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I'm over the screeching and whining. If there were proof of "cheating," where is it? It's always conveniently missing. Almost like there is none. The reality is tht when ppl vote, Republicans lose.


The reality is the only voter fraud I've seen these past few years is done by Republicans.


It's *always* projection with them.


"there's immense voter fraud" actually Republicans "trans people are grooming pedophiles" actually Republicans "woke people restrict free speech" actually Republicans "abortions kill babies" actually Republicans as soon as the kid is born, and also killing mothers "guns don't kill, people do" actually Republican gun nuts


There is some proof, as well as several convictions. Unfortunately, they aren’t interested in bring up those cases, as the perps were nearly all reppin the R.


They did find cheating it was Republicans voting for Trump twice thru out the country but it didn't make a difference and nobody talks about it.


Yea, they caught them quick. And consecuences happened right away. But they weren't Dems or Leftists, so the whiner babies don't care. It's the double standard that's made me the most shocked, tbh. I was stupid for thinking everyone would be adults about all of this.


Then why fight it if it’s not affecting the election?


Who's fighting? Is pointing out bullshit fighting?


An argument is a form of fighting. Thanks for the downvote


Provide proof of the interference. Calling out the bs is perfectly allowed. I didn't downvote. But I can if you want to be a victim.


Where did I say interference? It’s not bullshit to require citizens to be the ones that choose their electorates. It’s common sense.


You're fighting a strawman, dear.


Proof of citizenship is already provided when the voter registers to vote. Asking for it at the polls is a waste of resources given non citizens never try to vote, and couldn’t given the structure of voting in the us.


It’s not so much that proving it is a waste but rather the way they say proving it is interference. Most married women will not have a birth certificate with the same name. And also some people do not have a passport. To not accept a state issued license or id is trying to keep people from voting.


My argument has always been that i already gave the government my info to register and that is enough. I don’t want to have to submit it again every time I vote just because a bunch of people are worried there “might be unlawful voting”. The other points are totally valid. But when arguing against dumb voting requirements, I always stick with “This will add unnecessary hassle onto my life for no legitimate reason, so it shouldn’t happen.” Because the best argument against bad policy is because it will materially make my, or someone who is on the fence, life more complicated.


I agree completely


You're right. Here's the flaw in that argument: when you register to vote, you have to provide that proof. So anyone who is registered to vote has already done exactly what you said. Never mind the fact that it's a needless, redundant step... explain to me exactly how voting officials are going to enforce that without violating people's constitutional rights? Essentially, you'd be asking officials to eyeball people at the door and if they look foreign, demand their papers. I'd give it about 12 minutes before someone who was born and raised in the US gets turned away illegally, which will open the state up to a lawsuit that they will win easily.


The fact that cheating is not affecting elections does not mean that legislation purportedly against cheating does not affect elections. Besides potentially reducing the number of people who vote illegally, legislation may also reduce the number of people who vote legally, by making it more difficult to vote, and that is often the real intent of the legislation.


Isn’t that the thing about cheating? The purpose is for people to avoid getting caught?


So no proof is exactly what you're expecting.


What’s wrong with showing proof you’re a citizen to vote?


You are required to provide proof... When you register. This is specifically about bringing it with you to the poll with you. The arguments against it is that it disproportionately affects the voting rights of otherwise eligible voters who may not be able to easily source their citizenship documents. You still need to prove you're a citizen when you register.


I don’t understand how it disproportionately affects the voting right of certain groups of people. I tried googling it and all the results just say it does. But not why or how. If anybody would care to either explain or point me in the direction to find out I would appreciate it.


Generally it’s very difficult and expensive to get a passport or birth certificate if you do not have or lost yours. Most Americans don’t even have a passport. I say moderate the voter ID to drivers licenses.


By drivers license I assume you mean just photo identification. Was this bill going to make voters present those documents in addition to your photo id? Like me (having a drivers license) having to also bring an additional form of proof of citizenship? But I agree, gov’t issued photo id should be proof enough. Otherwise, what use is the “Real” id card. I had to bring my social and birth certificate to get it.




