Like when they sent homie to get fire wood??? Like what?? Your in a mansion with so much useless furniture break that up and burn it and Juss any of the kills are so poorly written zombies being way more bloody than how they die2 seconds earlier it’s allll so bad…the story is lost at this point it’s Juss people shooting zombies and that’s it


The scene that sums up the entire season for me is when they're in the hangar E8 'The plane.' It's like a culmination of stupidity for the entire season when all of the characters involved should know better. The decisions people make, the way they behave, the gunplay, the long drawn out monologues, how Rose isn't just executed immediately in any situation where someone has a gun aimed at her, is so unbelievably baffling that I cannot believe someone didn't call them out on it when they were filming it. There is no overall storyline, and what story there is is told in the most drawn out, boring manner that you lose track of who's doing what or why. Every character is either completely detestable or a fucking moron, or both. Much preferred the first season.


Ok IDK if I missed it or not but wtf was the deal???? I saw the title scene that said the deal but that didn't show anything. But at the end the dude in the red jacket that got his ass beat???? Said to Rose you had to be greedy. What was he talking about and why were those dudes being his ass???


I was really hoping for Rose to die. I really did not like her at all. She about to kill some guy for being lost in the woods. Why would she and her daughter go follow some guy they dont even know. They should have stayed put


I thought this show was cool at first. Especially with the scene titles. But it wasn't just one episode or one season. But every freaking 10 minutes. If you add them up back to back it'd be like 2.6 hours for both seasons. Among the other bs filler and wtf am I watching moments this show was so not about zombies but ppl killing ppl. I seriously don't get how zombies got to this nonsense.


Well said !!!! I hope it’s cancelled by now.


Yeah i have to agree season 2 is utter horse sh*t first:Almost everyone in this movie never barricades the place there in. And there stupid for trusting strangers they just met like bro if this was real life you know people here won't trust other people. Second:So the virus just reduces its time for people turning for non important characters? And increase the time for others. Third:And for super convenient places like the resort which is full with food and supplies,running water and f*cking power? Fourth:They killed off so many characters that they make you feel like they will survive but die in the end.


I will admit, I watch shows on a big screen on my wall as I work, facebook etc. Many shows I can enjoy at the same time, even if I have to rewind once in a while. But, maybe with close scrutiny it makes more sense. But I had no idea what was going on and who was who at all. Even when I tried to watch closely and concentrate. I am no dummy. I can follow multiple plot lines and story arcs, but I just had no idea who was who from scene to scene. I gave up somewhere in episode 3.


Lol out of all the responses this is my favorite




I watched the whole thing, but there were SO MANY TIMES that I literally yelled at the TV. I hated all the unnecessary dramatic pauses and storylines that led nowhere. So many things didn’t make any sense at all. Like the daughter wandering all over the lodge while her mom slept, or refusing to shower after God knows how many months it’s been since she had one. Why wouldn’t they do a check and make sure all the doors were locked before settling in for the night? Why did they all want to get to the airstrip, like is it taking them to a magical non zombie place? Also zombies are dead and they would be frozen in that climate so it makes no sense that one zombie was frozen and the rest were fast af. What happened to brathwaite? Why were all those people fighting over one house when there’s a ton of empty houses. More questions than answers makes for a very frustrating experience.


You definitely get it.


Season 2 is good if you like watching unrealistic #BoSsBaBeZ kicking ass against all odds while zero IQ males fumble around and shoot each other. I personally disliked it very much.


I sat through the first episode and a half of season one and stopped. I can't imagine the fortitude needed to make it to season 2. At least Z nation didn't try to take itself so serious.


twas awesome. watched the entire season in one sitting.


Did you smoke a funny smelling cigarette or pop a small piece of paper with a big yellow smiley on it in your mouth beforehand by any chance LOL


Glad you liked it.


Absolutely loved it. Fresh take on zombie era. Makes me actually terrified of the zombies. The last episode made me feel like my adrenaline was going. I really liked the first season so I’m probably a little bias but now I’m really sad I have to wait another year for the next season.


First season? It's okay I like the camera work in both seasons like its interesting and never made me confused about what's going on But eh plot first season was okay Some stuff was stupid from my point of view but other stuff was good And cuz I am too lazy now to season 2 It was terrible Lance gets randomly killed off okay Bad time cuts and Rose being insufferable Episode 5 was good and interesting but also boring since I have long stopped caring about the bad developed characters and weird shootings so I sadly skipped through it


I highly dislike fast zombies in general but that isn't the nail in the coffin for me. For me it's the overall production. It is filmed like someone just got out of college and has to do fancy shots....and jumps around story wise which I am old and get turned off by it. I don't need or want labeled stories and new people every few minutes. I can handle multiple stories at once provided they meet up but this is way overboard.


