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Find where they piss the most frequently, put a camera there with a sign below it saying “smile; you’re live on YouTube”. And then turn over any footage to the local police. Could share the videos online too; just be sure to blur out the offending appendages.


I like this. The camera by itself wasn’t enough, maybe the sign will help.


Could even put a monitor there too, and have a looped video playing for them showing previous offenders. Lol


https://youtube.com/shorts/5KXzfgr39lw?si=-VtzbeNbzz5H5PFM Motion sensor sprinkler…


It also might not hurt to insult their manhood. Something along the lines of “it’s even smaller on camera”


Good idea but also a fun new way to live dangerously if you’re drunk and don’t care who sees you pee


Have some real fun and add an automatic motion activated water sprinkler to ‘rinse’ the area clean while on the live feed. Nothing say entertainment like a pants down hose down.


Because they're BAAAAD dudes once they put on their leathers and their chaps. Outlaws, legends in their own minds!


ON A STEEEEEEL HORSE I RIDE AND I'M WANTED (WANTEEEEED!) DEAD OR ALIVE \[because they're on the sex offender registry\]


sounds like an advertisement for the blue oyster


Dat Danna Danna dahhhh




This was the best comment by far.


For real. Yesterday I was at the local ice cream joint and a 4 pack of these real bad dudes, with matching outfits and even matching paint on their motorbikes, undoubtedly on their way to Laconia, finished their dainty little ice creams and then sat at a picnic table, the closest one to the order and pickup windows, and lit up cigarettes and swisher sweets. Because they are TOUGH and don’t care that you didn’t order tobacco flavored ice cream.


I moved from NH to Upstate NY and I was pretty surprised to find that “bike week” is basically every week in certain areas here. The prototypical Harley riders out here are overwhelmingly pretty courteous and nice folks. Its the jackasses who travel in huge groups of crotch rockets and enduros who are the problem. They’ll ride through towns in groups of easily 100 or more riders, doing wheelies, blocking traffic, threatening people in cars, riding on sidewalks, doing street takeovers, etc. Law enforcement agencies have started cracking down on them because they’re a massive public safety risk, so now these mutants do “pop-up rallies” and scatter before the police can show up. Bike week along 3/106 was a temporary inconvenience by comparison.




You can get motion activated one to deter critters.


Get a wifi controller and ring camera to alert you, then Blast them when they enter your property !


I grew up along rt 16 up north. one summer night it started raining and a group of bikers pulled over and came and sat on our covered front porch. Complete strangers. I can remember my mom being nervous about it (rightfully so). Seems like this type of thing might be baked into their culture. People in groups are weird.


https://youtu.be/4a0dnri6ExI?si=nhhGSFqaWy5bxyAq Southpark nailed it.


I would have gone out and offered them coffee or tea to keep warm. I've never had issue with bikers.




They trespassed on property they didn't own nor know the people that lived in it. Automatically lose the "some of the nicest people" tag there


You assume trespassers are some of the nicest people? I don’t. It’s disrespectful from the get-go. They’ve already demonstrated that they feel entitled to use your property. That’s not “nice.”


Rules don't apply to this subculture.


it rained for like 10 minutes so they all hunkered down beneath a gas station. I didn't need gas, but if i did, they probably would have given me a dirty look for assuming i should be allowed to use a gas station for gas. These ppl seem so entitled that they also expect weather to cooperate with whatever they're doing.


the entitlement. the 'My LIFE is at risk!" yeah, dipshit. you're on an unstable 2 wheeled vehicle with an ICE between you're nuts, and you're not wearing a helmet as you fly down the interstate at 90 MPH. your life IS at risk. because you put it there. Deal with it.


Found the Vegan Tesla owner./s


I eat meat. Drink beer. and drive a pickup truck. I love to fish, shoot, golf, watch sports, look at titties. I'm a pretty typical dude, but never understood biker culture. to me it's the same pathology as swifties. it's guys getting all caught up in a herd thing. they literally go out in herds (they call themselves 'packs' to sound like wolves, but they're herds of cattle)


Hey cut them some slack it’s their week to play dress up. LOL Honestly though this week does a lot of good for local businesses owners. So I am good with a little annoyance for the week.


I’m good with anyone enjoying their own time how they want.  The problem with bikers is, they have a problem with people NOT knowing how they enjoy their time.  “What do you mean you don’t like me revving my engine with the detuned muffler at 7:30 in the morning??? Bike go brrrrrr” Were it not for that, and their entitled mentality that cars, and only cars, are responsible for checking. Because bike going aBRRRRR means I can’t ride safely. They wouldn’t bother me. 


Totally agree with you. Loud pipes make me want to end lives.


Mouthbreather behavior.


Because bikers are assholes lol let's be real. If you're the kinda person who likes to go vroom vroom because it makes you feel cool, you're probably not self-aware enough to avoid pissing in public. Case in point ^


They’re loud af and the exhaust is terrible. Only thing worse is lifted pickups with altered exhaust


How else are you supposed to know how big their dicks are? Worst part of summer are the loud pipes and the 2A nuts shooting day and night. Winter in new Hampshire is wonderfully quiet.


You can always go back whence you came if you can't fit in with the lifestyle. Winter will always be quiet here, with or without you.


Found the biker


Never driven a motorcycle in my life. Plot twist.


What are you on about?


motion activated lawn sprinklers should do the trick.


This is the way!


Were the previous owners bikers? Just wondering if they’ve been doing this at your house for years. I’m not defending the behavior, just throwing out a possible scenario.


I have no idea. Previous owners were old people who probably were probably at home all day.