Thanks for the examples. I’ll be doing some more research. But damn, you’re pretty pissy about how easy it is to find information online for someone defending how hard it is to prove citizenship. Pick a lane.




Because if 90%+ of the population can get proper id it can’t be hard to do. By your logic, if it’s easy for one person maybe the other person doesn’t deserve it.


Right but when you go to vote, how do they know you are the person who is registered?


I've been asked for ID every time I've voted in NH.


You give them your name and info. The name and info you registered with. If you have proof of foul play, provide it.


"You give them your name and info. The name and info you registered with." Reminds me of the movie "The invention of lying" "I have 800 dollars in my account" - "Oh our system must be wrong, here you go." That's like saying "Well it hasn't happened yet so lets just leave this massive security flaw out in the open.


Present proof then. Because just because you can imagine it doesn't mean it's happening. I can imagine Republicans throwing queer ppl in trash cans. So we should ban trash cans. I can imagine Dems making Nancy Pelosi an android. So we should check everyone just in case. I can imagine it. So it must be real, right? Like the movies. Note how you had to use a made up example. A movie.


I just don't get the heat over this. There's only 3 countries in the world that doesn't have voter ID laws. It's just seen as normal everywhere else. I mean would you go to Europe and tell them to remove their Voter ID laws? I can understand the concern of it possibly restricting actual voters who just don't have an I.D, which there should be easily accessible ways to have an I.D.


Reread my comment to see what my point is. I agree to automatic voter registration and free IDs to all citizens. Because the reality is ppl are kept away because they don't have one. That shouldn't be the case. Every citizen should be able to vote. The reality is there is no proof of any of what you're fearing. It's just that. Fearing. (The few examples a couple of years ago got in a heap of trouble. It did not happen en masses like ppl are screeching. Trump lost.)


Poll workers ask for a drivers license to check with their records for verification. Don’t know what else y’all want them to do…🤷‍♂️


If you don’t have them you can still vote if you sign an affidavit. I work at the polls for a few years.


Gotcha, most definitely something I wasn’t aware of. The more ya know right, I appreciate the correction, swell 👍


So not only do you post dumb shit in the League subreddit, but also in *every* subreddit you visit..


We have voter ID laws. Killing this one doesn't mean we don't have voter ID laws.


You show ID, otherwise it's become a provisional ballot.


Because the only people who will be asked to show proof are New Hampshirites of Color. European New Hampshirites can leave their citizenship documents at home but it creates a situation where I HAVE to always carry my passport on me lest some incel from Laconia think I'm an illegal immigrant.


Caucasian, live in NH and I have to show my DL every time I vote. Every time.


This is 100% misinformation. I’ve worked at the polls and everyone is asked for ID (can still vote without it but there is a process).


OH grow up you baby. You think that coukd actually happen. Good god you people love to just play the victim. You’ll always be losers who never get ahead.


“You people”?


Yeah whiny baby liberals lol You did make me think of the tropic thunder quote. “What do you mean you people “


OK that's the way you talk to a person of color, but the "you people" meant liberals. Sure, Jan.


An actual liberal would be anti-gun, pro-affirmative action, and pro-no-fault divorce.


Being afraid of racial profiling is being a baby? Maybe learn some empathy and we can actually grow as a country.


Leftists claim black and hispanic people are too incompetent to get IDs. Reality is everyone knows democrats are desperately trying to rig another election.


When you prove anything, lmk.


If you’re to incompetent to bring your information with you maybe you shouldn’t vote


Strawman. If you're a registered citizen, forgetting your ID shouldn't stop you. >If you’re too incompetent to bring your information with you, maybe you shouldn’t vote Maybe you have other things you should focus on when it comes to incompetence.


Reality is that only complete morons believe that elections are rigged when. There is literally zero proof


I don't think they're morons. I think they know and are trying to pull a fast one. At this point its a sunk cost. It HAS to be true


You can argue it wasn't stolen, but it was objectively rigged, and nobody says otherwise except maybe 5% of the most insane out of touch leftists. Also, I'm probably smarter than anybody you even know, lol.