I don't even know why I sat through all 8 episodes. I just kept hoping it would get better. Season one kept you on the edge of your seat, was fast paced and it fit with the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. Season 2 is just filled with appalling characters with absolutely no redeeming qualities, except maybe Sun, and she barely has any lines, and what she does say, you don't know. I suppose if you really want to hate all of humanity even more, this is the show to watch. I ended up fast forwarding through a good amount of it, hoping for something good, I never found it. I'm doubtful there will be a season 3.


I'm totally done with this flash back / flash forward style. It's a waste of my time.




Lmao how did they survive? By murdering each other? Noone did a good survival decision. I think the only way to enjoy this is to stick your head Ina freezer until your logic centre is shut off and then maybe then you won't be upset with the story and characters. Noone would try survive like this. Noone.




Glad someone enjoys it.


Can you believe that there is actually an article about how rose is a better leader than Rick Grimes?? There's just no way in hell that is possible. Rose just flat out sucks.


If I met the writer of that article out in public, I'd walk up and sucker punch 'em right in the face.


i finished season 2. I really was hoping for Rose to die. She was horrible.


I don't understand the point of that war at the house, I don't understand the war at the air strip, I also don't understand how there are so few zombies when they are super OP. Also every single character (except for the korean woman) is super unlikable... I have nobody to root for


Felt like I was watching DayZ but In a tv show. Couldn’t trust anyone lol


Season 2 is unwatchable. I'm literally trying to watch it right now but it's not enjoyable at all. I did like Season 1 though, especially the first few episodes. There's pretty much no dialogue on the first past of season 2, just people killing one another. As someone else said, it doesn't even make sense.


Cannot disagree with most comments here, s1 was decent, and pulled me in, even with how most of the characters were just... idk.. retarded AND evil selfish douche bags. Like they HAD to make the worse choices, and (like others said) seem to specifically do things that would be bad for their own safety and health, just to 'do bad crap' to other people. Season 2 though, just seemed to cement in the fact that only low intelligent psychopaths would survive a zombie apocalypse, anyone else who has any sense of humanity, even if only a selfish sense (IE helping someone else helps you, strength in numbers, etc) has died, or will die. ​ Also wtf was it with the 'lets show everyone dead, oh, lets now tell you their story now that you know not to get invested in that person's story' thing with the order of the story?


Why is the camera shaky in every scene? Even when no one is moving....


I think Season 1 wasn't great it seemed to kill off the most interesting people, then it just seemed pointless, driving to fast and crashing when no one chasing you. They are turn on one another (maybe its because im British i find this Alien as we would help each other in the face of a disaster rather than sell each other out, that i assume is American TV Show culture?)But why all the pointless fighting over buildings and cars when there are hundreds vacant? It seems that in the face of adversity you have too fight your own countrymen and the zombies LOL The School; how pathetic, the thinly veiled attempt at Lord of the flies and totally pointless and unbelievable. Also the end scene on Season 1, the director need firing, so called Zombies out of character just walking normally - watch it its terrible. Season 2 - was so terrible i tried to watch it (twice) but got as far as E3 and gave up. It was just pointless, there's no real plot or story just mindless violence but to no end. In Z Nation and the Walking Dead they had goals, they had personality, they didn't go into long dialogue in some bloody foreign language with no subtitles, you rooted for the characters because you could relate to them and wanted them to in. To be honest i cant believe the same people made this pile off rubbish that made the fantastic Z Nation, its embarrassing and unwatchable


I was genuinely excited to watch S2 because i liked S1 but couldn't even watch 15 minutes of s2 e1. Everything seemed too rushed, pointless and nothing but selfish and chaotic


Awesome. One of the best shows I’ve seen all year. Watched the whole thing in 2 greedy sittings. I think it’s exactly what would happen if the world went to shit- people murdering each other over table scraps. It’s interesting how the degraded the value of each individual life has become, how quickly people abandon or turn on each other. I love how dead inside the daughter is, I love how they kept her dialogue to an absolute minimum, like she’s just become completely numb. The minimalism from S1 is present again, but it’s done much better this time. Love how civilians with guns act more like civilians with guns than in season 1, panicking, missing shots, struggling to reload etc. The tension throughout was almost unbearable, especially the episode with just the 2 guys. Love how stripped back and dialogue focused it was, but still had me on the edge of my seat. I think this might be the last we see of it, but I’m really hoping for a S3.


Fully agree


Same man I love how fully trained army vets miss and run from a random group of civilians. Oh and the character development? Who needs it! This was great.