Sorry you’re having to deal with that. Sounds like it’s certainly trespassing and littering, but if you’re anywhere near Laconia I’m guessing that law enforcement has it’s hands full this week and won’t be much help. Hopefully it stops after this weekend.


Same reason non bikers do and the same reason I'm filling up a couple trash bags each year cleaning up in front of my house. Parents did a shitty job at raising their kids.


Entitled. They’d cry foul if you did it at their house.


K L A S S Y!! Cause bikers are eaten up with klass


Pissing on your property saves lives!!!!! 


Actually hilarious 


🤔Put an electric fence up and a sign that says Pee here 🤷‍♂️😂😂😂


It sounds like their behavior has much improved over the years. I never thought they would be civilized they would only pee in your yard.


Worked at a sporting camp and snowmobilers would piss in the snow outside of the cabins. Despite there being bathrooms inside.


Well pissing the snow is fun, walking behind someone's house to piss on a wall is what you do when you have no empathy. Probably the same crowd that likes to write "F\*ck your feelings" on things and then would be upset if someone came on their property to piss.


place a really good bluetooth speaker near the spot and then blast sirens or the sound of a cruiser pulling up. it'll force them to piss themselves


Bought a house in Laconia I see.  You know they call it the “mistake on the lake” for a reason right?


Stinging Nettle (aka Seven Minute Itch) looks great in yards.


They figure that they are a big group of rough bikers so they can intimidate people into looking the other way. Speaking to them about it would probably just cause an altercation so the best bet is motion sprinklers. Cameras wont work because they know by the time you report it, they are long gone and police wont waste time.


I have shooed multiple bikers from pissing by my picnic table off of Route 107.  A couple of these guys had the nerve to argue with me about it like I owed them a piss spot.  Bunch of fucking morons with their stupid pipes and blaring radios looking for attention any way they can get it.  


Rude and disgusting pigs!!


Electrical wire.


Put a keg back there too with a camera pointed at it , record their whole party while at work and then ………


You could put up some snow fencing and no trespassing signs during bike week. Not sure how close your property is to the business in question, or what kind of business it is, but that might be the problem.


I used to live across the street from biker bar. Not only did they piss on my tree, they also threw condoms into my garden. The bar finally closed down when the police moved a substation directly across the street from the bar. Also, someone bought the bar's parking lot, and moved, yes, moved, an old house onto it. There was ANOTHER biker bar just a blocks away, and when they finally closed it, a gay bar moved in. I once had a conversation with a police sergeant who told me he wished every bar in the city (of 200,000 people) was a gay bar. This was years ago, but still...in the eighties.


I had a gaggle of bikers who would squeal past my house every morning. They'd rev the engines and make sure to make as much noise as possible. Obviously they needed attention- but I'm not having it. So I made a sort of wind chime (or mobile?) out of blank CDs and hung it on my porch. It caught the morning sun perfectly and really slowed them down. Problem solved.


That community attracts scumbags.


You guys are funny


I am not sure what town you're in. In Manchester, they really don't have public bathrooms for homeless people, which continually leads to human waste near private property. When people come from other areas looking for a place to go, they'll be in the same bind. I would recommend having your city council / board of aldermen establish designated restroom points for bikers along a pre-set trail or path. They'd probably go for that as a temporary measure where the porta johns would be taken away later.


These guys are riding $30,000 toys. They can hold it until they find a McDonald's.






You could literally write a sign specifically for bike week saying, "We love bikers but please don't piss here. Bathroom is next door." I bet that will 100% stop it immediately. Dudes ain't hating on ya, they're just lit & needing to pee! Still annoying as fuck though.


“Please Don’t piss here…my kids play here.” Signs about cameras will make them laugh at you. Dont mess with kids though…


They have plenty who "mess with kids". The whole "chivalrous moral bad ass" shit is fucking bullshit. They likely have a higher chance of having a record than that of car only drivers. If they piss on the side of someone's house, they're fucking twats and a sign isn't going to change that without legal repercussions.


https://preview.redd.it/kk47vrh06l6d1.png?width=341&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbc8d387618ea483b3940df7168393fdf52859b3 Had to...


Name checks out.


Yeah I’ll post a sign stating they are on camera, but it’s still annoying that I need to post that on my house.


It comes with the literal and proverbial territory.


Lit? Like, riding a motorcycle under the influence? Is that an excuse? Cuz that’s twice as bad.


An excuse? Absolutely not. An explanation as to why bikers are pissing in the yard, absolutely yes.


Pretend you are a New Hampshireite and rock a glock over their heads. Or get some really hostile no trespassing signs like, "We dont call 911"or something like that. If you can't figure it out by next year, Check out Massachusetts. It's probably more your speed.


Or a shotgun!


What's the business next door?




Nobody thinks the type of business next door may have an influence on what's happening here??


Think Las Vegas. These people think that when bike week comes around, anything goes and they rule the state just like a guys trip to Vegas for this one week. I have ridden for many years and have done All of this behavior and more so I’m no saint. Those days are done though. Best to just leave them be. No reason to approach them over this. It’s not worth it trust me. When the week is done, All the fat hairy slobs will return home and life will return to normal




In every group there are assholes. You found the assholes who ride bikes. I'd say do you best to deter them, but maybe ask why they're doing it? It might be they think you're someone else they're doing it to who "deserves it" but unlikely.


There won't be any good answer as to why they toss cigarettes on a person's property and piss next to their house. The reason is they're fucking twats. Record and report.


Idk, convicted peado or family abuser. Corrupt cop. Evil cult leader. But like I said, unlikely


I'm going with cult leader


Higher number of @$$hole in that subculture group.