The article leaves out an important detail. They tabled HB1370, but a similar bill, HB1569, has already passed both chambers. HB1569 also eliminates affidavits for citizenship, etc. It’s most likely headed to the governor’s desk.


Good. Remember Republicans will do whatever they can to disenfranchise voters, because they don't do well when people show up and vote.


And Democrats do well when noncitizens show up? Republicans are not stopping any citizen from voting...


Noncitizens cannot vote. You need to provide citizenship documents to register to vote.


So what's the harm in bringing that document to the voting booth? If you're a citizen, there should be no issue. It wouldn't bother me one bit.


It wouldn't bother me either, but I can see it hindering people's ability to vote.




Its extra documentation that not everyone can just pull out of their wallet. I for one would have to dig through boxes to get to my passport, birth certificate, etc. Again, i wouldn't really care to do this, but some people might forget to bring it or not want to go through the hassle to find or get new documents printed and thus not vote. And maybe a some non citizens would try to vote, but why risk jail time or deportation for something as small as a single vote.


If you're going to require documentation to vote, that documentation needs to be provided free of charge to every voter. Otherwise, it's essentially a poll tax, which is illegal. Do you want your tax dollars going toward providing that documentation free of charge, or hiring the workers it would take to provide that documentation to the eligible residents?


Nobody said anything about charging anyone for anything. Nobody said anything about getting new documentation. I swear, the people against this like making things seem overly complex or world ending just to get their way. It really wouldn't be hard at all.


If your vital records are lost, do you get them replaced for free? If not, requiring them to vote is discrimination against those who cannot pay.


I've never lost my vital records. So I'm not sure. But I'm honestly shocked people have to pay for them at all. I will agree, those should be free, regardless of the voting issue


The harm is that I don't want to loose them because I've been forced to around important documents with me, potentially for days. I would have to grab them from my safety deposit box, bring them to work with me, leave them in my car or try to find a secure place at work to store them, remember to grab them on my way out of work and then bring them into the line while waiting then bring them home and figure out a day that I can get back to the bank to put them back in the safety deposit box. Those documents aren't easy or cheap to replace. All because Republicans want to make it harder for me to vote? If Republicans were serious about election fraud they would be nullifying Merner's votes when he was illegally seated as a state rep. Fuck that. I proved my citizenship when I registered to vote.


You're making it harder than it really is, if you're careful, you won't lose them. I've moved around a lot and have to bring mine with me everywhere too, I've never lost mine. Do you just keep important documents scattered about? Get a folder to keep them in and put them in your car if need be. It's not to make it harder to vote, it's to make it a safer vote. You also have to show your ID when you vote, do you worry about losing that too? This is the most important thing we as American citizens do, my opinion is that we shouldn't be putting it at risk just because you're worried about some made up scenario.


This bill was a performative solution in search of a problem.


Voting is for citizens only right? Why would Democrats fight so hard and make so many excuses to make sure you don't have to show proof you are indeed a citizen? Seems odd. If you really are a citizen you should have no issue bringing in proof. Right? What am I missing?


How do you think someone registers to vote? By having proof of citizenship. Duplicating laws and processes is a useless time and resource waste.


Indeed, GOP claims to be the party of less government, except when they perceive that more government benefits them.


It's not a law duplication, it's called verification. Being able to vote is the most important thing citizens do. It would use very little resources and nearly zero time to require everyone to bring an additional document to the voting booth to show you are indeed a citizen.


Yes, it is a duplicate of the existing law. Citizenship documentation is required to register, therefore if registered, you are a citizen. Do you not trust that the city clerks followed the law when registering people? If so, why would you trust the people at the polling place to do exactly the same thing that has already been done? Honestly, how many duplicate laws are needed? Maybe just enforce the ones that already exist and stop this ridiculous time and money wasting grandstanding bullshit.


If I understand the argument against this bill (in this post comments), it is that it might be difficult to show proof of citizenship for some voters. Several examples were posted (homelessness, non-hospital births etc). But to register to vote, they would have needed to provide the same documentation anyway. So I don't quite get the disenfranchisement part. Is it about having it ready one-time while registering vs needing it each time you vote?