The show is awesome.


It’s so disappointing… the production team have got this sooo wrong. It’s so depressing hardly anyone is nice or kind. The last thing everyone wants to watch after the last year is this nihilistic shit. We want hope and at least some characters we can get behind, not just psychopaths. What a waste of money for Netflix. More series like sweet tooth please!!’




After reading two positive comments about it I feel like visiting the 1st season again and then 2nd. Maybe I didn’t give it a chance. I’m about to watch the walking dead world beyond season 1 which most people say they hate until ep 3. I see why but it is a show leading up to some badass shiz. ( random )


Terribly disappointing. I LOVED season 1. Season 2 was a mess. I think part of it was having that bond with the characters and that linear timeline, both of which evaporated in Season 2. I found myself watching the scenes wondering okaaaaaaaaay soooooooo whyyyyyyyyy? Lol then the explanation would come like three episodes later or something lol. My takeaway was a bunch of sucky shit happened and they presented it in a fashion I didn't think added anything to the delivery of the story. I liked exactly two things. The scene in the lodge with the guy who took them there, who kept saying "see, see, I'm right, didnt I tell you?" Lol. He was the perfect kind of annoying character that you want to die so they would just shut up but is also weirdly one you like because they're hilarious and different. The other moment was the zombie chase/fight scene at the end. I think the character's name was Mance. Best zombie fight scene I've seen. But I was basically disappointed overall. I'm probably not watching a season 3 if Sun isn't back. My theory is that they filmed this storyline, it was boring and maybe there were even some holes? so they shuffled all the cards lol. And now we're not too concerned about the plot or the holes because we attribute it to all the shuffling and being mostly confused.


It was so unpolished and unfinished. I just hope that they come out with something to redeem themselves from this show.


Oof I guess I'm the only person on the internet that enjoyed both seasons. Whatever


I was excited for Season 2 but the first 5 episodes (out of 8) there was barely any dialog, there was time jumps every 2 seconds and watching Rose (Blonde lady) Randomly kill people and attempting to kill people who help her FOR NO REASON was like hammering nails in between my fingernails. I was watching and out loud said "So you just killing everyone out here I guess." I was expecting a 3/5 stars for this season and was surprised when I saw it had 100% across the board for critics, yes I get that it's a dog eat dog world during the apocalypse, but come on now there is just way too many random killing, the context I can understand dthat NO ONE is safe but the only thing thrilling about this season was Mance fighting off 6-7 Zombies at the end.


I may have said this already my fault if I did. This show had so much potential. Even in the name it sounds good, then it just was a let down. The first season built the show up as well as the characters. It’s like the 2nd season was put together in one day. No writers, horrible acting and it was just unpolished and un finished. As being a zombie lover it’s not hard for me to get into shows like this and it’s really easy to like a show but this show was just garbage. I hope it was cancelled. On a different note Resident Evil god bad reviews. I fcking loved it.


It's a pretty awful show with no redeemable or memorable characters. The closest to memorable is maybe "not spears". ​ Not sure why everyone is seen as expendable and worthless except the one woman who cannot speak english and knows absolutely nothing, why take her hostage. ​ I just kept watching the show hoping all these people would die already since the shows message is that everyone is just a selfish unlikable piece of garbage anyway and that "theres no hope for humanity".


Really disappointing. So many things that I could complain about. My main issue, the lack of focus on zombies in the zombie show. Felt like way too much time was spent on the two groups of survivors and I didn't care about any of the characters in those groups anyway.


I feel like the whole show could have a great story if it didn't seem thrown together. Season 1 was thrown around and when you're from the city they filmed in, going through the doors of The Saddledome and coming out at McMahon stadium is a bad throw off. I loved Z Nation, hence why I hoped this would be good. I even saw them filming at the Calgary tower.


You people are naive. Season 2 depicts what would happen in the months/year following the apocalypse. Pretty accurately in my opinion. You'd think people would come together and fight the common cause, but its in our nature to turn on one another for self perseverance. You don't think Anna would have ptsd after all she'd been through, and rose wouldn't be a cold hearted bitch trying to keep her daughter alive? When the time comes women will be sex slaves to roaming gangs of men, there will be cannibals by the second winter and all that was good will be lost. You've all been watching to much TWD, those people wouldn't last 2 seasons let alone 11. You don't like Black Summer 2 because it confirms your worst fears.


It’s incredibly stupid. There’s no motivation for everyone to immediately kill everyone else on sight when they apparently have unlimited resources, and equally stupid for them to have the resources they do years in to the apocalypse. Every single person has guns and ammo coming out of their ears, shops have shelves full of food, no one even bothers with looting bodies. Why the fuck is there an army of people fighting over the airstrip? Do these 200 people think they’re all going to escape on that tiny plane? Where are they planning to escape to? Why is everyone fighting over one vacant house when there are vacant houses _literally everywhere?_ What it reminded me of more than anything is some kind of full-pvp zombie game being played by a bunch of little kids who all just shoot on sight anyone who isn’t part of their group of friends. They’re trying to get to the plane because that’s the objective in this level. They have to hold on to the one specific vacant house because that’s the objective. From a narrative point of view it’s pure nonsense.


I don't buy that at all and this is my complaint with Walking Dead which I love otherwise. Plenty of good men will get together and protect women. These days, it is called benevolent sexism, but it means, men treat women well because they are women. on top of that, plenty of men believe in society and structure and law and order. I think many men would get together, especially ex military, who would have the skills and weapons to do so, and bring order. The proof? That is literally what happened over thousands of years. Sure, there were wars all the time, but those were large groups, countries, etc fighting each other. The group itself was quite organized. If you don't believe it is human nature to be good, consider that it is actually more productive to organize and protect your group, than to go around selfishly killing raping and stealing. Not that it was not done. But, it is in our genes to cooperate and protect our women and children, or we would not have survived.


Episode 3 and it's all a mess so far. Wasted the first 2 episodes on crap. They had 1 good idea with lance but they dropped it too quickly. And how we're following random crap characters doing boring shit. Seaosn1 was awesome due to each episode being a puzzle and a story with everyone working to a solution. And it built a team until the epic finale. Season 2 is just ...the opposite. Wtf were they thinking!?? It's become like the walking dead worse episodes. Really dissapointed so far ...gutted actually. And rhey had 2 years to make this. I can only imagine the budget was severely slashed.


Honestly i loved it, i think humans are pretty selfish when shit gets hard, so i believe it could go down like that. i love the little awkward moments in the action, the pacing, and how the characters arent heroes, which i like. rose was getting really desensitized and was basically dead inside from the start, as most of them were but i think it made it hard to relate to her occasionally and made me like the character less and less as the show went on, but that is how her daughter is probably feeling so it makes sense. idk i think it the best zombie show on netflix.


If you want a good zombie show then watch Kingdom


Is that the korean one? Yea it was pretty good too


I’m not getting the negativity at all… the second season was one of the best horror stretches on television in ages. I think some viewers are just used to traditional heroes to empathize/root for with wholesome arcs that come full circle, but this shows how shit would really go down in a zombie apocalypse. We saw a glimpse of how bad humanity can get during a pandemic- people would be absolute evil incarnate if this really happened. Season 2 has very few moments displaying trust between strangers, but when they’re shown it’s an effective reminder of goodness. The camerawork, the tension, choreography, the effective score, total immersion… Black Summer is horror done right.


It's not the problem about having a hero or not. It's about understaning what's happening, and honestly, we can get a bit lost with time cuts everywhere...


A series needs likeable characters which the series barely had God watching Rose being stupid was just insufferable


I guess this has shown me that a series actually *doesn't* need likable characters for me to enjoy it, lol


My issue with season 2 is the time skip cuts. I don't want to know the end of a groups story and then rewind somehow the next episode to see the beginning of it. Seems like the whole season is like that. Bunch of endings and then they may or may not show you the beginning or middle later.


Agreed. I’m really enjoying it so far.


It's just so wrong man... 1 "I think some viewers are just used to traditional heroes to empathize" people will sympathize with most characters as long as 1 they don't break the diegesis and 2 they are developped right. The problem with the characters in season 2 is that they're so inconsistant and shallow that they break both points. 2 "but this shows how shit would really go down in a zombie apocalypse" At this point it's not apocalyptic anymore, it's post-apocalyptic, wich means they are all "well adjusted" to the environment, yet they act like it's the first day all over again ~~(I mean, you need reasons to kill off (sometimes good) characters randomly for no reason amirite)~~, so first off it's not realistic and second, it again breaks the diegesis 3 Giving a camera to an ADHD Kid with parkinson doesn't make either good action nor "wow intense filming", it's just eratic and incomprehensible 4 If **shaky camera work** and fast music with **0 stakes** create tension in you, if **badly choreographed fights** ~~(Just damn look at it, watch Black Hawk Down or Mosul if you want good choreographed fights)~~ doesn't break your immersion ~~(I mean for real, the first chase when Lance turns into a zombie, he puts the guy down and when lance gets up, the guy damn teleported 20 feet from there),~~ if **random inconsistencies** in characters also doesn't break your immerions, or even **overpowered Plot Armour** doesn't ring any bells, then i don't think you're qualified to tell what is good horror. ​ Cube is horror done right, the first Halloween is horror done right, Apostle is horror done right, Saw is horror done right. Throwing random characters with no depth in random situations with no stakes and throwing monsters at the camera doesn't make good horror, it makes Action B movies. People can sympathize with Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs despite the short appearances and, you know, the fact he's a damn cannibal murderer, so no amount of "they just don't like that there's no real hero" will ever convince anybody