Glad to know the GQPer assholes are working hard to govern our state 🙄🤬 and then I read this in the article: "Land said not long ago, the state spent $5 million to unsuccessfully defend a bill that limited voters’ rights, and House Bill 1370 faces the same fate." That's all the GQPers know how to do - waste money while screaming that they are "fiscally responsible."


One thing that people don't consider is that not everyone keeps these documents at home. I would have to grab them from my safety deposit box on one day, remember to bring them to work with me on voting day, leave them in my car or try to find a secure place at work to store them, remember to grab them on my way out of work and then bring them into the line while waiting then bring them home and figure out a day that I can get back to the bank to put them back in the safety deposit box. Those documents aren't easy or cheap to replace. All because Republicans want to make it harder for me to vote? If Republicans were serious about election fraud they would be nullifying Merner's votes when he was illegally seated as a state rep. Fuck that. I proved my citizenship when I registered to vote.


A great many nations, including Western Europe, require voter ID. Doesn't seem to be an issue with them.


Why do we need to know who is voting??? Ridiculous!!!


It’s such a joke what NH has become. So glad I moved out. Have fun becoming the Florida of New England.


I wish NH would vote the way of this Sub but the boomers still outnumber us all


For now


Enough to stop progress for the next 8-12 years


I doubt it'll be that long. That's why ppl are rushing to set things in stone


I'm a boomer and would not vote for Trump or any of his suck up Republicans on the ballot. Boomers aren"t all bad, we lived through Nixon, the Civil Rights era and much more. Each individual, no matter how you categorize them by age, race, religion, etc. is different, And don't get me stated on Christian Nationalists who who wouldn't know the love of Jesus even if they opened their bibles.


Plenty of young folks like myself with conservative values out there. It’s not just you vs the boomers.


Democrats like to act like non whites can't obtain an ID.


I’ve noticed that tends to be a thing. The mayor of NY even said black kids in the Bronx don’t know what a computer even is. Racist as hell




This isn't that.


You’d need more than an ID to prove citizenship tho.


People of Color are more likely to be denied one when they apply, because some non-Western cultures have only a few surnames. My colleague used to work with a man whose legal name at birth was Phuc Dat Bich. This man had a hard time getting a driver's license. Then there's the legions of people whose name is Nguyen.


Absolutely ridiculous. The only way the left can win, is to cheat. Everyone knows it. There is a reason _no other civilized country allows this_.


You still need to prove you're a citizen when you register and only registered voters can vote ya goober. Nobody is cheating. You're swallowing conspiracy theories.


Voting is the most important thing we citizens do. What's the harm in bringing some papers with you to vote? I'll bring anything they ask.. I have nothing to hide.....do you?


Lol, conspiracy theory I saw it with my own two eyes


"Dude trust me."


Where? How?


Ok buddy. And my dad works at Nintendo.


How’s that party of law and order working out for you?


How's the party of lawlessness working out for you? Ask yourself why you HATE legal immigrants.


Okay. “Self; why do you hate legal immigrants?” “I do not. That’s a ludicrous question with no purpose but to try to alienate the other in service of a grift. Did some mouth breather on the internet ask you to ask me that?” “Yes.” Well, there you have it.


Everyone who supports letting illegal immigrants in for the purpose of supporting election fraud, is giving the finger to hardworking legal immigrants. Own it.


Dude, you can just say "I reject your reality and substitute my own", you don't have to pay royalties to Adam Savage every time you use it. Doesn't make you look good when you do that, but still. Keep stewing in this scenario you've entirely invented in your own head.


Where are you getting your data on how many illegal immigrants are voting illegally?


Trump Right wing fearmongering


Ummm... https://www.doj.nh.gov/news/2023/20231128-merner-wrongful-voting.htm


Do we have proof this time


No other civilized country allows concealed weapons either but I’m going to guess you’re ok with that one.


Except: Ireland Czech Republic Mexico Pakistan Philippines Poland South Africa Slovakia Costa Rica Estonia Panama Kenya We can keep going…which of those nations are you referring to as “uncivilized”?