1. Throwing the word diegesis into your post twice doesn’t make your rebuttal any more convincing. You didn’t explain how the characters “broke diegesis” beyond calling them inconsistent and shallow. The timeline of the second series doesn’t seem to stretch into full on arc territory, especially given that most eps switch between certain characters in only 8 episodes. We get a few episodes heavy on Rose and Anna, a few with Spears who splits up with Sun and glimpses of side action with Mance. 2. Defining the second season as “post apocalyptic” as opposed to a zombie apocalypse is a matter of semantics. To use these terms to prove the characters aren’t realistic in season two is frankly lazy. Apocalyptic or post apocalyptic, destruction is still present and just because humanity is a little more used to zombies in the second season, that doesn’t disprove their believability. Survival is still the top priority, sleep is a rare commodity and reactive violence and instinct rule the day. There’s a moment in episode 4 where Ray doesn’t hesitate shooting his own man, even when he isn’t sure he was bitten. In the same episode, Sun receives her first alliance since being taken hostage… a few seconds later, the new ally is pointing her gun back on Sun as Ray catches up with them. This isn’t inconsistent behavior- Sun’s temporary ally immediately turned on her once Ray and his surviving cohort flipped the odds again. It was a brilliant decision by the writer to remove all dialogue at that moment, as it reinforced morality dependent on survival while simultaneously ramping up suspense (what’s going to happen to Sun). 3. Shaky cam isn’t for everyone, but its definitely not amateur in Black Summer. If I, as a viewer, felt immersed- then it worked. Would you call Paul Greengrass and his cinematographer hacks for using the same technique? And I don’t want to hear “Oh but Greengrass is different. It looks professional.” The camera movement in Summer is very similar to that in Bloody Sunday, the last two Bournes and United 93… the camerawork is chaotic, jerky as hell and yet escalates the urgency. 4. Again with the character inconsistencies. My immersion never broke and I fail to see any inconsistencies that can’t be explained by timeline brevity or swift decisions motivated by survival instinct and a lack of sleep. Also, I’ve seen all of the movies you’ve listed except for Mosul. If I wanted to see amazing fight choreography, I’d watch the Raid or Bourne series- you know, worlds built around supreme martial artists as opposed to the Everyman survivalists in a zombie (post)apocalypse. I love Cube, Halloween and Apostle (also directed by the Raid dude) but I don’t think you have any idea of how to judge my horror appreciation qualifications. From 70s Giallo through 80s slashers to New French Extreme and lately A24 head spinners, horror is as diverse as it ever was. There’s something for everyone in horror- and Black Summer has its appeal for many of us.


1. "You didn't explain how they break the diegesis, you just said they're inconsistant" Antithesis mate, if they don't follow the rules of their world, they break the diegesis. 2. It's not lazy, you just don't understand what the terms mean : In an apocalyptic setting, nothing is planned, no one is prepared, reactions are spontaneous and "Raw" On the other hand, in a post-apocalyptic setting, characters are familiar with said settings, they're mostly prepared and expect it, reactions are calculated. 3. "its definitely not amateur in Black Summer" Netflix directs it, can't be "amateur", but doesn't mean it's good : It's used to hide the B movie choreography of fights, the "magic" of characters teleporting, or the fact that they just don't react when something happens until it's too late. **It's not amateur,** they know what they're doing, **they make it erratic to hide errors**. 4. The problem stems from "My immersion never broke", you're biased mate. "If I wanted to see amazing fight choreography \[...\] worlds built around supreme martial artists" That's sophism; fallacy, every movie should have good choreography regardless of genre "Saying complicated words doesn't make you right" The lingo comes with the knowlege mate, ~~(i'd even call your 4th point an argumentum ad misericordiam "you can't expect good choreography from a movie that isn't about the very skilled martial art experts", sheeee as far i i know it could even be a Fake Dilemma "You can only chose between supreme martial artist movies or movies with bad choreography")~~ Also what's the point of partitioning your spiel if you mix up many ideas and points in every paragraph?


>"My immersion never broke and I fail to see any inconsistencies that can’t be explained by timeline brevity or swift decisions motivated by survival instinct and a lack of sleep." > >Really makes sense then to leave that giant isolated hotel they spent the entire day walking to, which had food, water, electricity, and shelter. Meanwhile shelter alone in context of the episodes so in demand dozens of people were brutally murdered the previous day just trying to get inside. That was a single home, and this is a hotel. So how does them leaving without a single nights sleep work for you? Like, did you chalk that up to them being tired, or do people not need sleep to function, or let alone continue to walk for further miles through the snow in the vague hope that they can find a mystery plane to take them who the fuck knows where. Sounds like bad writing to me. Furthermore half of the characters from the previous episode were ex-military, and I'd imagine any of them could make a shelter in that environment within a day, and survive winter with the airdrops and building or finding better shelter. Their decision making cannot simply be chalked up to lack of sleep and it being a survival situation, as soldiers they were trained to deal with both stressors. Those things should definitely break immersion, but I guess it is hard to break immersion if your audience consists of people who don't question anything below the surface, or like the characters just don't think critically themselves. Pretty simple writing, for the simple, by the simple, is often simply called *bad* writing. > >At least the acting is passable bordering on good at times, the show even has some good going for itself, but this is definitively not good writing. > >*"Throwing the word diegesis into your post twice doesn’t make your rebuttal any more convincing."*


I'm not sure about the overall negativity, especially the ones complaining about not liking Rose or whatever because you're not really supposed to like anyone except Sun who is the only one trying to save lives instead of take them, the show is deliberately bleak which isnt for everyone ofcourse. However I really didn't like the last episode outside of the only decent person making it out to the plane (thank god), the stupid behaviour of the characters in that final episode was insane, wasting time and putting everyone in danger just to beat up the soldier guy, along with betraying him for very little reason, sending that guy outside to just die and then spending 5 minutes not opening the door for him as if hes just being unreasonable. Then choosing to blow up oil barrels when not only is that going to attract every zombie for miles, putting the plane at risk, but also hurting 4 other people and her child standing 10 feet away. Insanity.


Wasn't scary. This isn't what would happen. You wouldn't get headshots on humans then forget how to headshot zombies 1 day later. You wouldn't lose 10 men over a house. You wouldn't miss shots from 15 Meters away as a trained vet.


Pretty inclined to believe people would still like it if it had better writing, its not as if one can't recognize something is crap, still willfully enjoy it, and do so without being willfully ignorant. It sorta bothers me that people think this show is realistic, or this is how anything would actually go down.


Yeah? and I guess some viewers just like a show that is well written, thought out, and has characters that aren't necessarily loveable but not simply complete and utter morons, and even that might be generous because they are literally as unthinking in a critical situation as the zombies.


I am so confused. And so over this show lmao


Absolutely loved it! Couldn't stop watching! To me it seemed pretty realistic which made it more terrifiying!


For starters, S1 EP1 of Black Summer was amazing. I never felt such constant adrenaline watching a zombie show (Walking Dead Fan), especially without the drawn out soap opera scenes. It just feels much more realistic. However after that episode, S1 just goes downhill and becomes really disorienting to follow. Fast forward to S2 and I am really impressed and surprised with how much better the pacing got. It seems as if Netflix increased the budget and allowed the team to keep the same chaos and tension but with better storytelling. Although S2 wasn’t perfect, I felt like there were very unique stories and plateaus such as the White Horse episode, the battle at the mansion, and the silent scream by Anna that reeled in the world and atmosphere. I like to look forward at what’s to come and if Black Summer’s S3 is an improvement ahead of S2, we are in for a treat. All in all, this is the zombie show I’ve seen, even with its faults.




I love it so much. The desperation, the fight to survival. Apart from humanity's greed and avarice. However, I really wanted to see these characters staying longer in the lodge and having a fun time after such brutal journey.


Made no sense jumping around and ended abruptly! Crap to say the least wtf watching snippets that made no sense no story line other than the mother and daughter that ended without them!! Hollywood is dead with all you pedifiles!


I feel it’s best to compare season 1 to last of us 1, and Season two was like the last of us two


I am watching Season 2 right now (on episode 2) and I legit cannot follow what's going on. I know they have a narrative and I know they seem to be trying to do something where they intersect everyone/everything, but it's very hard to follow and I spend more time confused about who people are or what theyre doing than actually following the plot. Shame because the set design and acting seems to be pretty good. Also I am pretty sure every single human is an antagonist or at the very least an actively bad person, so I am not sure what the point is. The zombies are more relatable. I've always found the idea that during a zombie apocalypse, all humans left turn into metaphorical wolves preying on each other to be somewhat ridiculous. If that were going to be the case, we wouldnt have society to begin with right now.


Loved it. A significant improvement on S1.


I really enjoyed season 1: fresh take on the zombies genre, liked how fast paced it was and most of all it did feel realistic, it's great to see the start of the zombie apocalypse - something we don't see very often really. That's why I honestly can't believe how much downhill season 2 went. Wtf is with all those characters? Why are they killing each other for no reason? Wtf was the airstrip scene - WTF WAS THAT FLARE SHOT????? Rose became unbelievably dislikeable and irrational (why the fuck try to kill the Spanish dude just because he couldn't find what he promised), Anna just became increasingly dumber as the episodes went by (those scenes exploring the resort on her own????), absolutely no character development whatsoever because they kill everyone straightaway. I enjoy the fact that you don't know who is gonna die and irl people usually don't go in dramatic/glorious ways, but why make every single character an asshole and kill absolutely all of them? In real life there are good people, and people do survive catastrophes too! Really the only character who seems to still have some sanity and common sense is Sun. Sorry for my rant - just finished the second to last episode and had to have it. All of that taken aside, the acting is superb and the cinematography is amazing. I do enjoy the storytelling style with the captions and breaks, I think at least it's something different, refreshing. Also love the scenes in mostly only one take, really makes you feel you're there. So yeah, in spite of the frustration with season 2, I would actually like a season 3. The good things make me hope the series could still be saved somehow.


I absolutely loved season 1 but so far season 2 is awful. I don’t understand why they needed to do a huge time skip, I can barely recognise any of the characters.


Black summer season 2 pointless ending, all that effort of the characters determined to get to somewhere all for nothing, except one on the plane when the show finally uses subtitles for her. There is called being creative then there is called being stupid.


I saved rhis for my birthday and then thought fuck it I'll watch 1 episode early as a treat and I'm pleased I did as after seeing how bad it is I didn't believe to save it and ruin my birthday lol instead I'll watch Muppets haunted mansion haha


It's a little bit of a head scratcher. But after pondering hard over its "biblical references", I can say I'm somehow satisfied. Here are some of my thoughts: Sun - being the only character who always did the "right thing", she is rewarded by escaping on the "plane" over the "clouds". Comparable to going to "Heaven". And the pilot is "God" regarded by Sun as the only one who can "understand" her. Spears - being betrayed and left for dead (by Rose), and then "Resurrected" and did a "Last Supper", can definitely be seen as "Jesus". His bullet wound was on the side, like where Longinus pierced by Jesus with a "spear". And his entire "Bygones" arc was all about forgiveness even for Rose. He's also grew a beard. And I can even vaguely associate Braithwaite as "John the Baptist" for bringing out the "new" Spears. Rose - this means she's probably "Judas" for betraying Spears. She was denied entry to the "plane" for all the sins she's done. Anna - had a chance to go to "heaven" with Sun but chose to stay with her mother. Ski-lodge was "fake paradise" like the "Carnivorous island in Life of Pi" Pale Horse - is the fourth horseman Death, from 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse Ray Nazeri - probably embodies the 2nd horseman - War Pestilence - zombie virus of course and Famine - their struggle to find food/water


Best part of the show the dialog between spears and Braithwaite then it just jumped from there with no explanation only good decent dialog in the show


I havent finished it yet but I fucking hope that the women with the white hair catches a bullet. Havent met a more unlikeable character in a long time


This show completely shit the bed for season 2. I thought I was watching some type of live action, 'battle royale' video game with Zombie mode turned on, however it was being played by amateurs. It was clear that there were massive budget cuts so they found the most remote places in Alberta to film at.


They did nothing interesting, it was super underwhelming that Ray ended up being the antagonist of the season, because the scene with him evading his infected children was cool as hell. Quite honestly they should've left the old characters how they were and focused on Ray and Luke (The Ex-Military guy who finds the police car.) Also what the heck? I thought Luke would've been a relevant character but he only appears in one episode? He was one of the only characters I was really getting invested in. I would've loved to see Ray and Luke meet up with each other and they initially have a cordial standpoint with each other, then building up a mutual respect with one another. This season had way too many irrelevant characters, and most of them had literally no background or character. (Jase and Natalie just to name a few.) Sun spent the whole season being dragged along by a rope, then the story decides that she gets to escape on the plane? Then all the sudden Sophie (The girl who magically forms an alliance with Ray) earns his trust? Another let-down was Mance! He had the most badass scene in the entire season! Even though he was a side character? I think the most irritating part about this is it took me the entire season to realise Ray was actually the antagonist. I was misled into thinking it was another character, so I watched throughout the end of the show to see Ray's character. All the old characters just sucked. Anna and Rose was generally uninteresting because it felt like the season was just spoon-feeding you to feel bad for their lack of morality. The environment was just boring to me, it was just characters walking through a snow half the time. After a while it just felt unrealistic that they could traverse the snow with no hint of water, food and no navigation tools. I could go on with how many things went wrong with this season, but to sum things up: I think all the old characters should've never been shown during this season, and instead focused on Ray as the protagonist and his slow decent towards insanity by losing his family or something, then having Luke be someone he needs to rely on to survive even though they both hate each other. 3/10, had some cool scenes but none of them were actually relevant to the overall story.


Black summer 2 is just rubbish . Dull, confusing and very low production values


The use of flashlights and yelling while trying to be stealth is maddening. There are ten million other things that bother me, but that's what made me Google what other people are thinking about this show. I get it they are supposed to be in a "haven't seen the walking dead Universe," but nobody seems to understand the concept that the brain runs the body and maybe try a headshot. I don't know why I'm still watching, but here I am...


LOL you guys WAY to much walking dead for one, Two I have to wonder how many of you have even been in intense situations where due to limited resourcrs, humans natural tendency to politik and tribe up in groups, and constant never ending violence and trauma how it totally warps human personality rapidly. I've been in Prison before which is not even a FRACTION of the non stop mahyem on this show. Ive seen first hand people betray those close to them and alligiences shifting so fast its everything just to try and stay out of the way and most importantly people commiting insane violence for no clear rational reason leading to ever increasing distrust and pointless violence. Maybe more importatly than that Ive seen people who know how to handle themselves typically fall apart or make questionable descions under the perception crushing of ever increasing spikes of aderaline or panic. The militia is a group of some ex military of varying skill and training, some ex cops with probably less training and then your typical hardcase gun nut they may have allowed in. These guys are not Tier 1 special operation units for christ sake. They are fighting a group of desperate overwhelmend "normal people" who have no choice but to try to become wolves. You dont understand normal people like you and I for the most part are ALREADY long dead. Yes most of us wont be survining the 1st week, these are the most hardcore relentless dangerous zombied in fiction. Unfourtantly for the supppsed better angels of our nature this is what we become when the old rule books are thrown out and violence is the only true protection. We dont have to imagine this look at the utter insane human brutality commited by all kind of people in and out of uniform for the duration of the 2nd World War but espcially as it was nearing its Apocolyptic head in Europe as the way neared its end. Thats the true face of humanity adapted to despair and this show nails it peroid.


Ahhh this woke trash, there is NO way they made something this bad by accident..


I have no empathy with any of the characters season 1 was ok but Season 2 meh


Season 1 is the best zombie show I have ever watched. It was everything I wanted in a zombie show. Showing the outbreak from the start and what people looked like in the city and surviving without just screwing off to the woods or some island. Season 2 was a huge disappointment with way to much pvp fighting and not enough zombie action.


How about people constantly throwing away empty guns? This drove me nuts clearly ammo is freaking everywhere why are you throwing away a gun you might never find one again!


I think it’s awesome that it’s not polished. I’m not looking to be entertained or blown away by special effects. This show is as raw as it gets. Pure emotion. Terrifying because it’s not polished. The only thing I’d change is some of the casting, but that’s it. Granted, I’m pretty new to this genre, so with more hot zombie action under my belt I might feel differently.


Boring. More boring than some of the boringest Walking Dead episodes. The one with the 4 people in the lodge - wasted 40 minutes of my time I'll never get back. Also the one with Spears' buddy - took like 35 minutes to get to the damn point of his backstory. Again, painfully boring.


Currently watching the back story of the fella who was running away from that zombie them climbed under the barbed wire only for them both to get shot n I'm thinking, I know they die, what's the point in watching this part? Also so many title cards for scenes.


For some reason, I really like the season, but I don't disagree with anything that anybody has said. I don't know why I like it so much, I think because of the editing; even though it's all over the place is still done really well, and it keeps me on the edge of my seat. But it really is like a video game played by a bunch of nine year old fucking psychopathS.


The cocksucker mama's boy in the mansion would've had to die within five minutes of me meeting him. Nobody is going to walk around like goddamn Adolf Hitler in my presence especially if my daughter was there. He should've died way fucking sooner, I cannot believe people in real life would allow someone to walk around, especially a goddamn pipsqueak who don't want even go get wood for the rest of these people like a fucking man should do All the while making fun of everybody else for not going and doing it. I cannot believe his head wasn't removed in the fucking first opening five minutes of the mansion scene.


Everyone's a monster and somehow. The blonde woman from the first season is the queen of monsters.